Who else loves a movie filled with witches, magick, and sometimes a little camp? Raises hand high. From Sabrina to The Craft to Practical Magic and American Horror Story; Pop culture has really embraced witches over the years.
And really, what’s not to love about films and shows centred around powerful, kick-ass witches? The more the merrier I say!
With that in mind I have put together my Top 8 Witch films to share with you all!
Witches in Hollywood…
Witches tend to get a bad rap in Hollywood of being all big noses, green skin and inherently evil. This is just not so, obviously. However, more and more this stereotype is changing (yay!).
Witches do not have green skin, do not ride broom sticks past the moon and do not wear big pointy hats, not always anyways 😉 In reality, witches are good, kind, majestic beings and nurturing of all living things.
But of course, as with humans in general, some witches are bitches and some couldn’t be more fabulous. Therefore, my list here shall include a nice mix of witchy goodness and down right witchy badass mojo.
Please feel free to disagree
Now these are my opinions, I am no critic, nor do I aim to be. All of these have earned a place in my heart for one reason or another. Some are classics, some cult classics and at least one is a down right bad movie but I heart them all! And could watch them endlessly.
I like cheeky, I like funny, adore dark humour and am okay with a little cheese factor now and again. 😛
I have listed them here in no particular order because, my goddess, that would have taken me 15 more hours to try and get them sorted out just right lol.
Well then, on that note, let’s get on with it shall we 🙂
1. The Craft – 1996
Bus Driver: “You girls watch out for those weirdos.”
Nancy: “We are the weirdos mister.”
Okay, so this movie is not highly rated by critics but I adore it and I basically ignore critics. I was in high school when this came out and had recently discovered magick for myself. So relatable? Umm absolutely! I wanted to be these girls lol. Change my hair with a wave of my hand, take away my flaws (as a normal teenager in my mind I had many).
I wanted to be Sarah. The nice white witch with a mind of her own and more powerful than the others. She needed no-one but her damn self.
Needless to say the movie left a permanent mark (as I know it did on many witches coming of age in the 90’s). A teenage coven of misfits, some dark humour, a witch showdown and 90’s fashion. Gotta love it.
Starring: Neve Campbell, Robin Tunney, Fairuza Balk, Rachel True
2. Practical Magic – 1998
Detective Hallet: “Did you kill Jimmy Angelov?”
Sally: “Oh yeah, a couple of times.”
If I had of actually listed these in order of my favourites, this one would have likely made the number one spot. Witchy sisters, picturesque little town, a murder, a curse, that beautiful house (my dream!) and eclectic hilarious aunts. I wanted to be raised by those fabulous women, seriously!
This movie impacted me so much and I have seen it more than any others on my list. Sally’s quaint little store of magickally crafted products is what inspired me to want to make my own and 14 years later I finally did!
But really, this is a feel good movie that is funny, heart warming, magickal and just plain entertaining. Watch it!
Starring: Sandra Bullock, Nicole Kidman
3. Teen Witch – 1989
Madame Serena: “You have the power to make anything you want happen.”
This one is, I’m sure, considered a horribly bad movie but none the less has a special little place in my heart.
6 year old me wanted to be able to do the things Louise did once she discovered her witchyness. She gave herself a make over, became super confident, and went from nerdy to popular over night.
For little me, who often got teased for being over weight, and was painfully shy, and quiet, this movie seemed like a dream. If you want an evening of completely fluffy, 80’s cheese with a little magick weaved in, give it a go…if you can find it that is lol.
Starring: Robyn Bright, Zelda Rubinstein
4. Hocus Pocus – 1993
Winifred: “Another glorious morning. Makes me sick.”
A complete cult hit and classic. 3 sister witches from Salem, resurrected from the dead and out for eternal youth by sucking up the essence of the towns children. Villainous and hilarious.
All three actresses are fantastic, but Midler really steals the show. Endearing, funny, evil witches all with a ton of personality, you are practically rooting for them to win. What’s not to love?
Starring: Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, Kathy Najimy
5. Witches of Eastwick – 1987
“Three beautiful witches, one lucky Devil.”
This trio is perfect. Classic, and with Jack Nicholson playing the devil, it’s a must watch. These ladies go from sad, dissatisfied, small town gals to empowered and confident upon discovering their witchy ways.
Stronger together and there for each other always. The cast itself is reason enough to give this iconic flick a go and of course sisterhood.
Starring: Cher, Michelle Pfeiffer, Susan Sarandon, Jack Nicholson
6. The Witches – 1990
Helga: “Real witches dress in ordinary clothes, and look very much like ordinary women.”
Anjelica Huston plays the Grand High Witch in this movie adaptation of the book, written by the always awesome Roald Dahl.
Basically, the witches are on a mission to turn all of the young children (under 12) in England into mice. Two very spirited little boys and one grandmother set out to stop them.
High society ladies masking as hideous witches, Rowan Atkinson, a generous dose of dark humour, and Anjelica Huston is just bloody brilliant. Fun for the whole family. See it.
Starring: Anjelica Huston, Rowan Atkinson
7. Four Rooms – 1995
Ted the bellhop: “Problem? I haven’t got a problem. I’ve got fucking problems. Plural.”
This is not an exclusively witch themed movie, no. But in one of those four rooms the movie is titled after, is a coven of fabulous witches in need of a gentleman’s semen and headed by Madonna. Yes, it had to make the list.
New Year’s Eve, a bellhop and four rooms filled with absurdity. Let the hilarity ensue. I’m in tears from laughter whenever I watch this film. It is a classic and should be watched by everyone. Done by four different directors, one for each room and with an amazing ensemble cast, it’s not to be missed.
Starring: Antonio Banderas, Bruce Willis, Madonna, Tim Roth and so many more. (Ensemble Cast)
8. Elvira: Mistress of the Dark – 1988
Elvira: “It’s okay. My appearance is kind of a shock to everybody.”
Okay, this one would have to tie for the number one spot I must say. This was literally my favourite movie as a child (we’re talking 5 and 6 years old).
I adored Elvira and wanted to be her and have her confidence, I wanted to discover I had a rich aunt who left me a big beautiful house. Then discover I have magickal heritage and powers to boot.
She was beautiful, sassy, sexy, darkly unique, independent and a witch. Love her and love this movie. It is filled with quippy lines and full of cheese in the best possible way. An absolute cult classic and timeless just like Elvira herself.
Starring: Cassandra Peterson
And so…
There you have it, my top 8. Saying that, I have not seen every witch movie ever made, yet anyways (life goals). Perhaps I may update this one as I go. For the moment, these win lol.
On my wishlist to see there are a few, including Lords of Salem, Suspiria, City of the Dead, and I Married a Witch.
And if you are feeling inspired to get up to a little magick of your own, check out my CANDLE MAGICK Post. Let’s see what you can manifest today!
Your Thoughts!
What are some of your favourite films starring witches? Or maybe you have least favourites to share as well? I would love to hear and share ideas! Share in the comments and don’t be shy!
Blessed be pixie dolls.
xo Krystle
P.S. If you would like to hear more from The Wholesome Witch SUBSCRIBE to receive my newsletters, special info and updates. PLUS receive my Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide and more resources for FREE! 😀

Love them !! If you want to go back even further, try watching the 1950’s film, Bell, Book and Candle, starring Kim Novak, James Stewart and Jack Lemmon. Classic !!
Hey Yvonne! So happy you liked the list 🙂 Ah yes, awesome suggestion! I will definitely add that one to my must watch list. Thank you so much 😀 <3
Yvonne Wilson-Platnauer
Love them !! If you want to go back even further, try watching the 1950’s film, Bell, Book and Candle, starring Kim Novak, James Stewart and Jack Lemmon. Classic !!
The Craft and Practical Magic are two of my ALL TIME FAVORITES. And I haven’t seen Elvira or Teen Witch . . . I might have to have a campy movie night soon!
Krystle Jordan
Omg, yes! You must 🙂 I’d love to hear what you think once you see them. Elvira was seriously little me’s idol lol. Enjoy love and thank you for reading!
Great choices here! The Craft is definitely number one for me 🙂
Thanks Noelle! I am glad you enjoyed my list 🙂 Oh, I just checked out your blog. Love it! Look forward to connecting more.