It’s time to celebrate Samhain, and Halloween too! So Samhain and Halloween are but days away and this year is going to be unlike any other for quite a few reasons! Full Moon, Blue Moon, it’s on a Saturday, and oh yeah COVID is still here!
Samhain is always a highly anticipated night in our house and in the witch community in general, even without all of these extra special touches! Lol.
Now when you think of celebrating such a big Sabbat you may think, oh I need 16 hours, flowy robes, a bonfire, a coven, and a spirit to communicate with in order to do this properly or I may as well do nothing at all. Oh, and is it okay to celebrate Samhain and Halloween both?
Me and this post are here to say NO, you don’t need all of those crazy fixings, and YES, it is absolutely okay to celebrate Samhain and Halloween!
So today I bring you 21 easy ways for you to celebrate the day, remember loved ones, have fun, and get into the spirit of the season without robes, or bonfires, or even leaving your house.
The Spirit of the Season
Samhain is an exceptional night for many. Even if you don’t identify as a witch, but are a seasonal living enthusiast embracing this day is such a big part of it. And it’s filled with so much lore and meaning that it should really be a hallmark in everyone’s Autumn season.
If you read my post on Ways to Live Seasonally, you’ll remember that embracing seasonal activities and holidays, is on there.
This day is a celebration of life, death, and new beginnings, let’s harness that energy in order to motivate and propel us forward into the darker part of the year with renewed energies, motivation, and hope.
A Note on Halloween
Just a quick note to elaborate my view on this. It is totally fine for one to celebrate Samhain and our more modern Halloween traditions together in harmony.
A lot of people only celebrate one or the other without a second thought which is totally okay too. But, for me, I love both so very much and I don’t believe the fun and joy of one takes anything away from the beautiful and special traditions of the other.
Our modern-day Halloween traditions evolved from Samhain after all. So although they are indeed very different in today’s modern world they are still connected and, at least in my house, both can be celebrated with great enthusiasm.
So regardless whether you celebrate Samhain, Halloween, or a combination of the two there will be ideas on this list to make it a meaningful, thought inducing, beautiful, and super fun night!
Here we go!

21 Easy Ways to Celebrate Samhain and Halloween
Write a Samhain Journal Entry
Take a few minutes from your day and write down the changes you would like to see moving forward. What things are you ready to let go of and what goals are you ready to really tackle?
Many consider this the Witches New Year and it’s a perfect time for planning new beginnings.
Make a Witchy Bucket List
Make a list of all of the things you would like to accomplish in your spiritual practice in the days, weeks, and months ahead. Perhaps you want to learn more about herbs, kitchen magick, start a Grimoire/BOS, or begin connecting with a deity. Maybe all of those things!
Write them down and check them off throughout the year as you accomplish them. I don’t know about you but checking things off a list always makes me feel accomplished.
Have a Nature Walk
A wonderful way to celebrate Samhain, and any other Sabbat really. Take a few minutes from your day, go outside, and connect with nature.
Autumn is such a glorious season. As you are walking clear your mind and really take in your surroundings, the trees, the colours, the scents of fall, the way the air feels on your face. And during your walk give thanks to mother earth for all that she does for us.
Do a Meditation to Honour Your Ancestors
A meditation doesn’t need to be an hour long. Even if you can only spare 10 minutes from your day for this you will feel good that you took the time to make it happen.
Sit somewhere quiet and take these few minutes to remember your loved ones who have passed on, think of happy memories, their smile, their favourite things and let them know they are in your heart and with you always.
Honouring those who have passed on is an integral part of Samhain and shouldn’t be forgotten.
Do a Quick Tarot Reading for Yourself
Even just a little three card reading can be beneficial to see a glimmer of what may be in store this year and give you a bit to think about in terms of you path and the directions and changes you will make moving forward.
Celebrate Samhain & Halloween with Decorations!
Embrace the symbols and colours of the season.
Surround yourself with pumpkins, skulls, ghosty things, and maybe carve a pumpkin. Decorating is a hugely fun part of the holiday, and a fun activity to do with the little ones if you happen to have any running around.
Bake a Halloween Treat Symbolizing New Beginnings
There is always some baking going on in my house for Samhain and Halloween. No reason not to infuse a little magick into your treats this year.
Enjoying some special goodies is also a staple part of the season. Most holidays have food involved and Samhain is no different.
Light Candles for Your Loved Ones
Light candles for your loved ones as a sign of remembrance.
You can place them in the window to help guide them on their journey this night where the veil is thinned and spirits roam.
Light a Candle for Yourself
Light a candle and recite affirmations for yourself.
Things you would like to see yourself accomplish in the coming weeks and months. Candle work is a mini fire ritual on its own, no huge bonfire required.
Have a Ritual Bath
A peaceful bath with some candles, maybe some oils and salts, to release negativity is a timely activity to perform on Samhain.
Releasing any negative energies that you have built up in order to enter this new year feeling cleansed and refreshed.
Cleanse Your Space
We don’t want to forget about our homes as well!
Simply burning appropriate herbs and walking through each room of your house will do the trick. Walk throughout your home slowly, focusing your energies and visualizing any negativity lifting away out into the aether.
It’s Not Halloween Without Costumes!
We usually have a party at our place and costumes are required lol. Alas, this year there will be no gathering of friends but that’s no excuse to not really have some fun and get into costume!
And it’ll be fun for the trick or treaters, if trick or treating is still happening in your area. And if not, just get dressed up and have a photoshoot, because let’s be honest that is always a good time!
Tell Ghost Stories
Samhain is steeped in lore about ghosts, ghouls, demons, and the like. All of these otherworldly creatures are said to walk the earth during Samhain when the veil between worlds is at it’s thinnest.
Embrace the spookier side of the season, make a hot bevvy and tell some stories. If you’re brave enough that is!
And you can check out this article from Reader’s Digest to get you started: The 13 Most Haunted Places in the World.
Watch a Scary Movie
What would this season be without some good jump scares. ‘Halloween’ anyone?
Charge Your Crystals
This Samhain is also a Full Moon. Take advantage of that energy and set your crystals outside to charge.
Charging your crystals under a Full Moon is a powerful way to re-invigorate their energies, and doing so under a Samhain Full Moon will be doubly so.
Host a Dumb Supper
During your evening meal leave a place setting empty for your loved ones who have passed and eat your meal in silence.
If you don’t want to do the silent part you can still leave out the empty place setting. This literally takes no extra time out of your day.
Add Some Samhain Pages to Your BOS or Grimoire
If you keep a Book of Shadows or Grimoire add some info in there on Samhain.
If you already have pages on the Sabbat there is always something new you can add in. Some facts you maybe didn’t know or a new ritual perhaps. Be creative!
Keeping one of these is a wonderful outlet for both your practice and your creative spirit.
Create a Space to Honour Your Ancestors or Loved Ones
You can add these things to your altar if you have one but if not, you can simply set up a little space for them somewhere in your home.
You can put pictures, flowers, foods, and some of their favourite things. A simple and wonderful way to show remembrance.
Let Your Hair Down and Dance
Dance has long been associated with celebration and life.
Crank up your favourite seasonal tunes and let yourself go. Dancing is a wonderful way to release energies from the body and can have you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Just what the new year called for.
Make Moon Water
Fill a glass jar with water and focus your intentions on what the water will be used for, take your time with this process so that your focus is clear. Leave the jar outside over night to soak up those awesome Full Moon energies.
Celebrate Life
While this can be a somber day when we are missing our loved ones, it is also a day that should be filled with life and celebration.
This can mean anything that you feel is celebrating and honouring life. Indulge in your favourite foods, read a book, dance around your house, have sex…whatever it may be cherish the moments and really LIVE.
There you have it!
These ideas, especially some of them, should be fairly easy to incorporate into your day if you are crunched for time.
Pick one or two that really call out to you and do them with vigour. Really enjoy the moments, take them in, and savour them.
You can of course do as many of them as you wish or spend more time on any of them if you have it. Take a long luxurious bath, do an hour-long meditation, perform a lengthier ritual, or dedicate your whole day and do 15 different things lol. You do what resonates with you and what your schedule will allow.
If you feel you got the most out of your day and are happy with how you celebrated, that is what truly matters.
You can also check out my full post on Samhain Celebrations and Correspondences for some more ideas and inspiration if you wish.
Your turn! Tell me your Samhain wishes!
Do you normally celebrate Samhain, Halloween, or both? How will you be celebrating this year? I always love to hear your thoughts, so please leave a comment or drop me a line. There are lots of ways for us to connect
And if you enjoyed the post, remember you can SUBSCRIBE, receive your Mini Autumn Grimoire Bundle for FREE, and be the first to know about new content and exclusive freebies!
Happy planning pixie dolls.
Yours in health and magick,
Krystle xo