Yule, the Winter Solstice, is just around the corner! Yule is not one of the larger Pagan holidays, or it didn’t used to be, but it has always been one of my favourites! The time of year where nature is entering into her long winters rest, and yet we are also welcoming back the sun.
It is simply one of the most magickal times. The air is invigorating and filled with joy and possibility.
Yule, or the Winter Solstice, is the shortest day and longest night of the year. It is the day when the sun once again begins to overtake the dark. Days will gradually begin to grow longer until we reach the Summer Solstice.
This is a time to rejoice, to believe in the promise of brighter days ahead, and to take a page from mother nature and prepare for our own time of rest.
So today, I am sharing with you 3 simple Yule rituals you can perform on the solstice to honour the day, cleanse your own energies, and prepare for winter and the coming year.
Yule Magick
During Yule we are celebrating the rebirth of the sun. So for ourselves as well, this is an optimal time to perform spells and rituals to usher in change, renewal, and new beginnings.
A time where we can reflect on the year that is coming to a close and decide to let go of what no longer serves, to cleanse away negativity and self-doubt and prepare our minds and bodies for the year to come.
Think about what you would like your year to look like. What changes would you like to see happen?
Be open to amazing things coming your way and be grateful for all this last year has given you.
So here we go 3 Yule rituals to help inspire your own solstice festivities.

Yule Ritual #1 – Abundance Jar Ritual
Jar rituals are probably one of my favourites. They allow you to be creative with your ingredients, can be made for any intentions you may have, and as a bonus they look and smell pretty!
You will need:
- Small glass jar with lid
- Holly
- Bayberry
- Cinnamon Sticks
- Juniper Berries
- Dried peppermint leaves
- Cedar essential oil
- Green candle
- Fir Incense
This jar focuses on manifesting abundance for the coming weeks, months, and year. Make a point to make everything a part of your ritual, from gathering your supplies until you place the jar in its new home.
To Begin
Gather your ingredients, sit comfortably in your space, and light your candle and incense.
Clear your mind of anything unrelated to your current task. Think about the aspects of your life where you would like to manifest abundance. What things in your life would you like to see blossom and grow?
Begin to slowly fill your jar with the ingredients listed, in any order you choose. Focus your energies on that invigorating feeling of growth.
A new year is coming and with it exciting prospects for change and opportunities. Try to hold only positive notions throughout your ritual.
Envision what your ideal year will look like, envision growth and abundance. See clearly any changes you would like to manifest.
You can take as much time or as little as you like to complete the ritual. Just be careful to savour the moments and don’t rush it. Once you feel ready, seal your jar and put it somewhere you will regularly see it. This can be on your altar or another place of significance.
The jar will serve as a reminder of what you envisioned for yourself, of the light that was your energy while you were making it.
It can be a wonderful tool for days when you don’t feel the best. Looking at the jar, and remembering the process you went through to create it should bring a smile to your face, and some optimism for new beginnings into your mind.
Yule Ritual #2 – Sunrise Meditation
This meditation will serve to welcome back the sun, show your thanks, and balance energies.
If you live somewhere that isn’t cold this time of year and it’s a nice day, you could do this meditation outside under the beaming sunshine. That would be lovely!
Living in Canada I tend to do this one inside. If you are inside, set yourself up in your sunniest area so that you may soak up those sunbeams from the warmth and comfort of your home.
Performing this meditation at the actual time of sunrise would be optimal. You may also have with you a yellow candle to represent the sun, Myrrh incense, and an offering of seasonal herbs, flowers, or foods. This offering can be made to a god/goddess if you work with any, or simply to the sun or mother nature. These are optional but are nice additions.
Assure you are feeling calm, balanced, and with a grateful heart when you begin. Sit in a comfortable position facing the sun, or your sunny window, and light your candle and incense if you have them. You may then present your offering.
Clear your mind
Clear your mind until you feel only light inside. Focus on the sun and mother earth, feel the immense gratitude you have for the warmth and life they provide. Give thanks for all that is given and vow to take care how you treat nature in this coming year.
Take solace in the promise of the sun and that she will always return to us. Believe that there are brighter days coming, soak up the warmth and light energy that she provides.
The meditation can be as long as you wish. Perhaps you only have 10 minutes or you are able to stay and bask in this state for an hour. Either is absolutely fine! What’s most important is to show your thanks, express your gratitude, be mindful, and be joyous. We are celebrating a birthday after-all, the birth of the Sun!
Yule Ritual #3 – Cleansing Bowl
You will need
- A bowl
- 2 cups pure unprocessed salt such as sea salt
- Lemon essential oil
- Pine needles
- Dried Lavender
- Dried Eucalyptus
- 3 Bay Leaves
- Mortar and pestle (optional)
- Rosemary incense
- Gold, green, or white candle
For this ritual you can begin by performing the same process as with the abundance jar.
Focus your intentions on cleansing negativity and fear from within and welcoming new beginnings and energies, gather your items, and light your candles and incense.
Then you will begin to mix your salts, herbs and oils together. You can do this either in your mortar and pestle or directly in the bowl in which they’ll live.
Once they are mixed and in the bowl, take your three bay leaves and write one thing on each that you are letting go of. It can be anything you would like to leave behind. Once written take each leaf and bury them in the salts. You may state what you have written on each one as you place it in the bowl.
Throughout the ritual focus on releasing the negativity from your body, envision it dancing away into the aether. This will make space for positivity, light, and new beginnings.
The finished bowl smells lovely so feel free to put it in a place of prominence. Every time you pass it, the beautiful scents will serve as reminders to not fall into old habits or thought patterns but continue to move forward.
Make Each Ritual Your Own
For each of these feel free to add crystals, additional oils or herbs, chants, or anything else you feel is needed for your specific practice.
I share this post to serve as inspiration or guidelines but it is always nice to add our own personal touches into our spell work.
There is no wrong way to do these Yule rituals. There is simply your way, and your way is perfect.
Your thoughts!
So tell me, do you have your Yule rituals planned yet? What is your favourite part of the holiday?
As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.
And remember, if you enjoyed this post, for more Winter magick inspiration you can check out my newly released Winter Kitchen Witch Handbook for recipes, rituals, and winter correspondences. Visit my Shop Page HERE.
You can also SUBSCRIBE to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List to receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop of digital witchy offerings, as well as some special freebies as a thank you!
Sending many Yule Blessings and well wishes for the coming year!
Yours in health and magick,
Krystle xo
Hi Krystle. I happened upon your blog in a round about way. I purchased a couple of things from your etsy shop, and just liked everything so much I had to investigate your blog. I am so very glad I did too. I am fairly new to the craft and more natural living, having started a journey to better my health discover my true self, and live a life more in tune with my universe. I LOVED your post on simmerpots, and the meditation ritual was a blessing!
Thank you!
Hi Shanae! Thank you so much for your kind comments. You are so welcome! I am so happy to hear that you enjoyed your pages and that you are finding the blog posts helpful. I do love a good simmer pot as well, they are wonderful 🙂 I am excited for you and your new journey. Looking forward to connecting more! <3
love the rituals and will be definitely practicing them. simmering jar sounds like the beginning of the homemade sangria or the start of pot roasts. the senses are alive even as nature goes to sleep.
i love your efforts, knowledge and gift of generosity of sharing the knowledge. may you be blessed now and always.
Happy Winter Solstice! Merry Christmas! and especially a happy, healthy, and safe new year!
Hello Rosemary! Thank you so much for your kind comment <3 Haha, some of the simmer pots do sound like the beginning of Sangria. Maybe they will inspire you to make some over the holidays or some Wassail, delicious! So nice to hear you found the posts beneficial. I really do love sharing and connecting with you all. So thank you for reading and sharing your lovely comments 🙂 Happy Yule, Merry Christmas, and a Joyous New Year to you as well! Much love and blessings.