It’s that time of year my witches! The season of the witch is in full swing and Samhain is upon us!
Samhain is always a highly anticipated night in our house and in the witch community in general.
Now when you think of celebrating such a big Sabbat you may think, oh I need 16 hours, flowy robes, a bonfire, a coven, and a spirit to communicate with in order to do this properly or I may as well do nothing at all. Not at all the case! Samhain is the perfect time to get in the kitchen, get your hands into some ingredients from the earth, and make some practical magic.
So today I wanted to share with you some foods that are specifically connected to Samhain and have particularly beneficial properties for the energy of the season.
I’ve also included some recipe ideas and inspiration links to get you started.
The Spirit of the Season
Samhain is an exceptional night for many. Even if you don’t identify as a witch, but are a seasonal living enthusiast embracing this day is such a big part of it. And it’s filled with so much lore and meaning that it should really be a hallmark in everyone’s Autumn season.
If you read my post on Ways to Live Seasonally, you’ll remember that embracing seasonal activities and holidays, is on there. And if you haven’t seen it just yet do click through and give it a little look!
This day is a thinning of the veil and a celebration of life, death, and new beginnings, let us harness that energy in order to motivate and propel us forward into the darker part of the year with renewed energies, motivation, and hope. The kitchen is a perfect place to help us do just that.
A Note on Halloween
Just a quick note to make a little distinction. It is totally fine for one to celebrate Samhain and our more modern Halloween traditions together in harmony.
A lot of people only celebrate one or the other without a second thought which is totally okay too. But, for me, I love both so very much and I don’t believe the fun and joy of one takes anything away from the beautiful and special traditions of the other.
Our modern-day Halloween traditions evolved from Samhain after all. So although they are indeed very different in today’s modern world they are still connected and, at least in my house, both can be celebrated with great enthusiasm.
So regardless whether you celebrate Samhain, Halloween, or a combination of the two there are delicious ideas here to help you plan a meaningful, beautiful, and tasty celebration.
Here we go!

Magical Foods for Samhain
- Squash – spirituality, cleansing, balance, stability
- Pumpkin – healing, wealth, money, harmony, health, success
- Carrots – sensuality, grounding, fertility, luck, passion
- Turnip – protection, grounding, stability
- Potatoes – compassion, protection, healing, stability, wealth, confidence
- Sweet Potatoes – grounding, love, harmony, peace, sensuality
- Beets – love, beauty, passion, grounding, balance, sustainability, cleansing, healing, renewal
- Corn – abundance, prosperity, divination, fertility, protection
- Bread – grounding, abundance, prosperity, stability
- Apples – balance, harmony, protection, healing, health, success, wisdom
- Soybeans – psychic ability, divination, spirituality, protection, strength
- Mushrooms – strength, psychic abilities, divination, faery magic
- Dandelion Greens – divination, psychic awareness, dreams, cleansing, happiness
- Coconut – good fortune, protection, purification, psychic abilities, spirituality
- Nutmeg – psychic ability, confidence, good fortune, success, prosperity
- Cinnamon – love, prosperity, strength, success, good fortune, protection, healing, abundance
- Thyme – psychic awareness, purification, courage, cleansing, ambition, faery magic
- Ginger – health, love, wealth, healing
- Parsley – change, purification, wealth, protection, love, strength, inspiration
- Garlic – purification, protection, wards negativity, health
- Wine – celebratory rituals, associated with the moon (white), associated with the sun (red)
Samhain Recipe Ideas & Inspiration
(click through for full recipes from wonderful vegan creators and a couple from me as well)
Rosemary & Garlic Herbed Bread
Final thoughts.
Do you have your Samhain festivities for this year planned out already?
As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.
For more Samhain inspiration check out some of my Samhain themed blog posts or visit my shop page! My Samhain Bundle includes correspondences, rituals, recipe, traditions, and more! And be sure to have a peek at my book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available now wherever books are sold. OR check out my Autumn Kitchen Witch E-book for instant access to all things Autumn magic.
And remember to SUBSCRIBE to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount codefor my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!
Sending many Imbolc blessings my friend!
Yours in health and magick,
Krystle xo