Simple Autumn Simmer Pot Recipes for the Kitchen Witch

The Autumn Equinox is swiftly on it’s way and there is nothing quite like the scents of Autumn filling the home. Am I right? Cinnamon, cloves, bay leaves, pumpkin spice and apple pie. Autumn has, without a doubt, some of my favourite aromas. And nothing creates a warm cozy atmosphere more than having these wafting throughout your home. Enter the simmer pot.

Now while I am a huge fan of scented candles and room sprays (natural ones of course), there is nothing quite like the way aromas created by a simmer pot fill your home with warmth and amazing energies.

Simmer pots are an efficient and non-toxic way to have your home smelling like autumn in a few short minutes.

And, added bonus, they also have wonderful magickal properties attached to them.

Read on to discover a few delicious recipes to have your home smelling lovely and your kitchen magick brewing this autumn season.

The Simmer Pot

Simmer pots are like boiled potpourri. Which sounds a bit weird, but it’s an accurate description lol.

You choose your ingredients, put them in a pot with water, bring to a boil and then turn down to a simmer and let it do its thing.

They couldn’t be any easier, just be sure you don’t let your pot boil dry! If you want to keep the pot going simply add more water when it gets low. And obviously never leave your stove on when you aren’t home. Let’s use our common sense here friends.

Simmer pots also lack the harsh toxins that are packed into conventional air freshener sprays and scented candles. Just fresh ingredients from your kitchen! Fake fragrance oils need not apply.

One more benefit, they are economical. Simmer pots are cost effective and can be thrown together with things you likely already have in your kitchen. 

Just Say No to Chemicals

So let’s be real, generic scented candles and air fresheners are some pretty serious toxic offenders. 

Paraffin candles give off toxic fumes on their own and now lets add mystery ingredient fragrance oils on top of that. Cause you know, they can just say they use ‘fragrance oils’ and be done with it. What exactly is in the ‘fragrance’? We really have no idea.

And air fresheners are a whole other ball game. You are literally just breathing in toxic fumes. That are almost always overpowering enough to have you choking on them. How refreshing! Note the sarcasm there. 

My favourite ways to naturally freshen up my space are room sprays (non-toxic that I blend myself), soy essential oil scented candles, using my diffuser, and you guessed it, simmer pots! 

There are so many natural ways to have your home smelling divine. You can most definitely skip the artificial stuff. 

Simmer Pot Magick

Another great thing about a simmer pot is they can be used to assist in your magickal goals. You just need to choose the right ingredients to fit your agenda.

Items that create those autumn vibes have a wide array of magickal properties attached to them that can be used to your advantage.

When I do a simmer pot with a magickal goal in mind, I follow these simple steps to incorporate my magick and intention into the process:

  1. Fill pot with water about 3/4 full.
  2. Add ingredients to the pot and bring to a boil.
  3. Reduce to a simmer, stir the pot clockwise. Unless you are doing a banishing or releasing spell, in that case stir the pot counter clockwise.
  4. Visualize your desired outcome or goal for the magickal work you are doing. Are you aiming to create happiness in the home, or more money in your wallet? Whatever it may be focus on what you want the outcome to look like. Continue with the visualization and stirring until it feels right to finish. You’ll know when!
  5. You may recite your goal, a chant, or ritual words while you stir as well. Something pertaining to your desired outcome.
  6. When you finish I would let the pot boil down until there is about an inch of water left and then turn it off. Your work is now complete

Note: You may also trace runes or symbols related to your goal in the air above the pot if you feel so inclined. Feel free to be inventive and really personalize the experience!

simmer pot, autumn simmer pot, kitchen witch, practical magic, holistic living, natural living

Simmer Pot Recipes

Apple Pie – for peace, harmony and love

  • 3 apple slices
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 tbsp all spice
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

Pumpkin Spice – for prosperity, success, and wealth

  • 1 tsp pumpkin spice
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 tsp cloves
  • 2 orange slices
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

A Taste of Autumn – for protection and releasing negative energies

  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 1 tbsp whole cloves
  • 2 orange slices
  • 1 lemon slice
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

Witch Spice – for balance and inner strength

  • 1 tsp star anise
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 tbsp all spice
  • 1 bay leaf 
  • 1 tsp ginger

These amounts are simply guidelines and ratios that I enjoy. Use more or less to suit your own tastes. Be creative and mix things up!

Love these recipes? Check out my whole seasonal simmer pot collection HERE.

What to do with your simmer pot ingredients when you are finished?

Another awesome thing about simmer pots is that they don’t create waste. You can simply compost your ingredients or dry them out and store in an airtight container to be used in future spells or for potpourri.

A note on using essential oils in your simmer pots. 

Many people recommend essential oils as a good ingredient for your simmer pots. I fully have to disagree for a couple of reasons. 

Essential oils are expensive and why use Lemon EO when you can use leftover lemon rinds? Or Clove EO when you have the spice sitting in your cupboard? 

Another big reason for me is that essential oils are all flammable and have their own flashpoints (point at which the vapours formed can ignite if exposed to spark or flame). This caution is especially true if you have a gas stove. 

I simply don’t use them in the kitchen at all when I have the stove on, call me paranoid, which I most definitely can be lol. Some people use them all of the time for their pots and it’s totally fine.

If you do decide to use them just use caution, common sense, and know well the oils you are working with. 

But really an unnecessary addition to your simmer pots in my opinion when there are so many whole, natural, and affordable ingredients already in your kitchen.

Final thoughts.

Do you already do simmer pots at home? If so, what is your favourite recipe?

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

If you enjoyed this post and for more Autumn inspiration you can check out my  Autumn Kitchen Witch Handbook for recipes, rituals, and autumn correspondences. 

And you can SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List to receive a 20% OFF discount code for my Autumn Kitchen Witch Handbookas well as FREE Daily Witch Planner Pages as a thank you!

Until next time friends!

Yours in health and magic,

Krystle xo

P.S. If you enjoyed this post you may also like diving into some candle magic as we enter this darker part of the year. You can check out my Candle Magic for Beginners post to get you started!

Sleepy Time Teas: 7 Teas for a Good Night’s Rest

Picture it, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and you wake up in the morning feeling rested and refreshed. Ahhh, what a feeling. A feeling that many sadly can’t relate to. That’s why today we bring to you a list of sure fire sleepy time teas to help you get the rest you deserve.

So many people suffer from poor sleep. As a society, we are tired! We often don’t allow proper time for winding down or actual sleep. 

And for a lot of us, once we do lay down it takes forever for sleep to actually arrive.

These 7 herbs taken in tea form can help you achieve the sleep of your dreams, so to speak. Lol. Just give them the chance to work their magic and you’ll see 🙂 

Tea Time! 

Herbal tinctures, teas, and remedies have long been used to help support what ails us. There are countless herbs out there that can benefit us in so many ways, whether it be to ease anxiety, clear up your skin, put you in a better mood, or achieve a better sleep quality.

Teas are a safe, wonderful, and tasty (usually lol) way to utilize what mother nature has so generously given us.

Everyone needs a little help sometimes, or a lot of the time, preparing their body and minds for rest and these sleepy time teas are here to help!

Tuesday Tea Series

That being said this is the 4th, and final, instalment of our special Tuesday Tea Series  here on the blog. In the previous weeks we covered teas for anxiety, mood boosting, and clear skin. You can check them out HERE if you’d like. 

Alright, here we go seven of the best sleepy time teas to help you wind down and rest well.

tea, herbal remedy, tea time, teas for sleep, sleepy time teas, holistic wellness


The always amazing Chamomile definitely had to be on the list. It is very well known for the relaxing and calming effects it has on the body. A relaxed body automatically equals better sleep.

There are also properties in Chamomile that bind to our GABA receptors in the brain which helps to bring on sleep.

While scientific studies on the topic are few there has been benefits shown such as the ones HERE


Peppermint is a natural muscle relaxant and can help ease digestion. Both of which are useful for achieving a better sleep. If our body is in distress we will not sleep soundly.

Peppermint is also naturally caffeine free and sometimes used to ease insomnia. Plus the scent and flavour give us cozy, warm fuzzy vibes. Or is that just me?


Lemon Balm is another one that has been used to treat insomnia.

We tend to think of anything lemon as being energizing and uplifting, which it definitely can be. But this little tea has layers! 

It is said to increase our GABA levels (chemical messenger in the brain). Higher GABA levels means better sleep. Studies, such as this one, have shown it to be beneficial in treating symptoms of insomnia.

Lemon Balm has also been shown to help reduce tension and muscle tightness in the body. Not to mention the lovely aroma and flavour it carries!


Lavender is a well known sleep aid, from using it in aromatherapy to drinking it in tea form. The aroma alone seems to be the most responsible for the calming and sleepy benefits.

There has been much research done on the benefits of Lavender. From soothing nerves and reducing tension in the body, to inducing sleep, lowering blood pressure and pain relief. You can find some more information in this study HERE.

Lavender’s calming effect on the body gets top props for aiding in better overall sleep quality. Remember to breath in the lovely aroma while you sip your tea for ultimate benefits. 


Valerian is a wonderful sleepy time tea.

It is another on the list said to increase our GABA levels leading to better sleep quality.

It has been shown to be effective against insomnia as well as encouraging to an uninterrupted night’s sleep. 


Passionflower is yet another tea on our list that has been shown to increase our GABA levels. As we mentioned above, increased GABA levels lead to better sleep. 

It has also been shown to have positive effects on anxiety sufferers. The relaxation and calming effects that this tea bestows help to prepare the body for a good nights rest. 


Kava is another tea that is commonly used to help with sleep issues.

It is known to reduce stress, ease anxiety and help with insomnia. 

Fun fact, it is also the national drink of Fiji. Who knew?

A Note on Timing

The best time to indulge in sleepy time teas is around 30-60 minutes before your bedtime.

Use this time to wind your body and mind down by doing something relaxing while you sip your way to la la land. 

And remember, it’s never a bad idea to steep before you sleep! 

The ‘T’ on Tea

Herbs are generally a safe and amazing natural resource. Especially in tea form. Teas are less concentrated than supplements, tinctures, or oils. However, interactions and unpleasant side effects are still possible.

It is always recommended to discuss with your health care practitioner before adding any type of herbal remedy into your self care routine.

This is especially true if you are on medications, pregnant, or have a diagnosed illness. 

Remember we are all individuals and what works for one person may not necessarily work for you. So you may need to try out more than one before you find the one that is just right. Like Goldilocks. 

Also, each tea here could most certainly have an entire post of it’s own and I would still not cover everything about it. I am simply highlighting a few of the key components in each that help with our topic of discussion for the week.  

Sourcing Your Tea

While it’s easy enough to just go to the grocery store and grab the cheapest tea you can find, its worthwhile to invest a little. 

By invest I don’t just mean in dollars, but also information. Know where your tea is coming from and try to buy fair-trade, ethically sourced brands.

Tea companies don’t always use best practices and it shouldn’t be assumed that they do. So do your research. And bonus, Fairtrade teas offer higher quality ingredients and are usually organic.

Some brands that I love include: 

  • Traditional Medicinals
  • Pukka 
  • Yogi 
  • Stash
  • Four O’clock

These are just a few but there are many more! I am in Canada so depending on your country the brands in your area may differ from these ones. Have fun and shop around. Boxes are also labeled Fairtrade so they are easy to spot.

Okay, without further ado, I declare it tea time!

Penny for your thoughts…

Do you use tea to help you fall asleep already? If so, do you have a favourite?

As always, I love to hear your thoughts, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials  🙂

If you enjoyed the post, remember you can SUBSCRIBE  to keep up on The Wholesome Witch happenings and receive your FREE Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide 🙂

Until next time friends!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Disclaimer: This post is not meant to be medical advice, I am not a doctor. Teas are NOT meant to replace medications or cure disease. As I mentioned above, always consult your doctor prior to starting any new herbal routines. 

What is a Kitchen Witch? And how to become one.

A small stone cottage sits alone at the far edge of town, vines wrapping up the sides, wild flowers cover the front but for a narrow stone walkway, and a lush garden full of fresh veggies and herbs engulf the back. Perhaps a cat purposely crosses the lawn and lays down to bathe in the sun. The home of the town wise woman, the healer, the kitchen witch.

We all know this house and can picture it in our minds. It’s the resident witch house, with the stories and lore to go with it. This is the fantasy, the mythology, what we want the witches house to look like. Hell it’s the one I want to live in one day lol.

But what does the life of a kitchen witch really look like? And indeed what makes a kitchen witch in this modern day world we live in?

Bringing me to the topic of our post, what exactly is a kitchen witch.

What is a kitchen witch?

Now you may think of  kitchen witch and think of a woman, whipping up all of the magickal concoctions in the kitchen. One with abilities  to grow her own herbs and food, and can expertly make everything from freshly baked bread to cakes, with a home in tip top shape perfectly clean and magickally balanced. Well, yes and no lol.

A kitchen witch, sometimes thought of as a cottage or hearth witch, does indeed create most of their magick within hearth and home.

They work with herbs, put intention and magick into meals, knows that everything carries energy from the herbs that make tea, to the carrots on their dinner plate.

Magick is weaved into domestic tasks with ease and everything is done with intention and purpose.

Crystals are placed with care around the home to create a peaceful energy, a broom is left by the door for protection, and sage is sprinkled across the entryway to keep out negative visitors. One is also deeply in tune, and connected to nature, and all of its beings.

Thanks are given to Mother Earth, and life is lived mindfully and sustainably. Most assuredly a kitchen witch is a domestic goddess in their own right.

Can you be a kitchen witch?

But of course, you can! Kitchen Witchery is for all who it calls out to.

What being a kitchen witch doesn’t mean, however, is that you need to be Martha Stewart. So please don’t feel like you haven’t the domestic skills to take on the title.

You don’t need to be able to create a Pinterest perfect cake or have a home completely free of dust to be a kitchen witch.

I for one am no Martha Stewart lol. My cakes are tasty but never look Pinterest ready and my home is tidy, but hardly dust free. I also don’t like spending hours slaving over a meal. I am more of a baker than a cooker really. I’m not gonna lie to you!

But most certainly I still consider myself a kitchen witch. It’s not about being a master of all things in the kitchen and your home. It’s about your energy, intentions, and whether or not the term resonates with you.

And of course, having the willingness to learn. Learn how to infuse your lunchtime salad with an energy you wish to manifest, learn how to put up protections, to cleanse negativity, and how to create teas and tinctures from herbs. It’s not mandatory that you do all of those things, they are but examples.

You will carve out your own path of kitchen witchery that feels right to you in time.

What About Gender or Religion?

It absolutely doesn’t matter your gender, your religion, whether you consider yourself Pagan, or if you follow the sabbats.

The kitchen witch path, or any witch path for that matter is open to all. And we are all individuals and do things in our own special and magickal ways.

Do you love working with herbs and oils, making your breakfast smoothie one that manifests a successful day, and having a lot of your magickal intentions focused around the home?

OR you connect with the idea of these things even if you have no idea where to start. Then you might feel good taking on the term Kitchen Witch, even one in training. We are all continuously learning and evolving our craft.

With a little effort, thirst for knowledge, and focused intention anyone can be a kitchen witch truly. And you don’t have to confine yourself to a box. You can be a green kitchen witch, a traditional kitchen witch, a solitary eclectic kitchen witch, you get the idea lol.

It’s okay to have more than one type of witch that resonates. I have a few that I relate with as well. You can have several, or just one, and that’s okay. There are no rules here.

kitchen witch, kitchen magick, witch life, cottage witch, magical living, witches

Where does a kitchen witch live?

Anywhere and everywhere! Though some of us may dream of that picture I painted in the beginning of this post, that isn’t for everyone. And it’s certainly not the norm.

Kitchen witches live in suburban houses, farmhouses in the country, small apartments, and downtown condos in big cities.

Where you live has nothing to do with what kind of witch you want to be. 

How to be a kitchen witch in modern times

The reality is things aren’t the way they used to be. Society isn’t as connected to nature as it once was.

Most of us don’t grow all our own food or make a poultice for an ailment.

A modern day kitchen witch may have an office job during the day, be running her kids to soccer practice in the evening, and have to buy her herbs instead of wild foraging or growing them herself. These scenarios are normal to modern day life, and that’s okay.

There are lots of ways we can embrace our inner kitchen witch. Even if we aren’t growing everything we eat, or living in that little cottage at the edge of the wood.

Kitchen witchery in itself is truly a wonderful way to connect with the earth and add a some magick into tasks that are normally considered mundane.

5 elements to Begin Your Kitchen Witch Journey

Eat whole foods that are close to the earth.

This deepens our connection to our food and to the place it comes from. Nature.

Try to shop local.

Frequent farmers markets, or purchase directly from farms if they are accessible to you. That is if you are not growing your own.

I’m not able to grow things for myself at the moment, but do try to hit up the farmers markets and eat as seasonally as I can.

Live green.

As in try to have a sustainable lifestyle as much as you can. We all need to be kinder to mother earth. And I feel as witches we have an extra responsibility to try our best to tread lightly. This applies to any witch really, not just kitchen witches.

Give your home a cleansing.

Both literally and spiritually. Give your space a thorough cleaning. Refresh it and prepare it to be transformed into your warm, magickal abode.

This is a process, so don’t think it needs to be done overnight. Take your time with it.

Focus on sweeping away the negativity in your space as you clean, or burn Sage and Rosemary to cleanse away the negative energies and make way for a new beginning.

Turn your kitchen into a sacred space.

Clean and organize your surroundings so that it feels fresh. This is the heart of your home and the heart of your practice after all.

And, in my opinion, this includes the food in your cupboards. Ditch the overly processed and refined foods to make way for more wholesome, nutrient dense foods from the earth.

Transform your space into one that you feel inspired to create in. The goal is of course to have our entire home be a magickal and sacred space. The kitchen is an excellent place to start.

Begin to learn your herbs and spices

Start to learn about different herbs and spices. Learn what remedies can be made with them, what their magickal properties are, and how you can transfer those energies into your foods. 

It’s all about focus, intention, and the desire to manifest. But we need to know what to use and when as well.

Summing up

We can all be kitchen witches. Religion doesn’t matter, gender doesn’t matter, and where you live just does not matter.

We are all magickal beings and how we choose to work that magick is completely up to us.

If you are just starting out on your journey begin with some of the steps I mentioned above.

And remember, this is a lifelong path and learning process. You will not become the wise old kitchen witch overnight, and you should want to.

Learning and discovering what calls out to you is part of the adventure.

Embrace learning, embrace the aspects of kitchen witchery that tug at your inner spirit, and embrace your own magickal gifts.

You will know them when you find them.

So what do you think?

Are you feeling the kitchen witch vibes? And if you already consider yourself one, do you have any favourite aspects of the craft?

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials  🙂

If you enjoyed the post, remember you can SUBSCRIBE  to keep up on The Wholesome Witch happenings and receive your FREE Daily Witch Planner Pages and a 20% OFF coupon code for my SHOP🙂

Until next time friends!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Teas for Clear Skin: 7 Best Teas for Skincare

So I think it’s pretty safe to say we’d all like to have beautifully clear, smooth skin, am I right? That’s why this week we are talking about teas for clear skin!

Relaxing with a nice cup of tea and helping your skin at the same time seems like a win win situation to me.

We are always investing in creams and products to put on our skin to keep it soft, smooth and blemish free. As much as possible anyhow.

But what a lot of people don’t consider is what they are putting IN their bodies that can either help our skin, or aggravate it. Teas included!

Tea Time: Week 3! 

So last week, when we tackled happy teas, I noted that herbal tinctures, teas, and remedies have been used for millennia to help aid what ails us.  If you missed week 2 of our Tea Series you can find it HERE. 

There are countless herbs available to us and countless benefits to go with them. If you aren’t yet taking advantage of these gifts from nature, this post will help you do just that! 

Teas are safe, fun, and tasty (usually lol) ways to help combat unpleasant symptoms we may be experiencing.  They are also the gentlest, and arguably easiest, way to reap the benefits of herbs and plants. 

So much is involved in our skin health. Our digestion, and in turn our diet, play a huge role in what goes on with our skin. So it makes sense that teas can help combat skin issues from acne to fine lines and wrinkles.

I also just want to emphasize I say ‘help’ here, not magically cure. Teas will certainly benefit you, but drinking a cup of Chamomile is not going to clear up your acne overnight. 

Okay! So that being said, let’s find out how they work and which ones are particularly beneficial.

Tuesday Tea Series: Teas for Clear Skin

Yes, we are already into week 3 of our Tuesday Tea Series here on the blog. And Teas for Clear Skin is the topic!

Next week we dive into teas for a sound sleep, so make a mental note to check back in 🙂

Alright, here we go seven of the best teas to help us on the road to clear and healthy skin.

tea time, teas for clear skin, natural skincare, natural living, holistic living


Dandelion Root is extremely beneficial to aid in liver detox. What does that have to do with my skin? 

I am so happy you asked! 

Our liver is the main detox organ in the body helping to filter out unwanted toxins, including excess hormones. When excess toxins and hormones aren’t properly eliminated they circulate in the body causing all sorts of issues, including issues with our skin. 

Ultimately, a healthier liver will equal healthier skin. So you can feel good about adding Dandelion into your regular tea rotation. 


Chamomile is full of top notch anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. This tea fights free radicals, can help to tighten your pores, speed up cell regeneration, and protect the skin against sun damage.

Not to mention, Chamomile induces a restful sleep. I think we all know that a good night’s rest is paramount to achieving a beautifully clear complexion. 


Green Tea is another one full of antioxidants, which you may remember from last weeks post. Anti-oxidants help to ease inflammation and fight free radicals in the body.

Free radicals cause pre-mature aging of the skin, among other not good things, so we definitely want to eliminate as many as possible.

And the anti-inflammatory properties it contains will allow the skin to heal itself more quickly.


Rooibos is a power house for the skin. 

It also has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, making it what? That’s right, anti-aging. It can help to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, as well as encourage the growth of healthy skin cells.

Not to mention Rooibos has a high vitamin and mineral content. Making it a sure fire way to help us achieve glowing skin. 


So White Tea, perhaps surprisingly, is the least processed of all the teas. This alone makes it a winner.

It’s also a great source of anti-oxidants (are we noticing a theme here, lol). Again, antioxidants fight free radicals which will help to prevent pre-mature aging of the skin.

What White Tea does as well though is aid in our digestive process. As mentioned above, healthy digestion equals less toxins in the body, which equals healthier skin.


Peppermint is another tea that aids our digestive process.

The menthol in the tea stimulates bile production in the stomach, as well as has a relaxing effect on the digestive muscles. Both of these encourage smooth digestion, and elimination of toxins.

Another key thing Peppermint Tea does is slows down oil production in the skin. So, especially helpful if you have extra oily skin to begin with.


Nettle is an herb with a plethora of benefits to our health.

One of which, is that it helps to flush toxins out of the body. And, as we said, less toxins in the body equals healthier, clearer skin. 

It also contains anti-inflammatory properties helping to ease redness in skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. 

The ‘T’ on Tea

The following information I will be including every week of the Tea Series as it bears repeating. Also, some individuals may only read the one post that interests them most and I want this information to be available.

So, feel free to skip the next couple of bits if you tuned in last week!

Herbs are generally a safe and amazing natural resource. Especially in tea form. Teas are less concentrated than supplements, tinctures, or oils.

However, interactions and unpleasant side effects are still possible.

It is always recommended to discuss with your health care practitioner before adding any type of herbal remedy into your self care routine.

This is especially true if you are on medications, pregnant, or have a diagnosed illness. 

Remember we are all individuals and what works for one person may not necessarily work for you. So you may need to try out a few before you find the one that is just right. Like Goldilocks.

Also, each tea here could most certainly have an entire post of it’s own and I would still not cover everything about it. I am simply highlighting a few of the key components in each that help with our topic of discussion for the week.  

Sourcing Your Tea

While it’s easy enough to just go to the grocery store and grab the cheapest tea you can find, it’s worthwhile to invest a little. 

By invest I don’t just mean in dollars, but also information. Know where your tea is coming from and try to buy fair-trade, ethically sourced brands.

Tea companies don’t always use best practices and it shouldn’t be assumed that they do. So do your research. And bonus, Fairtrade teas offer higher quality ingredients and are usually organic.

Some brands that I love include: 

  • Traditional Medicinals
  • Pukka 
  • Yogi 
  • Stash
  • Four O’clock

These are just a few but there are many more! I am in Canada so depending on your country the brands in your area may differ from these ones. Have fun and shop around. Boxes are also labeled Fairtrade so they are easy to spot.

Okay, without further ado, I declare it tea time!

Penny for your thoughts…

Do you currently use any herbs or special teas in your skincare routine? Do you have any favourites?

As always, I love to hear your thoughts, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials  🙂

If you enjoyed the post, remember you can SUBSCRIBE  to keep up on The Wholesome Witch happenings and receive your FREE Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide 🙂

Until next time friends!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Disclaimer: This post is not meant to be medical advice, I am not a doctor. Teas are NOT meant to replace medications or cure disease. As I mentioned above, always consult your doctor prior to starting any new herbal routines. 


Vegan Blueberry Scones for Lughnasadh

Looking for an easy and delicious vegan recipe for your Lughnasadh/Lammas meal planning? Then these Vegan Blueberry Scones are just what the doctor ordered!

So in my own searches for Lughnasadh recipes I found that the recipes were never vegan. Being vegan myself I was always having to adapt them to fit my dietary needs. 

That is why I decided to begin adding Vegan Sabbat recipes to my roster of blog posts. This is the first of many more to come.

This time of celebration marks the first grain harvest and is forever tied to food. Making it the perfect time to get your booty in the kitchen to conjure up some good old fashioned kitchen magick.

Fresh berries and grains are thriving and bountiful at Lughnasadh. With them also being traditional  foods of the time, blueberry scones seemed like the perfect concoction to share with you all today.

Vegan Blueberry Scones & Lughnasadh

Food is magick. And, like I said, food and Lughnasadh go hand in hand. So get ready to embrace your inner domestic diva and live your kitchen witch fantasy!

Indulging in bountiful gifts of nature such as grains, veggies, and fruits during Sabbat times make me feel that much more connected to nature. It also makes me aware of how grateful I am to all that the earth provides for us. 

Now, full disclosure, though I love working magick in the kitchen I’m not a master chef or baker by any means. I can hold my own, but nothing  fancy lol. So, I created this recipe to be easy to make as well as delicious to taste.

Scones, at least to me, sounded intimidating to make the first time I tried. But trust, if I can make this recipe, so can you! 

So let’s dive right into todays recipe!

Blueberry Scones: Magickal Properties

Blueberries – promote feelings of peace and calm, wards of psychic attacks, protection. They are also a traditional Lammas/Lughnasadh food.

Cinnamon – success, strength, luck, love, enhanced psychic awareness

Vanilla – revitalizes energy, promotes happiness within yourself and the home, calms the system, brings luck

Maple  –  Love, prosperity, spiritual healing, longevity

While mixing and whisking your ingredients, focus on the intent of your ritual baking. Perhaps you are wanting to promote a happy and calm environment at home or want to manifest abundance in the weeks to come. Focus on each ingredient and visualize your desired outcome manifesting into existence. You can also draw symbols or sigils above your bowl while mixing to add additional power to your workings. Tracing them onto your scones prior to baking is another option here.

This is what kitchen magick is all about and I particularly love when we perform it around Sabbat times. And especially for the harvest festivals. The energies of the day gives us an extra boost of magick to make the outcome that much more powerful. 

Remember though Lughnasadh is all about gratitude and thanking the earth. So be sure to offer your thanks on this day as well and don’t just manifest selfishly. Perhaps place one of your scones on your altar as an offering.

But also feel okay taking advantage of what these gifts from nature can offer you and how they can help to manifest your goals.

kitchen witch, kitchen magick, holistic nutrition, witch, witchcraft, The Recipe! 

Makes 8 servings – Total time: 1 hour

  • 2 cups all purpose flour (I used Bob’s Red Mill 1-1 Gluten Free Baking Flour)                                                         
  • 2 tbsp golden cane sugar 
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 1/2 cup vegan butter (cold or frozen)
  • 3/4 cup coconut cream
  • 3 tbsp maple syrup
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract 
  • 1 cup blueberries


  1. Mix all dry ingredients in a large bowl. 
  2. Cut or grate butter into the dry ingredients. If your butter is frozen you can use the grating method. Consistency should be crumbly. You are not creaming the butter in. After cutting the butter in with a knife I use my hands to combine until I get the right consistency. Once mixed, put in fridge to keep cold. 
  3. Whisk all wet ingredients together.
  4. Remove dry ingredients from fridge and slowly pour wet ingredients over the top.
  5. Pour in blueberries and mix just until everything is moistened. Don’t over mix.
  6. Shape dough into a ball. You may need to add additional flour here to get rid of any stickiness left in the dough.
  7. With floured hands press dough out onto floured surface into a circle shape. About an inch thick.
  8. With a sharp knife (or pastry knife) cut into 8 equal triangles. 
  9. Brush tops of triangles with either a dairy free milk or more coconut cream to allow for browning.
  10. Place triangles on a parchment covered plate or baking sheet and put in fridge for at least 15 minutes prior to baking. 
  11. While waiting for dough to chill prepare your baking sheet with parchment paper and preheat oven to 350 F.
  12. Remove from fridge and bake for 20 – 25 minutes.
  13. Remove from oven and let sit for 5 minutes to cool then transfer to a cooling rack. Let cool completely before storing.

Top with whatever suits your fancy and enjoy! Maybe some fresh berries or blackberry jam, or just have one plain. A perfect vegan, gluten-free blueberry scone for a lovely Lughnasadh brunch.

Nutritional Information | Per one scone

Calories: 327 | Fat: 16g | Carbohydrates: 42.6g | Protein: 1.2g 

A Few Baking Notes

  1. Do not skip chilling the scones in the fridge. Keeping the ingredients cold is key to your scones turning out nicely. 
  2. You may add more sugar to the mix if you like a sweeter scone. I tend to enjoy mine on the less sweet side. You can also sprinkle with sugar to bake or make a glaze to pour over once they are finished. 
  3. All ovens differ so I recommend checking your scones at 15 minutes to see how they are doing. 
  4. You will know the scones are ready when a toothpick inserted into the centre comes out clean and the bottoms are golden brown.
  5. You can use this base recipe for any sweet scone. Perhaps you’d like to try a different berry or maybe some chocolate chips. Just sub out the blueberries for your filling of choice.
  6. Scones are best eaten fresh out of the oven so it’s definitely better to bake these on the day you would like to consume them. But of course you may store them in an airtight container for 3-4 days covered with a paper towel (to keep them moist) and they will remain fresh. 

Lughnasadh Feasting

So, are we excited for your Lughnasadh breakfast? This turn of the wheel is all about the first grain harvest and feasting is a long lived tradition of it. These blueberry scones will be a great start to your day. But don’t let it stop there. 

Go all out and really make the most of it. Put together a delicious meal for your family, friends, or even just yourself. 

And remember to be present, be grateful, and be joyous.


What special foods do you have planned for your Lughnasadh celebrations? Aside from these scones of course lol.

I always love to know your thoughts, so please leave a comment or connect with me on social media. 🙂

Also, if you enjoyed the post and would like to read more about holistic wellness and magickal living SUBSCRIBE and receive my complete Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide and other bonuses for FREE!

A bright and bountiful Lughnasadh/Lammas to you! 

Yours in health and magick, 

Krystle xo

Happy Teas: 7 Teas to Help Boost Your Mood

Maybe you’re tired, maybe you are a little anxious, or maybe you just plain got up on the wrong side of the bed. It happens to the best of us! So you need a little pick me up, an afternoon mood boost if you will. 

Well, there’s a tea for that! Surprise right? 

Today, in week 2 of our Tuesday Tea Series I bring you a list of  amazing happy teas that will help to put some extra zest in your step

Tea Time: Week 2! 

So last week, when we tackled anxiety teas, I noted that herbal tinctures, teas, and remedies have been used for millennia to help aid what ails us.  If you missed week 1 of our Tea Series you can find it  HERE. 

There are countless herbs and countless benefits to go with them. If you aren’t yet taking advantage of these gifts from nature, now is the time!

Teas are safe, fun, and tasty ways to help combat unpleasant symptoms or emotions we may be having.  And a natural way at that. If it’s not obvious, I am a fan of natural remedies.

Daily exercise and happy teas baby. Theses two elements can be game changers!

Tuesday Tea Series: Happy Teas

As I mentioned above, this is the second week in my Tuesday Tea Series I will be sharing here on the blog. Next week we dive into teas that help with skin health, so be sure to check back in!

Alright, here we go seven of the best teas to help you boost that mood on any day of the week.


Apparently Lemongrass isn’t a very popular tea…well I love it lol.  It’s known to lift mood and decrease stress in the body.

The scent itself has been shown to have mood boosting abilities. 

Lemon Balm is also a good alternative. And if you can get one of those blended with Ginger you will have a real pick me up on your hands!


Valerian is known for being a stress reliever. It boasts the ability to calm nerves and prevent anxiety attacks.

Being able to aid in lowering stress automatically makes it a mood booster. And I am down for anything that might curb anxiety attacks. 


Saffron has an influence on the production of Serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a happy hormone. Making Saffron Tea a happy tea 🙂

This herb boosts mood, and may also help to balance mood swings during PMS

That alone is probably enough for a lot of ladies to give it a try! 


Turmeric is like a little golden miracle, with all of the health benefits it touts.

It influences both Seratonin and Dopamine in the brain. Both hormones are responsible for positive vibes and feelings of happiness.

As a bonus, it also has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body.  Inflammation can be a big contributor to low moods and poor emotional well-being. Including anti-inflammatories in our diet is a must.


Rooibos helps one cope with daily stress by lowering cortisol levels in the body. Cortisol is the body’s stress hormone. 

Its ability to lower cortisol, in turn lowers our stress levels. Lower stress equals happier individuals, putting Rooibos Tea square on this list. 


Another real super star herb on the list, Ashwaganda is a powerful adaptogen and has long been used in Ayurveda Medicine.

Adaptogens work to help the body deal with stress and bring it back into balance. 

Ashwaganda assists in balancing out hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, leading to an overall improvement in mood.


Sage has been shown to improve mood, and cognitive function.

It’s also been suggested that the smell can enhance mood.

Perhaps then, you will want to burn some Sage incense to go with your cup of tea for extra oomph! 

The ‘T’ on Tea

The following information I will be including every week of the Tea Series as it bears repeating. Also, some individuals may only read the one post that interests them most and I want this information to be available.

So, feel free to skip the next couple of bits if you tuned in last week!

Herbs are generally a safe and amazing natural resource. Especially in tea form. Teas are less concentrated than supplements, tinctures, or oils.

However, interactions and unpleasant side effects are still possible.

It is always recommended to discuss with your health care practitioner before adding any type of herbal remedy into your self care routine.

This is especially true if you are on medications, pregnant, or have a diagnosed illness. 

Remember we are all individuals and what works for one person may not necessarily work for you. So you may need to try out a few before you find the one that is just right. Like Goldilocks.     

Also, each tea here could most certainly have an entire post of it’s own and I would still not cover everything about it. I am simply highlighting a few of the key components in each that help with our topic of discussion for the week.  

Sourcing Your Tea

While it’s easy enough to just go to the grocery store and grab the cheapest tea you can find, its worthwhile to invest a little. 

By invest I don’t just mean in dollars, but also information. Know where your tea is coming from and try to buy fair-trade, ethically sourced brands.

Tea companies don’t always use best practices and it shouldn’t be assumed that they do. So do your research. And bonus, Fairtrade teas offer higher quality ingredients and are usually organic.

Some brands that I love include: 

  • Traditional Medicinals
  • Pukka 
  • Yogi 
  • Stash
  • Four O’clock

These are just a few but there are many more! I am in Canada so depending on your country the brands in your area may differ from these ones. Have fun and shop around. Boxes are also labeled Fairtrade so they are easy to spot.

Okay, without further ado, I declare it tea time!

Penny for your thoughts…

Do you use tea to boost your mood? Do you have any favourites?

As always, I love to hear your thoughts, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials  🙂

If you enjoyed the post, remember you can SUBSCRIBE  to keep up on The Wholesome Witch happenings and receive your FREE Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide 🙂

Until next time friends!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Disclaimer: This post is not meant to be medical advice, I am not a doctor. Teas are NOT meant to replace medications or cure disease. As I mentioned above, always consult your doctor prior to starting any new herbal routines. 

herbal teas, happy tea, mood booster, stress relief, holistic living, natural living

Liquid Courage: A Ritual for Inner Strength

Do you ever have those times where you feel you could use just a little extra courage or inner strength? Pretty sure we can all relate to that feeling. 

So let’s harness the magick of flowers and do just that, shall we.

Flowers are beautiful and divine little pieces of nature and, just like with crystals and trees, they each carry their own vibrations and magickal properties that can aid us in many ways. 

Sometimes we all need a little boost when it comes to taking on tasks that scare us or we encounter something we feel we can’t get through; be it talking to your boss or partner about something controversial, the loss of a pet, or just getting through a difficult time in general. Because let’s face it, life is hard. And sometimes we all need something to help lift us up.

Considering how challenging this year has been for so many. I thought to share this little ritual for you to try if you are feeling some type of way. It may help to give you that extra bit of strength and confidence you need to push past any fears or difficulties you are facing in this moment.

So, let’s begin 🙂 

Ritual for Inner Strength

We shall be utilizing the courage bolstering, and wonderfully fragrant, geranium flower. Freesias may also be used as an alternative.

Tools Required:

  • Petals of 2 – 3 geraniums (fresh if possible but not mandatory)
  • 2 glass mason jars with lids 
  • 1 cup distilled water
  • Strainer

Ritual Steps:

  1. Place geranium petals into jar.
  2. Fill jar with water.
  3. Seal tightly. 
  4. Place the jar outside under the moonlight for the petals to infuse their properties into the water. Your infusion will be more potent if done during a waxing moon (the best lunar time for courage enhancing practices).
  5. Leave overnight.
  6. In the morning strain into clean jar. Store water in the fridge until use (sooner is better).
  7. When you feel the time is right add the water into a warm bath.
  8. Spend at least 20 minutes soaking in the essence of the flower and visualize conquering what’s to come with the utmost of strength and grace. Reciting affirmations surrounding the situation is also a nice addition, if you feel so inclined.

Optional: Put a small amount of the water into a spray bottle. Mist bare skin prior to dressing for the day so that you may carry that magick with you.

Fun Fact: The essence of Geraniums can also be used for encouraging positivity, strength, love, healing, and protection. 

witch, flower magick, spell for inner strength, courage, ritual, witch life

Let Your Inner Strength Shine

And there you have it, this is a quick, simple, and relaxing ritual. Because really, who doesn’t love a nice bath? Lol. 

If you don’t have a bathtub you may adapt the ritual to the shower. Still take your time and visualize, but instead of soaking in the water slowly pour it over self a little at a time so that the jar lasts the full length of time you spend showering.

This ritual will leave you feeling confident, refreshed, and strong. You will feel more confident to take on the  day and anything it may throw your way.

Embrace these feelings and try to carry them with you in the days and weeks to come. And the ritual can always be repeated as necessary.

Also, if you are experiencing times of stress please remember to practice self care daily. We need to take care of ourselves especially when we are feeling overwhelmed in certain life situations.

And remember, even without this ritual you are strong and you are powerful. This is meant to enhance what you already have inside of you, which is fierceness and beauty. 

So please enjoy and if you try it out do let me know how it goes for you!

What say you? 

I want to hear from you!

Do you have any self  care rituals you perform when you are facing a tough day ahead? 

I always love to know your thoughts, so please leave a comment or connect with me on my socials. I am very easy to find 🙂

Also, if you enjoyed the post and would like to read more about holistic wellness and magickal living SUBSCRIBE and receive my complete Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide and other bonuses for FREE!

Summer Solstice and Litha blessings pixie dolls. xo


Anxiety Teas: 7 Teas for Relaxation & Calm

Your anxious, worried, and just need to calm the ‘eff’ down. Don’t you wish there was a cure all potion to calm those nerves? I know I often do!

Now there may not be a perfect potion, but what we do have readily available to us are teas.

And there are some excellent ones to help calm and relax your system.

So today I bring you a list of easy to find teas that can do wonders to combat anxiety and ease your mind.

Tea Time! 

Herbal tinctures, teas, and remedies have long been used to help support what ails us. There are countless herbs out there that can benefit us in so many ways, whether it be to enhance your physical or emotional wellbeing. 

Teas are a safe, wonderful, and tasty (usually lol) way to utilize what mother nature has so generously given us.

For me, using tea to ease anxiety is a terrific resource. I personally struggle with anxiety on a much too frequent basis and tea really helps to calm my frazzled nerves lol. 

Tuesday Tea Series

That being said this post will be the first in a Tuesday Tea Series I will be sharing here on the blog. Next week will be teas to boost your mood, so be sure to check back in!

Alright, here we go seven of the best teas to help you beat stress and calm your ass down.

herbal teas, anxiety, ease anxiety, tea magick, witch, holistic wellness, herbalist


A very popular and mild tasting tea. Chamomile has been known to raise serotonin and melatonin levels helping to bring on relaxation.

You can also find chamomile  in delicious blends like vanilla and lavender. Perfect for an evening cuppa.


Not just for the holidays!

Peppermint is a natural muscle relaxant and can help ease digestion. Both of which can use a little assistance when we are feeling stressed.

Some research suggests even just the aroma may help to calm the nerves. 


Lemon Balm is a favourite of mine (anything with lemon really).  

This herb is well know for calming stress and anxiety. Studies, such as this one, have shown it to have significant benefits on mood.

Lemon Balm has also been shown to help reduce tension and muscle tightness in the body. 


People are generally very familiar with using Lavender essential oil as a means of stress relief, but you can also reap all of its benefits in tea form.

From soothing nerves and reducing tension in the body to assisting with digestion, this tea is a perfect antidote to a stressful day.


Another extremely well know tea for it’s many many, ummm many, health benefits.

This tea is a fabulous source of anti-oxidants to help battle the negative effects of stress on the body.

It is also a great source of L-theanine. L-theanine helps to regulate certain neurotransmitters in the brain responsible for our moods and emotions.


Passionflower has been shown to increase our GABA levels (chemical messenger in the brain) making it an excellent, and long used, natural aid to combat stress and anxiety in the body.

Low GABA levels in the body have been linked to anxiety and depression.


A wealth of health, if you will, for the body and mind. There are so many uses for ginger!

Which includes having a calming effect in times of stress that soothes the body and improves mood.

Ginger has been shown to benefit serotonin levels and is full of anti-oxidants, both huge reasons to drink up.

The ‘T’ on Tea

Herbs are generally a safe and amazing natural resource. Especially in tea form. Teas are less concentrated than supplements, tinctures, or oils. However, interactions and unpleasant side effects are still possible.

It is always recommended to discuss with your health care practitioner before adding any type of herbal remedy into your self care routine.

This is especially true if you are on medications, pregnant, or have a diagnosed illness. 

Remember we are all individuals and what works for one person may not necessarily work for you. So you may need to try out more than one before you find the one that is just right. Like Goldilocks. 

Also, each tea here could most certainly have an entire post of it’s own and I would still not cover everything about it. I am simply highlighting a few of the key components in each that help with our topic of discussion for the week.  

Sourcing Your Tea

While it’s easy enough to just go to the grocery store and grab the cheapest tea you can find, its worthwhile to invest a little. 

By invest I don’t just mean in dollars, but also information. Know where your tea is coming from and try to buy fair-trade, ethically sourced brands.

Tea companies don’t always use best practices and it shouldn’t be assumed that they do. So do your research. And bonus, Fairtrade teas offer higher quality ingredients and are usually organic.

Some brands that I love include: 

  • Traditional Medicinals
  • Pukka 
  • Yogi 
  • Stash
  • Four O’clock

These are just a few but there are many more! I am in Canada so depending on your country the brands in your area may differ from these ones. Have fun and shop around. Boxes are also labeled Fairtrade so they are easy to spot.

Okay, without further ado, I declare it tea time!

Penny for your thoughts…

Do you use tea to support your anxiety? If so, what are your favourites?

As always, I love to hear your thoughts, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials  🙂

If you enjoyed the post, remember you can SUBSCRIBE  to keep up on The Wholesome Witch happenings and receive your FREE Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide 🙂

Until next time friends!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Disclaimer: This post is not meant to be medical advice, I am not a doctor. Teas are NOT meant to replace medications or cure disease. As I mentioned above, always consult your doctor prior to starting any new herbal routines. 

herbal tea, anxiety, anxiety teas, kitchen witch, witch life

Kitchen Magick: Blueberry Smoothie Recipe

What says summer more than deliciously sweet and juicy berries? Not much if you ask me! Summer is the most glorious time of year to enjoy these wonderful little bursts of flavour and nutrients. And who doesn’t love a little kitchen magick in the morning? 

Since summer is in full swing and we are approaching Lammas (Lughnasadh), I decided that today I would share with you one of my favourite, and energy charged, Blueberry Smoothie Recipes.

Smoothies are a super easy way to get in a quick breakfast full of nutrients. I have definitely been on a smoothie kick lately. They are the perfect breakfast to have in these warmer months.

And this smoothie packs a real nutritional and magickal punch. You’ll be able to start your day well fueled, with purpose, and confidence. So, let’s dig in!

Blueberry Smoothie: The Health Benefits

These ingredients are super simple and jam packed with nutrition.

Blueberries (fresh or frozen)

  • One of the highest anti-oxidant containing foods
  • Vitamin C & K
  • Manganese & Potassium
  • Great source of Fibre
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Benefits cardiovascular system

Almond Butter (all natural and no added oils)

  • Vitamin E
  • Calcium
  • Healthy Fats
  • Protein
  • Fibre
  • Phosphorous

Ceylon Cinnamon (known as ‘true cinnamon’ and packs the most health benefits)

  • Another amazing source of anti-oxidants
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Lowers blood sugar
  • Heart healthy
  • Has anti-bacterial & anti-fungal properties

Flaxseed (ground)

  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids
  • Protein
  • Fibre
  • Anti-oxidant properties
  • Keeps you satiated

Spinach (fresh)

  • Vitamins A, C, & K
  • Folate (B9)
  • Iron
  • Anti-oxidants
  • Calcium
  • Heart healthy

Oat Milk (or your favourite non-dairy milk)

While not the same as eating a bowl of oatmeal it still contains some good stuff!

  • Fibre
  • Calcium
  • Little bit of protein
  • Low fat

Some brands will fortify with extra vitamins such as Vitamin A, D, and B’s. It is best though to get a brand with the fewest ingredients. My favourites are ISOLA BIO and ELMHURST. They both contain only oats, water, and sea salt.

Vegan Vanilla Protein Powder

  • Since I am vegan, I like to get this extra protein. boost into my day.
  • I use Genuine Health Organic Fermented Vanilla Protein Powder. It’s delicious and with no funky additives.
  • Be wary with protein powders as a lot of them have ingredient lists as long as your arm. Be sure to buy high quality if you are going to use one.
  • Another alternative I like to use is pure Pumpkin Seed Powder. It comes only unflavoured and is honestly pretty tasteless lol.

Smoothie Notes

  1. I don’t use any additional sweetener. However, you can add a medjool date or maple syrup if you’d like it on the sweeter side. 
  2. People have varied tastes when it comes to smoothies in regards to how thick they like them. This recipe is exactly how I make mine. Feel free to add more, or less, liquid/ice to get your desired thickness.
  3. Different protein powders WILL change the taste. The Vanilla Genuine Health one that I use is the absolute best tasting I have found, EVER. And by a lot. You can also omit the protein powder entirely. Maybe add a little vanilla extract or kefir to the mix if you omit the powder.
smoothie, blueberry, almonds, healthy living, holistic nutrition, kitchen Magick, witch

Adding Magick to Your Morning

Food is magick. So let’s harness that and get our day started off with intention, mindfulness, and positivity.

And it just so happens, our smoothie ingredients today have some amazing magickal properties attached to them.

Intention setting while we are preparing our meals is a stellar way to inject some magick into our normal daily routines. I mean we all gotta eat, so why not make it magickal. Kitchen witchery at it’s finest!

Blueberry Smoothie: Main Magickal Properties

Blueberries – promote feelings of peace and calm, wards of psychic attacks, protection. They are also a traditional Lammas/Lughnasadh food.

Almond – beauty, goddess energy, prosperity, healing

Cinnamon – success, strength, luck, love, enhanced psychic awareness

Spinach – strength, can strengthen your mind, body, and manifestations

While preparing your smoothie, focus on what you want your day to look like. How do you want to feel? What would you like to accomplish? Do you want to feel confident, need a little extra inner strength, or maybe you are feeling anxious and need to calm yourself.

You are taking magickal elements into your body, take advantage of what they can offer you and how they can help to manifest your goals.

kitchen witch, kitchen magick, holistic nutrition, witch, witchcraft,

The Recipe! (I know finally, lol)

Makes 1 serving – Total time: 10 minutes

  • 1 cup oat milk                                                           
  • ½ cup water
  • ½ tsp Ceylon cinnamon
  • 1 tbsp ground flaxseed
  • Full scoop vegan vanilla protein powder
  • 1 tbsp almond butter
  • ½ cup blueberries
  • 1 cup (or handful) of spinach
  • 2 ice cubes


  1. Add all ingredients to your blender in the order listed. Blend for about 60 seconds.

Et voila! A healthy and energy charged breakfast in about 10 minutes.

Nutritional Information

Calories: 387 | Fat: 15.75g | Carbohydrates: 47g | Protein: 30.8g | Fibre: 10.2g

Magick in the Mundane

So, are we excited for breakfast tomorrow? We are always looking for extra ways to include magick into our days.

Opportunities to work our magick and manifest are all around us. We just need to be aware and harness them.

Breakfast is a wonderful time to set intentions and manifest how you would like your day, or week, to go.

And there is no reason why we can’t have a nutritious breakfast that is also magickally charged. That’s the best type if you ask me!

More kitchen magick posts to come so stay tuned!


Are you a smoothie person? Do you already utilize your daily foods to set intentions?

I always love to know your thoughts, so please leave a comment or connect with me on social media. 🙂

Also, if you enjoyed the post and would like to read more about holistic wellness and magickal living SUBSCRIBE and receive my complete Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide and other bonuses for FREE!

Yours in health and magick, 

Krystle xo

Blueberry Smoothie Recipe, Blueberry Power Smoothie, kitchen magick, witch, witchcraft, healthy eating

Simple Summer Solstice (Litha) Sunrise Ritual

So you’ve been counting down to the first day of summer and it has finally arrived! The incredibly magickal Summer Solstice (Litha) is upon us and the energy surrounding this day is to be honed and harnessed. Don’t let it pass you by!

This is the perfect time to perform a sunrise ritual welcoming the light and life into nature. It is also an optimal time to focus on your own renewals and what you would like to manifest in the coming weeks of summer. 

Summer Solstice Energy

The Summer Solstice is the first official day of summer time. We can all rejoice lol. Litha is the pagan holiday connected with the summer solstice. You may read all about it in my LITHA POST if you wish. 

It is a day to welcome the sun and new beginnings. This is a wonderful time to reconnect with the earth and give thanks  for all that she provides to us. Not to mention prime time to ignite your fire within, welcome fresh starts and new goals.

Embrace the season, harness the energy and motivation that surrounds us. Let the light rejuvenate and heal you. Enabling you to move forward into summer with renewed strength and passion.

The Golden Sun

The sun symbolizes renewal making the sunlight hours optimal for performing rituals to release old energies and start fresh.

There are also healing properties connected to the sun. Take this ritual time and use it to let go of old wounds. Super charge your inner strength to move forward into the coming weeks with passion, light, and vitality.

Commit to turning those summer dreams into reality. 

Summer Solstice Sunrise Jar Ritual 

We don’t all have a lot of extra time, or time to ourselves for that matter. I developed this ritual to be as long or short as you like. And to easily allow you to personalize it to your own goals and wishes. After all our spiritual journeys are personal on all levels and your rituals should reflect that. 

Goals of this ritual:

  • Honour and welcome the sun
  • Thank and reconnect to mother earth
  • Embrace the healing power of the sun to allow ourselves to move forward
  • Set new intentions for the summer months

Materials for Your Summer Solstice Jar

  • 1 mason jar with lid (any fillable glass jar will do)
  • Fresh earth
  • A few fallen leaves
  • Chamomile flowers (fresh or dried) – for healing and prosperity
  • Dried Thyme – for good luck and health
  • Jade Crystal – for energy
  • Lapis Lazuli Crystal – for strength and clarity
  • Citrine Crystal – to represent the sun and abundance
  • Piece of yellow ribbon or fabric 
  • 1 piece of paper and pen

As I mentioned, if these herbs or crystals don’t speak to you feel free to replace them with ones that resonate. If you have special flowers or herbs in your garden you would like to add, please do!

This is your ritual and really can’t be wrong. Include things here that bring you strength, focus, and joy.

If you need some other ideas for what to fill up your jar with check out my LITHA POST for more correspondence ideas. As well as some history and ways to celebrate 🙂 

The Ritual

This ritual is meant to be performed just after sunrise or in the morning hours when the sun’s power is strong. 

If you have an outdoor space in which to perform the ritual that would be optimal. And barefoot is even better to be more connected with the earth. Don’t distress though if you have only a balcony or even just a sunny window in which to sit to perform this.

The most important aspect is your intentions. 

1 – Kneel or sit

Be comfortable in the light of the sun with your jar and solstice items ready.

2 – Fill Your Summer Solstice Jar

Begin filling your jar with the items gathered. Focus on feeling joy and gratefulness during this process.

My preferred order of items: 

  • Earth
  • Leaves
  • Dried flowers and herbs
  • Crystals 
  • Ribbon or fabric last to the side of the jar
  • Seal jar with lid
  • Please feel free to change the order up if you wish!

3 – Leave the jar to charge

Let it be in the sunlight while you finish your ritual and do not move it until sunset.

4 – Give thanks

Thank the sun for the light and life provided as well as mother nature for all of her blessings.

This can be done out loud or silently in your mind. Whichever feels right to you. 

5 – Visualize

Imagine in your mind that all of the cells in your body are glimmering specks of gold. Flowing through you with strength and ease. Providing healing energy from the tips of your toes to the top of your head.

Let this awaken the senses and energize your mind and body. 

6 – Focus on your intentions

What new beginnings or goals would you like to focus on in the weeks to come? Perhaps you have a direction you would like your career to go, or relationships that need renewal, or perhaps you are embarking on a personal growth journey.

Whatever it may be, make sure they are clear in your mind and imagine what you want the outcome to look like. 

7 – Hold Your Vision

Stick with this vision and have 3 affirmations that relate to your goals in your mind  (it can be more if you like!). Examples: 

  • ‘My life is ready to prosper.’
  • ‘I welcome courage and strength to my days.’
  • ‘It is my time for personal growth.’
  • Just make sure the affirmations relate to what you want to manifest for yourself. 

8 – Write Down your Affirmations

Write your affirmations on a piece of paper. Once your ritual is finished add this paper to your solstice jar. 

9 – Recite your affirmations

Recite with conviction 3 times each. Believe in yourself, and in your magick. You must believe your words to be true. There can be no manifestations or magick without belief.

10 – Embrace the Summer Solstice energy

Stay there in the sunshine, eyes closed and focusing your intentions for as long as it feels right. You will know when the time has come to finish. 

11 – Give one final thanks

Say a final thank you to the sun for the light and energy that was provided this morning.

12 – Bring the jar inside

At sunset bring the jar inside and place in a space of prominence. It can be a reminder to you of the motions you put in place on this solstice morning. It will enable you to have the energies of earth and sun with you the whole season through. 

Summer Solstice Rejuvenation

This ritual will leave you feeling refreshed and strong. All ready to take on the day and the season!

Bring that feeling of the light flowing through your body with you into the days and weeks to come. And let this be a summer to remember. 

What say you? 

I want to hear from you!

What intentions do you want to set for yourself this solstice? Do you have any favourite rituals you like to perform this day? 

I always love to know your thoughts, so please leave a comment or connect with me on social media. I am very easy to find 🙂

Also, if you enjoyed the post and would like to read more about holistic wellness and magickal living SUBSCRIBE and receive my complete Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide and other bonuses for FREE!

Summer Solstice and Litha blessings pixie dolls. xo


summer solstice, litha, ritual, celebration
Greetings Friend!

I'm Krystle. Resident kitchen witch, holistic nutritionist, green living maven, breast cancer survivor, part-time forest fairy, and author of The Witch's Guide to Wellness. Interested in holistic wellness and living your best, most magical life? If you answered yes, you are most definitely in the right place and I'm so happy you're here.


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