Magical Morning Rituals for Staying Positive in the Winter

We are mid-January at the moment and winter is most definitely in full gear. At this point in the season staying positive and beating the winter blues can be difficult. Creating morning rituals for yourself that induce a little positivity into your day can be just the thing to help get you through, and perhaps even enjoy the winter months.

How we wake up and start our days can really set the tone for how the rest of it will go and we’ve all had those days where we wake up on the wrong side of the bed so to speak. When those days strike it can be extremely therapeutic and effective to turn to your magical practice for a little assistance.

The Power of Positive Ritual

Positive thinking is often easier said than done and can sometimes take a bit of effort. There are days we need to work on our mindset, and give ourselves the grace to accept when it isn’t where we would like it to be. But having magical morning rituals that foster positivity in your back pocket to pull out when the need arises can most definitely turn a mediocre start into a really amazing day.  

So how do we stay motivated and thinking good thoughts? We need to be willing to put in the effort, be grateful for what we have, and accept that how we think of and respond to situations is on us. Nobody is going to do the work for you. Be gentle and kind to yourself, and have patience when a bad day happens. You are allowed to feel less than stellar. You are also allowed and encouraged to shake it off, grab your crystals, and pick yourself back up. Ritual can help you do that.

Below are 3 example rituals for you to utilize and adjust to fit your own practice.

morning rituals, witch, wellness witch, holistic health, spiritual living

Morning Ritual 1

  • Light an orange candle.
  • Hold a Carnelian Stone in one hand and a Snow Quartz in the other.
  • Close your eyes and focus your thoughts on the good things about a new day.
  • Recite 3 affirmations that you would like to manifest throughout your day.

I am joyful.
I am grateful.
I am motivated and energetic.

Morning Ritual 2

  • Light a jasmine incense.
  • Find a quiet, comfortable spot in your home and settle in for a morning meditation.
  • Focus on your breathe and try to visualize a place in your mind where you are inherently happy. No other feelings exist. Just pure joy when you are in this place.
  • This can be as short as two minutes or as long as feels right for yoy. When you finish, give thanks to the universe, Mother Earth, or a deity you work with for another new and beautiful day.
  • The place you envision can be revisited as often as you need. 

Morning Ritual 3

  • Sit comfortably, close your eyes and take 3 deep breathes.
  • Place a couple of drops of diluted lemongrass essential oil on your index finger, then anoint both wrists and the centre of your chest.
  • Now take your favourite pen and notebook and write down how your day is going to go as if it actually happened already. Visualize your perfect day, write it down in as much detail as you can.
  • Once finished, lay your pen on your page, let your hands hover over the pen and recite the following: ‘This day is golden, I awake renewed. This day I’ll shine, inside out, through and through.’

Create Your Own Magical Morning Rituals 

These rituals are not too time consuming and are easy to adapt to your own practice. Don’t feel you must follow these exactly. Change them up and make them your own! Add whatever personal elements will help boost your mood and set you up for a good day ahead 🙂 

This is for you, to help you manifest a great day, and the things you include should resonate with you. And if your mornings are too hectic, consider doing your positivity rituals before bed or whatever time of day works best for you. Any amount of time you can take for yourself throughout your day is time very well spent.

And remember to keep in mind that not every day is going to be awesome even with a ritual start. Those darker days and times are part of what makes us who we are. They are valid and there can be no light without the dark. It’s all about balance. It’s okay to feel down by the weather or life in general, maybe you are having a day or week where nothing is going right. Just know that you are an incredible and strong human who can overcome anything that the universe will throw at you.

Tools to Include in Positivity Rituals

Candles – white, pink, orange, yellow, gold, green

Herbs – basil, chamomile, lavender, lemon balm, nettle, peppermint, yarrow

Stones – amethyst, black tourmaline, carnelian, citrine, clear quartz, rose quartz, tiger’s eye

Essential Oils – cinnamon, lemon, lemongrass, neroli, sweet orange, vetiver, ylang ylang

There are lots of other options, these are but a few suggestions to start out with.

Final thoughts.

Do you have any positivity rituals already? Do you tend to turn to them more in the colder months?

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more inspiration check out my shop page! There you will find beautiful user friendly printable grimoire pages on herbs, oils, kitchen witchery, crystals, Sabbats, and much more. Or have a peek at my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available now for pre-order. 

You can also SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Sending many blessings!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

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  1. Kate

    January 21, 2022

    As I am writing on Twitter, asking for suggestions cause I feel the walls closing in, I get this. Thanks! That’s an understatement?

    • Krystle

      January 23, 2022

      Hey Kate! Lol, perfect timing. Really happy you enjoyed the post 🙂 Thank you so much for reading and winter blessings to you!

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