Lughnasadh, the first harvest festival, is coming up on August 1st. Mere days away! Today I bring you a few simple Lughnasadh rituals to include in your harvest festivities.
Lughnasadh, or Lammas, marks the first harvest festival. It is the midpoint between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox. This is a time of abundance when we are in the height of the summer season. A time to honour nature, reflect, and show gratitude for Mother Earth’s bounty. That which gives us life.
The sun is beaming, the crops are bountiful, and the first sheaf of wheat is ready to be cut. It’s important to remember how vital these times were to our ancestors. They relied on bountiful harvests to get through winter and did not have the certainty of a fully stocked grocer just down the street. Remember these roots and appreciate the impact of this turn of the wheel.
For more on Lughnasadh history, traditions, and correspondences you may visit my full post HERE.
So for today, I am sharing with you 3 Simple Lughnasadh Rituals you can perform at home to help you honour this seasonal change, embrace that feeling of gratitude, and hopefully usher in a season of good luck and abundance.

3 Simple Lughnasadh Rituals
Lughnasadh Ritual #1 – Gratitude Journalling
Find a quiet area, ground, centre, and cleanse the space as you need. Try to leave any negativity at the door and keep a light positive energy while writing. Sit comfortably and clear your mind. Light a white candle and take three long deep breaths. Now pick up your pen and begin to write on your paper 10 things that you are feeling gratitude towards in this moment. Take your time and think about what you are writing. Experience in your mind each item as you write it down. Allow yourself to smile and feel the warmth these things generate.
Once you have your ten things, place your hands above your page and recite the following, or something similar:
‘I am grateful. I am blessed.
Filled with joy and happiness.
Thank you Mother Earth, for all that you provide.
Love and peace I feel inside.’
Once you have finished you may blow out your candle. Now each day for the next 5 days come back to this space, light your candle, and add one new thing to your list. You may recite the blessing each day as well if it feels right.
Try to allow this exercise to bring optimism and joy into your life. Simply remembering all that we have can do amazing things for our practice and every life.
Lughnasadh Ritual #2 – Herb Pouch for Abundance
You will need:
- A green candle
- tbsp each of dried basil and dried peppermint
- Cinnamon stick
- Peridot stone
- 1 green pouch with string to tie it up
- Mortar and pestle
1 – Gather your supplies and cleanse your space. The kitchen is a great spot to craft your herb sachet or at your altar. Ground and centre as needed. Now light your candle.
2 – Add each of your dried herbs to your mortar and begin to blend together with your pestle. While you are blending state the following: ‘Peppermint bring forth abundance and prosperity. Basil bring forth abundance and success.’
3 – Now carefully add your herbs into the pouch. then add your cinnamon stick and state: ‘Cinnamon bring forward strength and success.’
4 – Now add in your Peridot stone and state: ‘Peridot, bring forth earth energy and wealth.’
5 – Now tie up your pouch, hold it to your heart centre, close your eyes and say: ‘Abundance and prosperity let me see, let me see. Energy of the earth bring these gifts onto me.’
6 – You may allow your candle to burn down naturally if it is safe to do so. Otherwise, extinguish your flame and put the candle aside for future abundance rituals.
Lughnasadh Ritual #3 – Good Luck Magic Mist
You will need:
- 1 Lavender incense for balance and purification
- 4 oz spray bottle
- 15 drops lemon balm essential oil
- 9 drops sweet orange oil essential oil
- 6 drops cinnamon essential oil
- 110 ml distilled water
1 – Cleanse your space. Ground and centre as needed and light your incense.
2 – Take a few deep breathes and clear your mind. Let go of your stresses and begin to visualize what good luck would look like to you. See things happening that you would like to manifest into your life. Stay here for a few moments.
3 – Now carefully add in each oil to your spray bottle. Recite the following for each oil as you add them: ‘Lemon Balm bring me renewal and happiness. Sweet Orange bring me prosperity and luck. Cinnamon bring me money and success.’
4 – Add in your distilled water and place the top on the bottle. Shake the bottle for about 30 seconds and recite the following:
‘Gifts from the earth I call to thee, allow good luck to come to me.
I send my light, my love for all to see. Allow good luck to come to me.’
8 – Spray the mist in your space three times when you are finished. Repeat this for the next 3 days. Spray three times and recite that final spell. If you feel longer than three days feels right for you please continue the process. The three days can be a minimum amount. Feel free to repeat each day until your bottle is empty.
Make Each Ritual Your Own
I always say this but it bares repeating. For each of these feel free to add crystals, additional oils or herbs, chants, or anything else you feel is needed for your specific practice and goals.
I share this post to serve as inspiration or guidelines but it is always nice to add our own personal touches into our spell work. You do not need to follow my steps or ingredients to a ‘T’.
There is no wrong way to do these Lughnasadh rituals. There is simply your way, and your way is perfect. Adapt as necessary!
Your thoughts!
So tell me, do you have your Lughnasadh rituals planned yet? What is your favourite part of the holiday?
As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.
And remember, if you enjoyed this post, you can check out my SHOP PAGE or ETSY STORE for some witchy inspiration, e-books, and printable grimoire pages (including for the Sabbats) to help you plan your holiday festivities.
And summer is a wonderful time to create positive change in our lives so be sure to check out my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available for purchase now!
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Sending many blessings.
Yours in health and magick,
Krystle xo