Roses are red, violets are blue, I radiate love, through and through. A simple little love spell perhaps? Well, it’s February and love magic is in the air!
So, not everyone is a huge fan of Valentine’s Day but I say bring it on! I like to consider February love month. It’s a perfect time to focus on fostering positivity and love in your life, and to indulge in some extra self love and care. We can take this time to create new healthy habits, enhance our most special relationships, and discover new ways to focus on nurturing our own wants and needs.
This time of year is just perfect to indulge in the magic that is love. Commercially, the month tends to focus on couples but everyone can benefit from celebrating love once in a while. We can all choose to thrive this month while fostering love and positive relationships with friends, family, pets, and of course with ourselves.
Love Magic: They Love Me, They Love Me Not
Love magic is probably one of the most popular things people want to learn about when they begin their journey into magic. This is a magic that should be beautiful, gentle, warm, and soothing. We all need that feeling of love in our lives in order to feel emotionally strong and vibrant.
What it isn’t however, or shouldn’t be, is an opportunity to bend or manipulate the will of others. The wonderful energy that can blossom from this type of magic should indeed be used to bring more love and fulfillment into your life but not at the expense of others.
Use this magic with wisdom and care. Direct the magic inwards to gather more love for yourself, to draw more love to you, or to grow nourish, and strengthen relationships. Allow the magic to come from a caring and well intentioned place.
So, what elements may we include in these types of spells and rituals? Very happy you asked! Scroll down and keep on reading 🙂

Love Magic Correspondence
Flowers – aster, bleeding heart, carnation, cherry blossom, geranium, hyacinth, jasmine, lilac, orchid, rose, tulip
Crystals – amber, amethyst, garnet, lapis lazuli, moonstone, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, rose quartz, ruby, pink topaz
Essential Oils – anise, birch, cardamom, clove, ginger, grapefruit, jasmine, juniper berry, lemongrass, lime, marjoram, myrrh, patchouli, peppermint, rose, rosemary, spearmint, vanilla, vetiver
Colours – pink, red, white
Foods – avocado, banana, Brazil nuts, beets, cherry, chocolate, lemon, lime, orange, passion fruit, peas, pistachio, rhubarb, rye bread, sugar, sweet potato, strawberry, tomato, white wine
Ways to Incorporate Love Magic into your Day, Month, & Year
- Self love ritual bath
- Make a love sachet to carry on your person
- Craft a love charm
- Love blessings to flowers and plants within your home
- Enjoy a special meal with love energy foods
- Anoint yourself with love oils
- Blend a morning smoothie with love properties
- Bake a sweet treat with loving intentions
- Write out affirmations based around love
- Journal about what you want the love in your life to be like
- Create a love magic section in your grimoire or book of shadows
- Write your own love spell or ritual
- Glamour magic for self confidence
Experiment with different elements while choosing and creating your works. Use the tools and methods that feel right to you and incorporate well within your practice. Follow your intuition and let love guide you.
Final love magic musings.
Do you include any love magic in your practice already? Is there a particular ritual you would like to try out?
As always, I LOVE to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.
Be sure to check out my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available now for pre-order. Pre-order by March 1st to get a very special Magical Bonus Bundle for free as my thank you to you!
And for more magical inspiration check out my shop page where you can find resource pages on everything from love magic to being a green witch, kitchen witchery, Sabbats, and much more!
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Sending much love and blessings my friend!
Yours in health and magick,
Krystle xo