There is nothing more soothing than those warm summer rays hitting your face, am I right? Alas, the time has come where the sun is beaming bright and daylight lasts until 9pm!
Yes friend, Litha (summer solstice) is right around the corner. The blessings of nature are surrounding us with deliciously fresh fruits and veggies, beautiful blooms, wonderfully long days, fresh breezes and warm summer rain.
But, you may be thinking, what does Litha mean, how is it celebrated, and what exactly do you do on the summer solstice?
I’ve got you! Read on to discover all of that and more.
What is Litha?
Litha takes place on the Summer Solstice and happens between June 20 and 23rd, in the Northern Hemisphere that is. In the Southern Hemisphere Litha is celebrated between December 20th and 23rd, our Yule. This year the solstice falls on June 20th. The first official day of summer and the time of year that is filled with life and light.
The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year and truly anticipated with the promise of warm days ahead.
Nature is at it’s peak with all of mother earth invigoratingly bright and in full bloom. A celebration of the Sun at her full strength and also the moment when the earth will once again begin to descend itself back into darkness (something we need not think about just yet lol).
Litha: A Little History
Litha is a celebration of the sun star and mother nature. We honour the Sun as well as the Green Man and Lady. Nature is once again at her fullest and all is swelled with abundance.
Traditionally on the eve of Litha there were bonfires lit a top of hills and in sacred spaces in order to honour the sun at her most powerful. The wood for the fires was often oak (representing the Oak King who rules the waxing portion of the year). Herbs were thrown into the fire and then used to bless the animals. Next the coal was scattered into the fields to encourage a bountiful harvest.
Citizens would stay up all night on Midsummers Eve burning the fires and finally would welcome the solstice sunrise in the morning.
Faeries You Say
This is also prime time for the fey folk to emerge from their dwellings.
There are old stories that the fey would ride their magickal horses across the countryside in a parade like fashion on the solstice.
You may want to decorate your space with flowers, glitter (biodegradable of course), natural elements, play music, eat, drink and be merry to create a warm and inviting atmosphere for our faery friends. However, remember to take care as the fey are known for being tricksy little creatures. 😉
Symbols of Litha
Now, as with all Sabbats there are certain items attached to Litha to super charge the festivities.
Here you will find some elements and ideas to help you make the most of your very own magickal summer solstice celebration. Nevertheless, it may be as extravagant or low key as you wish.
Gods/Godesses Honoured:
Goddesses – Aine, Freya, Flora
Gods – Green Man, Lugh, Balder, Holly King
Herbs to Use:
- Chamomile – love, healing, stress relief, prosperity
- Elder Flowers – wisdom, protection against negativity, home blessings
- Ivy – healing, fertility, love, protection
- Vervain – healing, sleep, creativity, wealth, purification
- Lavender – purity, peace, harmony, love, healing
- Thyme – loyalty, good luck, health, banishing
Incense to Burn:
- Lemon – spiritual awakening, cleansing, repel negativity
- Saffron – psychic development, clairvoyance, spell breaking, purification
- Sage – wealth, healing, purification, wisdom, protection
- Frankincense – dispel negative energy, honour pagan dieties, protection, luck
- Myrrh – banishing, purification, healing
- Sandalwood – protection, healing, wish magick
- Yellow
- Gold
- Green
- Red
- White
- Blue
Crystals to Charge:
- Amber – healing, harmony, love, pleasure, cleansing
- Jade – growth, wisdom, luck, beauty, energy
- Lapis Lazuli – wisdom, strength, clarity, divination, courage
- Emerald – success, fertility, romance, serenity
- Tiger’s Eye – protection, balance, confidence
- Moonstone – love, good luck, happiness, calmness
Creatures Honoured:
- Butterfly
- Bee
- Robins
- Cattle
- Wren
- Faeries
- Dragons
Foods to Eat:
- Herbed Bread
- Garden fresh fruits & veggies
- Potato Salad
- Cakes
- Herbal Teas
- Red Wine
Ways to Celebrate
There are so many ways that you can honour this special day, the sun and beautifully green mother nature.
Ultimately, how you choose to do this is entirely up to you. It need not be extra (unless you want it to be!). It may be as grand or modest as you see fit.
Above all, remember to soak up the sun and embrace the wonders that surround us each and every day.
Perform a Sunrise Blessing or Ritual
This is the time when the sun is at her most powerful, honour and thank her for her warmth and light. Awake with her and drink her in the whole day through.
Make Some Litha Crafts
Make a wreath or crown made from fresh flowers and greenery you’ve collected from outside. Perfect for if you have little ones.
Now I won’t pretend here, I am not super crafty so cannot provide you with a fabulous tutorial, BUT for lots of fantastic ideas on how to do this check out Pinterest! Like this one HERE.
Embrace Pinterest guys, it is seriously your friend. And follow me while you’re at it HERE 😉
Build Your Litha Altar
Transform your altar or set up a dedicated one to Litha. Fill it with some of those symbols I mentioned above. Make it beautiful and make it yours.
Play Music & Dance
Whether all alone or surrounded by your best, most awesome people (likely just those you live with this year, but hopefully they are your best people anyways!).
Music and dance is a perfect way to welcome the faeries. Besides, what festive occasion is complete without these key elements anyways?
Set Out an Offering
Speaking of faeries, set an offering out for the fey folk. Preferably something sweet, it is said that they have a particular liking for honey.
Host a Bonfire or BBQ
Bring together your loved ones and host a bonfire (if you are in an area that enables you to do this), or a summer kick off BBQ will do nicely as well 😉
Eat, drink and be merry! Of course, given the circumstances you can do these things with your housemates or settle for a Zoom event this year!
Fully Embrace Summer and be Outside!
Nature is thriving and at her most bountiful this time of year. The sun is strong and those daylight hours are long on the Summer Solstice.
Take advantage of them! Whether you are spending the time in your own backyard, at a park, or in the forest; drink in the freshness, the trees, the grass and the delightful summer days that are to follow.
Refresh and Re-energize
Heading into the summer months it is an optimal time to take stock of your life.
Be honest with yourself and see how your goals have been coming along. Consider if you are feeling fulfilled or if you need to change things up a bit.
With this in mind it’s a perfect time for starting new projects and getting things done.
Summer is an invigorating time so take advantage of that extra energy and motivation that the season provides.
Summering up… (see what I did there lol)
Awake with the sun, dance around your living room, do some Litha crafts with the kiddies, or perform an outdoor ritual.
Whatever you decide, feel the life surrounding you, feel the joy in your heart, feel the warmth of the sun and look forward to the exciting adventures the summer months will surely hold. (yes they can still be adventure filled even if we are social distancing, be creative!)
Well, what are you waiting for? Time to start planning your day!
I want to hear from you!
What does Litha mean to you? Do you have any favourite traditions or will this be your first time celebrating?
I always love to know your thoughts, so please leave a comment or drop me a line. There are lots of ways for us to connect 🙂
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Blessed be pixie dolls.
Yours in health and magick,
Krystle xo