Imbolc has just passed and we have officially hit midwinter. Imbolc being the midway point between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. The promise of spring is in the air and it’s the perfect time to refresh some energies within the home with a beautiful kitchen blessing.
This time of year, depending on where you live, you may feel more or less connecting with this turn of the wheel. For many years, living in Canada, I didn’t connect with Imbolc because there was still no sign of life and spring felt very far off. However, as years passed I found myself getting more excited to celebrate midwinter. The more I connected with the season and what it represented the more hopeful and rejuvenating the energy became. Now I really enjoy this time of year! It’s a wonderful time to start looking ahead to warmer days, making plans, and thinking about our gardens if you happen to keep one. To really just enjoy and relish in the fact that with each passing day we are really starting to see the light coming back to us.
Kitchen Blessings
Performing a kitchen blessing every now and then is a great way to refresh the energy within the kitchen and the home. It can lift away stagnant energies and fill the space with a cleansed, calm, and positive atmosphere. I usually like to do a little cleansing ritual followed by a kitchen blessing. Performing these at the marked seasonal changes on the wheel of the year is a great schedule. Of course, if you follow the wheel of the year that is. I did a similar post to this for the start of winter that was very well received. I decided it would be good to share a version for midwinter as well. So let’s get right into it, shall we!

Midwinter Kitchen Blessing
- 1 tbsp. dried lavender buds for cleansing and balance
- 1 tbsp. dried lemon verbena for purification and beauty
- 1 cinnamon stick for success and prosperity
- 3 lemon slices for happiness and longevity
- 3 orange slices for good fortune and health
- 1 tsp Vanilla extract for love and energy
The amounts of each item really just depends on how fragrant you wish it to be as long as all of the ingredients are used the energies will all be included.
- Cleanse, ground, and prepare your space as needed. Gather your materials.
- Fill a pot with water, turn on your burner to medium high, and add in the ingredients one at a time.
- Allow the pot to come to a boil.
- Reduce to a simmer, stir the contents clockwise while visualizing a happy productive and safe kitchen for the weeks to come. Visualize yourself baking joyfully, blending your morning power smoothies with intention, or preparing a magical meal with a calm and harmonious energy. How would you like your kitchen tasks to look and feel in the coming weeks? Work this desire into your visualization. Continue this exercise until it feels right to finish.
- Close your eyes, place your hands above the pot and recite the following or something similar: ‘May the midwinter season bring hope and peace to me. Bless this space with light and positivity.
- Open your eyes and allow the pot to simmer for as long as you wish. Could be just 5 minutes or 30 minutes. Let your intuition guide you here.
- Once you have turned off your pot, use a strainer or cheese cloth to separate the water into a glass mason jar.
- Let the water cool, screw your lid on tight, and place the jar in your fridge (it will keep better for the remainder of the season).
- Now put the strained herbs and lemon slices into a gold or yellow pouch, tie it up, and place in the freezer. These colours will bring the energies of life, abundance, and the sun throughout these next few weeks as the energies grow as we move closer to spring. Upon the arrival of spring you may compost these items and even repeat the process if it becomes a wheel of the year staple activity for you.
Embracing the Seasons
The darker half of the year is often a tough time for many individuals. Embracing those seasonal changes however subtle, incorporating the seasons into your magical practice, and discovering and focusing on the unique things from each season that bring you joy can help immensely with making it through this time of year. As we approach spring, embrace that hopeful energy, take extra time for gentle self care, rest, and just allowing yourself to be.
Try to connect yourself with the season; appreciate, see, hear, and feel the magical awakening happening just outside your door.
How are you feeling as we hit midwinter? Are kitchen or home blessings something you already include in your practice?
As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.
For more Kitchen Witch inspiration check out my shop page! My Kitchen Witch Bundle includes many correspondences, meal planner pages, recipes, traditions, and much more!
Or better still, registration for the new session of Vegan Kitchen Witch Academy, just started February 6th! Stay tuned, snag a spot, and dive into the wonderful world of kitchen witchery with me! You may view full details HERE. Registration is open until February 12th at midnight only.
Winter is also a wonderful time to create positive change in our lives so be sure to check out my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available for purchase now!
And remember you can SUBSCRIBE to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!
Wishing you a beautifully blessed day my friend!
Yours in health and magick,
Krystle xo