earth magick, earth element, element earth, green witch, witchcraft, witch, nature witch, beginner witch

Earth Magick: How to Tap into the Power of Nature

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The soil beneath your feet, the grand old oak tree in your back yard, the community garden full of vibrant coloured blooms; these are all sources of earth magick.

Earth is our most grounded and basic element. If you have been thinking about adding this life giving magick into your own practice keep on reading!

The Earth provides us with stability, comfort, and strength. It is our mother and that from which all life stems. Without the Earth, we would cease to exist. And Earth Magick surrounds us each and every day.

This post will be the first in a four part series covering the elements; earth, air, fire, water. So  keep reading and stay tuned for the second part in the series, Air, to be posted in a few days. 

Making Earth Magick Part of Your Everyday Practice

Making an effort to make space to let in some earth energy into your days will enrich your connection to nature, bringing balance, and powerful energy to your practice. 

Earth energy exists within the universe but also within ourselves. This energy is associated with darkness, stillness, and the cycle of life. Tapping into this energy can open up new layers of possibility within our practice and within ourselves as a whole.

Go for a walk around the block but be present, buy a new plant friend for your home and nurture it well, collect rocks from the forest or sand from the beach and utilize them in your practice. There are tons of ways to include the earth element into your everyday magickal routine.

I’ve included some ideas below so lets get started!

earth magick, earth element, element earth, green witch, witchcraft, witch, nature witch, beginner witch

Earth Magick Correspondences














green, black, brown


pentacle, platter, shield, soil, gemstones, salt


bear, horse, cat, dog, wolf, bull, stag, hare, fox, ram, burrowing animals


Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn


Saturn, Venus


oak moss, fern, ivy, patchouli oak, vetiver, myrrh, hawthorn, nuts, mandrake, wormwood, vervain, cypress, grains


peridot, emerald, jade, hematite, malachite, jet, tourmaline, granite, onyx, quartz, amethyst


GoddessesRhea, Frigga, Ceres, Cerridwen, Demeter, Rhiannon, Freya, Artemis, Danu

GodsAdonis, Pan, Cernunnos, Geb

Types of Earth Magick Rituals to Perform

  • Money 
  • Prosperity
  • Abundance
  • Confidence
  • Career Success 
  • Grounding
  • Stability
  • Fertility

20 Ways to Connect with Earth Magick in Your Daily Routine

  • Greet the day by giving thanks to nature
  • Walk outside barefoot
  • Eat in season whole foods
  • Perform outdoor meditations or rituals 
  • Plant a garden
  • Have plants inside your home
  • Shop at Farmer’s Markets
  • Perform Kitchen Witchery
  • Spend time in the park
  • Visit the forest
  • Practice seasonal living
  • Appreciate the sights, sounds, and smells of nature
  • Work on your root chakra
  • Forest bathe
  • Collect sand from the beach 
  • Plant trees
  • Utilize stones and rocks in your practice
  • Decorate your home with fresh flowers and natural elements
  • Embrace the stillness of night
  • Live more sustainably 

Find new ways to connect with that powerful earth energy in your daily routine. You’ll discover there is lots of opportunity as we move through our days.

Harness this energy, but remember to show gratitude, give thanks, and give back to Mother Earth for all that she provides.

Your thoughts!

Do you feel an affinity with the earth element? In what ways do you try and connect?

As always, I love to hear from you! Please feel free to leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

And remember, if you enjoyed this post, you can check out my SHOP PAGE  for some grimoire inspiration and printable pages (including for each ELEMENT) to help get you started on your journey.

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Sending many blessings.

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

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