chamomile, green witch, anxiety, DIY, witch, holistic wellness

DIY Magical Chamomile Calming Mist to Ease Anxiety

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Have you ever experienced that moment when your heart rate speeds up, chest gets tight, and you feel like you can’t get a deep breath? If so, you probably know what it’s like to have anxiety. This Chamomile Calming Mist may be just thing you should have on hand for when those moments arise.

Keep on reading for full recipe and as a bonus, it smells just divine!

Dealing with Anxiety

Some of us, myself included, suffer from anxiety on a very regular or even daily basis, myself included. It can become a truly horrible thing to live with when it’s starts happening so frequently that it begins to disrupt you living your life normally. It can cause you to lose focus, to freeze, or to be completely unable to engage in your regular routines. Anxiety can take hold at any time regardless of what mood you may be in or what type of day you’re having. There are no pattern or rules here.

So, it’s definitely a good idea to have some coping mechanisms in your toolbox to help manage symptoms and bring your body back to a calmer state so that you may hopefully continue to move through your day.

There are tons of things you can do such as getting outside, focusing on your breathing, aromatherapy, journaling, etc.

This Chamomile Calming Mist is one I always have on hand. And I have to say since starting to incorporate my magical practice into my health and wellness routine on a more focused basis, my anxiety has gotten easier to control even though it still pops up much more than I would like. Bringing my magic into the mix has allowed me to overcome those anxious moments much easier. So that’s what we will do while crafting this mist, bring our own magic and intentions into the process so that it is energetically charged and ready when you need it.

chamomile, green witch, anxiety, DIY, witch, holistic wellness

Chamomile Calming Mist – Ingredients & Benefits:

  • 2.5 ml vegetable glycerin
  • 120 ml dark spray bottle (glass if possible)
  • 5 drops lemon balm essential oil for relaxation and healing
  • 5 drops patchouli essential for grounding oil for relaxation
  • 15 ml witch hazel for cleansing
  • 100 ml chamomile water to calm and uplift

Simple Steps: 

  1. Clear your mind of any outside noise. Let go of stresses or tensions you are holding. Your energy should match that which you are trying to manifest (in this case, relaxation).
  2. Cleanse your work space both physically and energetically.
  3. Set up all of your supplies so you have everything easily accessible and ready to go.
  4. Add Essential Oils into the bottle first. Feel free to play with the amount of drops to get your own perfect balance of scents. Everyone’s taste will differ. Start lower though and work your way up so it does not become too strong. Starting with 5 should be good.
  5. Use your funnel and add the Vegetable Glycerin to the bottle.
  6. Give those ingredients a little swirl to mix.
  7. Add in Witch Hazel.
  8. Fill remainder of bottle with Chamomile Water. I still measure this last ingredient as to not over fill. Especially if you are putting in a spray pump. If you fill too much and then put in the pump you risk over flowing the bottle. Yes, I have done this.
  9. Secure top or spray pump and shake for 30 seconds to combine all ingredients. Recite the following, or something similar, 3 times while shaking:

‘Anxiety leave and bring forth calm. Energies relaxed and anxiety gone. I am calm, I am free. Grounded in peace I shall be.’

  1. Spray this in your space whenever you are feeling anxious or uneasy to help bring you back to a more centred place.

Final Thoughts. 

Do you suffer from anxiety? Do you have any coping mechanisms that you turn to?

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

Spring is a wonderful time to create positive change in our lives so be sure to check out my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available for purchase now!

For more magical inspiration check out my shop page! You will find pages on green witchcraft, kitchen witchery, sabbats, and so much more!

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Sending many blessings to you my friend!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Disclaimer: This recipe is meant as a tool and is in no way to be used to replace the advice of a medical professional.