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Join me on a journey to heal our bodies from the inside out, achieve optimal health, and discover your true magick.

Anxiety Teas: 7 Teas for Relaxation & Calm

· 'Tea is the elixir of life.' ~ Lao Tzu ·

tea remedy, herbal tea, anxiety, stress, relax, chamomile, lavender, natural remedy

Your anxious, worried, and just need to calm the ‘eff’ down. Don’t you wish there was a cure all potion to calm those nerves? I know I often do! Now there may not be a perfect potion, but what we do have readily available to us are teas. And there are some excellent ones to help…

Five Organic Food Benefits: Should You Make The Change?

· 'Once upon a time all food was organic.' ·

going organic, organic living, healthy living, pesticide free, non-gmo

Organic is a big, and often controversial, word these days, and it continues to gain momentum. A lot of people are seeing organic food and products popping up everywhere and wondering should they make the switch.  In short, yes! People always have their own reasons for going organic. Maybe it’s their health, the environment, or even…

Pumpkin Seeds: 5 Reasons Why You Need Them

pumpkin seeds, healthy eating, natural nutrition, holistic nutrition

Pumpkin seeds! My friends this little superfood is exactly what you have been missing.  These little seeds are greatly under-estimated. You may be thinking, what are the benefits of pumpkin seeds anyways? Well, I am going to tell you! Funny enough my love for pumpkin seeds started with my natural skincare formulas way back in…

Becoming Vegan: Switching to a Plant-Based Diet

becoming vegan, plant based, healthy eating, natural living, vegan

If you haven’t heard the terms ‘vegan’ or ‘plant-based’ at this point you very well may be living under a rock lol. These terms have come into vogue and I must say, it’s about time.  So you’ve heard the buzz, but it’s likely just left you with questions. Things like, why should I become vegan?…

Holistic Nutrition: A Beginner’s Guide

· "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." ~ Hippocrates ·

holistic nutrition, healthy eating, healthy living, nutrition

What is Holistic Nutrition? Well, what it’s not is a diet. It’s a lifestyle. Yes, I know what you are thinking, people say that about all ‘diets’. But truly, some diets are just that, diets. They are not sustainable for the long term.  And other eating plans don’t take into consideration your person as a…