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Embrace your inner magick. From sabbats to rituals, kitchen magick to crystals, and everything in between.

21 Easy Ways to Celebrate Samhain and Halloween

Samhain, halloween, witch, sabbat, wheel of the year

It’s time to celebrate Samhain, and Halloween too! So Samhain and Halloween are but days away and this year is going to be unlike any other for quite a few reasons! Full Moon, Blue Moon, it’s on a Saturday, and oh yeah COVID is still here!  Samhain is always a highly anticipated night in our…

13 Best Witch Quotes to Get You Into the October Spirit

· 'Must be the Season of the Witch.' ·

witch, witches, witch quote, witch quotes, witch life, witchcraft, October, halloween

Well the Season of the Witch has arrived! October has begun and I am here for all of it. Halloween, Samhain, cooler weather, sweaters, boots, witches everywhere, and all of the hot beverages. Witch quotes included lol. Now I may be a witch all year but witchy movies, costumes, and the like are a staple of…

Easy Gratitude Ritual for Mabon

· 'And all at once summer collapsed into fall.' ~ Oscar Wilde ·

Mabon, gratitude, thanksgiving, autumn equinox, witch, rituals

Mabon, the Autumn Equinox is upon us! Mabon is not one of the larger Sabbats in the Wheel of the Year. However, it is highly anticipated by many as it signifies the beginning of the Autumn season. The Season of the Witch. And performing a gratitude ritual is a wonderful way to help celebrate this turn…

Simple Autumn Simmer Pot Recipes for the Kitchen Witch

simmer pot, seasonal living, kitchen witch, kitchen witchery, magical recipes, winter living, witch, pagan

The Autumn Equinox is swiftly on it’s way and there is nothing quite like the scents of Autumn filling the home. Am I right? Cinnamon, cloves, bay leaves, pumpkin spice and apple pie. Autumn has, without a doubt, some of my favourite aromas. And nothing creates a warm cozy atmosphere more than having these wafting throughout…

What is a Kitchen Witch? And how to become one.

kitchen witch, witchcraft, witch magick, food magick, witch life, holistic living

A small stone cottage sits alone at the far edge of town, vines wrapping up the sides, wild flowers cover the front but for a narrow stone walkway, and a lush garden full of fresh veggies and herbs engulf the back. Perhaps a cat purposely crosses the lawn and lays down to bathe in the…

Liquid Courage: A Ritual for Inner Strength

· "Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye." ~ Helen Keller ·

witch, flower magick, spell for inner strength, courage, ritual, witch life

Do you ever have those times where you feel you could use just a little extra courage or inner strength? Pretty sure we can all relate to that feeling.  So let’s harness the magick of flowers and do just that, shall we. Flowers are beautiful and divine little pieces of nature and, just like with crystals…

Simple Summer Solstice (Litha) Sunrise Ritual

· “The summer solstice is a time for strength and vitality for action and movement.” ~ Carole Carlton ·

summer solstice, ritual, litha, witch, pagan

So you’ve been counting down to the first day of summer and it has finally arrived! The incredibly magickal Summer Solstice (Litha) is upon us and the energy surrounding this day is to be honed and harnessed. Don’t let it pass you by! This is the perfect time to perform a sunrise ritual welcoming the…

Imbolc: Cleansing, Hope, & Renewal

· Blossom, by blossom the Spring begins. ·

Imbolc, herbs, crystals, planting, sabbat, February, witch, pagan

Well February is coming and that means it’s time for Imbolc! A time to celebrate the midpoint of the Winter season and the imminent arrival of Spring! Ah long awaited Spring! Even though it feels like the dead of winter out still  it is indeed around the corner and nature is preparing for her arrival!  Imbolc…

Mabon: Life, Death, & Autumn Leaves

· 'Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.' ·

mason, autumn equinox, September, Sabbat, witch, pagan

September!  The Autumn Equinox, Mabon…Fall and just the most wonderful time of the year is upon us! The leaves are changing, turning glorious hues of red, golds, and orange, there is a crispness in the air, the sweaters are coming out and there is a cozy vibe settling in that just can’t be denied. This…

Healing Crystals: Practical Guide to my Top 5

· “Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience.” Ralph Waldo Emerson ·

crystals, healing crystals, amethyst, rose quartz, tourmaline, kynite

Okay, let’s talk crystals. Specifically healing crystals  Aside from being beautiful to look at, the amount of things they can be used to enhance are pretty much endless. Love, courage, success, protection, balance, strength to name a few. These little gifts from mother earth have been used for millennia to help us achieve these things and so much…