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Embrace your inner magick. From sabbats to rituals, kitchen magick to crystals, and everything in between.

Ostara Rituals: 3 Easy Rituals to Honour the Spring Time

ostara, ostara rituals, sabbat, pagan holiday, pagan witch, wheel of the year, witchcraft, beginner witch

Ostara is our next turn of the wheel and is happening in just a few days! So today let’s talk about Ostara rituals!  Ostara marks the beginning of the long awaited spring time and is a day where the light and dark hours are completely in balance. Ostara is all about renewal, cleansing, vitality, and fertility as Mother…

Fire Magick: How to Tap into it’s Powerful Natural Energy

fire magick, fire element, element fire, green witch, witchcraft, witch, nature witch, beginner witch

The warmth of the sun on your skin, the passion that burns in your heart, and that need for change and transformation; these are all sources of fire magick. Fire is the most volatile of the four elements. It creates, but also destroys. This element is charismatic, mesmerizing, and hard to ignore. Just think about your fire…

Air Magick: Correspondences & How to Work With it

air magick, air element, element air, green witch, witchcraft, witch, nature witch, beginner witch

The wind on your face, the gentle bird song in the morning hours, the glorious fluffs of cloud passing through the sky, and that wonderful release of taking a long deep breath; these are all sources of air magick. Air cannot be seen only felt and is a vital element to all life. Without it we…

3 Simple Imbolc Rituals to Honour the Season

imbolc, imbolc rituals, sabbat, pagan holiday, pagan witch, wheel of the year, witchcraft, beginner witch

Imbolc is fast approaching! Marking the halfway point between winter and spring, Imbolc is a Sabbat filled with hope, cleansing away negativity, and goddess energy. The earth is beginning to stir with signs of life and the promise of spring is imminent. With that promise comes a flourish of creative and motivational energies that we…

Earth Magick: How to Tap into the Power of Nature

earth magick, earth element, element earth, green witch, witchcraft, witch, nature witch, beginner witch

The soil beneath your feet, the grand old oak tree in your back yard, the community garden full of vibrant coloured blooms; these are all sources of earth magick. Earth is our most grounded and basic element. If you have been thinking about adding this life giving magick into your own practice keep on reading!…

Starting Your Very First Magickal Grimoire Made Easy

grimoire, book of shadows, witchcraft, witch, pagan, wiccan, druid, grimoire pages, beginner witch, beginner witchcraft

Do you currently have a Grimoire or Book of Shadows? Or perhaps you have been you been thinking about starting one but are overwhelmed by the task. This post is here to help! Perhaps you are not really sure what to include or what kind of book you need or where to even get the…

3 Simple Yule Rituals to Perform this Year

witch, yule, yule rituals, yule festivities, sabbat, yuletide, Christmas,

Yule, the Winter Solstice, is just around the corner! Yule is not one of the larger Pagan holidays, or it didn’t used to be, but it has always been one of my favourites! The time of year where nature is entering into her long winters rest, and yet we are also welcoming back the sun….

Easy Winter Simmer Pot Recipes for the Magical Soul

Each season comes with distinct aromas that help to define them and winter might just have some of the best! So you all asked and I listened. You guys really loved my Magickal Autumn Simmer Pots post and requested one for winter too, so here we are! Certain aromas trigger memories, make us nostalgic, and…

15 Yule Symbols & Traditions to Make your Holiday More Magical

· 'All is calm, all is bright.' ·

yule, yule traditions, yule symbols, yule festivities, sabbat, yuletide, Christmas

Yule is coming! Yule is the Pagan holiday that is just filled with  feelings of warmth, coziness and joy. For many anyways. Myself included. The scents, energies and excitement surrounding this Sabbat are incredibly infectious. Yule has a rich and wonderful history of traditions that were around for many many moons prior to when Christmas stepped…