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Embrace your inner magick. From sabbats to rituals, kitchen magick to crystals, and everything in between.

Three Simple Herb Pouch Recipes to Welcome the Spring

green witch, witchcraft, herb pouch, kitchen witch, cottage witch, herb magic, spring herbs

We have reached the final stretch of winter and the promise of spring is most definitely in the air! As we move through these final days of this darker season it’s a wonderful time to refresh, renew, find some time to relax, and welcome feel the positive energies of hopeful spring into our lives. These…

A Simple Kitchen Blessing for Midwinter

midwinter, winter witch, seasonal living, kitchen witch, simmer pot recipe, simmer pots, kitchen witchery, seasonal living

Imbolc has just passed and we have officially hit midwinter. Imbolc being the midway point between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. The promise of spring is in the air and it’s the perfect time to refresh some energies within the home with a beautiful kitchen blessing. This time of year, depending on where you…

Yule Activities: 50 Ways to Celebrate the Winter Solstice

Yule, yuletide, kitchen witch, witchcraft, yule season

Winter Solstice is once again upon us! An incredibly warm, hopeful, and rejuvenating turn of the wheel. If you are still planning your Yule activities you’ll want to keep on reading. The Winter Solstice, or Yule, is the first day of  winter, and the shortest day of the year. For more Yule details and correspondences, you…

Simple Blessing Simmer Pot for the Winter Season

winter witch, seasonal living, kitchen witch, simmer pot recipe, simmer pots, kitchen witchery, seasonal living

The kitchen is an integral part of the home. It’s where we nourish ourselves, spend time with loved ones, prepare special treats, and maybe even do homework with the kiddos. Performing magic in the kitchen can be a wonderful way to get in touch with nature, live seasonally and connect with your craft on a daily…

Easy Energetic Cleansing Mist for the Autumn Season

cleansing mist, autumn living, witch, natural living, seasonal living, autumn equinox, kitchen witch

Ahhh Autumn! Autumn is a gloriously magical season and an absolute perfect time to cleanse your space both physically and energetically. I actually prefer autumn cleaning to spring cleaning. I enjoy the process of preparing my space for the winter months. So today we are going to talk about using cleansing mists for this purpose…

Lughnasadh Rituals: 3 Simple Rituals to Honour the First Harvest

lughnasadh, lammas, seasonal living, wheel of the year,, pagan, witch, sabbat, pagan holiday

Lughnasadh, the first harvest festival, is coming up on August 1st. Mere days away! Today I bring you a few simple Lughnasadh rituals to include in your harvest festivities. Lughnasadh, or Lammas, marks the first harvest festival. It is the midpoint between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox. This is a time of abundance…

Simple Simmer Pots for Summer Time

summer simmer pots, kitchen witch, kitchen witchery, witch, food magic, homestead

So we are in the midst of summer time already! And even though these are the warmer months of the year simmer pots are still one of my favourite kitchen witch activities and natural air fresheners.  Each season comes with distinct aromas and aesthetics that help to define them, including summer! Let’s take those seasonal staples…

Litha Activities: 42 Ways To Celebrate the Summer Solstice

litha, litha activities, sabbat, pagan witch, pagan holiday, summer solstice, wheel of the year

Summer Solstice is once again upon us! An energizing and joyful  turn of the wheel that is a much anticipated season for many. If you are still planning your Litha activities you’ll want to keep on reading. The Summer Solstice, or Litha, is the first day of summer, and the longest day of the year. For more…

Easy Chocolate Peanut Butter Overnight Oats for Wealth & Stability

kitchen witch, kitchen witchery, witch, overnight oats, holistic nutrition, easy breakfast

What is an easier or more satisfying breakfast than overnight oats? Pretty much nothing if you want my humble opinion lol.  Add in peanut butter and chocolate and you have a nutritious and decadent morning meal. It’s most definitely a household staple, especially in the warmer months of the year and it’s now officially spring!  So…