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Your guide to holistic living. Exploring all things holistic to help you live a  cleaner, greener, and happier lifestyle.

Healing Crystals: Practical Guide to my Top 5

· “Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience.” Ralph Waldo Emerson ·

crystals, healing crystals, amethyst, rose quartz, tourmaline, kynite

Okay, let’s talk crystals. Specifically healing crystals  Aside from being beautiful to look at, the amount of things they can be used to enhance are pretty much endless. Love, courage, success, protection, balance, strength to name a few. These little gifts from mother earth have been used for millennia to help us achieve these things and so much…

Beating Breast Cancer: Being Diagnosed at 34

· An Unexpected Journey ·

Ah our thirties, often (though not always ) a time for marriage, babies and a healthy dose of career hustling. The decade where we spend our energies basically trying to get our shit together, whatever that might be! Sometimes however, the universe has other ideas that you aren’t privy to. Events that throw a serious…

Toxins to Toss: What’s that on your face?

· 'Be your own kind of beautiful.' ·

toxic beauty, natural beauty, non-toxic, green beauty, eco-friendly

Toxins, toxins! Read all about it! So, the term ‘natural beauty’ is a hot topic in recent years and this may leave you with questions.  What is natural beauty? Or, are toxins even a real thing? Yes!  Toxins, in a simple definition, are any poisonous substances produced by bacteria, plants, or animals. Toxins are very…

10 Simple Steps to a Happier Life

There are certain days of the year where we start to think about life and where ours has taken us. Birthdays for example. Are we where we wanted to be? Are we where we thought we’d be at this point? Have we achieved happiness? I suppose usually the answer is no. There always seems to be more…

Natural Cleaning Guide for the Undomestic Goddess

· 'A clean home is a happy home.' ·

natural cleaning, DIY cleaning products, toxin free, natural living, holistic living

There is nothing quite like sitting back with a glass of wine in your freshly cleaned dwelling. Am I right? So let’s talk natural cleaning for a minute, shall we? Cleaning for a lot of us is simply a necessary evil of adulting. Domestic goddess I am not lol.  I hate cleaning. However, there is nothing quite like…

Carrier Oils: Top 5 for Natural Skincare

carrier oils, skin care, avocado, coconut, natural beauty, DIY, toxin-free

You may have wondered to yourself, what exactly are Carrier Oils? If you are committed to a natural lifestyle or looking to give your beauty routine a natural overhaul, then getting the lowdown on carrier oils is an absolute must! You may already use carrier oils and not really be aware of it. Ever use coconut oil?…

Witch Movies Guide: My Ultimate Top 8

· "We are the weirdos mister." ~ Nancy ·

witch movies, the craft, practical magic, witch

Who else loves a movie filled with witches, magick, and sometimes a little camp? Raises hand high. From Sabrina to The Craft to Practical Magic and American Horror Story; Pop culture has really embraced witches over the years.  And really, what’s not to love about films and shows centred around powerful, kick-ass witches? The more…

Essential Oils Guide: Top 10 for Every Day Use

· Within nature lies the cure for humanity. ·

essential oils, natural skincare, lavender, tea tree, patchouli, natural living DIY beauty

So you enter the spa and are met with glorious, earthy scents that manage to lift your mood and calm the soul all at once. You probably ask yourself, how do I take this smell home with me? Enter essential oils! Wondrous gifts from nature, essential oils have really made a name for themselves in the…

Natural Living: Top 10 Ideas You Can Start Today!

· 'What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.' ~ Ralph Marston ·

natural living, natural lifestyle, green living, non-toxic living

Have you ever wondered, what exactly is ‘natural living’? Or maybe you have been curious about living a more non-toxic lifestyle but weren’t sure where to start. Sound familiar? Then you are in the right place! Natural, non-toxic living, sounds so simple, clean, and idealistic.  However, it may also seem a little daunting trying to figure…