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Your guide to holistic living. Exploring all things holistic to help you live a  cleaner, greener, and happier lifestyle.

13 Best Witch Quotes to Get You Into the October Spirit

· 'Must be the Season of the Witch.' ·

witch, witches, witch quote, witch quotes, witch life, witchcraft, October, halloween

Well the Season of the Witch has arrived! October has begun and I am here for all of it. Halloween, Samhain, cooler weather, sweaters, boots, witches everywhere, and all of the hot beverages. Witch quotes included lol. Now I may be a witch all year but witchy movies, costumes, and the like are a staple of…

Simple Autumn Simmer Pot Recipes for the Kitchen Witch

simmer pot, seasonal living, kitchen witch, kitchen witchery, magical recipes, winter living, witch, pagan

The Autumn Equinox is swiftly on it’s way and there is nothing quite like the scents of Autumn filling the home. Am I right? Cinnamon, cloves, bay leaves, pumpkin spice and apple pie. Autumn has, without a doubt, some of my favourite aromas. And nothing creates a warm cozy atmosphere more than having these wafting throughout…

Sleepy Time Teas: 7 Teas for a Good Night’s Rest

herbal remedies, tea time, teas for sleep, sleepy time teas

Picture it, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and you wake up in the morning feeling rested and refreshed. Ahhh, what a feeling. A feeling that many sadly can’t relate to. That’s why today we bring to you a list of sure fire sleepy time teas to help you get the rest you deserve. So many people…

Stuck at home? 31 Creative Ways to Beat the Boredom

· We are all in this together. ·

stay home, lock down, quarantine, productive,

Well, the world is a crazy place right now. And a large part of the population is stuck at home. Coronavirus is the most recent, and just one of the many many trials placed on us in the last year. Part of me is thinking mother nature is pretty pissed and letting us know that….

Green Living: 10 Easy Ways to be More Eco-friendly

· 'The earth is what we all have in common.' ~ Wendell Berry ·

green living, eco-conscious, eco-friendly, sustainable living

It’s not easy being green…well no offence to Kermit but actually, it is lol. The environment is in serious trouble. and green living is . This is not news. And green living is one way we can all help Mother Nature to heal.  The oceans are polluted, the forests are burning, the air is filled with…

Seasonal Living: Simple 5 Step Guide

· "Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ·

seasonal living, holistic, natural living, Mother Earth, witch

Seasonal living. You may have heard of it. You may have thought, what is seasonal living anyways? Living in tune with the seasons, and feeling so deeply when you observe the leaves fall, the magic of that first snow, or those first sprigs of flowers popping up in the spring time is when you feel…

Face Toner: DIY Lavender Witches Water

face toner, lavender, natural beauty, DIY, natural skincare

So, natural beauty right? It’s definitely a hot topic right now. Many people are heading out to the stores and searching for products that are more natural than conventional options. A wonderful thing to be sure! But also confusing. You may ask yourself questions. Such as, how do I know if the product I buy…

Beating Breast Cancer: Surgery Decisions

· 'The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.' ·

breast cancer surgery

Once you receive a breast cancer diagnosis, there is much to consider and many decisions to be made. Every one crucial to your wellbeing and peace of mind. For someone like me, who finds it challenging to even decide what to have for dinner, this is a difficult time lol. One of the first things…

Healing Crystals: Practical Guide to my Top 5

· “Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience.” Ralph Waldo Emerson ·

crystals, healing crystals, amethyst, rose quartz, tourmaline, kynite

Okay, let’s talk crystals. Specifically healing crystals  Aside from being beautiful to look at, the amount of things they can be used to enhance are pretty much endless. Love, courage, success, protection, balance, strength to name a few. These little gifts from mother earth have been used for millennia to help us achieve these things and so much…

Beating Breast Cancer: Being Diagnosed at 34

· An Unexpected Journey ·

Ah our thirties, often (though not always ) a time for marriage, babies and a healthy dose of career hustling. The decade where we spend our energies basically trying to get our shit together, whatever that might be! Sometimes however, the universe has other ideas that you aren’t privy to. Events that throw a serious…