So let’s face it, for most of us feeding our spirit in the winter isn’t easy. And staying positive & motivated during these colder months of the year can be a struggle. This year may even be a little more difficult all things considered.
It getting dark at 5pm, there will soon be snow and ice, the temperatures will drop, and curling up on the couch will always sound like a good idea.
It’s easy for our moods to become low and motivation to be non-existent.
But there is a beauty to winter that is unique and unlike any other season. We need but open our hearts and our minds to the magick of it all.
2020 Has Been Quite the Year
When you think that, at this point in 2020, we have all already spent more time at home in a year than we would normally do…a lot more time. People are already a bit stir crazy and now winter is on the way! Feeding our spirits, bodies, and minds seems even more crucial.
But why don’t we take this darker part of the year to really feed our souls, be a little selfish with our time, and emerge into Spring like a well rested and spiritually fulfilled goddess?
Perhaps instead of entering the season with dread we embrace the quiet nights at home, taking a little more downtime, and refilling our cups so to speak.
So what things can we do to get our butts off that couch, stay pumped, positive, and spiritually fed?
Here we go, 12 of my favourite ways to tend to my body, mind, and spirit in the winter.

Take Extra Time Self-Care
Following in the footsteps of Mother Nature and taking our busy lives down a notch throughout these months is a damn fine idea.
Taking some extra time to indulge and pamper ourselves is a most wonderful way to slow down and rest like Mother Nature intended.
Sleep that extra hour, get a massage, read, take a ritual bath; whatever things are going to ease your mind and feed your spirit this winter.
Enjoy the Seasonal Festivities
Yes, there is Yule and Christmas and New Year’s but there are also birthdays, anniversaries, and the like. Mark your calendars and look forward to those days when celebration should occur.
In this global climate we all need things to look forward to. So whether that means getting lost in the Christmas festivities or celebrating your anniversary, be excited about it and really go all out.
One of the best parts of seasonal living is embracing all of the festivities that come with the seasons!
Feed Your Body Well
Nutrition is always important but even more so in the winter.
We should all be vigilant in doing whatever we can to keep our immune systems strong and healthy. Not to mention what we eat hugely affects our mood which can take a beaten this time of year.
Focus on fresh, in season foods high in vitamins and minerals. Especially those that are proven to help boost your mood such as Vitamin D, B Vitamins, Magnesium, and Omega 3’s.
Choosing seasonal comfort foods can also ignite happiness and give us those warm fuzzy feelings. Things like veggie packed stews and soups, porridge, and healthy pastas. Be creative with your recipes.
A little comfort food can go a long way!
Move that tushy!
Find ways to move your body. Exercise is so incredibly important for our total health. Not just the physical aspect but mental and spiritual as well.
Exercise makes us happy! It’s scientifically proven and we all know this and yet it can be hard for us to take advantage of it lol.
So let’s be sure to continue moving our bodies throughout these coming weeks and months. You may not be hitting up your favourite gyms and classes at the moment so use your creativity!
There are a ton of online resources for workouts right now. Do a little research and find something that suits you. Maybe your regular studio is offering online classes right now? Or if you don’t currently have a studio check things out on Instagram and YouTube.
The demand for online workouts has never been greater and people are stepping up with some great offerings.
As an example, currently I take weekly online Bellydance classes with Dragonfly Bellydance and have a monthly membership to Barreworks Online.
These are the types of workouts that make me happy and feed my soul. Reflect a little and try some things out until you find the thing you’ll be excited to do each day.
I also love to bundle up and go for walks, even in the cold!
Start a New Creative Project
And when I say project I don’t mean something you consider work. I mean a project that will be fun for you! Something you maybe have been putting off or haven’t made time for.
Maybe you would like to start a scrapbook, or vision board, paint a picture, or maybe you have been meaning to start your own grimoire or book of shadows.
These types of projects can be incredibly fulfilling and satisfying. And you have a physical item to reference and inspire you as we go through the season.
If the grimoire idea sounds appealing you can check out my SHOP PAGE for some inspiration and printables to help get you started.
Get Outside
Yes it might be getting cold but we still need fresh air. With having less places to go and things to do right now we need to make that extra effort.
Make it a point to get outside and connect with nature. Even if just walking around your neighbourhood, be present in your walk and try to appreciate the beauty of the season. And remember to dress accordingly!
Practice Daily Gratitude
It is so important to remember to be thankful, especially when our moods may be down or suffering. Recite what you are grateful for and practice daily affirmations.
This can include things that made you smile, what your goals are for the day, how you want your day to look, things that you are lucky to have like a roof over your head and warm clothing, etc.
Doing these little daily reminders to ourselves are such an integral part of self-care. We can easily forget to think about these things and just go through the motions of our daily routines.
Putting these thoughts of positivity out into the universe will help you to stay positive, manifest your goals, and bring more joys into your life.
Positivity breeds positivity and we all need reminders sometimes that we are awesome and have some truly wonderful gifts in our lives.
Do a Daily Meditation
Do some form of meditation each day to ground and centre yourself.
Whether it’s just 5 minutes or 45 minutes, taking this time to be gentle on yourself and clear your mind can make a world of difference to how we go through our days.
Cleanse Your Space
We will be in our homes a lot in the coming months and it’s crucial to keep the energy flowing and balanced.
You can do a monthly, or even weekly, quick cleansing to rid the space of any negativity that may have arisen. This can be as simple as lighting a candle, stating your affirmations of cleansing, and visualizing the negative energies dissolving and leaving your space. Or it can be a lengthier process, entirely up to you!
Winter Joys
Take a moment and think about all of the things during these colder months that you look forward to. What about this time of year brings you happiness?
Brainstorm for a moment and then make a physical list of all the things you can think of. You can do this in your journal or on a special piece of paper.
When you are having a day that is rather blue go back and reference your list to remind yourself the simple joys of the season.
Enjoy the Coziness of Home
Our homes are our sanctuaries and we all have favourite things about them.
Embrace your favourite spaces and elements to your home that always make you smile.
Take some time in your favourite chair and read, put on a simmer pot, cozy up with your most comfy throw, burn some candles and dim the lights. Make your soul feel warm, and safe. These little actions will relax the mind, lower stress, and feed your spiritual self.
Just Breathe
Instead of wishing away the winter, slow down, take a breathe, and appreciate the stillness of it all.
Relish in the quiet nights and really take the time to rejuvenate yourself before the world awakens and you are rushing off from one thing to the next.
Have patience with nature and with yourself.
There you have it.
This concludes my list of top 12 things for feeding your spirit in the winter and coming weeks.
Perhaps there is nothing ground breaking on this list but it truly is the simple things. These are the things that can bring us such joy and make us happier, healthier humans.
So go for a walk, eat some veggies, and start that craft project you’ve been thinking of! And try each day to add a dash of positivity even if it’s simply just stating one thing to yourself that made you smile.
Final thoughts.
Do you have any coping mechanisms you utilize to help you get through these darker months of the year?
As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.
If you enjoyed this post and for more Autumn inspiration you can check out my newly released Autumn Kitchen Witch Handbook for recipes, rituals, and autumn correspondences. You can find full details HERE.
And you can SUBSCRIBE to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List to receive a 20% OFF discount code for my Autumn Kitchen Witch Handbook, as well as my full Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide as a thank you!
Until next time friends!
Yours in health and magick,
Krystle xo
This is such a wonderful list! It really is the simple things that make the most difference. I love to make extra time for reading in the winter and also more warm drinks throughout the day. Thank you for this post!✨❄️☕️
Hi Savannah! You are so welcome 🙂 I am happy you enjoyed the list! Big yes to all of the warm drinks and extra reading yep yep <3