Vegan Blueberry Scones for Lughnasadh

Looking for an easy and delicious vegan recipe for your Lughnasadh/Lammas meal planning? Then these Vegan Blueberry Scones are just what the doctor ordered!

So in my own searches for Lughnasadh recipes I found that the recipes were never vegan. Being vegan myself I was always having to adapt them to fit my dietary needs. 

That is why I decided to begin adding Vegan Sabbat recipes to my roster of blog posts. This is the first of many more to come.

This time of celebration marks the first grain harvest and is forever tied to food. Making it the perfect time to get your booty in the kitchen to conjure up some good old fashioned kitchen magick.

Fresh berries and grains are thriving and bountiful at Lughnasadh. With them also being traditional  foods of the time, blueberry scones seemed like the perfect concoction to share with you all today.

Vegan Blueberry Scones & Lughnasadh

Food is magick. And, like I said, food and Lughnasadh go hand in hand. So get ready to embrace your inner domestic diva and live your kitchen witch fantasy!

Indulging in bountiful gifts of nature such as grains, veggies, and fruits during Sabbat times make me feel that much more connected to nature. It also makes me aware of how grateful I am to all that the earth provides for us. 

Now, full disclosure, though I love working magick in the kitchen I’m not a master chef or baker by any means. I can hold my own, but nothing  fancy lol. So, I created this recipe to be easy to make as well as delicious to taste.

Scones, at least to me, sounded intimidating to make the first time I tried. But trust, if I can make this recipe, so can you! 

So let’s dive right into todays recipe!

Blueberry Scones: Magickal Properties

Blueberries – promote feelings of peace and calm, wards of psychic attacks, protection. They are also a traditional Lammas/Lughnasadh food.

Cinnamon – success, strength, luck, love, enhanced psychic awareness

Vanilla – revitalizes energy, promotes happiness within yourself and the home, calms the system, brings luck

Maple  –  Love, prosperity, spiritual healing, longevity

While mixing and whisking your ingredients, focus on the intent of your ritual baking. Perhaps you are wanting to promote a happy and calm environment at home or want to manifest abundance in the weeks to come. Focus on each ingredient and visualize your desired outcome manifesting into existence. You can also draw symbols or sigils above your bowl while mixing to add additional power to your workings. Tracing them onto your scones prior to baking is another option here.

This is what kitchen magick is all about and I particularly love when we perform it around Sabbat times. And especially for the harvest festivals. The energies of the day gives us an extra boost of magick to make the outcome that much more powerful. 

Remember though Lughnasadh is all about gratitude and thanking the earth. So be sure to offer your thanks on this day as well and don’t just manifest selfishly. Perhaps place one of your scones on your altar as an offering.

But also feel okay taking advantage of what these gifts from nature can offer you and how they can help to manifest your goals.

kitchen witch, kitchen magick, holistic nutrition, witch, witchcraft, The Recipe! 

Makes 8 servings – Total time: 1 hour

  • 2 cups all purpose flour (I used Bob’s Red Mill 1-1 Gluten Free Baking Flour)                                                         
  • 2 tbsp golden cane sugar 
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 1/2 cup vegan butter (cold or frozen)
  • 3/4 cup coconut cream
  • 3 tbsp maple syrup
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract 
  • 1 cup blueberries


  1. Mix all dry ingredients in a large bowl. 
  2. Cut or grate butter into the dry ingredients. If your butter is frozen you can use the grating method. Consistency should be crumbly. You are not creaming the butter in. After cutting the butter in with a knife I use my hands to combine until I get the right consistency. Once mixed, put in fridge to keep cold. 
  3. Whisk all wet ingredients together.
  4. Remove dry ingredients from fridge and slowly pour wet ingredients over the top.
  5. Pour in blueberries and mix just until everything is moistened. Don’t over mix.
  6. Shape dough into a ball. You may need to add additional flour here to get rid of any stickiness left in the dough.
  7. With floured hands press dough out onto floured surface into a circle shape. About an inch thick.
  8. With a sharp knife (or pastry knife) cut into 8 equal triangles. 
  9. Brush tops of triangles with either a dairy free milk or more coconut cream to allow for browning.
  10. Place triangles on a parchment covered plate or baking sheet and put in fridge for at least 15 minutes prior to baking. 
  11. While waiting for dough to chill prepare your baking sheet with parchment paper and preheat oven to 350 F.
  12. Remove from fridge and bake for 20 – 25 minutes.
  13. Remove from oven and let sit for 5 minutes to cool then transfer to a cooling rack. Let cool completely before storing.

Top with whatever suits your fancy and enjoy! Maybe some fresh berries or blackberry jam, or just have one plain. A perfect vegan, gluten-free blueberry scone for a lovely Lughnasadh brunch.

Nutritional Information | Per one scone

Calories: 327 | Fat: 16g | Carbohydrates: 42.6g | Protein: 1.2g 

A Few Baking Notes

  1. Do not skip chilling the scones in the fridge. Keeping the ingredients cold is key to your scones turning out nicely. 
  2. You may add more sugar to the mix if you like a sweeter scone. I tend to enjoy mine on the less sweet side. You can also sprinkle with sugar to bake or make a glaze to pour over once they are finished. 
  3. All ovens differ so I recommend checking your scones at 15 minutes to see how they are doing. 
  4. You will know the scones are ready when a toothpick inserted into the centre comes out clean and the bottoms are golden brown.
  5. You can use this base recipe for any sweet scone. Perhaps you’d like to try a different berry or maybe some chocolate chips. Just sub out the blueberries for your filling of choice.
  6. Scones are best eaten fresh out of the oven so it’s definitely better to bake these on the day you would like to consume them. But of course you may store them in an airtight container for 3-4 days covered with a paper towel (to keep them moist) and they will remain fresh. 

Lughnasadh Feasting

So, are we excited for your Lughnasadh breakfast? This turn of the wheel is all about the first grain harvest and feasting is a long lived tradition of it. These blueberry scones will be a great start to your day. But don’t let it stop there. 

Go all out and really make the most of it. Put together a delicious meal for your family, friends, or even just yourself. 

And remember to be present, be grateful, and be joyous.


What special foods do you have planned for your Lughnasadh celebrations? Aside from these scones of course lol.

I always love to know your thoughts, so please leave a comment or connect with me on social media. 🙂

Also, if you enjoyed the post and would like to read more about holistic wellness and magickal living SUBSCRIBE and receive my complete Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide and other bonuses for FREE!

A bright and bountiful Lughnasadh/Lammas to you! 

Yours in health and magick, 

Krystle xo

Happy Teas: 7 Teas to Help Boost Your Mood

Maybe you’re tired, maybe you are a little anxious, or maybe you just plain got up on the wrong side of the bed. It happens to the best of us! So you need a little pick me up, an afternoon mood boost if you will. 

Well, there’s a tea for that! Surprise right? 

Today, in week 2 of our Tuesday Tea Series I bring you a list of  amazing happy teas that will help to put some extra zest in your step

Tea Time: Week 2! 

So last week, when we tackled anxiety teas, I noted that herbal tinctures, teas, and remedies have been used for millennia to help aid what ails us.  If you missed week 1 of our Tea Series you can find it  HERE. 

There are countless herbs and countless benefits to go with them. If you aren’t yet taking advantage of these gifts from nature, now is the time!

Teas are safe, fun, and tasty ways to help combat unpleasant symptoms or emotions we may be having.  And a natural way at that. If it’s not obvious, I am a fan of natural remedies.

Daily exercise and happy teas baby. Theses two elements can be game changers!

Tuesday Tea Series: Happy Teas

As I mentioned above, this is the second week in my Tuesday Tea Series I will be sharing here on the blog. Next week we dive into teas that help with skin health, so be sure to check back in!

Alright, here we go seven of the best teas to help you boost that mood on any day of the week.


Apparently Lemongrass isn’t a very popular tea…well I love it lol.  It’s known to lift mood and decrease stress in the body.

The scent itself has been shown to have mood boosting abilities. 

Lemon Balm is also a good alternative. And if you can get one of those blended with Ginger you will have a real pick me up on your hands!


Valerian is known for being a stress reliever. It boasts the ability to calm nerves and prevent anxiety attacks.

Being able to aid in lowering stress automatically makes it a mood booster. And I am down for anything that might curb anxiety attacks. 


Saffron has an influence on the production of Serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a happy hormone. Making Saffron Tea a happy tea 🙂

This herb boosts mood, and may also help to balance mood swings during PMS

That alone is probably enough for a lot of ladies to give it a try! 


Turmeric is like a little golden miracle, with all of the health benefits it touts.

It influences both Seratonin and Dopamine in the brain. Both hormones are responsible for positive vibes and feelings of happiness.

As a bonus, it also has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body.  Inflammation can be a big contributor to low moods and poor emotional well-being. Including anti-inflammatories in our diet is a must.


Rooibos helps one cope with daily stress by lowering cortisol levels in the body. Cortisol is the body’s stress hormone. 

Its ability to lower cortisol, in turn lowers our stress levels. Lower stress equals happier individuals, putting Rooibos Tea square on this list. 


Another real super star herb on the list, Ashwaganda is a powerful adaptogen and has long been used in Ayurveda Medicine.

Adaptogens work to help the body deal with stress and bring it back into balance. 

Ashwaganda assists in balancing out hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, leading to an overall improvement in mood.


Sage has been shown to improve mood, and cognitive function.

It’s also been suggested that the smell can enhance mood.

Perhaps then, you will want to burn some Sage incense to go with your cup of tea for extra oomph! 

The ‘T’ on Tea

The following information I will be including every week of the Tea Series as it bears repeating. Also, some individuals may only read the one post that interests them most and I want this information to be available.

So, feel free to skip the next couple of bits if you tuned in last week!

Herbs are generally a safe and amazing natural resource. Especially in tea form. Teas are less concentrated than supplements, tinctures, or oils.

However, interactions and unpleasant side effects are still possible.

It is always recommended to discuss with your health care practitioner before adding any type of herbal remedy into your self care routine.

This is especially true if you are on medications, pregnant, or have a diagnosed illness. 

Remember we are all individuals and what works for one person may not necessarily work for you. So you may need to try out a few before you find the one that is just right. Like Goldilocks.     

Also, each tea here could most certainly have an entire post of it’s own and I would still not cover everything about it. I am simply highlighting a few of the key components in each that help with our topic of discussion for the week.  

Sourcing Your Tea

While it’s easy enough to just go to the grocery store and grab the cheapest tea you can find, its worthwhile to invest a little. 

By invest I don’t just mean in dollars, but also information. Know where your tea is coming from and try to buy fair-trade, ethically sourced brands.

Tea companies don’t always use best practices and it shouldn’t be assumed that they do. So do your research. And bonus, Fairtrade teas offer higher quality ingredients and are usually organic.

Some brands that I love include: 

  • Traditional Medicinals
  • Pukka 
  • Yogi 
  • Stash
  • Four O’clock

These are just a few but there are many more! I am in Canada so depending on your country the brands in your area may differ from these ones. Have fun and shop around. Boxes are also labeled Fairtrade so they are easy to spot.

Okay, without further ado, I declare it tea time!

Penny for your thoughts…

Do you use tea to boost your mood? Do you have any favourites?

As always, I love to hear your thoughts, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials  🙂

If you enjoyed the post, remember you can SUBSCRIBE  to keep up on The Wholesome Witch happenings and receive your FREE Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide 🙂

Until next time friends!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Disclaimer: This post is not meant to be medical advice, I am not a doctor. Teas are NOT meant to replace medications or cure disease. As I mentioned above, always consult your doctor prior to starting any new herbal routines. 

herbal teas, happy tea, mood booster, stress relief, holistic living, natural living

Liquid Courage: A Ritual for Inner Strength

Do you ever have those times where you feel you could use just a little extra courage or inner strength? Pretty sure we can all relate to that feeling. 

So let’s harness the magick of flowers and do just that, shall we.

Flowers are beautiful and divine little pieces of nature and, just like with crystals and trees, they each carry their own vibrations and magickal properties that can aid us in many ways. 

Sometimes we all need a little boost when it comes to taking on tasks that scare us or we encounter something we feel we can’t get through; be it talking to your boss or partner about something controversial, the loss of a pet, or just getting through a difficult time in general. Because let’s face it, life is hard. And sometimes we all need something to help lift us up.

Considering how challenging this year has been for so many. I thought to share this little ritual for you to try if you are feeling some type of way. It may help to give you that extra bit of strength and confidence you need to push past any fears or difficulties you are facing in this moment.

So, let’s begin 🙂 

Ritual for Inner Strength

We shall be utilizing the courage bolstering, and wonderfully fragrant, geranium flower. Freesias may also be used as an alternative.

Tools Required:

  • Petals of 2 – 3 geraniums (fresh if possible but not mandatory)
  • 2 glass mason jars with lids 
  • 1 cup distilled water
  • Strainer

Ritual Steps:

  1. Place geranium petals into jar.
  2. Fill jar with water.
  3. Seal tightly. 
  4. Place the jar outside under the moonlight for the petals to infuse their properties into the water. Your infusion will be more potent if done during a waxing moon (the best lunar time for courage enhancing practices).
  5. Leave overnight.
  6. In the morning strain into clean jar. Store water in the fridge until use (sooner is better).
  7. When you feel the time is right add the water into a warm bath.
  8. Spend at least 20 minutes soaking in the essence of the flower and visualize conquering what’s to come with the utmost of strength and grace. Reciting affirmations surrounding the situation is also a nice addition, if you feel so inclined.

Optional: Put a small amount of the water into a spray bottle. Mist bare skin prior to dressing for the day so that you may carry that magick with you.

Fun Fact: The essence of Geraniums can also be used for encouraging positivity, strength, love, healing, and protection. 

witch, flower magick, spell for inner strength, courage, ritual, witch life

Let Your Inner Strength Shine

And there you have it, this is a quick, simple, and relaxing ritual. Because really, who doesn’t love a nice bath? Lol. 

If you don’t have a bathtub you may adapt the ritual to the shower. Still take your time and visualize, but instead of soaking in the water slowly pour it over self a little at a time so that the jar lasts the full length of time you spend showering.

This ritual will leave you feeling confident, refreshed, and strong. You will feel more confident to take on the  day and anything it may throw your way.

Embrace these feelings and try to carry them with you in the days and weeks to come. And the ritual can always be repeated as necessary.

Also, if you are experiencing times of stress please remember to practice self care daily. We need to take care of ourselves especially when we are feeling overwhelmed in certain life situations.

And remember, even without this ritual you are strong and you are powerful. This is meant to enhance what you already have inside of you, which is fierceness and beauty. 

So please enjoy and if you try it out do let me know how it goes for you!

What say you? 

I want to hear from you!

Do you have any self  care rituals you perform when you are facing a tough day ahead? 

I always love to know your thoughts, so please leave a comment or connect with me on my socials. I am very easy to find 🙂

Also, if you enjoyed the post and would like to read more about holistic wellness and magickal living SUBSCRIBE and receive my complete Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide and other bonuses for FREE!

Summer Solstice and Litha blessings pixie dolls. xo


Anxiety Teas: 7 Teas for Relaxation & Calm

Your anxious, worried, and just need to calm the ‘eff’ down. Don’t you wish there was a cure all potion to calm those nerves? I know I often do!

Now there may not be a perfect potion, but what we do have readily available to us are teas.

And there are some excellent ones to help calm and relax your system.

So today I bring you a list of easy to find teas that can do wonders to combat anxiety and ease your mind.

Tea Time! 

Herbal tinctures, teas, and remedies have long been used to help support what ails us. There are countless herbs out there that can benefit us in so many ways, whether it be to enhance your physical or emotional wellbeing. 

Teas are a safe, wonderful, and tasty (usually lol) way to utilize what mother nature has so generously given us.

For me, using tea to ease anxiety is a terrific resource. I personally struggle with anxiety on a much too frequent basis and tea really helps to calm my frazzled nerves lol. 

Tuesday Tea Series

That being said this post will be the first in a Tuesday Tea Series I will be sharing here on the blog. Next week will be teas to boost your mood, so be sure to check back in!

Alright, here we go seven of the best teas to help you beat stress and calm your ass down.

herbal teas, anxiety, ease anxiety, tea magick, witch, holistic wellness, herbalist


A very popular and mild tasting tea. Chamomile has been known to raise serotonin and melatonin levels helping to bring on relaxation.

You can also find chamomile  in delicious blends like vanilla and lavender. Perfect for an evening cuppa.


Not just for the holidays!

Peppermint is a natural muscle relaxant and can help ease digestion. Both of which can use a little assistance when we are feeling stressed.

Some research suggests even just the aroma may help to calm the nerves. 


Lemon Balm is a favourite of mine (anything with lemon really).  

This herb is well know for calming stress and anxiety. Studies, such as this one, have shown it to have significant benefits on mood.

Lemon Balm has also been shown to help reduce tension and muscle tightness in the body. 


People are generally very familiar with using Lavender essential oil as a means of stress relief, but you can also reap all of its benefits in tea form.

From soothing nerves and reducing tension in the body to assisting with digestion, this tea is a perfect antidote to a stressful day.


Another extremely well know tea for it’s many many, ummm many, health benefits.

This tea is a fabulous source of anti-oxidants to help battle the negative effects of stress on the body.

It is also a great source of L-theanine. L-theanine helps to regulate certain neurotransmitters in the brain responsible for our moods and emotions.


Passionflower has been shown to increase our GABA levels (chemical messenger in the brain) making it an excellent, and long used, natural aid to combat stress and anxiety in the body.

Low GABA levels in the body have been linked to anxiety and depression.


A wealth of health, if you will, for the body and mind. There are so many uses for ginger!

Which includes having a calming effect in times of stress that soothes the body and improves mood.

Ginger has been shown to benefit serotonin levels and is full of anti-oxidants, both huge reasons to drink up.

The ‘T’ on Tea

Herbs are generally a safe and amazing natural resource. Especially in tea form. Teas are less concentrated than supplements, tinctures, or oils. However, interactions and unpleasant side effects are still possible.

It is always recommended to discuss with your health care practitioner before adding any type of herbal remedy into your self care routine.

This is especially true if you are on medications, pregnant, or have a diagnosed illness. 

Remember we are all individuals and what works for one person may not necessarily work for you. So you may need to try out more than one before you find the one that is just right. Like Goldilocks. 

Also, each tea here could most certainly have an entire post of it’s own and I would still not cover everything about it. I am simply highlighting a few of the key components in each that help with our topic of discussion for the week.  

Sourcing Your Tea

While it’s easy enough to just go to the grocery store and grab the cheapest tea you can find, its worthwhile to invest a little. 

By invest I don’t just mean in dollars, but also information. Know where your tea is coming from and try to buy fair-trade, ethically sourced brands.

Tea companies don’t always use best practices and it shouldn’t be assumed that they do. So do your research. And bonus, Fairtrade teas offer higher quality ingredients and are usually organic.

Some brands that I love include: 

  • Traditional Medicinals
  • Pukka 
  • Yogi 
  • Stash
  • Four O’clock

These are just a few but there are many more! I am in Canada so depending on your country the brands in your area may differ from these ones. Have fun and shop around. Boxes are also labeled Fairtrade so they are easy to spot.

Okay, without further ado, I declare it tea time!

Penny for your thoughts…

Do you use tea to support your anxiety? If so, what are your favourites?

As always, I love to hear your thoughts, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials  🙂

If you enjoyed the post, remember you can SUBSCRIBE  to keep up on The Wholesome Witch happenings and receive your FREE Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide 🙂

Until next time friends!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Disclaimer: This post is not meant to be medical advice, I am not a doctor. Teas are NOT meant to replace medications or cure disease. As I mentioned above, always consult your doctor prior to starting any new herbal routines. 

herbal tea, anxiety, anxiety teas, kitchen witch, witch life

Kitchen Magick: Blueberry Smoothie Recipe

What says summer more than deliciously sweet and juicy berries? Not much if you ask me! Summer is the most glorious time of year to enjoy these wonderful little bursts of flavour and nutrients. And who doesn’t love a little kitchen magick in the morning? 

Since summer is in full swing and we are approaching Lammas (Lughnasadh), I decided that today I would share with you one of my favourite, and energy charged, Blueberry Smoothie Recipes.

Smoothies are a super easy way to get in a quick breakfast full of nutrients. I have definitely been on a smoothie kick lately. They are the perfect breakfast to have in these warmer months.

And this smoothie packs a real nutritional and magickal punch. You’ll be able to start your day well fueled, with purpose, and confidence. So, let’s dig in!

Blueberry Smoothie: The Health Benefits

These ingredients are super simple and jam packed with nutrition.

Blueberries (fresh or frozen)

  • One of the highest anti-oxidant containing foods
  • Vitamin C & K
  • Manganese & Potassium
  • Great source of Fibre
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Benefits cardiovascular system

Almond Butter (all natural and no added oils)

  • Vitamin E
  • Calcium
  • Healthy Fats
  • Protein
  • Fibre
  • Phosphorous

Ceylon Cinnamon (known as ‘true cinnamon’ and packs the most health benefits)

  • Another amazing source of anti-oxidants
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Lowers blood sugar
  • Heart healthy
  • Has anti-bacterial & anti-fungal properties

Flaxseed (ground)

  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids
  • Protein
  • Fibre
  • Anti-oxidant properties
  • Keeps you satiated

Spinach (fresh)

  • Vitamins A, C, & K
  • Folate (B9)
  • Iron
  • Anti-oxidants
  • Calcium
  • Heart healthy

Oat Milk (or your favourite non-dairy milk)

While not the same as eating a bowl of oatmeal it still contains some good stuff!

  • Fibre
  • Calcium
  • Little bit of protein
  • Low fat

Some brands will fortify with extra vitamins such as Vitamin A, D, and B’s. It is best though to get a brand with the fewest ingredients. My favourites are ISOLA BIO and ELMHURST. They both contain only oats, water, and sea salt.

Vegan Vanilla Protein Powder

  • Since I am vegan, I like to get this extra protein. boost into my day.
  • I use Genuine Health Organic Fermented Vanilla Protein Powder. It’s delicious and with no funky additives.
  • Be wary with protein powders as a lot of them have ingredient lists as long as your arm. Be sure to buy high quality if you are going to use one.
  • Another alternative I like to use is pure Pumpkin Seed Powder. It comes only unflavoured and is honestly pretty tasteless lol.

Smoothie Notes

  1. I don’t use any additional sweetener. However, you can add a medjool date or maple syrup if you’d like it on the sweeter side. 
  2. People have varied tastes when it comes to smoothies in regards to how thick they like them. This recipe is exactly how I make mine. Feel free to add more, or less, liquid/ice to get your desired thickness.
  3. Different protein powders WILL change the taste. The Vanilla Genuine Health one that I use is the absolute best tasting I have found, EVER. And by a lot. You can also omit the protein powder entirely. Maybe add a little vanilla extract or kefir to the mix if you omit the powder.
smoothie, blueberry, almonds, healthy living, holistic nutrition, kitchen Magick, witch

Adding Magick to Your Morning

Food is magick. So let’s harness that and get our day started off with intention, mindfulness, and positivity.

And it just so happens, our smoothie ingredients today have some amazing magickal properties attached to them.

Intention setting while we are preparing our meals is a stellar way to inject some magick into our normal daily routines. I mean we all gotta eat, so why not make it magickal. Kitchen witchery at it’s finest!

Blueberry Smoothie: Main Magickal Properties

Blueberries – promote feelings of peace and calm, wards of psychic attacks, protection. They are also a traditional Lammas/Lughnasadh food.

Almond – beauty, goddess energy, prosperity, healing

Cinnamon – success, strength, luck, love, enhanced psychic awareness

Spinach – strength, can strengthen your mind, body, and manifestations

While preparing your smoothie, focus on what you want your day to look like. How do you want to feel? What would you like to accomplish? Do you want to feel confident, need a little extra inner strength, or maybe you are feeling anxious and need to calm yourself.

You are taking magickal elements into your body, take advantage of what they can offer you and how they can help to manifest your goals.

kitchen witch, kitchen magick, holistic nutrition, witch, witchcraft,

The Recipe! (I know finally, lol)

Makes 1 serving – Total time: 10 minutes

  • 1 cup oat milk                                                           
  • ½ cup water
  • ½ tsp Ceylon cinnamon
  • 1 tbsp ground flaxseed
  • Full scoop vegan vanilla protein powder
  • 1 tbsp almond butter
  • ½ cup blueberries
  • 1 cup (or handful) of spinach
  • 2 ice cubes


  1. Add all ingredients to your blender in the order listed. Blend for about 60 seconds.

Et voila! A healthy and energy charged breakfast in about 10 minutes.

Nutritional Information

Calories: 387 | Fat: 15.75g | Carbohydrates: 47g | Protein: 30.8g | Fibre: 10.2g

Magick in the Mundane

So, are we excited for breakfast tomorrow? We are always looking for extra ways to include magick into our days.

Opportunities to work our magick and manifest are all around us. We just need to be aware and harness them.

Breakfast is a wonderful time to set intentions and manifest how you would like your day, or week, to go.

And there is no reason why we can’t have a nutritious breakfast that is also magickally charged. That’s the best type if you ask me!

More kitchen magick posts to come so stay tuned!


Are you a smoothie person? Do you already utilize your daily foods to set intentions?

I always love to know your thoughts, so please leave a comment or connect with me on social media. 🙂

Also, if you enjoyed the post and would like to read more about holistic wellness and magickal living SUBSCRIBE and receive my complete Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide and other bonuses for FREE!

Yours in health and magick, 

Krystle xo

Blueberry Smoothie Recipe, Blueberry Power Smoothie, kitchen magick, witch, witchcraft, healthy eating

Simple Summer Solstice (Litha) Sunrise Ritual

So you’ve been counting down to the first day of summer and it has finally arrived! The incredibly magickal Summer Solstice (Litha) is upon us and the energy surrounding this day is to be honed and harnessed. Don’t let it pass you by!

This is the perfect time to perform a sunrise ritual welcoming the light and life into nature. It is also an optimal time to focus on your own renewals and what you would like to manifest in the coming weeks of summer. 

Summer Solstice Energy

The Summer Solstice is the first official day of summer time. We can all rejoice lol. Litha is the pagan holiday connected with the summer solstice. You may read all about it in my LITHA POST if you wish. 

It is a day to welcome the sun and new beginnings. This is a wonderful time to reconnect with the earth and give thanks  for all that she provides to us. Not to mention prime time to ignite your fire within, welcome fresh starts and new goals.

Embrace the season, harness the energy and motivation that surrounds us. Let the light rejuvenate and heal you. Enabling you to move forward into summer with renewed strength and passion.

The Golden Sun

The sun symbolizes renewal making the sunlight hours optimal for performing rituals to release old energies and start fresh.

There are also healing properties connected to the sun. Take this ritual time and use it to let go of old wounds. Super charge your inner strength to move forward into the coming weeks with passion, light, and vitality.

Commit to turning those summer dreams into reality. 

Summer Solstice Sunrise Jar Ritual 

We don’t all have a lot of extra time, or time to ourselves for that matter. I developed this ritual to be as long or short as you like. And to easily allow you to personalize it to your own goals and wishes. After all our spiritual journeys are personal on all levels and your rituals should reflect that. 

Goals of this ritual:

  • Honour and welcome the sun
  • Thank and reconnect to mother earth
  • Embrace the healing power of the sun to allow ourselves to move forward
  • Set new intentions for the summer months

Materials for Your Summer Solstice Jar

  • 1 mason jar with lid (any fillable glass jar will do)
  • Fresh earth
  • A few fallen leaves
  • Chamomile flowers (fresh or dried) – for healing and prosperity
  • Dried Thyme – for good luck and health
  • Jade Crystal – for energy
  • Lapis Lazuli Crystal – for strength and clarity
  • Citrine Crystal – to represent the sun and abundance
  • Piece of yellow ribbon or fabric 
  • 1 piece of paper and pen

As I mentioned, if these herbs or crystals don’t speak to you feel free to replace them with ones that resonate. If you have special flowers or herbs in your garden you would like to add, please do!

This is your ritual and really can’t be wrong. Include things here that bring you strength, focus, and joy.

If you need some other ideas for what to fill up your jar with check out my LITHA POST for more correspondence ideas. As well as some history and ways to celebrate 🙂 

The Ritual

This ritual is meant to be performed just after sunrise or in the morning hours when the sun’s power is strong. 

If you have an outdoor space in which to perform the ritual that would be optimal. And barefoot is even better to be more connected with the earth. Don’t distress though if you have only a balcony or even just a sunny window in which to sit to perform this.

The most important aspect is your intentions. 

1 – Kneel or sit

Be comfortable in the light of the sun with your jar and solstice items ready.

2 – Fill Your Summer Solstice Jar

Begin filling your jar with the items gathered. Focus on feeling joy and gratefulness during this process.

My preferred order of items: 

  • Earth
  • Leaves
  • Dried flowers and herbs
  • Crystals 
  • Ribbon or fabric last to the side of the jar
  • Seal jar with lid
  • Please feel free to change the order up if you wish!

3 – Leave the jar to charge

Let it be in the sunlight while you finish your ritual and do not move it until sunset.

4 – Give thanks

Thank the sun for the light and life provided as well as mother nature for all of her blessings.

This can be done out loud or silently in your mind. Whichever feels right to you. 

5 – Visualize

Imagine in your mind that all of the cells in your body are glimmering specks of gold. Flowing through you with strength and ease. Providing healing energy from the tips of your toes to the top of your head.

Let this awaken the senses and energize your mind and body. 

6 – Focus on your intentions

What new beginnings or goals would you like to focus on in the weeks to come? Perhaps you have a direction you would like your career to go, or relationships that need renewal, or perhaps you are embarking on a personal growth journey.

Whatever it may be, make sure they are clear in your mind and imagine what you want the outcome to look like. 

7 – Hold Your Vision

Stick with this vision and have 3 affirmations that relate to your goals in your mind  (it can be more if you like!). Examples: 

  • ‘My life is ready to prosper.’
  • ‘I welcome courage and strength to my days.’
  • ‘It is my time for personal growth.’
  • Just make sure the affirmations relate to what you want to manifest for yourself. 

8 – Write Down your Affirmations

Write your affirmations on a piece of paper. Once your ritual is finished add this paper to your solstice jar. 

9 – Recite your affirmations

Recite with conviction 3 times each. Believe in yourself, and in your magick. You must believe your words to be true. There can be no manifestations or magick without belief.

10 – Embrace the Summer Solstice energy

Stay there in the sunshine, eyes closed and focusing your intentions for as long as it feels right. You will know when the time has come to finish. 

11 – Give one final thanks

Say a final thank you to the sun for the light and energy that was provided this morning.

12 – Bring the jar inside

At sunset bring the jar inside and place in a space of prominence. It can be a reminder to you of the motions you put in place on this solstice morning. It will enable you to have the energies of earth and sun with you the whole season through. 

Summer Solstice Rejuvenation

This ritual will leave you feeling refreshed and strong. All ready to take on the day and the season!

Bring that feeling of the light flowing through your body with you into the days and weeks to come. And let this be a summer to remember. 

What say you? 

I want to hear from you!

What intentions do you want to set for yourself this solstice? Do you have any favourite rituals you like to perform this day? 

I always love to know your thoughts, so please leave a comment or connect with me on social media. I am very easy to find 🙂

Also, if you enjoyed the post and would like to read more about holistic wellness and magickal living SUBSCRIBE and receive my complete Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide and other bonuses for FREE!

Summer Solstice and Litha blessings pixie dolls. xo


summer solstice, litha, ritual, celebration

Stuck at home? 31 Creative Ways to Beat the Boredom

Well, the world is a crazy place right now. And a large part of the population is stuck at home. Coronavirus is the most recent, and just one of the many many trials placed on us in the last year. Part of me is thinking mother nature is pretty pissed and letting us know that. Frankly, Karma’s a bitch friends. We need to start making the health of the environment, along with our own health, a priority (post on that later). But today we are discussing what in the world to do when you are practicing social distancing (as we all should be!), and self isolation.

Stuck? Do we have to think of it that way?

Many of us are simply not used to being at home without a million places to run off to; work, gym, appointments, shopping, school, chauffeuring our kiddies around….you name it. We are a busy society. And keeping busy makes us feel useful, productive, and somehow validated. BUT what if, we take this very serious situation and embrace these moments to just breathe.

Even if we are still going to work; without the pressure of social engagements and the like, we will have more time. Time to do things we never make room for. Time to rest, and rejuvenate ourselves. Instead of thinking of this self isolation as some sort of cruel punishment, let’s think of it as a blessing in disguise. A silver lining if you will. And let’s take this time to be totally self indulgent and productive, but on our own terms.

Introverts unite

I am an introvert by nature so being ‘stuck’ at home doesn’t generally bother me, but anyone can go stir crazy when stuck inside for too long. Plus, during my cancer surgeries, and treatments, I got pretty dang good at being at home lol. You are not feeling up to much and so susceptible to catching everything, you basically don’t venture out much, aside from doctor’s appointments.

How do we not go stir crazy?

In that vein, I thought to share some ideas on how to allow yourself time to breathe, but also being productive, and staying sane while we’re at it. So, here we go, a list of 31 things, that can be wonderful ways to take advantage of just being.

Catch up on your reading.

I don’t know about you but I have many many books waiting to be devoured.

Unapologetic binge watching.

That’s right, watch all 76 seasons of that show you have been wanting to see. No apologies or guilt necessary.


Seriously. Some may think it hokey, but it is a great way to just quiet the mind and be still. Most of us do not take the time for this on a regular day.

Stuck at the spa you mean!

At home of course. Have a 2 hour bath with candles, essential oils and the like, give yourself a mani pedi, deep condition your locks, have a facial, slather yourself in the expensive moisturizer. Indulge! It’ll feel amazing.

Spring Clean Extravaganza.

Okay so this may sound less fun than a spa day but think of how great you will feel once your home is bright and sparkly 😀

Make new themed Spotify playlists.

We all need music in our lives. I have always loved making playlists. One for road trips, one for cleaning, one for workouts, one for when I just feel like dancing; the possibilities are endless! Have some fun with it!

Discover new bands to adore.

In line with the above idea, take time to scour for new bands to obsess over. It is always thrilling to discover someone new and then proceed to memorize every song lyric they’ve ever written.

Clean out your closet.

Press play on one of those new playlists and get to it. Cleaning out your closet just feels so damn good. You know you have things in there you haven’t worn in 10 years. I do too, so absolutely no judgement here!

Try out new recipes.

Give yourself a little extra time to cook up some new yummy meals you have been wanting to try. And hey, the grocery stores are one of the acceptable places to head out to. 😉

Bake some deliciousness.

 The same as above, though different from cooking meals. I don’t know about you but when I have time at home, especially in the chillier months, baking is on my mind! There are always 101 recipes saved on a Pinterest board of mine (HERE) that I have wanted to attempt, but just haven’t made the time to. Now is that time!

Write in your journal.

Or start one if you currently don’t do this. Writing is incredibly therapeutic. The process of getting those thoughts out of your mind and onto paper has a profound effect on your mental health. There is a sense of joy and lightness that arises after pumping out a journal entry.

Exercise your creativity.

Let your inner artist shine. Paint, draw, knit, write a poem, sew, make soap, there are so many ways to use your creativity. Many of us have these such hobbies and they always get pushed to the back burner. Not today!

Discover a new hobby.

This goes well with the above suggestion. If you actually currently do not have a creative outlet, explore a new one. There are Youtube videos on absolutely everything, and ordering online from Amazon does not require you to go outside. So, get those creative juices flowing, and think how might you express yourself?

Colour therapy.

The colouring craze has died down, it’s true, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still do it. Grab a colouring book, put your mind at ease and let the colours guide you.

Have sex.

Whether with your partner or with yourself (no outside visitors lol). It’s healthy, a perfect way to release pent up energy, and yet another thing that often doesn’t get the attention it deserves in our busy lives. You may just find yourself wanting to be stuck a while longer!

Game night!

If you do live with another you can do an old school board game night which is always a gag. But even if you live solo, you can still enjoy a game night! There are so many online games to take advantage of, or if you have a crossword, or word find book (pretty old school right? Lol.), take a couple of hours and fill out some pages.

Free trial of every streaming app you don’t already subscribe to. (just remember to cancel before the payments kick in!)

There are so many streaming avenues right now, aside from Netflix, most of which have free introductory periods. Take advantage and discover your new favourite show, or that movie you had no idea you needed to see. There couldn’t be a better time to take advantage of free trials.


In these trying times we should all be striving to live more mindfully. Sit down and write out a list of the ways you can live a more sustainable lifestyle and start to implement them. Check out my green living post HERE

Virtual Museum Tours.

Yes, this is a thing! Here is a link for 12 famous museums you can visit from the comfort of your own home. Click HERE.

Start a blog.

Hey, maybe you have been thinking about it for a while but it’s so time consuming to set up. I agree with this! Lol, it can be time consuming to set up. But it’s also so nice to have a space to share your thoughts and ideas with other like minded individuals. On that note, thank you all for being here!

Rearrange your furniture.

I am not saying you have to feng shui your whole house, but doing a little switch-aroo with even a few pieces of furniture can breathe fresh life into a room. And the imminent arrival of spring time is such a wonderful moment for it.

At home workout.

This may not sound fun to some, but there is no reason you can’t, and you should, get your body moving while you are stuck at home. No need to become a total couch potato right? 😛 

Organize your inbox.

I don’t know about you, but my inbox gets swiftly out of control and it takes me forever to get it cleaned up. Organize your important messages and unsubscribe from junk. You know, all of those stores you signed up to just to get a discount, but don’t really care about their weekly, or sometimes daily, newsletter.

Do your taxes.

It’s that time of year again and if you are always slow on getting these done (like I am!), take advantage of the extra downtime and crunch those numbers. Get it out of the way!

Living room dance party.

Throw on your favourite tunes, bust a move, and get a healthy dose of exercise to boot.

Walk in nature.

We all need a tad bit of fresh air. Now I am not saying walk down to your local mall and have a spending spree. I simply mean to take a walk around your block or through a park. If you live next to trails or a forest that’s a bonus. Keep your distance from others if you are in a populated area and keep your hands to yourself!

Plan your next trip.

For when this is all over of course. Fantasize about the next country you would like to visit and research the must do things for your destination. At some point we will be able to travel freely again, and gosh darn it, you will be ready.

Practice gratefulness.

We all get caught up in our daily lives sometimes and do not make the time to take a step back, be appreciative for all that we have and acknowledge how lucky we are in so many ways. Take this time to reflect and recite, or write down, daily affirmations. Perhaps it is a habit that will stick once this is all over.

Catch up with friends or relatives.

Days fly by and we often do not check in with people that are indeed important to us. Perhaps you have family or old friends that no longer live in the same city as you, pick up the phone and give them a call, or connect on whatever online platform suits your fancy. It’ll feel incredible catching up.

Sign up for online classes!

Take this time to expand your knowledge. There are online classes for everything these days. You can learn a new language, study nutrition, fashion design, business, personal development, pretty much anything you can imagine! What have you always wanted to learn?

Loosen up that routine a little bit.

I know some say you should maintain your routine as much as possible during this time; I say throw caution to the wind and mix it up a little! You want to take an hour to savour that morning coffee, do it! Have a second cup, go ahead! Work in the evening as opposed to during the day? As long as you have some flexibility, do it. Change is good and refreshing. Take a break from routine, relax a little, and breathe.

Still feel stuck?

Okay, there you have it. 30 ways to help keep you entertained and moving these next few weeks. You see, there are so many awesome ways to fill our time. You probably will not even have time to do everything you would like to!

Teachable Moment

Every ounce of me is hoping that we, the human race, learn from this horrific ordeal and change our ways. This mandatory downtime is the perfect time for reflection and taking a look inward. I realize that change needs to happen on a large global scale, but each one of us can do things every single day to take better care of our dear planet. Mother nature has forced us to take a break, in turn, also giving her a minute to heal. Let’s try and keep up this momentum, even when we are back to normal. We can all be less wasteful and more mindful every single day. Check out my post, 10 Ways to Greener Living, for some easy ways to do this.

Special THANK YOU Note

Lastly, if you are one of the workers on the front lines, reading this and thinking you are busier than ever. I thank you, the doctors, nurses, emergency services, utility workers, grocery store workers, pharmacists, etc. Thank you all for being out there and weathering this storm so that we may all have access to the care and essentials we require to get through this. You are all amazing!

I want to hear you!

So tell me, how are you spending your extra hours? Are you trying to be productive or devoting yourself to the Netflix gods? Any ideas that I haven’t mentioned that you would like to share?

Thank you all for reading and I hope you are inspired to try out some things. We are all in this together folks. Stay home and stay healthy! Until next time.

And Remember!

If you enjoyed this post, SUBSCRIBE to my newsletter to keep up on The Wholesome Witch happenings and get some fun FREEBIES, including my Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guideas a THANK YOU for joining my little internet community <3 

Until next time loves. Stay healthy.



Five Organic Food Benefits: Should You Make The Change?

Organic is a big, and often controversial, word these days, and it continues to gain momentum.

A lot of people are seeing organic food and products popping up everywhere and wondering should they make the switch.  In short, yes!

People always have their own reasons for going organic. Maybe it’s their health, the environment, or even just following the trends.

My big one was getting my breast cancer diagnosis.  Even though I was a fairly healthy individual pre-cancer, post-cancer I wanted to do everything in my control to limit my exposure to unnecessary toxins. Going organic became a big priority.

 So, if you have been on the fence about the whole organic thing, read on to discover a little info and some key reasons to make the organic switch.

1 – Avoiding Harsh Chemicals

When you eat organic you’re not exposing yourself to a plethora of unnecessary, and harmful chemical concoctions.

The residues from these toxins remain on our food. And simply washing your produce isn’t enough to eliminate them.

Do we really want to be ingesting these chemicals with every bite of our apple?

Organic produce has strict regulations attached to them. Organic farmers are prohibited from using these harsher growing aids.

More natural methods must be used instead. Even though, pesticides are still used, they aren’t nearly as damaging as those of conventional farming.

Organic farmers are also not allowed to use synthetic fertilizers, or antibiotics as part of their growing process.

And this is not limited to our produce. If you eat meat and dairy, they  should most definitely be bought organic.

Conventionally raised animals are pumped full of antibiotics, and growth hormones. Not to mention, are fed animal byproducts and GMO feed.

Ingesting the animal, dairy, or eggs from the animal, will mean that you are also getting all of these ‘delicious’ little extras.

Your own body chemistry will not understand these substances or process them properly.

This opens us up to a lot of possible health issues down the road.

Then of course there is the whole other topic of how inhumane factory farming methods are 🙁 

Scientific research has shown many links to health problems from the way our food is produced. Headaches, compromised immune systems, hormone imbalances, and certain cancers, including breast and prostate, are just a few of them.  

2 – Organic means GMO Free

Genetically Modified Organisms. They have been in the media a lot in recent years.

Calling them controversial is a bit of an understatement.

GMO’s are basically organisms that have been genetically manipulated in a lab. They are added to our food in order to optimize things like size, colour, durability, and shelf life.

This changes the genetic make up of the foods and, in turn, how our bodies process them.  

Some commonly GMO foods include corn, soy, canola, potatoes, and cotton.

And let’s not forget about processed foods. Processed foods will almost certainly contain GMO ingredients. Buyer beware of foods with exceedingly long ingredient lists.

There are no credible research projects that have been conducted studying the effects of GMO’s on human health.

We are essentially all guinea pigs when it comes to eating GMO foods.

Organic products are prohibited from containing any GMO materials. So you know that by buying organic you are taking a big step in protecting yourself from them. 

3 – Sustainability

Organic farming is a more sustainable practice than conventional farming.

Organic farming helps to nourish and rebuild soil, is healthier for our water supplies, contributes to greater bio-diversity and releases fewer green house gas emissions than conventional farming. 

It is blindingly clear that we as humans cannot continue on the path we are on. We are destroying our beautiful earth’s eco-systems. Our incredible mother nature who has provided so well for us.

Choosing to eat organic is a step in the right direction to nutrient-rich soil, cleaner water, flourishing biodiversity, and an overall healthier environment.

Creating a happier planet for us all to enjoy.

4 – Treat Your Tastebuds

Simply stated, organic food is just more flavourful.

Organic produce may not be as brightly coloured or shaped as perfectly, but it is definitely what’s on the inside that counts.

Most likely, the higher amount of anti-oxidants in organic foods contribute to the fuller flavour. As well as the fact that the crops are grown in smaller amounts than their conventional counter parts.

Smaller yields means that more nutrients and nitrogen gets into each individual crop making for an all around better taste experience. 

5 – Organic Foods Are More Nutrient Dense

Along the same vein as more flavourful, organic produce has been shown in studies to be more nutrient dense than non-organic.

This is especially true when it comes to anti-oxidants. Many studies in the past have been done that have not shown much difference in the way of nutrient density.

However more and more studies are being conducted with the evidence mounting on the side of organic. Such as this study posted in the British Journal of Nutrition here.

Essential minerals, antioxidants, and vitamin c are among the nutrients presenting at higher concentrations.

More bang for your nutrient buck so to speak.

The Organic Cost

For a lot of us the major barrier to buying organic is the cost.

Believe me I hear you. My household is not one with a high income. I do however make the food I put into my body, and that of my family, a top priority.

There are ways to eat organic and not go for broke; shop the sales at your local super markets, buy items close to their best buy dates at a discount, buy directly from the farmers, and eat what’s in season.

It may take a little extra effort to source out the best organic deals in your area, but I promise you, it’s worth it. And it doesn’t have to be an all or nothing situation. 

If you can’t afford to buy everything organic (really most of us can’t!), focus on the Dirty Dozen.

Every year the EWG (Environmental Working Group) publishes it’s list of the ‘dirtiest’ foods at your local markets. Those with the highest chemical count. These are the ones to focus on getting organic.

You can find the complete 2021 list HERE

Final Tidbits

Now these are really just a few of the reasons to make the switch over to organic. There are many more!

And if my little post here isn’t enough to convince you there is tons of research online. Dig in a bit, educate yourself, and feel good about the decision your making.

Try these resources for a deeper dive: 

Organic Lifestyle Magazine

Organic Trade Association

Environmental Working Group

Talk to me!

So, are you ready to maybe start switching some things over? Is there one thing that really speaks to you? Or maybe you already eat organic and have some savvy shopper tips of your own? Post a comment, or connect with me on social media. I love to hear your thoughts! 

And Remember!

If you enjoyed this post, SUBSCRIBE to my newsletter for more witchy wellness tips and you will receive my Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide, and a 20% OFF discount code to my digital shop as a THANK YOU for joining my little internet community <3 

Until next time pixie doll!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

organic, eating organic, going organic, natural living, non-toxic

Green Living: 10 Easy Ways to be More Eco-friendly

It’s not easy being green…well no offence to Kermit but actually, it is lol. The environment is in serious trouble. and green living is . This is not news. And green living is one way we can all help Mother Nature to heal. 

The oceans are polluted, the forests are burning, the air is filled with chemicals, and hello climate change.

I know if can seem confusing. There are so many terms out there. Eco-friendly, sustainable, eco-conscious, natural, green, so many! What does it all mean exactly? 

And what is green living?

You Can Make a Difference

Green Living basically means living a lifestyle that reduces your carbon footprint. A lifestyle that is kinder, healthier, and easier on the environment. Reducing your negative impact if you will.

It’s easy to think I am only one person and I can’t create any real change. That way of thinking is outdated, couldn’t be more wrong, and to be honest is just an excuse to stay in your comfort zone.

We can all do small things everyday that will make a big impact on the environment. Especially if more and more of us jump on board and do them too.

Imagine if everyone on the planet just stopped buying bottled water? Or stopped using take out coffee cups? Imagine the waste that would not be created.

So yes, you as an individual can create powerful change every single day, you just need to be mindful and have the desire to make a difference.

So here we go 10 tips to green living. Enjoy!

1 – Ditch Fast Fashion

So the fashion industry is one of the harshest industries on the environment, not to mention human rights.

That $5 top you bought at the mall was likely made in a sweat shop, under horrible conditions, with barely a thought for the environment in mind.  

Instead buy clothes second hand, participate in a clothing swap, or choose brands that are vocal about being green in their practices. Guaranteed they pay their employees fairly and do not use child labour.

When purchasing clothes this way you will surely have a nice clean conscious when you wear them.

And if finances are an issue, shopping second hand or clothing swaps are sure fire ways to help environment and save a few bucks! 

2 – Say Bye Bye to Plastic

Yep, we all know it, plastic is bad. Plastic has toxins that leech into everything. It practically never breaks down, and it ends up in our oceans and landfills.

Yes, some plastic can be recycled, but not all, things like straws, toothbrushes, and plastic bags end up in the garbage everyday.

Not to mention the resources it takes to create plastic in the first place and then to recycle it.

Why not make the switch to glass packaging and food storage containers that you can use over and over again.

Eliminate the worries about what might be getting into your food or that it might end up in a landfill somewhere.

You can checkout Pinterest for some super awesome ideas for re-purposing your glass bottles and jars. Like this one HERE!

3 – Green Living Means Shopping Local

Shopping local means you are supporting local farmers and shop owners, which is quite simply an all around fab thing to do. But it also means that you will be creating less of a carbon footprint.

When your food is grown locally it does not need to travel across countries to reach you and will always have less packaging than items that travelled a long distance. Nearly everywhere has a local farmers market, start frequenting yours.

And it’s not just food, take advantage of the local talent in your area, there are no doubt uber talented makers who have amazing offerings in the form of clothes, candles, body products and so much more for you to take advantage of.

Get your ass out of the big box stores and embrace green living by getting out into your local neighbourhoods.

Well, you can finish reading this post first 😉

4 – Re-useable Water Bottles/Coffee Cups

We can all carry around a coffee cup or water bottle for our daily adventures.

Plastic water bottles and one use coffee cups are some of earth’s biggest polluters.

Imagine your local Starbucks during the morning rush….all of those individuals getting their morning caffeine fix and then ditching the coffee cup into the trash.

Now think about all of the Starbucks’ in your local area, city, province, country? That is a lot of coffee cups. Every. Single. Day.  

I used to be a horrible offender of this. I would have take out coffee nearly every single day. Just awful. 

By bringing your own cup you’ll help the environment and your wallet because you get a discount! Win, win situation.

Yes you have to carry the cup when you are done with it but it’s not so bad and just needs to become a habit. 

I used to forget mine or just be too lazy to bring it but it got easier with time. Now it’s second nature to bring it everywhere. Because I always need coffee lol. 

5 – Tote Bags: A Green Living Girls Best Friend

I never leave the house without at least one tote bag. Tote bags are the best!

You can get pretty ones to match your personality, use them over and over again, and it’s just plain easier to carry things in tote bags than in those horrible re-useable plastic bags.

Many of us bring bags to the grocery store at this point, but I am talking everyday into every store you shop, bring your tote bag!

I bring mine even if I am not planning to stop anywhere because you never know when you might get that shopping urge or remember something you need last minute.

We seem to always need something and you don’t want to be caught without a bag. 

6 – Grocery Shop in Bulk

Bulk stores are great, period.

They create much less waste than buying pre-packaged boxed or bagged items.

They are also generally much easier on your budget and many stores will even let you bring your own containers to refill now, which means a completely waste free shopping experience.

And who doesn’t love bulk store shopping? I love going down the isles and seeing all of the bins full of goodies, you’ll always find something fun and different to pick up.

Go ahead stray from your list! 😉 

7 – Turn It Off

What you ask? The answer is, everything.

If you aren’t using it, turn it off. The lights, your computer, power bars, electronics, the water when you are brushing your teeth, anything that you are not actively using.

Leaving things running is a form of waste that is super unnecessary and one we are all guilty of sometimes. Also, an easy one to fix. 

8 – Leave the Car at Home

It’s not necessary. Is your grocery store a 10 minute walk away and even when you only need a few things you drive there? How about grabbing your tote bags and walking?

Better for the environment, your bank account and your health too!

A little extra exercise is never a bad thing. Start walking to more places, or if you live somewhere that is bike friendly consider cycling around (it’s often faster than driving).

Another alternative is public transit depending on where you live. I know that here in Toronto transit and cycling are often the faster option. And no dealing with traffic or fighting to find parking.

My personal favourite is walking. What will be your new favourite? Go on an adventure without the car and see how you feel!

9 – Choose Green Cleaning & Personal Care Products 

Conventional cleaning and personal care products are full of toxins.

Toxins that are harmful to our environment and harmful to your health. Try switching over to natural companies.

They will be all around healthier and much more eco-friendly than the typical versions.

Natural companies are most often very environmentally conscious and have practices in place to make as small an impact on our eco-system as possible. 

Or take it a step further and make your own! Check out my post on natural cleaning products HERE, with recipes!

You can also check out my toxins in your beauty routine post HERE if you’d like to learn more.

10 – Eat a Plant Based Diet

Yes I saved this one for last. People often will roll their eyes or get their back up at the mention of cutting back on animal products.

But a green living lifestyle list would not be complete without it. It is one of the single most important things you can do as an individual to help protect this beautiful world we live in. 

Now hear me out, I am NOT saying everyone has to go vegan.

What I am saying is there is absolutely no need for people to be eating meat and/or dairy at every single meal. Not from an environmental perspective, nor a health perspective.

The statistics on animal agriculture and the effects it has on the planet are staggering (do yourself a favour and watch Cowspiracy if you haven’t yet, its even on Netflix).

Maybe you can commit to having meat at only one of your daily meals or do three days vegan, three days your regular fare.

There are so many options and delicious vegan alternatives these days. There is really no reason to not go at least go a little more plant based with your diet.

Worried about protein, hello beans, lentils, quinoa, hemp hearts and tofu. But where will I get my calcium? Dairy is by far not the best source of calcium to be utilized by the body, veggie sources are (a topic for an entirely different post lol).

I digress, do the environment, the animals, and yourself a favour and cut back. Trust me it’s something you will feel good about, body, soul, and mind.

If you want to read a little about my plant based journey, you can do so HERE.

On Living The ‘Green’ Witch Life

I know many of my readers identify as witches or follow a nature based spiritual practice. Or perhaps aspire to.

Our beliefs centre around nature and Mother Earth. As such, we should truly be leading the charge when it comes to the sustainability fight. 

Now you may not consider yourself an activist or frequent climate change protests, and that’s okay if it’s not your jam. 

But we should be able to be positive examples to others when it comes to being eco-conscious. Aiming to inspire others to be more eco-friendly in their own lives.

And, from my perspective anyways,  how can we honour nature and then at the same time not consider how we are treating her on a daily basis.

We can’t, not really. We witches need to step up! There are always ways in which to do better. 

And I write all of this with the utmost love. Love for my readers and for Mother Earth. 

So, green living, pretty simple right? 

Looking at this list as a whole maybe it doesn’t seem simple at all.  But you do not have to implement every one of these suggestions today. And it would really be impossible to do so.

Thinking that is for sure overwhelming. Just pick one.

Pick one of the items off this list and commit to making the change today. Then maybe next week, or in two weeks, once you have a handle on the first one you choose another.

It doesn’t have to be a struggle, and knowing you are doing things to actively help the environment be a better, healthier place is going to feel oh so good. I have no doubts you will be implementing more and more green practices as time passes. 

I want to hear from you! 

So are you ready for some green living goodness? What do you think of the list? Is there one thing that jumps out at you to try? Or maybe you have been eco-friendly for a while and have some tips of your own?

Post a comment, or connect with me on social media. I love to hear your thoughts! 

And Remember!

If you enjoyed this post, SUBSCRIBE to my newsletter for more witchy wellness, and eco-friendly tips. And you will receive my  Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide, as a THANK YOU for joining my little internet community <3 

Until next time pixie doll, keep it green! 

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

green living, natural living, eco-friendly, eco-conscious, sustainability

Seasonal Living: Simple 5 Step Guide

Seasonal living. You may have heard of it. You may have thought, what is seasonal living anyways?

Living in tune with the seasons, and feeling so deeply when you observe the leaves fall, the magic of that first snow, or those first sprigs of flowers popping up in the spring time is when you feel truly alive.

Acknowledging these changes in nature can help us feel whole and really thrive.

Following the ebb and flow of the seasons brings with it a sense of balance and calm.

Deepening the connection we have with the earth will in turn deepen the connection with our own inner spirits.  

Resulting in happier, more productive, and more relaxed versions of us.

Seasonal Living in Canada 

Often, gratefulness washes over me for living in Canada. This is the result of many things, because well, it’s pretty awesome here. We are lucky.

The one I am referring to now though, is that here in Canada we truly get to experience each of the seasons completely and fully.

From scorching hot heat, to snow, to the beautiful fiery colours of the leaves in autumn, we have it all!

And really, it’s a pretty magical thing. 

Seasonal Living: Then and Now

For obvious reasons our ancestors were far better at observing and honouring the cyclical flow of nature than we are today.

These days, we are so engrossed in technology and the daily grind, that we have become quite disconnected from the earth; when seasonal foods are pretty much irrelevant, and we can have light any ol’ time we want (hello electricity!).

Our fast paced lives scarcely change from winter to summer unless we are on vacation. So many of us get up (after often too little sleep), go to work, get the kids off to school or activities, maybe get to the gym, clean, run errands, and on and on we go.

This really shouldn’t be the case and it doesn’t have to be!

Just because we are not all growing our own food and relying solely on the sun for light doesn’t mean we can’t find ways to embrace nature each and every day.

While still maintaining our busy lives, and yes even if you live in the city, no excuses 😉

The Wisdom of Mother Nature

We do, of course, have the 4 key days that mark the change of season, but nature is ever changing.

She is in a constant cycle of death and rebirth, of rest and vibrancy. When the cooler, darker months approach she knows it is time to prepare for rest so that she may be rejuvenated and ready when Spring rolls around once again.

Taking a page from Mother Nature would do us all some good! We all need to take that time to rest, rejuvenate, replenish fully, and just enjoy life and our surroundings.

Following the cyclical changes in nature can help us do just that.

So what are some of the ways to align your own rhythm to that of Mother Nature?

So happy you asked! 😉 Here we go, 5 ways for you engage in seasonal living  every day: 

Eating Seasonally

A most important way to bring nature into your home is through your food. And no, I don’t just mean when pumpkin spice season rolls around lol.

By eating foods that are in season you will be connecting with the earth, feeding your body richer nutrients, less pesticides, and adding much needed variety. You will most definitely be enjoying overall better quality produce than if you eat mostly the same things all year round. 

Supporting your local farmers markets is a wonderful way to do this. You know everything will be in season (and often organic).  You will also be giving some love to smaller operations, which is always awesome!

But even if you do all of your shopping at the supermarket, commit to buying mostly seasonal.

Have a list each month so you know what to focus on when you are shopping. And did I mention it will be better for your bank account? Just a nice little bonus. 

Seasonal Living & Your Surroundings

We have all heard the term spring-cleaning, and a lot of us likely observe this little saying. We like to give our homes a thorough washing after the long winter right?

Though, it’s not just at springtime where we can involve our home in your seasonal changes.

It’s very good practice to give your home a bit of an update with the change of each season. 

Do some deep cleaning, de-clutter, and spruce up your décor with seasonal elements. A seasonal candle here, a new throw pillow there, or a beautiful wreath on your door will all help you feel peaceful, and refreshed.

We spend so much time in our homes (especially in the colder months). They should have us feeling joyous, content, and calm when we look around them.

A good energy cleansing is also a beneficial element to include with each seasonal change of course!

Embrace the Joys of Each Season

Now each season has those hallmark elements that help them stand out.

The summer brings the beach and berry picking, fall brings pumpkin patches and cozy sweaters, winter has the holidays and skating, and spring time is the start of gardening season. Each one has so many things that make them unique.

Take time to get outside and embrace all that that your environment has to offer you. Whatever the season, find the things within it that bring a smile to your lips. Make sure to get out there, savour, and appreciate them fully! 

Follow Your Natural Circadian Rhythm

Now this one may be hard depending on your job, current habits, and if you are not naturally a morning person (I feel you!). But if it’s possible, the benefits your body and mind will experience by observing this are plentiful.

Our body follows a natural circadian rhythm that is in tune with the sun and moon.

Our cortisol levels (the body’s main stress hormone) rise in the morning hours to get us going and motivated to take on the day and gradually decline as the day passes to prepare us for rest.

Waking with the sun and getting to sleep early enough to enjoy a full 8 hours of sleep will have your energy, your mood, and your overall health soaring. 

Celebrate the Seasonal Holidays

Embrace the holidays and special celebrations that come with each season.

These will differ for everyone depending on many things. Which ones speak to you personally?

One of my favourites is coming up soon, Mabon! The Autumn Equinox is a very special time to me; you can learn more about it HERE if you fancy.

Whichever ones you observe appreciate them, get excited, and make the most of them when they happen.

Put up some themed décor, or prepare a delicious meal with signature foods to celebrate.  Do a ritual that honours nature and thanks her.

I am very pro holidays and celebrations lol. I love putting up special touches around my home, having the quintessential baked goods, and attending holiday themed events.

Whether it is Samhain, Christmas, Hanukkah, Easter, a birthday, an anniversary, or even international coffee day (yes it’s a thing), they are special to you for a reason, so eat, drink, and be merry!

Witches & Seasonal Living

For those of us that follow a nature based spirituality, being in tune with Mother Earth should always be the goal. 

Our beliefs, our rituals, our celebrations, all centre around her. Alas, when we are not fully acknowledging the earth our manifestations, rituals, and daily magickal endeavours will be lacking.

If you think you do well in that area now, just imagine how much you could thrive if you fully open your mind up and follow nature in her steps. 

We know following the flow of nature is a very powerful thing. Even still, putting it into daily practice (not just at the sabbats) can easily be forgotten in our busy modern lives. 

Let’s try to keep in tune, honour, and acknowledge her each day. This can be as simple and stopping to smell the flowers or appreciating the joyful birdsong from the trees. 

Mindful Mavens

Flowing with the seasons is an incredibly important practice of living mindfully.

Being aware and in sync with our natural world is a level of mindfulness that will help give you energy and motivation to thrive within each and every season. Goodbye winter blues!

This added clarity makes us more in tune with our own needs to remain healthy in body, soul, and mind. 

A current trend these days is practicing mindfulness and self-care. This is a great trend and I fully approve. Self care is soooo important!

But we really cannot do these things to their full extent or reach their full potential without awareness of our natural world.

You can meditate until the next millennia, but if your rhythm is out of sync with nature you are only reaping a portion of the benefits.

Welcome the seasons, take time to get outside, breathe in the air, and remember to stop and smell the roses. Try it and see how your world seems to come together. 

The benefits of seasonal living are truly endless!

Let’s Chat!

So, are you ready to start some seasonal living habits? Start a new bedtime routine? Or perhaps dreading winter a little less?

Let me know your thoughts. I would love to hear from you. Feel free to leave a comment, or connect with me on my socials! 

And Remember!

If you enjoyed this post, SUBSCRIBE to my newsletter to receive more witchy wellness content and receive my FREE Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guideas a THANK YOU for joining my little community.<3 

Seasonal blessings pixie dolls. 

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

seasonal living, Mother Earth, seasons, nature, summer, spring, autumn, winter, witch, pagan
Greetings Friend!

I'm Krystle. Resident kitchen witch, holistic nutritionist, green living maven, breast cancer survivor, part-time forest fairy, and author of The Witch's Guide to Wellness. Interested in holistic wellness and living your best, most magical life? If you answered yes, you are most definitely in the right place and I'm so happy you're here.

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