Fire Magick: How to Tap into it’s Powerful Natural Energy

The warmth of the sun on your skin, the passion that burns in your heart, and that need for change and transformation; these are all sources of fire magick.

Fire is the most volatile of the four elements. It creates, but also destroys. This element is charismatic, mesmerizing, and hard to ignore. Just think about your fire sign friends! Lol. If you have been thinking about adding this life bold magick into your own practice keep on reading!

Fire energy represents light, brightness, passion, and transformation. This powerful energy can fuel, motivate, and inspire us but must be given the utmost respect and care.

Fire magick and energy is all around us each day, but I think many of us forget to tap into it.

This post is the third in a four part series covering the elements; earth, air, fire, water. So  keep reading and stay tuned for the fourth and final instalment in the series, Water, to be posted early next week.

Making Fire Magick Part of Your Everyday Practice

I mentioned this in my last post, but it’s worth repeating. It’s important for us to make space in our days for that powerful natural energy each element contains. Being mindful of this will enrich your connection to nature, bringing balance, and powerful magick to your practice. 

Fire energy exists within the universe but also within ourselves. This energy is associated with heat, strength, and drive.  

If you have been feeling unmotivated or lacking inspiration it may be a good idea to spend some time connecting with the Fire element. It will give you that push and reignite the fire energy within yourself. Allowing this fire magick in can bring with it the energy and courage to shape your most amazing self and life.

Perform a candle visualization, run around the block, start a new project, or cook yourself a delicious meal. There are many ways to include the fire element into your everyday routine.

I’ve included some ideas below so lets get started!

fire magick, fire element, element fire, green witch, witchcraft, witch, nature witch, beginner witch

Fire Magick Correspondences














red, yellow, orange, gold


knife, sword, candles


adder, eagle, hare, ladybug, lizard


Aries, Leo, Sagittarius 


Mars, the Sun


stinging nettle, basil, blessed thistle, peppers, cacti, coffee beans, sunflower, cinnamon, cloves, dragon’s blood, cedar, angelica


clear quartz, jasper, fire agate, citrine, sunstone, carnelian, ruby, garnet


GoddessesBrigid, Hestia,Vesta, Pele, Sekhmet, Bast, Morrigan

GodsPrometheus, Apollo, Lugh, Bel, Vulcan, Freyr, Aenughus Og

Types of Fire Magick Rituals to Perform

  • Protection
  • Courage
  • Strength
  • Inspiration
  • Purification
  • Confidence
  • Vitality
  • Passion
  • Change

28 Ways to Connect with Fire Magick in Your Daily Routine

  • burn candles
  • have a bonfire
  • bask in the sunshine
  • go for a run
  • cook or bake
  • utilize fire herbs in your cooking (the ones that are safe to eat of course!)
  • sit in a sauna
  • drink coffee
  • light your fireplace
  • have a candlelit dinner
  • create something new
  • face your fears
  • perform a candle visualization
  • start a passion project
  • open your eyes and really appreciate the beauty that surrounds you each day
  • indulge in some romance 
  • have a candle burning during meditation
  • perform a ritual to honour the sun at noon on a bright and warm day
  • make a list of new goals for yourself 
  • perform a cleansing ritual
  • watch a sunset or sunrise
  • think about your life; what energizes you and makes you feel passionate?
  • perform some glamour magick for a boost of confidence
  • give yourself compliments
  • do something competitive 
  • check things off of your to do list
  • do something you have been procrastinating
  • be bold and speak your truth

Continue to find new ways to connect with that mesmerizing fire energy in your daily routine. You’ll discover there are lots of different opportunities where you may not have seen them before. 

Your thoughts!

Do you feel an affinity with the fire element? In what ways do you try and connect?

As always, I love to hear from you! Please feel free to leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

And remember, if you enjoyed this post, you can check out my SHOP PAGE or ETSY STORE for some grimoire inspiration and printable pages (including for each ELEMENT) to help get you started on your journey.

You can also SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List to receive a 20% OFF discount code for my website shop of digital witchy offerings, as well as some special freebies as a thank you and welcome gift!

Sending many blessings.

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

The Best Natural & Essential Oils for Fighting Eczema

Eczema and dry skin are not fun issues to deal with, especially in the long cold months of winter. It may seem no matter what you try or how many eczema creams you use nothing helps or it just keeps coming back to torment you. So today I am bringing you 10 of the best natural oils for eczema management.

My son has dealt with eczema issues for years and I have tried many different natural remedies with varying results. These are some of my favourites and can easily be added into your skincare routine to  give you some much needed relief without ingredients like steroids.

What is Eczema?

Eczema, or Atopic Dermatitis, is an inflammatory condition that manifests in dry, itchy, and red patches on the skin. It is extremely common, especially in areas such as the inside of the elbow, on the hands, and behind the ears. 

It it usually a long lasting condition that goes through periods of flare ups. A person can have no signs of it for a few months and then all of sudden it rears it’s ugly head.

There is a lot of evidence tying eczema to allergies and diet. And I will say cutting out dairy from my son’s diet made a world of difference in his flare-ups. But that’s an entirely different post for another time.

 It can get to a point with eczema where you feel like you’ve tried everything. Well hopefully you haven’t actually tried everything and that the info in this post can help!

So let’s get to it, 10 of the best natural oils for eczema and severely dry skin. 

10 of the Best Natural & Essential Oils for Combating Eczema & Dry Skin

Sweet Almond

Sweet Almond Oil is a gentle and mild oil that is safe to put directly onto the skin and absorbs easily. It’s anti-inflammatory properties are very soothing and the fatty acids it contains are particularly nourishing and protective.

Sweet Almond Oil  is also a wonderful carrier oil for essential oils. Though it should be avoided if you suffer from nut allergies.


Avocado oil is super beneficial for our skin thanks to it’s anti-inflammatory properties and anti-oxidants. It will help your skin to hydrate, replenish, protect and heal. The fatty acid content in the oil is greatly responsible for it’s healing effects. 

Another gentle oil, this carrier oil can safely be applied directly to the skin. 


Oats are little magical powerhouses. They are nourishing to our bodies inside and out. 

Most people have at least heard of adding oats into your bath for the silky smooth way it leaves your skin feeling. And the oil is no different!

Oat oil is known to do a great job at calming down itchy skin thanks to it’s anti-inflammatory properties. It is also packed with essential fatty acids to help heal and moisturize. While the lipids it contains help restore balance to the skin.

Oat Oil has a long history of being used to combat skin issues and there is quite a bit of research out there at this point to back up it’s stellar reputation. 

It is also safe to put directly onto skin and is easily absorbed.


Tamanu oil is not as well known as some but those who overlook it are seriously missing out!

This oil has a dark, thick consistency and a very unique smell. It is extracted from the seeds that grow on the Tamanu Nut Tree. Saying that, you may also want to avoid it if you have nut allergies.

This is another oil very rich in fatty acids and anti-inflammatory properties. Two key elements to consider in the fight against eczema. The oils amazing properties aid in healing and encourage new healthy skin growth.

May be used directly on the skin with no dilution necessary. 


Coconut has been hailed in recent years as being a cure all oil. While I don’t know about that there is much to be said about it’s abilities to help ease eczema symptoms. 

Coconut oil helps with rehydration which eczema doesn’t allow the skin to do properly. Coconut oil also contains lauric acid making it a wonderful aid to combat bacteria, fungi, and viruses. This will help minimize the risk of infection.

It is also another anti-inflammatory oil helping to ease pain and discomfort that eczema may bring. 


Calendula oil, extracted from the flower better known as Marigold, is a triple threat to eczema.

It has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties making it an effective natural remedy for skin conditions like eczema. Traditional herbalists have used calendula for centuries to aid skin healing.

Calendula oil is gentle and soothing making it safe to apply directly to skin for all ages and skin types. There are also many calendula creams on the market formulated to help treat skin conditions. 


Chamomile oil comes from the flower of the chamomile plant and is imbued with many wonderful properties including ones that will benefit your skin. 

While German Chamomile is slightly stronger and Roman Chamomile, they have both been shown to have a positive effect for treating skin conditions. 

Chamomile oil is anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, and anti-bacterial. Three qualities that will help to soothe the skin by reducing pain, redness, and itching. As well as reduce risk of infection. 

Chamomile oil is an essential oil and should be diluted in a carrier oil or cream before putting onto the skin. You can also purchase it in an herbal oil format where it has already been diluted with a carrier oil. 


Eucalyptus oil is another one that was traditionally used as a healing agent for the skin. It contains anti-microbial and anti-septic properties making it an affective ally in the quest to ease eczema symptoms. The oil can help to heal cracks in the skin, prevent infection, and soothe during flare-ups.

Eucalyptus is another essential oil and should be diluted prior to use.

Tea Tree

Tea tree has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties making it excellent for keeping infections at bay. The anti-inflammatory properties are also wonderful for minimizing redness, decreasing swelling and easing discomfort. Tea tree can help to leave your skin smoother and free from blemishes.

Must also be diluted in a carrier oil prior to applying to the skin. 


Neroli oil comes from the flower of the bitter orange tree and may not be one that automatically jumps to the mind when thinking about eczema. But it is a wonderful oil capable of much more than just smelling lovely and boosting your mood. 

Neroli has regenerating properties that are excellent for skin health. It is also an anti-septic and anti-inflammatory making it an effective tool for easing eczema symptoms such as irritation and redness.

Again, with Neroli being an essential oil it should be diluted before using on the skin.

Best Ways to Utilize These Oils

Here are a few ways to reap the benefits of these chosen oils: 

Craft Your Own Eczema Oil Blend

Start simple and just choose one carrier oil and one essential oil from above. Get a 30 ml amber glass dropper bottle,  add in 10 – 15 drops of your chosen essential oil, fill with carrier oil, and shake for 30 seconds. Apply to the skin at least two times a day. 

Once you are more comfortable with your oils you can make your blends a little more complex.

Add the Oils to Your Bath

You may add in a few drops of any of the above oils, or your own blend, directly into your bath. Another idea is to mix the oils in with some Epsom salts or French Green Clay for an extra soothing effect. 

Add to Your Moisturizer

You can always add in a few drops of your chosen oils with whatever moisturizer you currently use to have the added benefits. Apply at least twice daily.

Mix up A Cooling Spray

Mixing up a cooling spray is another easy idea. Mix the oils in with distilled water and witch hazel for a refreshing and cooling spritz during flare-ups. Go a step further and use a floral water, something like chamomile, instead of distilled. Spritz whenever discomfort arises.

Have a 100ml spray bottle (glass if possible) and fill it with the following: 

  • 70ml distilled or floral waters
  • 30 ml witch hazel
  • 2.5ml vegetable glycerin (helps as a mixing agent)
  • 15 – 20 or so drops of your chosen oils
  • shake for 30 seconds and use when needed

Summing Up

These natural oils absolutely make wonderful alternative remedies for eczema and dry skin. However, like with everything you are unique and results will vary depending on each individual’s skin and severity of the condition. Everyone has different skin and some experimentation will likely be needed for you to find which ones work best. 

Just remember to know your oils and their safety precautions prior to use, always dilute essential oils before using, and it is wise to do a patch test to see if you have any reactions.

And try to be creative and have fun. A weird thing to say when talking about eczema I’m aware lol.  Really though, crafting your own remedies and oil mixtures can feel satisfying and rewarding. Especially when you hit the sweet spot and pull together something that really works for you. 

Please Note: I am not a doctor or dermatologist by any means. I am simply sharing with you some of the benefits of these oils based on my own experience and research. This post is by no means a replacement for proper medical advice. Always use precautions and talk to your doctor or naturopath before trying out new herbal remedies. 

Your thoughts!

Do you feel an affinity with the air element? In what ways do you try and connect?

As always, I love to hear from you! Please feel free to leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

And remember, if you enjoyed this post, you can check out my SHOP PAGE  for some grimoire inspiration and printable pages (including for each ELEMENT) to help get you started on your journey.

You can also SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List to receive a 20% OFF discount code for my website shop of digital witchy offerings, as well as some special freebies as a thank you and welcome gift!

Sending many blessings.

Yours in magick and healthy skin,

Krystle xo

Air Magick: Correspondences & How to Work With it

The wind on your face, the gentle bird song in the morning hours, the glorious fluffs of cloud passing through the sky, and that wonderful release of taking a long deep breath; these are all sources of air magick.

Air cannot be seen only felt and is a vital element to all life. Without it we would simply perish. If you have been thinking about adding some air magick into your own practice keep on reading!

The Air is connected with the mind, intellect, creativity, and freedom. It is the very element that allows us to take breathe and live. Air Magick is literally all around us each and every day. We can’t see it, but it is always there for us. And I think it’s often taken for granted!

This post is the second in a four part series covering the elements; earth, air, fire, water. If you missed it, you can have a look at the first post in the series, Earth Magick. And stay tuned for the third part in the series, Fire, to be posted soon. 

Making Air Magick Part of Your Everyday Practice

It’s important for us to make space in our days for that powerful natural energy each element contains. Being mindful of this will enrich your connection to nature, bringing balance, and powerful magick to your practice. 

Air energy exists all around us as well as within us. This energy is associated with light, spring time, newness, and sound. Including this element into your days in a mindful and purposeful way will have you feeling more in tune with the natural world as well as with yourself. 

Stand in the wind and just appreciate it, burn incense during your magickal workings, or get lost in a beautiful piece of music. There are many easy and fulfilling ways for us to connect with that air energy as we go about our days. We just need to open our minds and be aware that we are doing it.

I’ve included some ideas below so lets get started!

air magick, air element, element air, green witch, witchcraft, witch, nature witch, beginner witch

Air Magick Correspondences










Hearing, Smell




yellow, white, blue


wand, athame, sword


bee, blackbird, eagle, hawk, raven, wren


Gemini, Libra, Aquarius


Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus


dill, lavender, frankincense, myrrh, lemongrass, poplar, rosemary, peppermint, fennel, caraway, poppy, dandelion, yarrow


topaz, pumice, smokey quartz, sapphire, lapis lazuli, labradorite, kyanite


GoddessesArianrhod, Nut, Urania, Hera, Juno, Mari, Hathor

GodsAether, Enlil, Shu, Dagda, Zeus, Thor, Mercury, Uranus

Types of Air Magick Rituals to Perform

  • Travel
  • Freedom
  • Knowledge
  • Communication
  • Mental Clarity 
  • Intuition
  • Psychic Abilities
  • Creativity

25 Ways to Connect with the Air Element 

  • feel the wind on your skin
  • cloud watching
  • fly a kite
  • practice divination
  • awake with the dawn
  • put out a bird feeder
  • burn incense 
  • perform visualization meditations
  • hang wind chimes
  • start something new
  • practice deep breathing
  • movement practice like yoga and dance
  • go sky diving (not for everyone lol!)
  • sit outside on a windy day and just listen 
  • listen to music
  • read something that inspires you
  • trust your intuition
  • make a change you have been pondering over
  • go for a hot air ballon ride
  • hike up a mountain and appreciate the change in air up there
  • travel somewhere new
  • enrich your mind
  • start your day with positive affirmations
  • inhale deep the beautiful scent of flowers or your favourite meal
  • reduce the ways you contribute to air pollution 

Find new ways to connect with that amazing air energy in your daily routine. You’ll discover there is lots of opportunity and that you likely already do some of these things! Beautiful and simple ways, it doesn’t always have to be a lengthy ritual.

With all of the elements, harness this energy, but remember to show gratitude, give thanks, and be kind to nature, always.

Your thoughts!

Do you feel an affinity with the air element? In what ways do you try and connect?

As always, I love to hear from you! Please feel free to leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

And remember, if you enjoyed this post, you can check out my SHOP PAGE or ETSY STORE for some grimoire inspiration and printable pages (including for each ELEMENT) to help get you started on your journey.

You can also SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List to receive a 20% OFF discount code for my website shop of digital witchy offerings, as well as some special freebies as a thank you and welcome gift!

Sending many blessings.

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

3 Simple Imbolc Rituals to Honour the Season

Imbolc is fast approaching! Marking the halfway point between winter and spring, Imbolc is a Sabbat filled with hope, cleansing away negativity, and goddess energy.

The earth is beginning to stir with signs of life and the promise of spring is imminent. With that promise comes a flourish of creative and motivational energies that we would be wise to tap into.

It’s a time to breathe new life into your endeavours, give thanks to nature, and honour the triple goddess and her transition from crone to maiden. For more on Imbolc history, traditions, and correspondences you may visit my full post HERE.

For today, I am sharing with you 3 simple Imbolc rituals you can perform easily at home to help you honour the day, tap into that invigorating Imbolc magick, and prepare your spiritual and physical self  for the warmer sunnier days ahead.

imbolc, imbolc rituals, sabbat, pagan holiday, pagan witch, wheel of the year, witchcraft, beginner witch

3 Simple Imbolc Rituals

Imbolc Ritual #1 – Simple Candle Ritual

Gather candles in the 6 colours of Imbolc (red, pink, blue, yellow, green, white) and an Angelica incense. You can set these up on your altar or another area you feel relaxed. First light your incense then begin lighting each candle.

For each of the first 5 candles you will state a personal affirmation for the coming weeks as we head into Spring. On the 6th candle you will offer thanks to Mother Earth and to the Goddess Brigid for all that they provide.

You can stay in a visualizing meditation focusing on those affirmations for as long as you wish. Let the candles burn for as long as is safe to do so.

Imbolc Ritual #2 – Cleansing Simmer Pot 

Gather Your Ingredients:

  • 3 lemon slices
  • 2 tbsp. lavender buds
  • 2 tbsp. chamomile flowers
  • 1 tbsp. rosemary (dried or fresh)
  • 1 tbsp. vanilla extract

1 – Set your intentions very clear in your mind and don’t lose sight of them.

2 – Fill a pot with water and slowly add your ingredients. Bring to a boil.

3 – Reduce to a simmer, stir the pot clockwise and recite these words or something similar:

‘I cleanse this place in time and space. Negativity I set you free. As my will, so mote it be.’

4 – Visualize your desired outcome for the magickal work you are doing. Imagine the negativity evaporating through the steam out into the aether until all that is left is pure, clean energy. Continue with the visualization and stirring until it feels right to finish.

5 – When you finish let the pot boil down until there is about an inch of water left and then turn it off. Your work is now complete.

Imbolc Ritual #3 – Milk Bath for Success

Blend together:

  • 3 tbsp. Coconut Milk Powder
  • 1 tbsp. Cocoa Powder
  • 1 tsp. Cinnamon
  • 1/2 c. Epsom Salt
  • 1 tsp. Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 15 drops Vanilla EO

Have ready:

  • 1/2 c. Lavender Water
  • 1 each Peridot, Moss Agate, Sunstone
  • one yellow candle and one green

1 – Focus your mind and set your intentions on new endeavours. Visualize yourself succeeding at each.

2 – Blend together your bath mixture with the ingredient list above or substitute for your own preferences.

3 – Arrange your candles and stones around your tub however feels right for you. 

4 – Begin to run your bathe water. Light your candles and slowly add in your mixture under the running water. 

5 – Once your bath is run, add in your Lavender water and submerge yourself.

6 – Relax into the water, continue visualizing yourself succeeding at each new venture you will be embarking on. Imagine yourself reaching and even surpassing each and every goal. Embrace the seasonal energy and allow the promise of Spring, new life, and growth to fill your mind and soothe your soul.

7 – Stay as long as feels right for you but be sure to remain focused on the intentions for as long as you are there. Try to stay engaged and not allow the mundane aspects of life cloud your mind. This time is for you, your spirit, and your magick.

BONUS: Ways to Honour Goddess Brigid this Imbolc

  • craft a St. Brigid’s Cross or Doll
  • leave out an offering of blackberries, bread, and milk (the milk can be dairy free if you are vegan).
  • leave out an offering of dandelions
  • light a white candle
  • start a new creative project dedicated to Brigid
  • write a poem or blessing honouring Brigid
  • plant seedlings, each with a fresh intention attached to it

Make Each Ritual Your Own

I always say this but it bares repeating. For each of these feel free to add crystals, additional oils or herbs, chants, or anything else you feel is needed for your specific practice and goals.

I share this post to serve as inspiration or guidelines but it is always nice to add our own personal touches into our spell work. You do not need to follow my steps or ingredients to a ‘T’.

There is no wrong way to do these Imbolc rituals. There is simply your way, and your way is perfect.

Your thoughts!

So tell me, do you have your Imbolc rituals planned yet? What is your favourite part of the holiday?

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

And remember, if you enjoyed this post, you can check out my SHOP PAGE or ETSY STORE for some witchy inspiration, e-books, and printable grimoire pages (including for the Sabbats) to help you plan your holiday festivities.

You can also SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List to receive a 20% OFF discount code for my website shop of digital witchy offerings, as well as some special freebies as a thank you and welcome gift!

Sending many blessings.

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Earth Magick: How to Tap into the Power of Nature

The soil beneath your feet, the grand old oak tree in your back yard, the community garden full of vibrant coloured blooms; these are all sources of earth magick.

Earth is our most grounded and basic element. If you have been thinking about adding this life giving magick into your own practice keep on reading!

The Earth provides us with stability, comfort, and strength. It is our mother and that from which all life stems. Without the Earth, we would cease to exist. And Earth Magick surrounds us each and every day.

This post will be the first in a four part series covering the elements; earth, air, fire, water. So  keep reading and stay tuned for the second part in the series, Air, to be posted in a few days. 

Making Earth Magick Part of Your Everyday Practice

Making an effort to make space to let in some earth energy into your days will enrich your connection to nature, bringing balance, and powerful energy to your practice. 

Earth energy exists within the universe but also within ourselves. This energy is associated with darkness, stillness, and the cycle of life. Tapping into this energy can open up new layers of possibility within our practice and within ourselves as a whole.

Go for a walk around the block but be present, buy a new plant friend for your home and nurture it well, collect rocks from the forest or sand from the beach and utilize them in your practice. There are tons of ways to include the earth element into your everyday magickal routine.

I’ve included some ideas below so lets get started!

earth magick, earth element, element earth, green witch, witchcraft, witch, nature witch, beginner witch

Earth Magick Correspondences














green, black, brown


pentacle, platter, shield, soil, gemstones, salt


bear, horse, cat, dog, wolf, bull, stag, hare, fox, ram, burrowing animals


Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn


Saturn, Venus


oak moss, fern, ivy, patchouli oak, vetiver, myrrh, hawthorn, nuts, mandrake, wormwood, vervain, cypress, grains


peridot, emerald, jade, hematite, malachite, jet, tourmaline, granite, onyx, quartz, amethyst


GoddessesRhea, Frigga, Ceres, Cerridwen, Demeter, Rhiannon, Freya, Artemis, Danu

GodsAdonis, Pan, Cernunnos, Geb

Types of Earth Magick Rituals to Perform

  • Money 
  • Prosperity
  • Abundance
  • Confidence
  • Career Success 
  • Grounding
  • Stability
  • Fertility

20 Ways to Connect with Earth Magick in Your Daily Routine

  • Greet the day by giving thanks to nature
  • Walk outside barefoot
  • Eat in season whole foods
  • Perform outdoor meditations or rituals 
  • Plant a garden
  • Have plants inside your home
  • Shop at Farmer’s Markets
  • Perform Kitchen Witchery
  • Spend time in the park
  • Visit the forest
  • Practice seasonal living
  • Appreciate the sights, sounds, and smells of nature
  • Work on your root chakra
  • Forest bathe
  • Collect sand from the beach 
  • Plant trees
  • Utilize stones and rocks in your practice
  • Decorate your home with fresh flowers and natural elements
  • Embrace the stillness of night
  • Live more sustainably 

Find new ways to connect with that powerful earth energy in your daily routine. You’ll discover there is lots of opportunity as we move through our days.

Harness this energy, but remember to show gratitude, give thanks, and give back to Mother Earth for all that she provides.

Your thoughts!

Do you feel an affinity with the earth element? In what ways do you try and connect?

As always, I love to hear from you! Please feel free to leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

And remember, if you enjoyed this post, you can check out my SHOP PAGE or ETSY STORE for some grimoire inspiration and printable pages (including for each ELEMENT) to help get you started on your journey.

You can also SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List to receive a 20% OFF discount code for my website shop of digital witchy offerings, as well as some special freebies as a thank you and welcome gift!

Sending many blessings.

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Starting Your Very First Magickal Grimoire Made Easy

Do you currently have a Grimoire or Book of Shadows? Or perhaps you have been you been thinking about starting one but are overwhelmed by the task. This post is here to help!

Perhaps you are not really sure what to include or what kind of book you need or where to even get the right information to begin. There is a lot of info out there and the initial task can seem a little daunting.

But with a little research and planning you’ll be on your way to building the magickal book of your dreams in no time!

January is a wonderful time for setting new goals and beginning fresh projects. I can think of no better winter project than starting your first grimoire or even just adding to or jazzing up one that maybe you have but feel could use a little more love.

So where do we begin? How about this.

What is a Grimoire?

A grimoire, put very simply, is a special book used to house all of your magickal workings. Your grimoire will be unique to your practice and there is really no right or wrong way to create one.

In this book you can write your spells and rituals, magickal recipes, information on herbs, crystals and oils, journal all of you witchy thoughts, record your dreams and card readings, etc.

The possibilities are only limited by your imagination and the topics you utilize in your craft.

Include everything that is relevant to you and your practice. This makes every witches grimoire beautifully distinctive and special.

grimoire, book of shadows, witchcraft, witch, pagan, wiccan, druid, grimoire pages, beginner witch, beginner witchcraft

What is the difference between a Grimoire and a Book of Shadows?

The terms grimoire and book of shadows are often just used interchangeably these days which is fine in my opinion.  

More technically though, a Grimoire is the older name for this book while the term Book of Shadows was popularized by the Wiccan movement in more modern times. Some believe the term Book of Shadows should be reserved for those that follow the Wiccan path.

Some also believe that a Book of Shadows is more private in nature and is meant just for you and that a Grimoire is to be shared and passed down.

Whatever you decide to call it and how private you keep it is entirely your decision and you should feel free to do what suits you.

For me, my book is private except certain spells and recipes which I do share here on the blog like this one HERE. I also stick with the term Grimoire. I like old traditions and the way the word rolls off the tongue. It’s just nice to say lol. 

Choose a term that resonates; call it a grimoire, book of shadows, magickal journal, or anything else that strikes your fancy. And you can keep it under lock and key or publish your entries publicly.

Do what feels right for you. This is nobody’s book but your own.

What kind of book will you use?

A pretty journal, a binder, a digital book, or perhaps a book you have actually bound yourself? Don’t worry if you don’t want to do that last one, I have never bound my own book either! 

There are many beautiful books that are crafted to be grimoires on places like ETSY if you are okay spending a bit more, or perhaps you have a beautiful journal already that has just been waiting for the right purpose?

And maybe you just grab a plain Hilroy notebook that you are comfortable carting all around town with you. ALL of these are valid. There is really no right or wrong book to have. You choose whatever works for you.

I personally use a binder. I like the ability to insert new pages, take out old ones, and be able to rearrange things with ease.

Have a think on it. Only you know which type of book will work best for you.

How will you organize your Grimoire?

Or will you organize it at all? Some like to just go day by day, journal style. While others will create tabs and sections for different topics.

I am definitely an organized type of person with title pages and dividers so that I can easily flip through and find what I am look for.

You can have just a few different sections or many depending on your practice and organizational style.

Here is a basic starter list of things I like to include:

Sabbats/Wheel of the Year – information on all eight pagan holidays so that I may easily plan my festivities and rituals from one year to the next.

Kitchen Witchery – this is a large part of my practice. You can include magickal recipes, culinary herbs and spices, kitchen witch tools, and best practices.

Herbs – lists of herbs, what they are used for, their magickal and sometimes medicinal properties.

Oils – oils that you use in practice, their magickal and  practical uses.

Crystals – information on crystals and their properties.

Witchy Journal Prompts – writings and thoughts you have related to your practice.

Spells & Rituals – a section to house your spells, rituals, and incantations.

Deities – Information on gods and goddesses that interest you and you may want to try working with.

Other topics: divination, familiars, meditations, witchy quotes, info on certain types of magickal intentions like cleansings and protection, astrology, moon magick, dreams, and so much more!

Grimoire Extras & Mediums

Will you adorn your grimoire with any fancy extras such as photos, pressed herbs or flowers, stickers, stencils, stamps, calligraphy, or drawings and embellishments you have done yourself? Or perhaps you are thinking to keep a more practical book with no unnecessary extras.

Which tools will you craft your grimoire with? Simple pen or pencil, or perhaps you will add some colour with pencil crayons, markers, or paints. Or if doing a digital book your tools would be your computer and perhaps a design program.

Every Grimoire is Unique

Again, there are no right or wrong answers here. Use your imagination and creativity when putting your grimoire together. This should be a joy inducing project to be sure. One that feeds your soul, brings you joy, and enhances your magickal practice.

My grimoire consists of printed pages, handwritten spells, notes, and coloured images. I am not gifted when it comes to painting or drawing and my handwriting is pretty messy lol. So I use printable pages like the ones in my SITE SHOP and ETSY STORE, images that can be coloured, stickers and the like to add special touches to my pages.

Whatever you do just make the book your own and it will serve you well.

Happy creating my magickal friends! 

Your thoughts!

Do you already have a grimoire or will you be starting one for the first time?

As always, I love to hear from you! Please feel free to leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

And remember, if you enjoyed this post, you can check out my SHOP PAGE for some grimoire inspiration and printable pages to help get you started on your journey.

You can also SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List to receive a 20% OFF discount code for my website shop of digital witchy offerings, as well as some special freebies as a thank you and welcome gift!

Sending many Blessings for a beautiful January and year to come.

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

12 Easy Creative Projects to Enjoy this Winter

Happy New Year friends! The energy of a brand new year is always so invigorating. You can simply feel the motivation and optimism in the air! 

This makes January a perfect time for starting new projects, including those of a creative nature. And not just any old project, but one that feeds your soul, brings you joy, and enriches your inner self.

That’s why, this week on the blog I am bringing you 12 ideas for creative projects to embrace this winter.

And these projects are ones that anybody can take part in. We all have creative sides in us that need to be unleashed. You need not consider yourself an artist or even a creative person to jump into one of these ideas immediately.

So, Shall We Begin?

Lets! Grab your favourite hot beverage, settle in, and by the end of this post I hope you have ideas for some fun new creative projects to begin in the coming days!

seasonal living, creative outlet, creative project, witch, DIY, winter projects, creative projects, cottage witch, winter living, grimoire, book of shadows

Here we go, 12 Creative Projects Anyone Can Do this Winter

Vision Board for Current Goals

Vision boards are an excellent outlet for both your creative and practical selves.

These may be crafted for any goal you can think of; health, dream homes, wardrobe, career…the possibilities are endless.

You can do a digital vision board but I personally prefer a good old fashioned collage making kind of vision board with pictures cut from magazines or printed out. Lol, colour me old school.

Begin a Recipe Book

Whether you write your own recipes or have a collection of favourites from your go to food bloggers, start organizing them!

Again this could be a digital book or you can buy a pretty notebook and hand write all of your favourites in it. Utilize different colours, fonts, and photos to really get your creative juices flowing!

Start a Grimoire or Book of Shadows

This magickal tool is really priceless for a budding or advanced practitioner of the craft.

This book can house all of your spells and rituals along with information on herbs, oils, crystals, the wheel of the year, deities, and so much more!

You could also have two books, a grimoire and a book of shadows. One for all of your spell work (BOS) and the other to house all of your knowledge of the craft (grimoire). These books will be home to everything that makes your practice unique to you. I prefer just one book for everything but the choice is yours!

If you need some inspiration, ideas, or printable reference guides to get you SHOP PAGE HERE or visit my ETSY SHOP HERE. I have many single pages and collection bundles that are pretty, printable, and ready to be inserted into your physical or digital grimoire. Or simply have a peek if you need some inspiration for getting yours started.

Put Together Photo Albums

Yes, I mean actual physical photo albums, not just a place on your phone that houses all of your selfies.

Print actual pictures and organize them in albums that you can flip through whenever the mood strikes.

Organize them by years, or themes, or big life events, whatever your heart desires!


Scrapbooking is so much fun! You can start one on anything from your dream wedding, to your kids, or even your favourite tv show. Seriously anything lol.

Add photos, quotes, stickers, pressed flowers or leaves, ribbon, glitter, whatever strikes your fancy.

Make Playlists For The Many Faces of You

I don’t know about you but what I am listening to at any given moment is heavily dictated by my mood and how I am feeling.

It’s such fun to go through Spotify or your music library and make different playlists for yourself. One for when you are happy, sad, mad, in love, out of love, music just for road trips or whatever other reasons you can think of.

Then the next time you just need those songs to soothe your soul or get you excited those playlists will be ready to go.

What Kind of DIY Person Are You?

Now you may not fancy yourself a do it yourself kind of individual but you may just surprise yourself.

There are so many things that we go out and buy that we can easily make ourselves with a few simple tools.

Now I am not saying you need to re-purpose your old dresser into some grand new masterpiece, unless of course that’s your jam. Then by all means have fun!

Really though, there are tons ways to create things for ourselves. You could mix up your own body sprays, cleaning products, potpourri, or the next time some special event comes along your could bake a cake yourself instead of buying one.

I believe there are DIY projects for everyone out there. Ones that will likely make you happy and save you money at the same time. Brainstorm some ideas and check out Pinterest for a ton of DIY inspiration for literally anything you can come up with.

Spruce up Your Living Space

Give your home a makeover!

Or even just a room. In the winter we spend much more time at home than during the other seasons. Take advantage of it and give your space a little facelift.

It need not be extravagant and you don’t need to get all new furniture. You could simply re-arrange your bedroom or give your kitchen a fresh coat of paint, change your curtains or get new throw pillow covers.

Choose just one room and use your imagination. What would your dream bedroom look like?

Embrace Your Inner Child and Colour

Colour therapy was big a couple of years back and colouring books were absolutely everywhere!

Well it need not be on trend for you to pick up a book, some coloured pencils and go crazy.

Colouring is proven to help relieve stress and ease the mind. Not ot mention is an awesome artistic outlet for those of us that are not natural born drawers or painters. Ahem, I can hardly draw a stick figure lol, but I adore colouring.

Paint by Numbers

Similar to colouring but maybe you prefer a paint medium instead.

Paint by numbers is such a fun project for those of us that have the desire to paint but need some guidance.


Do people still do puzzles? Well they should!

Puzzles get your brain thinking and all the while you are creating a beautiful image as the end product. Also, great for stress relief.

Lastly, Creative Project #12, Craft Herb Pouches or Witch Jars

If you want a creative outlet that also gets your magickal side engaged herb pouches and witch jars are just the thing!

All you require are some little organza bags, glass jars, and of course the ingredients to fill them with depending on your goals.

You can craft these for better sleep, success, wealth, health, confidence, setting new intentions and so much more! These are truly some of my favourite witchy endeavours to engage in.

I did a solstice ritual that included a witch jar.  You may view HERE if you want to have a peek and get a better idea of the process.

Which Creative Project Will You Jump Into?

So you see, there are so many creative endeavours out there for everyone to engage in, even if you don’t consider yourself much of a creative person.

We all have a creative side, however big or small, that needs to be embraced and nurtured.

Have a look through the list again, poke around Pinterest, and see which idea calls out to you the most. Then set out on a quest to get any necessary materials and allow that right side of your brain to let loose!

Most of all, have fun, relax, and allow yourself the time to delve into projects such as these. They are just as important as cleaning your house or organizing your finances. Let’s remember a little self-care this winter.

Until next time friends!

Your thoughts!

Do you already partake in any of these activities? Do you prefer digital or physical books when it comes to things like a recipe book or grimoire?

As always, I love to hear from you! Please feel free to leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

And remember, if you enjoyed this post, you can check out my shop page for some grimoire inspiration or this post HERE for some winter self care tips and ideas. 

You can also SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List to receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop of digital witchy offerings, as well as some special freebies as a thank you!

Sending many Blessings for a beautiful January and year to come.

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

3 Simple Yule Rituals to Perform this Year

Yule, the Winter Solstice, is just around the corner! Yule is not one of the larger Pagan holidays, or it didn’t used to be, but it has always been one of my favourites! The time of year where nature is entering into her long winters rest, and yet we are also welcoming back the sun.

It is simply one of the most magickal times. The air is invigorating and filled with joy and possibility.

Yule, or the Winter Solstice, is the shortest day and longest night of the year. It is the day when the sun once again begins to overtake the dark. Days will gradually begin to grow longer until we reach the Summer Solstice.

This is a time to rejoice, to believe in the promise of brighter days ahead, and to take a page from mother nature and prepare for our own time of rest.

So today, I am sharing with you 3 simple Yule rituals you can perform on the solstice to honour the day, cleanse your own energies, and prepare for winter and the coming year.

Yule Magick

During Yule we are celebrating the rebirth of the sun. So for ourselves as well, this is an optimal time to perform spells and rituals to usher in change, renewal, and new beginnings.

A time where we can reflect on the year that is coming to a close and decide to let go of what no longer serves, to cleanse away negativity and self-doubt and prepare our minds and bodies for the year to come.

Think about what you would like your year to look like. What changes would you like to see happen?

Be open to amazing things coming your way and be grateful for all this last year has given you.

So here we go 3 Yule rituals to help inspire your own solstice festivities.

witch, yule, yule rituals, yule festivities, sabbat, yuletide, Christmas,

Yule Ritual #1 – Abundance Jar Ritual

Jar rituals are probably one of my favourites. They allow you to be creative with your ingredients, can be made for any intentions you may have, and as a bonus they look and smell pretty!

You will need:

  • Small glass jar with lid
  • Holly
  • Bayberry
  • Cinnamon Sticks
  • Juniper Berries
  • Dried peppermint leaves
  • Cedar essential oil
  • Green candle
  • Fir Incense 

This jar focuses on manifesting abundance for the coming weeks, months, and year. Make a point to make everything a part of your ritual, from gathering your supplies until you place the jar in its new home.

To Begin

Gather your ingredients, sit comfortably in your space, and light your candle and incense.

Clear your mind of anything unrelated to your current task. Think about the aspects of your life where you would like to manifest abundance. What things in your life would you like to see blossom and grow?

Begin to slowly fill your jar with the ingredients listed, in any order you choose. Focus your energies on that invigorating feeling of growth.

A new year is coming and with it exciting prospects for change and opportunities. Try to hold only positive notions throughout your ritual.

Envision what your ideal year will look like, envision growth and abundance. See clearly any changes you would like to manifest.

You can take as much time or as little as you like to complete the ritual. Just be careful to savour the moments and don’t rush it. Once you feel ready, seal your jar and put it somewhere you will regularly see it. This can be on your altar or another place of significance.

The jar will serve as a reminder of what you envisioned for yourself, of the light that was your energy while you were making it.

It can be a wonderful tool for days when you don’t feel the best. Looking at the jar, and remembering the process you went through to create it should bring a smile to your face, and some optimism for new beginnings into your mind.

Yule Ritual #2 – Sunrise Meditation

This meditation will serve to welcome back the sun, show your thanks, and balance energies.

If you live somewhere that isn’t cold this time of year and it’s a nice day, you could do this meditation outside under the beaming sunshine. That would be lovely!

Living in Canada I tend to do this one inside. If you are inside, set yourself up in your sunniest area so that you may soak up those sunbeams from the warmth and comfort of your home.

Performing this meditation at the actual time of sunrise would be optimal. You may also have with you a yellow candle to represent the sun, Myrrh incense, and an offering of seasonal herbs, flowers, or foods. This offering can be made to a god/goddess if you work with any, or simply to the sun or mother nature. These are optional but are nice additions. 

Assure you are feeling calm, balanced, and with a grateful heart when you begin. Sit in a comfortable position facing the sun, or your sunny window, and light your candle and incense if you have them. You may then present your offering.

Clear your mind

Clear your mind until you feel only light inside. Focus on the sun and mother earth, feel the immense gratitude you have for the warmth and life they provide. Give thanks for all that is given and vow to take care how you treat nature in this coming year.

Take solace in the promise of the sun and that she will always return to us. Believe that there are brighter days coming, soak up the warmth and light energy that she provides.

The meditation can be as long as you wish. Perhaps you only have 10 minutes or you are able to stay and bask in this state for an hour. Either is absolutely fine! What’s most important is to show your thanks, express your gratitude, be mindful, and be joyous. We are celebrating a birthday after-all, the birth of the Sun!

Yule Ritual #3 –  Cleansing Bowl

You will need

  • A bowl
  • 2 cups pure unprocessed salt such as sea salt
  • Lemon essential oil
  • Pine needles
  • Dried Lavender
  • Dried Eucalyptus
  • 3 Bay Leaves
  • Mortar and pestle (optional)
  • Rosemary incense
  • Gold, green, or white candle

For this ritual you can begin by performing the same process as with the abundance jar.

Focus your intentions on cleansing negativity and fear from within and welcoming new beginnings and energies, gather your items, and light your candles and incense.

Then you will begin to mix your salts, herbs and oils together. You can do this either in your mortar and pestle or directly in the bowl in which they’ll live.

Once they are mixed and in the bowl, take your three bay leaves and write one thing on each that you are letting go of. It can be anything you would like to leave behind. Once written take each leaf and bury them in the salts. You may state what you have written on each one as you place it in the bowl.

Throughout the ritual focus on releasing the negativity from your body, envision it dancing away into the aether. This will make space for positivity, light, and new beginnings.

The finished bowl smells lovely so feel free to put it in a place of prominence. Every time you pass it, the beautiful scents will serve as reminders to not fall into old habits or thought patterns but continue to move forward.

Make Each Ritual Your Own

For each of these feel free to add crystals, additional oils or herbs, chants, or anything else you feel is needed for your specific practice.

I share this post to serve as inspiration or guidelines but it is always nice to add our own personal touches into our spell work.

There is no wrong way to do these Yule rituals. There is simply your way, and your way is perfect.

Your thoughts!

So tell me, do you have your Yule rituals planned yet? What is your favourite part of the holiday?

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

And remember, if you enjoyed this post, for more Winter magick inspiration you can check out my newly released Winter Kitchen Witch Handbook for recipes, rituals, and winter correspondences. Find full details HERE.

You can also SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List to receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop of digital witchy offerings, as well as some special freebies as a thank you!

Sending many Yule Blessings and well wishes for the coming year!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Easy Winter Simmer Pot Recipes for the Magickal Soul

Each season comes with distinct aromas that help to define them and winter might just have some of the best!

So you all asked and I listened. You guys really loved my Magickal Autumn Simmer Pots post and requested one for winter too, so here we are!

Certain aromas trigger memories, make us nostalgic, and can have us feeling like we’ve just entered a winter wonderland.

Scents like fir tree, cloves, orange, anise, and cranberries can bring the magick of winter right into our homes. And who wouldn’t want that? Simmer pots are the perfect solution to have these glorious scents wafting throughout your home in minutes this coming season.

I’ve sung the praises of simmer pots before, and I’ll do it again lol. They really are an excellent, non-toxic, and eco-friendly way to have your home smelling like the season in a few short minutes. They are also a wonderful way to brew some magick in the kitchen.

So read on and discover a few recipes to help bring the warmth, comfort, and joy of the winter season into your home and your heart.

The Simmer Pot

Simmer pots are basically potpourri in a pot! You choose your ingredients, put them in a pot with water, bring to a boil, then turn down to a simmer and let it do its thing. They couldn’t be any easier, just be sure you don’t let your pot boil dry! If you want to keep the pot going simply add more water when it gets low. And obviously never leave it going when you are not home.

Simmer pots also lack the harsh toxins that are packed into conventional air freshener sprays and many scented candles. Just fresh ingredients from your kitchen! No fake fragrances or toxic chemicals needed.

One more benefit, they can likely be crafted with things you already have in your kitchen making them a convenient and inexpensive solution.

simmer pot, seasonal living, kitchen witch, kitchen witchery, magical recipes, winter living, witch, pagan

Simmer Pot Magick

And we mustn’t forget that the herbs, spices, and whole foods housed in our kitchens all carry their own energies and magickal properties.

So let’s use those items to assist us in manifesting our goals. You’ll easily be able to create a simmer pot that aligns with your intentions and smells delicious!

When I do a simmer pot with a specific intention in mind I follow these simple steps to incorporate my magick and mind into the process:

  1. Set your intentions very clear in your mind and don’t lose sight of them for the entire process.
  2. Add ingredients to the pot and bring to a boil.
  3. Reduce to a simmer, stir the pot clockwise. Unless you are doing a banishing or releasing spell, in that case stir the pot counter clockwise.
  4. Visualize your desired outcome or goal for the magickal work you are doing. Are you aiming to create happiness in the home, or more money in your wallet? Whatever it may be focus on what you want the outcome to look like. Continue with the visualization and stirring until it feels right to finish. You’ll know when!
  5. You may recite your goal, a chant, or ritual words while you stir as well. Something pertaining to your desired outcome.
  6. When you finish I would let the pot boil down until there is about an inch of water left and then turn it off. Your work is now complete.

Of course feel free to change this process up so that it suits your own needs and magical practice.

Winter Simmer Pot Recipes

Cranberry Lane – success, strength, and confidence

  • 1/2 cup of cranberries 
  • 3 orange slices or peels (dried or fresh)
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 tsp ground nutmeg

Winter Wonderland – protection, clarity, and love

  • 3 lemon slices or peels (dried or fresh) 
  • 1 tsp rosemary
  • 2 tsp cloves
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract 

Winter Forest – abundance, wealth, and renewal

  • A few fir tree sprigs
  • 1 tbsp cloves 
  • 2 orange slices or peels (dried or fresh)

Winter Spice – prosperity, beauty, and luck

  • 2 cinnamon sticks 
  • 1 tbsp whole allspice
  • 1 tsp ground nutmeg 
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

Peppermint Candy – cleansing, healing, & happiness

  • Handful of fresh or dried peppermint leaves
  • 2 lemon slices or peels (dried or fresh)
  • 2 bay leaves 
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract

What to do with your simmer pot ingredients when you are finished?

Another awesome thing about simmer pots is that they don’t create any waste. You can simply compost your ingredients or dry them out to be used in future spells or for potpourri.

Final thoughts.

Are you already addicted to simmer pots? If so, do you have a favourite?

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more Winter inspiration you can check out my newly released Winter Kitchen Witch Handbook for recipes, rituals, and winter season correspondences.

You can also SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Until next time friends!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

15 Yule Symbols & Traditions to Make your Holiday More Magical

Yule is coming! Yule is the Pagan holiday that is just filled with  feelings of warmth, coziness and joy. For many anyways. Myself included.

The scents, energies and excitement surrounding this Sabbat are incredibly infectious.

Yule has a rich and wonderful history of traditions that were around for many many moons prior to when Christmas stepped into the spotlight.

So today we are going to go through 15 of these fun customs and symbols that you can incorporate into your own holiday celebrations this year.

And perhaps some you already do! So let’s get to it.

First though, what is Yule?

Yule is the holiday that coincides with the Winter Solstice. The Winter Solstice is the shortest day and longest night of the year before the light once again begins to overtake the dark.

This is a celebration of the birth, or re-birth, of the sun and takes place between  December 20th and 23rd. This year falling on the 21st.

This solstice is the promise of the returning light and warmer days to come. And is widely considered a moment for feasting, merriment, honouring nature, renewal and reflection.

yule, yule traditions, yule festivities, sabbat, yuletide, Christmas, yule Symbols

15 Traditions & Symbols of Yule

Decorate a Yule Tree

The Yule tree is an extremely important and prominent part of the holiday. Originating many many centuries ago. 

For early Pagans this tree was a representation of the Tree of Life. Traditionally it was adorned in pine cones, berries, and fruit. Sometimes also with items such as coins and corn to represent the hope for abundance and prosperity in the new year.

However, it is Queen Victoria that we have to thank for popularizing the modern day Christmas tree. In the 1840’s Queen Victoria came back from a trip to Germany where she saw them and decided she wanted to have one. She made it a trend. Thus, the tradition of the Christmas tree was born. To that I will say thank you Queen Victoria!

Make a Yule Log

The Yule Log was another incredibly important aspect of this time of year.

The tree for the Yule Log was  very carefully selected. The log was meant to protect the home and would be burned in the hearth throughout the 12 days of Yule.

Some may still craft a Yule log but they have largely been replaced with Yule Log cakes or centrepieces. Especially since not many people today are lucky enough to have a working fireplace or are able to go grab a tree from the forest real quick lol. 

And there are some fun tutorials out there on how to craft your own, modest sized Yule log centrepiece, like this one from The Painted Hinge.

Brew some Wassail

Waes hael, comes from old English and means “be well” or “good health”.

The Yule log tree was anointed with wassail and there would be a large bowl put out for the Yule feast. The host would toast to their guests by saying, “waes hael”.

Wassail is traditionally made from apple, orange, honey, spices, and often a form of alcohol such as ale.

Hang Mistletoe

Mistletoe was thought to represent the fertility of the goddess and the seed of the Oak King. The Druids would harvest it and hang above doorways for protection.

The kissing under the mistletoe tradition likely began due to this association with fertility and life.

Honour Nature and Welcome back the Sun

Do a ritual at sunrise to welcome the light and warmth of the sun back to the land.

Honouring nature and this cycle of re-birth is a key element in appreciating and living in tune with the seasons. 

The Season of Giving

Gift giving is an appropriate activity as we are celebrating a birthday. The birth of the Sun! Gift giving at this time is a long-standing tradition.

It is wonderful to show tokens of affection to our loved ones, donate to charities and offer our time volunteering. 

Helping to spread the magic of the season to others is part of what makes this holiday so damn special. 

Bake Gingerbread

Long ago ginger was considered sacred and gingerbread was a real delicacy. According to some it was only allowed to be made during the holidays making it a key symbol of winter and Yule.

Today we are lucky enough to have ginger and all of it’s amazing benefits readily available to us but having gingerbread around the holidays is still a staple tradition. 

Go Carolling

In times past, young children would go from house to house singing Yule songs. They would be rewarded with treats and small gifts.

These small tokens were sometimes considered symbols of prosperity given to children by the Mother Goddess.

Ring the Bells

We all know the carol jingle bells…but why bells?

Bells would be rung in the morning to drive away the demons that arise in the darker part of the year. The bells were meant to chase away the dark and bring forth the return of the light following the winter solstice.

Craft a Wreath

Wreaths represented the wheel of the year. They were often given as gifts as a symbol of friendship and happiness.

Traditionally made with evergreens and decorated with pinecones and berries.

Light Candles

Candles symbolize the light and warmth of the sun. They were also another means to chase away demons.

They were a way to bring the bright energy and light of the sun into the home.

Decorate with Symbols of Yule

Indulge in elements like evergreen, holly, pine, yew, and of course, mistletoe.

Evergreens represented everlasting life and were hung around windows and doorways. Holly was thought to repel unwanted spirits. Pine was said to bring healing and joy and the yew tree was a symbol of rebirth.

Colours as well were a big part of the season. Red, green, white, silver, and gold are the quintessential colours everyone thinks of this time of year. Red for prosperity and love. Green for abundance and the promise of the spring time. White for cleansing and light. Silver to symbolize the moon. And gold of course to represent the sun and the radiant energy that comes along with it.

Nothing makes the holiday come to life quite like incorporating these symbols into your home decor for the season.

Indulge in Traditional Holiday Foods

No holiday is complete without a feast and Yule was certainly a time for one.

Crescent moon cookies, caraway cakes, wassail, eggnog, gingerbread, turkey, and berries were all traditional foods.

See how many you can incorporate into your own celebration this year.

Celebrate the 12 days of Yule

Set up an altar, light candles each evening, honour the god/goddess (if you choose), decorate your home for the season, give gifts, and take a moment to appreciate and honour nature each day.

Fully embrace and enjoy the warmth and joyful spirit of the season.

Refresh & Renew

This is a time of renewal for nature and so should be for ourselves.

Take this time to cleanse your space and your energies. Set new goals and aspirations for the weeks to come. Give into the feeling of freshness and rebirth.

You could even do a ritual to set new intentions and cleanse away negativity.

Listen to Yule Music

Now you may not go caroling, as it is not as common a practice as it once was, but do listen to the songs and sounds of the season.

Music is a wonderful source of joy and does wonders to lift the spirit and wash away stress. Tune in and sing along.

Embrace the Spirit of the Season

Get lost in the spirit of the season, let your soul shine, be present, be mindful, and enjoy every second of this magickal time of year.

When you do it will be easy to enter the new year feeling refreshed and invigorated to take on the rest of the season.

Be in touch with nature and the earth and you will know that reassurance in your heart that spring is just around the corner. The light time of the year is returning a little more each day.

I want to hear from you!

What Yule traditions do you incorporate into your yearly festivities? Do you have one particular thing that is your favourite?

I always love to know your thoughts, so please leave a comment or drop me a line. There are lots of ways for us to connect. 


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Yule time Blessings pixie dolls.

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Greetings Friend!

I'm Krystle. Resident kitchen witch, holistic nutritionist, green living maven, breast cancer survivor, part-time forest fairy, and author of The Witch's Guide to Wellness. Interested in holistic wellness and living your best, most magical life? If you answered yes, you are most definitely in the right place and I'm so happy you're here.

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