Soul Cake Recipe for Samhain: Easy, Vegan, and Delicious

Soul Cakes anyone? Samhain is easily one of the most, if not the most, anticipated holiday in the Wheel of the Year. And no Sabbat is complete without yummy eats, at least in my humble opinion! Few things say Samhain more than traditional, and oh so tasty, soul cakes. And to make things even better, let’s do them up vegan.

These delicious little cakes are sort of a cross between scones and shortbread. My recipe leans more towards scones because I enjoy them soft and moist as opposed to on the crunchier side. Just a preference! 

Soul cakes have much history and magical properties tied to them. So let’s dive right in starting with a bit of soul cake folklore.

What exactly are soul cakes?

Soul cakes are a traditional British treat (small round spiced cookie/cake creations often with nuts and dried fruit) made for both Pagan and Christian traditions, Samhain and All Souls/Saints Day.  For both it is a time of honouring those who have passed on from the realm of the living (if you’d like more info on Samhain check out my post HERE). Soul cakes may have also been adopted by the church as Samhain was. They have much history and tales behind them depending on who you talk to and what you read. As well as various different ways to make them.

Traditionally the cakes were left out as offerings to soothe the spirits that wandered the earth at this time. They were also given to those that went throughout the village singing and offering prayers to each household, then receiving a soul cake in return. They were known as ‘soulers’. This is where modern day trick or treating is said to come from.

Regardless of their exact place of origin they are still tied to this magical and ethereal time of year and are a perfectly seasonal item to incorporate into your own festivities.

Soul Cake Notes

  1. Don’t skip chilling the dough in the fridge. This allows the dough to hydrate, giving you a more even bake and browning. It also firms up the dough, which means it will hold its texture and be less likely to flatten out.
  2. You may add whichever dried fruits you choose.  Cranberries, blueberries and currents work particularly well. 
  3. The amount of cakes you get from the recipe will  depend on the size of cake you choose to make. I prefer a 1″ rollout with a 3″ cutter. This will give you 8 cakes. Some prefer to do a thinner roll or a alternative sized cutter. It really just comes down to preference. 
  4. You may feel free to prepare your dough the day before and store in the fridge overnight saving you time on baking day.
  5. These cakes will keep in an airtight container for about 4 days or you may store them in the fridge to keep for up to 7 days. These types of cakes/biscuits are always better though the fresher they are.
Samhain, soul cakes, kitchen witch, pagan, wheel of the year

Soul Cakes and Magickal Samhain

Samhain is a powerful time and soul cakes will add even more magic to the day. You can also set these out as an offering to your ancestors or the spirits passing through.

Adding magical meals into your Sabbat celebration will enrich your day, your rituals, and give you an excuse to cook up some delicious offerings you wouldn’t normally have in your everyday routine. There is really no down side!

Soul Cakes: Main Magickal Properties

Wheat – grounding, abundance, stability

Apple – balance, harmony, protection, healing, health, success, wisdom

Coconut – good luck, protection, purification

Cinnamon – success, prosperity, strength, luck, love, enhanced psychic awareness

Vanilla – love, beauty, passion

Flaxseed – healing, money, protection, beauty, psychic abilities

Cane Sugar – love, money, attraction, peace

The dried fruits you use will add additional properties depending on which ones; such as blueberries for strength and abundance or cranberries for protection and positivity.

kitchen witch, kitchen magick, holistic nutrition, witch, witchcraft,

Soul Cake Recipe

Makes 8 – 10 Servings – Total Time: 60 minutes

  • 4 tbsp brown sugar
  • 4 tbsp vegan butter (I like to use Earth Balance)
  • 1 flax egg (1 tbsp ground flax mixed with 3 tbsps water) or egg replacer
  • 1/4 cup apple sauce
  • 1/2 cup oat milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp pumpkin spice
  • 1/2 tsp Ceylon cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 2 cups plus 2 tbsp whole wheat or all purpose flour (more for dusting)
  • 2 tbsps shredded coconut
  • 1/2 cup dried fruit and/or nuts of choice (chocolate chips if you’re feeling crazy lol)


  1. Cream together the butter and brown sugar in a large bowl and set aside. 
  2. Then mix up your flax egg and set aside to thicken. 
  3. In a separate bowl mix together all wet ingredients adding the flax egg in last. 
  4. Now mix together your dry ingredients and set aside.
  5. Whisk your wet ingredients into your butter and sugar mixture until combined (it will look a little lumpy and weird lol)
  6. Now mix your dry ingredients into your wet mixture in two halves. 
  7. Stir until well combined.
  8. Lastly, mix in your coconut and chosen additions. You may wish to use your hands at this point to get everything together. If dough is still sticky add a bit more flour.
  9. Turn the dough out onto a piece of wax paper, lightly dusted with flour. Knead a few times to form a ball but be careful not to over knead.
  10. Place another piece of wax paper on top of your dough and roll it out to 1″ thick.
  11. Place your dough with the wax paper in the fridge to chill for 20 minutes.
  12. While the dough is chilling preheat the oven to 350 and prepare your baking sheet. You can either lightly grease it or line it with parchment paper.
  13. After the 20 minutes remove the dough from the fridge and cut out your cakes. I like to use a 3 inch round cutter but you can use a different size if you’d prefer.
  14. Once cut, cut a cross into the top of each cake at least 1/8 an inch deep. Then lightly brush the tops with coconut oil or melted butter and sprinkle a bit of cinnamon, brown sugar, or cane sugar over the tops.
  15. Place in the oven and bake for 15 to 20 minutes (times will vary by oven and the size you made your cakes).
  16. Remove from oven and allow to cool for 5 minutes. Then place on wire rack to cool fully.

This looks like a lot of steps but they come together easily! They are delicious when eaten still slightly warm. Serve with coffee or tea and top with butter, apple butter, or jam if you want a bit of extra sweetness.

Nutritional Information (if 10, without dried fruit)

Calories: 256 | Fat: 5g | Carbohydrates: 49g | Protein: 4g | Fibre: 1g

I hope you enjoy this recipe and that they add to your Samhain festivities! If you are still looking for ways to ring in the day check out my post about celebrating Samhain and Halloween HERE.


Do you already have your food planned out for Samhain? Will this be your first time making Soul Cakes?

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more inspiration check out my shop page! There you will find beautiful user friendly printable grimoire pages on herbs, oils, kitchen witchery, crystals, Sabbats (including Samhain!), and much more.

You can also SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Sending many blessings!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Easy Pumpkin Spice Overnight Oats for Success and Prosperity

What says Autumn more than tasty pumpkin spice everything? It’s most definitely an autumn staple that can be added to so much, including these delicious pumpkin spice overnight oats for an easy, healthy and tasty breakfast.

Autumn is an absolute magical time of year and incorporating its unique flavours into your meals is an excellent way to embrace the season in your day to day life.

Plus, for the kitchen witch in you, these oats are packed with properties for success and prosperity. 

Let’s begin with a little health overview, because these oats are packed with essential vitamins and minerals to keep you energetic and satisfied all morning long.

Pumpkin Spice Overnight Oats: Health Benefits

Rolled Oats (the extra thick variety are particularly good)

  • Rich in anti-oxidants
  • Contains B Vitamins
  • Source of Manganese, Phosphorous, and Magnesium
  • Great source of Fibre
  • Can lower cholesterol and blood pressure
  • Helps control blood sugar
  • Good vegan source of protein

Pumpkin Puree (canned or freshly made if you are ambitious)

  • Excellent source of Vitamin A
  • Source of many essential minerals such as Potassium
  • Great fibre content
  • High in anti-oxidants
  • Helps boost immune system
  • Low calorie
  • Benefits heart health
  • Great for skin health

Ceylon Cinnamon (known as ‘true cinnamon’ and packs the most health benefits)

  • Another amazing source of anti-oxidants
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Lowers blood sugar
  • Heart healthy
  • Has anti-bacterial & anti-fungal properties

Flaxseed (ground)

  • Source of Omega 3 Fatty Acids
  • Good protein content
  • Excellent source of Fibre
  • Anti-oxidant properties
  • Keeps you satiated

Oat Milk (you may substitute this with any milk of your choice)

While not the same as eating a bowl of oatmeal it still contains some good stuff!

  • Fibre
  • Calcium
  • Little bit of protein
  • Low fat

Some brands will fortify with extra vitamins such as Vitamin A, D, and B’s. It is best though to get a brand with the fewest ingredients. My favourites are ISOLA BIO, ELMHURST, and CHOBANI. 

Vegan Vanilla Protein Powder

  • Many of us require a little bit of a protein boost into our days.
  • I use Genuine Health Organic Fermented Vanilla Protein Powder. It’s delicious, vegan, and with no unpronounceable additives.
  • A lot of protein powders unfortunately have many additives. Be sure to buy high quality if you are going to use one.
  • Another alternative I like to use is pure Pumpkin Seed Powder. It comes unflavoured and is honestly pretty tasteless, so you don’t even notice it’s there lol.

Overnight Oats Notes

  1. Don’t omit the ground flaxseed as it helps to absorb the liquid and thicken your oats.
  2. You may add a little more or less liquid to go with your preference of desired consistency. I sometimes like to add a little coconut kefir just before eating to add a bit of a creamy texture.
  3. Different protein powders WILL change the taste. The Vanilla Genuine Health one is the absolute best tasting I have found, EVER. And by a lot. You can also omit the protein powder entirely and add in 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract instead.
  4. Overnight oats are super versatile! You can switch up the milks, flavour options and toppings easily, so experiment and have fun.
  5. Many people say to consume your oats within a day of making them but I prepare mine in advance for 3 -4 days at a time and on the third and fourth day they are still delicious.
  6. Overnight oats can be eaten cold or warmed up. They choice is yours! I generally eat mine straight out of the fridge. It really doesn’t get any easier to grab a quick breakfast. 
kitchen witch, overnight oats, healthy breakfast, pumpkin spice, witch

A Touch of Magic in the Morning

Food is magick. It’s nice to harness the properties of your chosen foods at meal time or meal prep time. Kitchen witchery is a powerful form of everyday magic. 

These overnight oats are no exception and have some amazing magickal properties attached to them.

Pumpkin Spice Overnight Oats: Main Magickal Properties

Pumpkin – healing, money, wealth, harmony, health, success

Oats – sustainability, wealth, abundance

Cinnamon – success, prosperity, strength, luck, love, enhanced psychic awareness

Vanilla – love, beauty, passion

Flaxseed – healing, money, protection, beauty, psychic abilities

Maple Syrup – love, prosperity, wealth, joy

While preparing your oats, focus on manifesting prosperity and success into your life. How do you want this to feel? What goals do you want to accomplish? Visualize how your life will look once you reach these milestones.


Pumpkin Spice Overnight Oats Recipe

Makes 1 Serving – Total Prep Time: 10 minutes

  • 1/3 cup rolled oats    
  • 1/4 tsp pumpkin spice blend
  • 1/4 tsp Ceylon cinnamon
  • 1 tbsp ground flaxseed
  • 1/2 scoop vegan vanilla protein powder                                                    
  • 1/3 cup oat milk (or other milk of your choice)
  • 1/2 tsp maple syrup
  • 1/4 cup pumpkin puree
  • Optional toppings: granola, bananas, nuts, nut butter, pumpkin seeds, chocolate chips, coconut kefir. Add your toppings just before eating.


  1. Add all dry ingredients into an 8 ounce glass jar (mason jars work great). 
  2. Stir until well mixed.
  3. Add in all wet ingredients.
  4. Once again, stir until well combined.
  5. Place on the lid and put into the fridge overnight or for at least 4 hours. These are perfect to meal prep the day before so they are ready for you in the morning.

Nutritional Information (without optional toppings)

Calories: 274 | Fat: 6g | Carbohydrates: 36g | Protein: 16g | Fibre: 6.5g


Do you already make overnight oats in your regular routine? Are you a kitchen witch at heart?

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more inspiration check out my shop page! There you will find beautiful user friendly printable grimoire pages on herbs, oils, kitchen witchery, crystals, Sabbats, my Seasonal Witch E-books, and much more.

You can also SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Sending many blessings!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Mabon Activities: 42 Ways to Celebrate this Special Day

Mabon, or the Autumn Equinox, is a most anticipated seasonal change! Mabon signifies that fall has officially arrived! A favourite season for many a witch. If you are still planning your Mabon/Autumn Equinox activities you’ll want to keep on reading.

Mabon is the second harvest celebration of the year and coincides with the Autumn Equinox. This is a season to celebrate life and death, and is often referred to as the season of the witch. For more complete Mabon/Autumn Equinox details and correspondences, you may check out my full post HERE.

Celebrating the Start of the Autumn Season

This is a time of balance, reflection, and honouring the cycle of life. It is a day filled with feelings of gratitude, appreciation, and joy. And there are just so many ways for you to celebrate!

This is also a wonderful time of year to focus your energies inward towards personal growth and manifestation. So, to start off the season, this post includes 42 Mabon activities that are accessible, fun, and honour well this special change of season to help make your day a festive one. Pick one, two or twenty-five, whatever works!

Autumn is truly a magical time of year. Indulge, embrace, and enjoy the energies in all that you do!

mabon, autumn equinox, wheel of the year, pagan, sabbat

42 Simple and Satisfying Ways to Celebrate Mabon

  1. Perform a ritual to honour Mother Earth and this darker part of the year
  2. Perform a gratitude ritual
  3. Write a journal entry about what Mabon means to you
  4. Perform a home protection ritual
  5. Do a home cleansing
  6. Perform a ritual to release negativity
  7. Fill a cornucopia 
  8. Build your Mabon Altar
  9. Roast corn on the cob
  10. Craft a prosperity jar
  11. Host a Mabon dinner
  12. Bake bread
  13. Go apple picking
  14. Visit a pumpkin patch
  15. Do a Mabon Oracle or Tarot card reading
  16. Go hiking and spend time in nature
  17. Bake apple or pumpkin pie
  18. Spend time with loved ones
  19. Enjoy seasonal veggies from your local farmers market
  20. Purge what is no longer serving you
  21. Make an offering to a deity associated with Autumn such as Mabon, Modron, or Demeter
  22. Watch the sunset
  23. Burn incense of Frankincense or Sage
  24. Do a meditation with Clear Quartz for cleansing and balance
  25. Perform a spell for peace and harmony within
  26. Brew a cinnamon apple simmer pot
  27. Enjoy a Mabon tea blend
  28. Craft a charm for abundance
  29. Adorn yourself in the colours of Mabon such orange, yellow, red, or brown
  30. Craft a Mabon oil or herb blend
  31. Journal Prompt: What are your top 3 intentions for the Autumn season?
  32. Commit to making a healthy change in your life
  33. Commit to learning something new
  34. Perform a reflection ritual
  35. Make apple cider
  36. Donate or volunteer at a local food bank
  37. Work on your grimoire or start one
  38. Sprinkle fall touches around your home
  39. Attend a fall fair or festival
  40. Collect some fall gifts from nature (acorns, pine cones, coloured leaves, etc.)
  41. Enjoy a pumpkin spice latte or dark chocolate mocha
  42. Allow yourself time for self-care to rest and reset your body, mind, and spirit

So, how will you be celebrating this Mabon day? Remember to relax, enjoy, show gratitude, connect with nature, and make it memorable for YOU. 

Final thoughts.

Do you have your festivities for the year planned yet? 

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more Mabon inspiration check out my shop page! My Mabon Bundle includes correspondences, rituals, recipe, traditions, and more. Or take a peak at my Autumn Kitchen Witch E-book for tons of seasonal inspiration!

You can also SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Sending many blessings for a magical Mabon and Autumn Season!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

A Witch’s Morning Routine: How to Start Your Day with Magic

Mornings can be stressful or busy but finding a few minutes to start your day with a magical morning routine can make all the difference! 

Setting some intentions with your coffee (or tea!), a little journaling, a card pull or meditation, there are lots of ways to get your day off on the right foot and with a touch of magic to boot. 

You can spend 5 minutes or a full hour if you are lucky enough to have the time. Work with what you have! 

So let’s discuss a few ways to accomplish setting your day up for success, but first some proven benefits!

Benefits of a Morning Routine

There are tons of wellness benefits to having a consistent routine planned to start your day; mentally, physically, and spiritually. 

Creating this routine will help to set the tone for how you want your day to go. You’ll be more focused, positive, and less stressed if you are able to take a few minutes for yourself, centre, and create a little magic. And you deserve that!

Here are just some of the benefits to a morning routine: 

  • Prepare your mind and body for the day in front of you.
  • Lower stress and anxiety.
  • Enable your ability to focus and be productive.
  • Improve energy levels.
  • Gain confidence.
  • Elevate mood.
  • More efficient brain function.
  • Increase connection to your spiritual self.
  • Gain insight into your true self.
  • Provide a sense of control for the day.
  • Helps to encourage healthy habits.

Now keep on reading for ideas of things to include in your own morning routine.

witchcraft, witch, morning routine, mindfulness, mindful living, witch life, pagan, Wiccan

Magical Morning Routine Ideas

Rise when your alarm goes off and try not to hit snooze too many times.

Hitting the snooze too many times can actually make you more tired, less enthusiastic about your day, and usually you wished you hadn’t hit it. Well maybe just once is okay!

Recite 3 affirmations for your day before getting out of bed.

Before even getting out of bed close your eyes and recite to yourself three things you would like to manifest in your day. It could be happiness, abundance, success, anything that will help you have a positive and motivated attitude first thing in the morning.

Give your body a morning stretch.

We are all stiff first thing in the morning. Take even 20 seconds and stretch out those muscles that will be working hard for you all day long.

Add a glass of magical lemon water to your morning routine.

Warm lemon water helps to stimulate digestion and is alkalizing to the body. Not to mention, it carries properties of longevity, clarity, and happiness.

Have a healthy breakfast such as a power smoothie or oatmeal.

Starting your day with the appropriate fuel is incredibly important to help set the stage for a healthy day in front of you. You will feel accomplished and energetic knowing you fed your body well. 

And breakfast foods have some wonderful magical properties like oats for wealth or blueberries for peace and abundance. Never miss an opportunity to utilize your magic!

Set intentions for the day with your morning beverage.

I like to do coffee intention setting in the morning before starting my day. That first drink of coffee is a really relaxing moment (for me anyways! Lol.), so I use it to my advantage.

Assure you’re feeling calm and relaxed and as you sip your morning beverage think about what you would like to accomplish in your day. Take just a couple minutes of quiet, uninterrupted time sipping your beverage and focusing on these intentions.

Perform a meditation.

Starting your day with a meditation can be extremely beneficial for balancing and centring yourself for the day ahead. Meditating in the morning also encourages relaxation, mental clarity, and focus which can lead to a more productive and joyful day.

Do a morning workout.

Workouts are one of the best ways to boost your mood, increase confidence, improve your physical health, and give you an energy boost to start your day. If you have the time get in a quick bit of exercise, even just 15 minutes of movement can get your day on the right track. 

Make it a part of your magical practice by burning incense, enchanting your water, or placing crystals around your space.

Do a daily card pull.

A daily card pull, either oracle or tarot, can provide just the right amount of insight and clarity to make your day as successful as it can be.

Spend a few minutes journaling.

Journaling is an incredible way to release negativity, focus your thoughts, and ease a stressful mind. It can also help to focus your energies and thoughts towards what you wish to accomplish during the day and even weeks to come.

Choose which crystals you will wear.

I always love matching the crystals I wear with the intentions I have for the day. I also have a couple of staples that are worn each day without fail.

Glamour magick blends in seamlessly with a morning routine.

While you are doing your hair or putting on make-up focus your thoughts and visualize how you want to see yourself; confident, strong, intelligent, beautiful. If you see yourself in a certain light others will as well.

Glamour magic can help you reflect these desires onto the world and your inner self resulting in higher productivity,  increased happiness, and more confidence.

Burn an incense that matches your intentions.

While you’re meditating, or getting ready, choose an incense that matches your intentions and burn it while you move through your routine. Allow it’s plant properties to invigorate your mind, soothe your soul, and provide an extra boost of power to manifest your desired day.

Things to Keep in Mind When Planning Your Magical Morning Routine

Now this list may seem like a lot so don’t think you have to include every single item in your routine. Pick the ones that really speak to you and if some days you only have time to include one or two things that is okay! Do them with full commitment. Including one thing is always better than scrapping your routine all together. 

This is for you, to improve your day, and the things you include should resonate with you. Any amount of time you can take for yourself is time very well spent.

Final thoughts.

Do you have a morning routine already? Or are there things on the list that has inspired you to start one?

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more inspiration check out my shop page! There you will find beautiful user friendly printable grimoire pages on herbs, oils, kitchen witchery, crystals, Sabbats, and much more.

You can also SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Sending many blessings!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Lammas Activities: 41 Ways to Celebrate this Special Day

Lammas, or Lughnasadh, is a turn of the wheel filled with blessings and gratitude! Lammas is one of the four Celtic Fire Festivals and a much anticipated day in the Pagan calendar. If you are still planning your Lammas/Lughnasadh activities you’ll want to keep on reading.

Lammas is the first harvest celebration of the year, followed by Mabon and Samhain. Harvest season is upon us and we’re at the midway point between the Summer Solstice and Fall Equinox. A very exciting time for those who simply can’t wait for Autumn to arrive. For more Lammas/Lughnasadh details and correspondences, you may check out my full post HERE.

Celebrating the First of the Harvest Festivals

This is a time to honour nature, the sun, and to show gratitude for all of life’s blessings. It is a day filled with joy and vibrancy. And there are so many ways for you to celebrate!

Hopefully you will have the full day to indulge and enjoy the festivities but even if not, there will be things on this list of 41 Lammas activities that are easy, satisfying, joy filled  and very easy to tailor to your own preference to help you ring in the day. Pick one or a dozen, whatever works!

August, and the harvest season is a beautiful time in nature. I hope you enjoy and honour it well.

Lammas, Lughnasadh, pagan witch, wheel of the year, sabbat, pagan holiday

41 Simple and Satisfying Ways to Celebrate Lammas

  1. Perform a ritual to honour the land
  2. Perform Sun magick
  3. Write a journal entry about what Lammas means to you
  4. Perform an abundance ritual
  5. Learn a new skill
  6. Bake bread
  7. Pick wild flowers 
  8. Build your Lammas Altar
  9. Enjoy fresh berries
  10. Craft a corn doll
  11. Share a meal outside with friends
  12. Have a BBQ
  13. Spend time in nature
  14. Show gratitude
  15. Do a Lammas Oracle or Tarot card reading
  16. Make an offering to nature
  17. Go apple or berry picking
  18. Bake berry pies
  19. Head to a Farmers Market
  20. Do an outdoor meditation
  21. Watch the sunrise
  22. Burn incense of Chamomile, Rosemary, or Eucalyptus
  23. Do a meditation with Peridot.
  24. Perform a house blessing or cleansing
  25. Craft a cinnamon broom
  26. Enjoy a Lammas tea blend
  27. Honour a deity associated with the day such as Lugh, Cerridwen, or Rhiannon
  28. Wear the colours of Lammas such orange, yellow, green, or brown
  29. Craft a Lammas oil or herb blend
  30. Journal Prompt: What is something you would like to manifest more of in your life as we move through the harvest festivals?
  31. Learn about your local land
  32. Perform candle magic
  33. Listen to music and dance
  34. Make yeast cakes
  35. Craft homemade jam
  36. Donate to a local shelter or community food bank
  37. Play games
  38. Read poetry
  39. Attend a local fair or festival
  40. Set up a kitchen altar
  41. Decorate the home with wheat, corn, and sunflowers

So, how many will you do this August 1st? Remember to enjoy every moment, give thanks for your blessings honour Mother Earth, and make it special for YOU. 

Final thoughts.

Do you have your festivities for the year planned yet? 

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more Lammas inspiration check out my shop page! My Lammas Bundle includes correspondences, rituals, recipe, traditions, and more!

You can also SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Have a beautiful, blessed Lammas friend!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

5 Simple Foods to Boost the Immune System

How can I boost my immune system? I think we have all thought this more than usual over the past year. We all want to keep our bodies strong and free from illness and a robust immune system is a key part of this picture.

The moments when our immune system is a bit run down is prime time for colds and other undesirable conditions take hold. 

We should try our best, while still living our lives, to have our wellness at the forefront of our minds. And there are tons of things we can do to help keep our immune systems working for for us. What we eat happens to play an enormous part in that.

So I’ve put together a list of 5 super foods you should definitely add into your weekly food rotation. 

Let’s begin!

5 Simple Foods to Boost the Immune System, plus 2 more!

1 – Red Bell Peppers

While citrus fruits are wonderful sources of Vitamin C,  the red bell pepper has ‘em all beat. At least when it comes to Vitamin C content. Yes, even oranges.  

Vitamin C helps with the production of white blood cells. White blood cells are uber important for warding off infections in the body.  And since our body does not store Vitamin C you need to get some in each and every day.

Enjoy those peppers raw for optimal benefits! 

2 – Turmeric

Turmeric is a well-known super food at this point.

This little spice has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties making it awesome for upping your immunity game.

Add some to your stir-fries, tofu scrambles, tea or lattes.

The benefits are not easily absorbed however. For best results have yours along side a healthy fat such as olive oil and black pepper.

3 – Green Tea

Green tea is filled with polyphenols (namely flavonoids and EGCG). Polyphenols are robust plant antioxidants believed to strengthen the immune system.

I strive to have one green tea a day, with lemon. Without the lemon I actually really dislike the taste of green tea lol.  I am not a natural tea drinker so having one a day is super hard (please just give me coffee!). 

But the benefits are so great I do try my best. So fill up those cups, it’s tea time!

4 – Mushrooms! All the mushrooms!

Mushrooms are a favourite in our house, so how convenient that they are also insanely healthy for you!

They have long been used for medicinal purposes and general health. Mushrooms can help keep colds, flus and infections at bay. Studies have shown that they have anti-viral and antibacterial affects.  

Be creative with your cooking, in my opinion, they are good in pretty much everything!

You can also indulge in mushroom coffee which will also have you reaping the benefits of these super little fungis. 

5 – Broccoli

I love broccoli, cooked, raw, stir-fried, steamed, and any which way you chop it 😛

It’s also chalk full of vitamins and minerals that will work to help keep that immune system nice and robust all the live long day.  

We’ve got Vitamins A, C, & E as well as fibre and, of course, antioxidants. Once again, raw is best!

But really just eat it, your body will thank you 🙂

Honourable Mentions: Ginger & Garlic

Couldn’t end without mentioning these 2 powerhouse foods.

Garlic’s sulphur containing properties play a key role in its ability to aid the immune system. And it has long been used for such. 

While ginger may assist the body in fighting inflammation. Inflammation plays a large role in a weakened immune system. Aside from that it is also contains anti-oxidants. Another crucial component in immune health. 

Cook with them, drink them up, sit back and reap the benefits! 

Final Notes.

And of course make sure to catch those z’s, stay well hydrated, exercise and practice good personal hygiene! 

Thank you for reading pixies!

Sending you all healthy jujus to get you through these remaining days of winter. Stay strong, Spring is upon us! 

What do you think?

Do you have a favourite superfood you like to enjoy? I would love to hear it!

You can also SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Blessed be pixie dolls. 

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Disclaimer – This post was written for educational and informative purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, diagnose, or prevent any disease. I am not a doctor. Always consult your primary care physician or naturopathic doctor before making any significant changes to your health routine or diet.

Beltane Activities: 41 Ways to Celebrate this Special Day

Beltane is a beautiful and uplifting turn of the wheel! And one of the most anticipated days in the Pagan calendar. If you are still planning your Beltane activities you’ll want to keep on reading.

Beltane is the mid-point between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice, one of the four Celtic Fire Festivals, and one of only two times in the year where the veil between worlds is thinned (the other being Samhain). For more Beltane details and correspondences, you may check out my full post HERE.

Celebrate the Beauty of the Earth

This is a time to honour nature, life and all its pleasures, and fertility. A most joyous day indeed and there are so many ways for you to celebrate!

Ideally the day is yours to just enjoy and indulge as much as you wish! Unfortunately, in modern society that is often just not the case so here I give you a list of 41 Beltane activities that are simple, joyful, and super flexible to help you ring in the day. Pick one or a dozen, whatever works!

May is a stunning month in nature, let’s kick it off good and proper this year. Here we go!

Beltane, pagan witch, May Day, wheel of the year, sabbat, pagan holiday

41 Simple and Satisfying Ways to Celebrate Beltane

  1. Get some fresh blooms for your home
  2. Add Beltane touches to your altar
  3. Write a journal entry about what Beltane means to you
  4. Perform an abundance ritual
  5. Sit outside and give thanks to Mother Earth for all she provides us
  6. Show yourself some love and indulge in your favourite things
  7. Plant something
  8. Make a list of ways you can live more sustainably
  9. Connect with your loved ones
  10. Craft a mini May Pole
  11. Prepare a special Beltane meal
  12. Have a ritual bath with flowers
  13. Spend time in a park, garden, or forest if it’s accessible to you
  14. Take a walk around your neighbourhood with renewed appreciation
  15. Do a Beltane Oracle or Tarot card reading
  16. Clean up litter in your neighbourhood
  17. Wear flowers in your hair or make a flower crown
  18. Craft a floral wreath
  19. Make lemonade
  20. Decorate your home with coloured ribbons
  21. Leave an offering out for the fae
  22. Dress up like a faery for the day
  23. Do an outdoor meditation
  24. Watch the sunrise
  25. Light a candle for cleansing and protection, your own mini Beltane fire
  26. Bake some bannocks, oat cakes, or cookies
  27. Dance
  28. Toast to your ancestors
  29. Practice divination
  30. Donate your unwanted items to charity
  31. Burn incense of Sandalwood, Lemon, or Frankincense
  32. Do a Rose Quartz meditation
  33. Make flower baskets for your friends or neighbours
  34. Perform a house cleansing
  35. Enjoy a Beltane tea blend
  36. Honour a deity associated with the day such as Cernunnos, Demeter, Danu, or Brigid
  37. Wear the colours of Beltane such as red, pink, green, or brown
  38. Craft a Beltane oil or herb blend
  39. Journal Prompt: What would you like to manifest as we move throughout these warmer months?
  40. Perform a grounding ritual
  41. Spread the love and joy as much as possible

So, how many will you do this May 1st? Remember to have lots of fun, bask in the happy energy that fills the day, and make it special for YOU. 

Final thoughts.

Do you have your festivities for the year planned yet? 

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more Beltane inspiration check out my shop page! My Beltane Bundle includes correspondences, rituals, recipe, traditions, and more!

You can also SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Have a beautiful, blessed Beltane friend!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Simple Simmer Pot Recipes for Spring Time

We may think of simmer pots as a kitchen activity for the darker months of the year but this is just not the case! Each season comes with distinct aromas that help to define them and spring is no exception!

Spring is all about celebrating longer days, more sunshine, warmer temperatures, and nature coming to life all around us. And you can literally smell the spring time in the air. 

Scents like lavender, lemon, rosemary, and vanilla can bring that wonderful spring feeling right into our homes. And who wouldn’t want that? Simmer pots are the perfect solution to have these glorious seasonal scents wafting throughout your home in minutes.

I’ve sung the praises of simmer pots before, and I’ll do it again lol. They really are an excellent, non-toxic, and eco-friendly way to have your home smelling like the season in a few short minutes. They are also a wonderful way to brew some magick in the kitchen.

So read on and discover a few recipes to help bring the energy, joyfulness, and vitality of the spring season into your home and your heart.

The Simmer Pot

Simmer pots are basically potpourri in a pot! You choose your ingredients, put them in a pot with water, bring to a boil, then turn down to a simmer and let it do its thing. They couldn’t be any easier, just be sure you don’t let your pot boil dry! If you want to keep the pot going simply add more water when it gets low. And obviously never leave it going when you are not home.

Simmer pots also lack the harsh toxins that are packed into conventional air freshener sprays and many scented candles. Just fresh ingredients from your kitchen! No fake fragrances or toxic chemicals needed.

One more benefit, they can likely be crafted with things you already have in your kitchen making them a convenient and inexpensive solution.

If you’d like you can read my Autumn Simmer Pot post and Winter Simmer Pot post for some more inspiration. Or check out my Seasonal Simmer Pot Package in the shop. 

stovetop potpourri, simmer pot, seasonal living, kitchen witch, kitchen witchery, magical recipes, spring living, witch, pagan

Simmer Pot Magick

And we mustn’t forget that the herbs, spices, and whole foods housed in our kitchens all carry their own energies and magickal properties.

So let’s use those items to assist us in manifesting our goals. You’ll easily be able to create a simmer pot that aligns with your intentions and smells delicious!

When I do a simmer pot with a specific intention in mind I follow these simple steps to incorporate my magick and mind into the process:

  1. Set your intentions very clear in your mind and don’t lose sight of them for the entire process.
  2. Add ingredients to the pot and bring to a boil.
  3. Reduce to a simmer, stir the pot clockwise. Unless you are doing a banishing or releasing spell, in that case stir the pot counter clockwise.
  4. Visualize your desired outcome or goal for the magickal work you are doing. Are you aiming to create happiness in the home, or more money in your wallet? Whatever it may be focus on what you want the outcome to look like. Continue with the visualization and stirring until it feels right to finish. You’ll know when!
  5. You may recite your goal, a chant, or ritual words while you stir as well. Something pertaining to your desired outcome.
  6. When you finish I would let the pot boil down until there is about an inch of water left and then turn it off. Your work is now complete.

Of course feel free to change this process up so that it suits your own needs and magical practice.

Spring Simmer Pot Recipes

Lemon Cookie – cleansing, prosperity, success, and joy

  • 2 bay leaves
  • 6 lemon slices (dried or fresh)
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract

Rosemary Dream – cleansing, healing, love, and protection

  • 6 lime slices (dried or fresh) 
  • 2 sprigs fresh rosemary or 1 tsp dried
  • 2 tbsp lavender buds
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract 

Glorious Grapefruit – growth, protection, self-love, and energy

  • 4 grapefruit slices
  • 1 fresh eucalyptus sprig
  • 3 lemon slices (dried or fresh)
  • 2 stalks lemongrass

Lavender Citrus – wisdom, balance, clarity, and love

  • 4 lemon slices (fresh or dried)
  • 4 orange slices (fresh or dried)
  • 1 tbsp lavender buds 
  • 1 tbsp juniper berries

What to do with your simmer pot ingredients when you are finished?

Another awesome thing about simmer pots is that they don’t create any waste. You can simply compost your ingredients or dry them out to be used in future spells or for potpourri.

Final thoughts.

Are you already a simmer pot enthusiast? If so, what’s your favourite recipe?

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more Simmer Pot Recipes and kitchen inspiration check out my shop page! My Kitchen Witch Grimoire Bundle includes simmer pot recipes for every season, over 100 foods and their magickal properties, coffee and tea magick, sugar magick, and more!

You can also SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Until next time friends!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Water Magick: How to Tap into it’s Powerful Natural Energy

The soothing sound of the rain, a beautiful moment of pure happiness, or that cool drink of water on a hot summers day; these are all sources of water magick.

Water flows all around us and within us everyday. Up to 60% of the human body is made up of water. It refreshes, gives life, rises, and falls. This element is full of cleansing, loving, and healing energy.

If you have been thinking about adding this life giving element into your own practice keep on reading!

Water energy represents purity, fluidity, and harmony. This powerful energy can heal, cleanse, and calm us but is often taken for granted. A lot of us can’t even manage to drink enough water on a daily basis!

This post is the fourth and final post in my four part series covering the elements; earth, air, fire, water. So  keep reading and if you’d like to check out the other elemental posts you can find them here: EARTH, AIR, FIRE.

Making Water Magick Part of Your Everyday Practice

I mentioned this in the other posts, but it’s worth repeating. It’s important for us to make space in our days for that powerful natural energy each element contains. Being mindful of this will enrich your connection to nature, bringing balance, and powerful magick to your practice. 

Water energy exists all around us. Opening up and embracing it will allow it’s energy to heal, cleanse, and soothe us.

If you have been feeling chaotic, anxious or out of balance it may be a good idea to spend some time connecting with the water element. It may just provide you with that comforting energy you are needing. 

Drink water, go swimming, listen to the rain, or allow yourself to let go and just feel joy. There are many ways to include the water element into your everyday routine.

I’ve included correspondences and ideas to connect below so lets get started!

water magick, water element, four elements, green witch, witchcraft, witch, nature witch, beginner witch

Water Magick Correspondences












Solar Plexus


blue, green, grey, silver


cup, cauldron, chalice


frog, whale, dolphin, seal, salmon, otter, most fish


Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces 


Moon, Neptune


lily, apple, lemon balm, mugwort, aloe, rose, belladonna, catnip, peach, chamomile, tulip, seaweed, gardenia, succulents


aquamarine, opal, moonstone, pearl, chrysoprase, kunzite, blue tourmaline, amethyst


GoddessesAmphitrite, Damona, Danu, Li Ban, Aphrodite, Brigid

GodsPoseidon, Manannan, Llyr, Neptune, Njord, Nodens

Types of Water Magick Rituals to Perform

  • Happiness
  • Cleansing
  • Dreams
  • Harmony
  • Love
  • Healing
  • Health
  • Divination

24 Ways to Connect with Water Magick in Your Daily Routine

  • have a ritual bath or shower
  • collect seashells
  • drink water
  • moon bathe
  • make moon water
  • watch and listen to the rain
  • visit a river, stream, lake, or ocean
  • spend a day at the beach
  • go swimming
  • appreciate the morning dew
  • play in the snow
  • collect rain water
  • go out on a boat
  • relax and go with the flow
  • do a cleansing of your space
  • start a dream journal
  • start a new healthy habit
  • spend time outside at dusk
  • perform a moon meditation or ritual
  • start a flexibility practice
  • eat balancing foods
  • don’t hold back your feelings
  • do movement exercises with flow like yoga or dance
  • practice water scrying

Continue to find new ways to connect with that mesmerizing water energy in your daily routine. You’ll discover there are lots of different opportunities where you may not have seen them before. 

Your thoughts!

Do you feel an affinity with the water element? In what ways do you try and connect?

As always, I love to hear from you!  Please feel free to leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

And remember, if you enjoyed this post, you can check out my SHOP PAGE or ETSY STORE for some grimoire inspiration and printable pages (including for each ELEMENT) to help get you started on your journey.

You can also SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List to receive a 20% OFF discount code for my website shop of digital witchy offerings, as well as some special freebies as a thank you and welcome gift!

Sending many blessings.

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Ostara Rituals: 3 Easy Rituals to Honour the Spring Time

Ostara is our next turn of the wheel and is happening in just a few days! So today let’s talk about Ostara rituals! 

Ostara marks the beginning of the long awaited spring time and is a day where the light and dark hours are completely in balance. Ostara is all about renewal, cleansing, vitality, and fertility as Mother Nature emerges from her winter slumber. 

Life is beginning to awaken all around us, you can feel the change in the air as the earth begins to once again blossom and bloom. 

This energetic change can happen within ourselves as well. Hopefully we will  embrace it and allow it to invigorate us with fresh motivation, new goals, and excitement for the months to come.

It’s a time to really make strides towards new goals we have set for ourselves, start fresh projects, do some spring cleaning (both physically and spiritually), and give thanks to Mother Earth as she enters her maiden stage once more. For more on Ostara history, traditions, and correspondences you may visit my full post HERE.

So for today, I am sharing with you 3 Easy Ostara rituals you can perform at home to help you honour this seasonal change, embrace that motivating Ostara magick, and cleanse your spiritual and physical self  for the warmer sunnier weeks that lie ahead.

ostara, ostara rituals, sabbat, pagan holiday, pagan witch, wheel of the year, witchcraft, beginner witch

3 Easy Ostara Rituals

Ostara Ritual #1 – Ritual for Cleansing & Blessing the Home

Try to leave any negativity at the door when performing this ritual. It’s best done when your mind is in a clear positive space. Take a moment to balance your energies before you begin if necessary. Light a lemongrass incense stick in the first room of your home. Slowly walk through each individual room with your incense in one hand and a rose quartz and jasper crystal in the other. Recite the following, or something similar, in each room you enter:

‘I cleanse this space, I set it free. Bring peace and balance, so mote it be.’

Once you have finished going through each room, return to your first room and sit comfortably in the centre with your incense and crystals. Spend a few minutes visualizing your home filled with happiness, peace, and love. Stay there as long as you wish. Finish with a thank you and gratitude to the goddess, nature, and/or the universe.

Ostara Ritual #2 – Ritual for Renewal

You will need:

  • 1 white candle
  • 1 each of moonstone, garnet, and moss agate stones
  • Pen & Paper
  • A trowel for digging or a pretty little decorative box

1 – Performing this outside is ideal if you have space and weather permits. If not, you can sit by the window in your home that lets in the most sunshine and light.

2 – Arrange your stones, light your candle, and sit in a comfortable position.

3 – Clear your mind of anything other than the thoughts of spring, the promise of longer days, new beginnings and any fresh intentions you want to set for yourself.

4 – Stay in this visualization of your most magickal spring as long as you would like.

5 – When you feel ready, take your pen and paper and write down your top three intentions.

6 – Repeat the intentions out loud, or in your head, three times.

7 -Take your three stones and wrap them up in the center of the paper you wrote on.

8 – Take the paper with the wrapped stones and either bury it in the earth, if you are able, or place it inside your little box. Both options are fine!

9 – Finish by giving thanks to the earth, the Mother Goddess, or any other figure you wish.

Ostara Ritual #3 – Ritual to Honour Nature & the Sun

Again, if you are at all able to do this ritual outside that will be optimal. If not, sit in the brightest and sunniest area of your home. A big part of Ostara is welcoming the full force of the sun back with open arms and honouring the awakening of nature.

Perform this ritual at sunrise, if possible. It can be a powerful experience to awaken with the sun and Ostara is the perfect day for it.

You don’t necessarily need any supplies for this but if you are someone who likes a bit of extras you could have the following; a yellow candle to symbolize the sun, a balancing magnolia incense and a moss agate stone to hold for an additional nature connection.

Gather your items and choose your space to sit comfortably. Light your candle and incense if you are using them.

With your eyes open take a few deep breathes, centre yourself, and acknowledge your surroundings. Hopefully the sunshine will be kissing your face, the gentle breeze flowing through your hair, there may be signs of life popping up around you, or that distinct smell of spring in the air. Whatever it may be, drink it all in and feel a sense of gratitude wash over you.

What about nature are you grateful for?

At this point you may either leave your eyes open or close them, your choice! Take a few moments and think about everything that you love and appreciate about nature and what positive feelings this time of year arouses in you. What aspects of this time of year bring you joy?

You could do this just in your mind or do a journal entry. I am partial to the journalling.

Once finished, if time permits, take a walk around your neighbourhood or to the park. Spend some time and play outside. Honour that youthful, new energy that comes with Spring. Allow yourself to feel free and excited.

This little practice can take as little 30 minutes or all day if you choose lol. You could even combine rituals 2 and 3 together. It’s very open to you making it special for you in this moment.

BONUS: 12 more easy Ostara celebration ideas!

  • decorate eggs
  • leave out an offering to Mother Nature or a deity of your choosing
  • put on an energizing simmer pot
  • cleanse your home with a magickal floor wash
  • bake some sweet bread
  • have a special meal with traditional Ostara foods
  • do a tarot or oracle reading for the spring
  • spend time outside (maybe do ritual #3!)
  • set new intentions and goals for the next 3 months
  • take a cleansing ritual bath
  • work with spring time herbs such as lemon balm or lavender
  • get some beautiful spring blooms to adorn your home with

Make Each Ritual Your Own

I always say this but it bares repeating. For each of these feel free to add crystals, additional oils or herbs, chants, or anything else you feel is needed for your specific practice and goals.

I share this post to serve as inspiration or guidelines but it is always nice to add our own personal touches into our spell work. You do not need to follow my steps or ingredients to a ‘T’.

There is no wrong way to do these Ostara rituals. There is simply your way, and your way is perfect. Adapt as necessary!

Your thoughts!

So tell me, do you have your Ostara rituals planned yet? What is your favourite part of the holiday?

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

And remember, if you enjoyed this post, you can check out my SHOP PAGE or ETSY STORE for some witchy inspiration, e-books, and printable grimoire pages (including for the Sabbats) to help you plan your holiday festivities.

You can also SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List to receive a 20% OFF discount code for my website or Etsy shop of digital witchy offerings, as well as some special freebies as a thank you and welcome gift!

Sending many blessings.

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Greetings Friend!

I'm Krystle. Resident kitchen witch, holistic nutritionist, green living maven, breast cancer survivor, part-time forest fairy, and author of The Witch's Guide to Wellness. Interested in holistic wellness and living your best, most magical life? If you answered yes, you are most definitely in the right place and I'm so happy you're here.

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