Yule Activities: 50 Ways to Celebrate the Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice is once again upon us! An incredibly warm, hopeful, and rejuvenating turn of the wheel. If you are still planning your Yule activities you’ll want to keep on reading.

The Winter Solstice, or Yule, is the first day of  winter, and the shortest day of the year. For more Yule details and correspondences, you may check out my full post HERE. Or have a peek at my Yule Mini Course HERE.

Yule Activities to Honour Nature and the Return of the Sun

This is a time for honouring nature, the sun, and welcoming the hope and renewal of this season of rebirth. The winter season calls for a time to rest, relax, reflect, and renew. A time to look back over the year and reinvigorate the goals you have for yourself, let go of the old and make way for beautiful new beginnings in the coming months. 

The winter season is not always a welcome one but try to open your mind and your heart to this amazing and beautiful shift in nature. A time of rebirth outside your door and inside your own spirit and home if you let it be. 

So today I give you a list of 50 Yule activities that are fun, joy inducing, and flexible allowing you to choose things that resonate. Pick one, two or twelve, whatever works for you.

This season is full of hopeful and warm energy, a time to be cherished and embraced, so let’s start it off right. Here we go!

Yule, yuletide, kitchen witch, witchcraft, yule season

50 Fun and Meaningful Yule Activities

  1. Get some winter blooms for your home
  2. Add Yule and Winter touches to your altar
  3. Write a journal entry about what Yule means to you
  4. Perform an abundance ritual
  5. Get outside
  6. Decorate a Yule Tree
  7. Host a Yule feast
  8. Embrace snow magic
  9. Craft a Yule Log (or bake one!)
  10. Bake a cranberry cake
  11. Have a cleansing ritual bath
  12. Perform an Earth ritual
  13. Sunrise meditation
  14. Do a Winter Oracle or Tarot card reading
  15. Offering to nature
  16. Sun welcoming ritual
  17. Charge and cleanse your crystals 
  18. Brew up some warming Wassail or Cider
  19. Add Yule and winter touches around the home
  20. Connect with the fire element
  21. Awake with the sun
  22. Wear colours connected to Yule, such as green, red, gold, or white
  23. Bake solstice cookies
  24. Start a new project
  25. Offering to a deity connected with winter such as Brigid, Freya, Lugh, or the Oak King
  26. Wear carnelian for energy and motivation
  27. Burn incense of Sage, Pine, or Rosemary
  28. Forage for pinecones and evergreens (safely and with caution)
  29. Perform a house cleansing
  30. Enjoy a Yule tea blend
  31. Craft a crystal pouch for renewal
  32. Light a candle to welcome the sun
  33. Craft a Yule oil or herb blend
  34. Journal Prompt: What are some things you would like to manifest for yourself as we head into a new year?
  35. Perform a ritual to recharge your spirit
  36. Host a Yule party
  37. Create a magical self care routine for winter
  38. Reflection journalling
  39. Watch the sunrise and say a blessing to nature
  40. Gratitude ritual
  41. Craft a witch jar for postitivity
  42. Journal prompt: Reflect on this past year. What changes would you like to make moving forward?
  43. Craft a Yuletide Wreath for your door
  44. Ring bells on Yule morning to welcome the light and drive away negativity
  45. Make a magical mist for energy
  46. Bake gingerbread
  47. Go carolling
  48. Donate to charity or volunteer
  49. Write out some new intentions for the coming year
  50. Fill your kitchen with seasonal whole foods for winter

So, how many will you do this December 21st? Remember to embrace this new season with joy in your heart, drink in the invigorating energy that fills the day, and make it meaningful for YOU. 

Final thoughts.

Do you have your festivities for the year planned yet? 

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more Yule inspiration and Yule activities check out my shop page! My Yule Bundle includes correspondences, rituals, recipe, traditions, and more!

December and moving into the new year is a wonderful time to create positive change in our lives so be sure to check out my book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available for purchase now! Also makes a wonderful Yule gift!

And remember to SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Sending many blessings for a beautiful Yuletide season friend!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Simple Blessing Simmer Pot for the Winter Season

The kitchen is an integral part of the home. It’s where we nourish ourselves, spend time with loved ones, prepare special treats, and maybe even do homework with the kiddos. Performing magic in the kitchen can be a wonderful way to get in touch with nature, live seasonally and connect with your craft on a daily basis. This blessing simmer pot will be a most welcome addition to your winter rituals to help prepare your home for the colder months ahead.

A Note on Kitchen Witchcraft 

When preparing for the winter, it is a good practice to give the kitchen a nice clean and declutter. Not just for hygiene purposes, but for peace of mind and a refreshed atmosphere. It’s harder to have energy that flows and is conducive to creating magic in a messy or chaotic feeling space. Keeping the kitchen clean will enable energies to flow more freely and in turn strengthen your own kitchen witch practices. At a time of year where you are likely spending more time in the house and in your kitchen, keeping the energy moving freely will do much for creating a positive space. A space where you and your magic can thrive all season long.

So let’s take a look at our blessing simmer pot shall we?

winter witch, seasonal living, kitchen witch, simmer pot recipe, simmer pots, kitchen witchery, seasonal living

Blessing Simmer Pot Ritual for the Winter Season

Gather the following ingredients:

  • 3 star anise for protection and clarity
  • 1 tsp. chicory for positivity and cleansing
  • 1 tsp. nutmeg for good luck and prosperity
  • 6 lemon slices for happiness and longevity
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract for love and energy

Note: The amounts of each item can be adjusted depending on how fragrant you wish it to be. You can certainly use less if you’d like.

  1. Cleanse and setup your space as needed.
  2. Take a few deep breathes and clear your mind from outside noise as much as possible.
  3. Add the ingredients slowly, one at a time to the pot. Once they are all in, state the following: ‘May these gifts from the earth bring peace, balance, and happiness to our house and home this season.’
  4. Allow your ingredients to come to a boil and reduce to a simmer.
  5. Stir the pot clockwise while visualizing a happy, productive, and safe kitchen for the weeks to come. Visualize yourself baking joyfully, blending your morning power smoothies with intention, or preparing a Yule feast with a calm and harmonious energy. How would you like your kitchen tasks to look and feel in the coming weeks? Work this desire into your visualization. Continue this exercise until it feels right to finish.
  6. Once finished, recite the following: ‘Bring peace, love, and light with this blessed witches brew. This kitchen be warm the whole winter through.’
  7. Now use a strainer or cheese cloth to separate the water into a glass mason jar.
  8. Let the water cool then place the jar in your fridge (it will keep better for the duration of the season).
  9. Put the strained herbs and lemon slices into a gold pouch, tie it up, and place in the freezer. Gold will bring the energies of life, abundance, and the sun throughout the winter months. You may repeat the process when you feel it’s needed.

When performing this blessing feel free to add in some extra magical touches around your home, play some soothing music, light a blue candle for peace, or burn your favourite incense. Anything you would like to add will only make this ritual more special and more connected with your own unique home and magical practice.

Summing up…

Preparing our kitchen and home for winter can make for a beautiful season of magic making and connecting with your inner spirit and the elements. Feel free to switch up these ingredients if you like in order to better match your own energy and preferences. Make this blessing special for you and the results will definitely show it. 

So tell me, do you do anything magical to prepare your home for winter? 

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more Kitchen Witch inspiration check out my shop page! My Kitchen Witch Bundle includes many correspondences, meal planner pages, recipes, traditions, and much more!

Or better still, SUBSCRIBE   to my newsletter and keep up to date on my latest offerings (I have some exciting things coming up next year!), new dates for my program Vegan Kitchen Witch Academy, and receive discount codes for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some special freebies as well!

Autumn and winter are also wonderful times to create positive change in our lives so be sure to check out my book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available for purchase now!

Wishing you a beautifully blessed day my friend!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Easy Energetic Cleansing Mist for the Autumn Season

Ahhh Autumn! Autumn is a gloriously magical season and an absolute perfect time to cleanse your space both physically and energetically. I actually prefer autumn cleaning to spring cleaning. I enjoy the process of preparing my space for the winter months. So today we are going to talk about using cleansing mists for this purpose along with a delicious Autumn themed recipe.
There are several easy ways to energetically cleanse your space, whether you feel the space needs it or as a standard practice prior to performing magical work. You may use incense such as lavender, rosemary, or lemon balm, a cleansing mist as we will go through today, sound from bells or cymbals, or by placing cleansing crystals in your space such as clear quartz or citrine. Those are a few ways anyhow. But let’s get into the topic for today, cleansing mist.
cleansing mist, autumn living, witch, natural living, seasonal living, autumn equinox, kitchen witch

Autumn Cleansing Mist Recipe & Process

So while it’s nice to do longer thorough cleansing rituals sometimes you will need something quick and easy. You may not always have sufficient time to perform a full on ritual, or  a thorough cleansing isn’t entirely needed. Perhaps something negative occurred in the space and you want an immediate little refresh. Cleansing mists are perfect for that!

Plus, who doesn’t love a wonderful smelling room spray. And once you know the process of making them, they are incredible for so many things such clearing energies, uplifting the mood, relaxation, or just for the fragrance of it all! You’ll be creating your own blends in no time.

Multi-purpose and super easy to make. You will need witch hazel, the listed essential oils for each, a 100 ml spray bottle, water. I prefer distilled water as it is less likely to leave water spots on things when sprayed. 

Full Ingredient List:

  • 1⁄2 teaspoon vegetable glycerin
  • 4-ounce dark glass spray bottle
  • 9 drops clary sage essential oil for purification & grounding
  • 9 drops grapefruit essential oil for cleansing & clarity
  • 5 drops sweet orange essential oil for positivity
  • 2 tablespoons chamomile water for purification & harmony
  • 2 tablespoons witch hazel
  • 3 tablespoons distilled water

Steps to Prepare:

  1. Choose your workspace. Prior to making you should prepare this space for magical work. Cleanse, ground, and center yourself as needed.
  2. Clear your mind of any outside noise. Take deep breathes and allow any negative energy to leave your body. You should feel balanced and focused on the intention and task at hand before you begin.
  3. Once you feel ready, add the vegetable glycerin into the bottle first.
  4. Then add in each oil individually and recite the following lines for each individual oil as you add them into the bottle, ‘Clary Sage, purify this space. Grapefruit, cleanse this space. Sweet Orange, bring positivity to this space.’
  5. Now add in the chamomile water, witch hazel, and distilled water. Place the cap on.
  6. As you shake the bottle recite the following, ‘Gifts from the earth within this spray, may you move the negative energies away. Bring breath to the space and set it free.  Clear and cleansed it shall be.’
  7. Spray three times whenever you feel a room needs a little clearing out. Always shake before using to ensure ingredients are properly mixed. Separation is natural.

In Conclusion

Magical mists are practical, powerful, and versatile tools for a witch to have on hand for various intentions. If this is your first mist, consider what other intentions you would benefit from having a mist on hand for. Happiness, energy, balance? So many options!

So tell me, do you enjoy using magical mists in your practice? If so, what’s your favourite one?

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more Kitchen Witch inspiration check out my shop page! My Seasonal Kitchen Witch E-books  which include many correspondences, rituals, recipes, traditions, Sabbat info, and much more!

Autumn is also a wonderful time to create positive change in our lives so be sure to check out my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available for purchase now!

And remember you can SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Wishing you a beautifully blessed day my friend!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Witch’s Kitchen: Spotlight on the Magical Lavender Plant

Few things say spring or summer more than the beautiful scent and sight of the lavender plant! 

If you’ve ever been to a lavender field you’ll know the absolute stunning beauty and aroma of perfectly fresh lavender. It is intoxicating!

Aside from being beautiful to look at, lavender is one of the most useful plants a witch can have in their herb cabinet; from spells and rituals to herbal remedies and cooking, lavender is truly the picture of versatility. Read on to discover some info, properties, and amazing uses for this stunning purple flowering plant.

Lavender: Some Facts

Lavandula, common name lavender, is a member of the mint family and was originally grown in the Mediterranean. There are over 450 different varieties of the lavender plant. It’s reputation for being a calming and cleansing plant has existed for well over 2000 years and used in countries all around the world.

It’s held prominent status in different countries including Egypt, Greece, and Rome throughout history. The Ancient Egyptians used lavender for many things including cosmetics, perfumes, and in embalming rituals on their deceased. And in Greece and Rome, Lavender was a much used remedy for sore throats, added to baths, and in cooking.

Over the years lavender has been cultivated for a plethora of different uses including teas, skincare products, cleaning products, essential oils, soaps, baked goods, lemonades, teas, as an air freshener, or simply dried and used to brighten up your space. Lavender is most certainly one of the most multifaceted herbs used throughout the world today. 

Perhaps most well known for being calming and inducing sleep, there is much more to the lavender plant, so let’s go ahead and explore some of it’s other wonderful properties. 

lavender, kitchen witch, lavender uses, natural remedies, holistic living, lavender essential oil

Lavender Properties & Associations

Lavender Folk NamesElf Leaf, Nard, Spike

Gender: Masculine

Planet: Mercury

Zodiacs: Taurus, Gemini, Virgo

Element: Air

Chakra: Heart 

Deities: Hecate, Hestia, Persephone, Saturn, Circe, Medea

Medicinal Uses: eases anxiety, pain relief, heal wounds, combat eczema, induces sleep, eases headaches, calm nervous system, aids digestion, immunity booster, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal

Magical Uses: happiness, love, relaxation, cleansing, protection, balance, peace, longevity, dreams, clairvoyance

Lavender in Daily & Spiritual Practice


A tincture extracts a plants properties with alcohol such as vodka. Lavender tinctures can be used in mists, air fresheners, toners, cleaning products, insect repellent, sunburn sprays, added to your shampoo to treat dandruff, in your baths, in linen sprays, among others. It can also be taken internally, carefully and with caution (generally acceptable is 2-4ml diluted in a glass of water), as a sleep aid, to ease anxiety, alleviate headaches, and aid digestion.

Quick Tincture Instructions: Fill a glass jar about half way with fresh or dried lavender. Pour alcohol over top (never use general rubbing alcohol in this way as it’s meant for external use only and is toxic) to fully cover your plant parts and seal the jar tightly. Leave to sit in a cool, dark place for 2 – 6 weeks, shaking daily. The longer it sits, the stronger the tincture. After the appropriate time period, strain out the lavender and use the liquid in the above suggestions. 


Infuse fresh or dried lavender into a carrier oil such jojoba, sweet almond, avocado, coconut, or olive oils. You may then use as a skin moisturizer, in baths, on your hair to soften and smooth those tresses, or add to DIY lotions and soaps.

Quick Infusion Instructions: An infusion is made very similarly to a tincture. Once again fill a glass jar about half way with your lavender. Now pour your chosen carrier oil over top to cover about 1 – 2 inches above your dried buds and seal the jar tightly. Leave to sit in a cool, dark place for 6 weeks, shaking daily. After the 6 weeks strain out the plant parts and use the oil in the above suggestions. 


Drink lavender tea to promote sleep, ease anxiety, calm the nervous system, headache relief, as a digestive aid, to boost your mood, improve your complexion, boost immunity, help the body to detox, or soothe menstrual cramps.

Lavender in Cooking:

Lavender can be used in many different culinary creations; cakes, cookies, breads, ice cream, lemonade, sweet loaves, tarts, dressings, sauces, and. syrups. When cooking with lavender it’s good to remember a little goes a long way. Also be sure to always use culinary grade lavender when ingesting. Be creative and have fun experimenting. One of my favourites is lavender lemon loaf cake, so tasty!

Lavender in your practice:

Lavender can be used in your spiritual practice in many different ways. Some of which include burned as incense, to anoint tools or yourself, as an offering, in sachets, jars, and ritual herb blends, in a ritual bath, in tea during rituals, diffused into your ritual space, in different magical mists such as for cleansing, happiness, or balance, as well as in magical cleaning products. 

In Conclusion

It’s safe to say that lavender should definitely be a staple in any witch’s kitchen; from happiness to peace, love, protection, and balance it’s got you covered. 

So tell me, do you use lavender in your practice? If so, what’s your favourite way?

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more Kitchen Witch inspiration check out my shop page! My Kitchen Witch Bundle includes many correspondences, meal planner pages, recipes, traditions, and much more!

Summer is a wonderful time to create positive change in our lives so be sure to check out my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available for purchase now!

And remember you can SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Wishing you a beautifully blessed day my friend!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor. This post is simply to share with you some of the benefits of lavender based on my own experience and research. This post is by no means a replacement for proper medical advice. Always use precautions and talk to your doctor or naturopath before trying out new herbal remedies. 

The Best Curry Tahini Dressing for Wealth

If you have been trouble finding healthy and delicious dressings at your local shops then make room for this absolutely delicious, tahini curry dressing. It’s super easy, incredibly tasty, and only requires a few ingredients that you may already have in your kitchen.

I could never find tasty dressings at the shops that were also nutritious and not filled with unnecessary ingredients. And finding tasty vegan options is even harder. One day I just stopped trying and began making my own. Best decision lol. I just don’t know why I waited so long! 

The dressings and sauces you can make at home with whole food ingredients are only limited by your creativity and taste preferences. And when you make your own you know exactly what is going into them, which can’t really be said for a lot of prepared dressings. 

This Tahini Curry Dressing is one of my favourites. It has now become an absolute staple in the house that I make on the regular. I could eat it daily very happily. Best of all it’s really quick to come together (no fancy equipment needed), keeps well in the fridge, and is tastier than any ready made dressing I have tried. Plus, for the kitchen witch in you, this is an opportunity to weave magic into your meals. This Tahini Curry Dressing is full of energetic properties for wealth and protection, among others!  

So let’s get to it, and get ready to make room for a new family favourite. 

Tahini Curry Dressing: Some Health Benefits

Raw Tahini

  • Rich in anti-oxidants
  • Great source of healthy fats
  • Full of vitamins & minerals
  • May lower risk of Type 2 Diabetes
  • Works as an anti-inflammatory
  • Improves brain health
  • Benefits heart health

Turmeric Powder

  • Powerful anti-inflammatory
  • Full of anti-oxidants
  • Boosts brain health
  • May help in cancer prevention
  • Promotes a healthy heart

Curry Powder

  • Another amazing source of anti-oxidants
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • May lower blood sugar
  • Beneficial for heart health
  • Anti-bacterial properties

Cumin Powder

  • Source of anti-oxidants
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Heart health benefits
  • Anti-fungal & anti-bacterial
  • May lower cholestrol
  • Weight loss aid

Ways to Use this Dressing

  1. On pretty much any type of salad as a dressing. Except maybe fruit salad lol.
  2. Mixed into rice or cous cous
  3. As a dip for raw veggies or crackers.
  4. Dress your stir-fried veggies.
  5. In wraps or on sandwiches.
  6. Make a curry tahini pizza and use it as your base sauce.

There are so many possibilities!

kitchen witch, kitchen witchery, witch, tahini, vegan dressing, holistic nutrition

Everyday Practical Magic

I say this in all of my recipe posts but it’s true! Food is magick. And weaving magick into our normal activities, such as meal times, is a powerful way to connect with our craft on a daily basis. 

Kitchen witchery is a practical and beautiful form of everyday magic that often gets overlooked, even by witches who practice regularly.  I always encourage people to dive in and give it a try even if you don’t fancy yourself a cook or domestic in any way.

This dressing is a simple way to practice a bit of kitchen witchery and set intentions to bring forth wealth, protection, and more, in so many ways.

Curry Tahini Dressing: Main Magickal Properties

Sesame (tahini) – fertility, wealth, protection

Lemon – longevity, clarity, spirituality, happiness

Coconut – good luck, protection, purification

Turmeric – strength, energy, protection

Garlic – purification, protection, health, wards negativity

Cumin – good luck, prosperity, protection, happiness

Black Pepper – protection, strength, courage, purification

Maple Syrup – wealth, love, joy, prosperity

While preparing your dressing, focus on the intention of having wealth and prosperity, in your life (or whichever properties you wish to focus on). How do you want this to feel? What goals do you want to accomplish? Visualize how your life will look once you reach these milestones.

Stir clockwise while whisking, and perhaps even light a green candle or burn cinnamon or basil incense for extra added energies.

kitchen witch, kitchen magick, holistic nutrition, witch, witchcraft,

Curry Tahini Dressing Recipe

Makes about 3/4 cup – Total Prep Time: 10 minutes

  • 1/3 cup tahini   
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 1 tbsp coconut aminos or soy sauce
  • 3 tbsp water
  • 2 tsp maple syrup (3 if you like a little sweeter taste)                                          
  • 1 tsp curry powder
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/4 tsp cumin
  • 1/4 tsp turmeric
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • Black pepper to taste


  1. Add all wet ingredients into a bowl and whisk together.
  2. Now add all dry ingredients and whisk well.
  3. Add in more water if you desire a thinner consistency. If you wish to make a dip as opposed to a dressing start with just 1 tbsp of water and then add more until you reach your desired consistency.
  4. Can be stored in the fridge covered fir 5 – 7 days.

Feel free to also play with the amounts of spices you use. This is what I love but you make like it slightly more garlicky or what not.

Nutritional Information Per Tablespoon

Calories: 32 | Fat: 2g | Carbohydrates: 2g | Protein: 1g | Fibre: 0.7g

Final thoughts.

Do you already make your own dressings? If so, do you have a favourite?

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more Kitchen Witch inspiration check out my shop page! My Kitchen Witch Bundle includes many correspondences, meal planner pages, recipes, traditions, and much more!

Summer is a wonderful time to create positive change in our lives so be sure to check out my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available for purchase now!

And remember you can SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Wishing you a beautifully blessed day my friend!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Lughnasadh Rituals: 3 Simple Rituals to Honour the First Harvest

Lughnasadh, the first harvest festival, is coming up on August 1st. Mere days away! Today I bring you a few simple Lughnasadh rituals to include in your harvest festivities.

Lughnasadh, or Lammas, marks the first harvest festival. It is the midpoint between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox. This is a time of abundance when we are in the height of the summer season. A time to honour nature, reflect, and show gratitude for Mother Earth’s bounty. That which gives us life.

The sun is beaming, the crops are bountiful, and the first sheaf of wheat is ready to be cut. It’s important to remember how vital these times were to our ancestors. They relied on bountiful harvests to get through winter and did not have the certainty of a fully stocked grocer just down the street. Remember these roots and appreciate the impact of this turn of the wheel.

For more on Lughnasadh history, traditions, and correspondences you may visit my full post HERE.

So for today, I am sharing with you 3 Simple Lughnasadh Rituals you can perform at home to help you honour this seasonal change, embrace that feeling of gratitude, and hopefully usher in a season of good luck and abundance.

lughnasadh, lammas, seasonal living, wheel of the year,, pagan, witch, sabbat, pagan holiday

3 Simple Lughnasadh Rituals

Lughnasadh Ritual #1 – Gratitude Journalling

Find a quiet area, ground, centre, and cleanse the space as you need. Try to leave any negativity at the door and keep a light positive energy while writing. Sit comfortably and clear your mind. Light a white candle and take three long deep breaths. Now pick up your pen and begin to write on your paper 10 things that you are feeling gratitude towards in this moment. Take your time and think about what you are writing. Experience in your mind each item as you write it down. Allow yourself to smile and feel the warmth these things generate.

Once you have your ten things, place your hands above your page and recite the following, or something similar:

‘I am grateful. I am blessed.

Filled with joy and happiness.

Thank you Mother Earth, for all that you provide.

Love and peace I feel inside.’

Once you have finished you may blow out your candle. Now each day for the next 5 days come back to this space, light your candle, and add one new thing to your list. You may recite the blessing each day as well if it feels right.

Try to allow this exercise to bring optimism and joy into your life. Simply remembering all that we have can do amazing things for our practice and every life.

Lughnasadh Ritual #2 – Herb Pouch for Abundance

You will need:

  • A green candle 
  • tbsp each of dried basil and dried peppermint
  • Cinnamon stick
  • Peridot stone
  • 1 green pouch with string to tie it up
  • Mortar and pestle

1 – Gather your supplies and cleanse your space. The kitchen is a great spot to craft your herb sachet or at your altar. Ground and centre as needed. Now light your candle.

2 – Add each of your dried herbs to your mortar and begin to blend together with your pestle. While you are blending state the following: ‘Peppermint bring forth abundance and prosperity. Basil bring forth abundance and success.’

3 – Now carefully add your herbs into the pouch. then add your cinnamon stick and state: ‘Cinnamon bring forward strength and success.’

4 – Now add in your Peridot stone and state: ‘Peridot, bring forth earth energy and wealth.’

5 – Now tie up your pouch, hold it to your heart centre, close your eyes and say: ‘Abundance and prosperity let me see, let me see. Energy of the earth bring these gifts onto me.’

6 – You may allow your candle to burn down naturally if it is safe to do so. Otherwise, extinguish your flame and put the candle aside for future abundance rituals.

Lughnasadh Ritual #3 – Good Luck Magic Mist

You will need:

  • 1 Lavender incense for balance and purification
  • 4 oz spray bottle
  • 15 drops lemon balm essential oil 
  • 9 drops sweet orange oil essential oil 
  • 6 drops cinnamon essential oil 
  • 110 ml distilled water

1 – Cleanse your space. Ground and centre as needed and light your incense.

2 – Take a few deep breathes and clear your mind. Let go of your stresses and begin to visualize what good luck would look like to you. See things happening that you would like to manifest into your life. Stay here for a few moments. 

3 – Now carefully add in each oil to your spray bottle. Recite the following for each oil as you add them: Lemon Balm bring me renewal and happiness. Sweet Orange bring me prosperity and luck. Cinnamon bring me money and success.’

4 – Add in your distilled water and place the top on the bottle. Shake the bottle for about 30 seconds and recite the following:

‘Gifts from the earth I call to thee, allow good luck to come to me.

I send my light, my love for all to see. Allow good luck to come to me.’

8 – Spray the mist in your space three times when you are finished. Repeat this for the next 3 days. Spray three times and recite that final spell. If you feel longer than three days feels right for you please continue the process. The three days can be a minimum amount. Feel free to repeat each day until your bottle is empty.

Make Each Ritual Your Own

I always say this but it bares repeating. For each of these feel free to add crystals, additional oils or herbs, chants, or anything else you feel is needed for your specific practice and goals.

I share this post to serve as inspiration or guidelines but it is always nice to add our own personal touches into our spell work. You do not need to follow my steps or ingredients to a ‘T’.

There is no wrong way to do these Lughnasadh rituals. There is simply your way, and your way is perfect. Adapt as necessary!

Your thoughts!

So tell me, do you have your Lughnasadh rituals planned yet? What is your favourite part of the holiday?

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

And remember, if you enjoyed this post, you can check out my SHOP PAGE or ETSY STORE for some witchy inspiration, e-books, and printable grimoire pages (including for the Sabbats) to help you plan your holiday festivities.

And summer is a wonderful time to create positive change in our lives so be sure to check out my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available for purchase now!

You can also SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List to receive a 20% OFF discount code for my website or Etsy shop of digital witchy offerings, as well as some special freebies as a thank you and welcome gift!

Sending many blessings.

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Simple Simmer Pots for Summer Time

So we are in the midst of summer time already! And even though these are the warmer months of the year simmer pots are still one of my favourite kitchen witch activities and natural air fresheners.  Each season comes with distinct aromas and aesthetics that help to define them, including summer! Let’s take those seasonal staples and make some beautifully magical simmer pots for summer.

Summer is all about celebrating the sunshine, taking extra time to relax, and enjoying the incredible bounty that nature provides. Summer is certainly a favourite season for many, and with good reason.

Scents like orange, pineapple, coconut, and vanilla can certainly bring forth some summertime nostalgia. Pina Coladas on the beach perhaps or maybe a delicious creamsicle will bring back some fond summer memories. And who wouldn’t want that? Simmer pots are a wonderful way to have these  seasonal scents wafting throughout your home in minutes.

Simmer pots are an excellent, non-toxic, and eco-friendly way to have your home smelling like the season in a few short minutes. They are also a wonderful way to brew some magick in the kitchen.

So read on and discover a few recipes to help bring an extra dose of the happy and youthful energy the summer season has to offer.

The Simmer Pot

Simmer pots are basically potpourri in a pot! Some people refer to them as stovetop potpourri. You choose your ingredients, put them in a pot with water, bring to a boil, then turn down to a simmer and let it do its thing. They couldn’t be any easier, just be sure you don’t let your pot boil dry! If you want to keep the pot going simply add more water when it gets low. And obviously never leave it going when you are not home.

Simmer pots also lack the harsh toxins that are packed into conventional air freshener sprays and many scented candles. Just fresh ingredients from your kitchen! No fake fragrances or toxic chemicals needed.

One more benefit, they can likely be crafted with things you already have in your kitchen making them a convenient and inexpensive solution.

If you’d like you can read my Autumn Simmer Pot post and Winter Simmer Pot post for some more inspiration. Or check out my Seasonal Simmer Pot Package in the shop. I am having a sale right now!

summer simmer pots, kitchen witch, kitchen witchery, witch, food magic, homestead

Summer Simmer Pot Magick

If you have read my other simmer pot posts you can skip this bit as you will already know the steps but if this is your first time visiting the blog please do read on!

We mustn’t forget that the herbs, spices, and whole foods housed in our kitchens all carry their own energies and magickal properties.

So let’s use those items to assist us in manifesting our goals. You’ll easily be able to create a simmer pot that aligns with your intentions and smells delicious!

When I do a simmer pot with a specific intention in mind I follow these simple steps to incorporate my magick and mind into the process:

  1. Set your intentions very clear in your mind and don’t lose sight of them for the entire process.
  2. Add ingredients to the pot and bring to a boil.
  3. Reduce to a simmer, stir the pot clockwise. Unless you are doing a banishing or releasing spell, in that case stir the pot counter clockwise.
  4. Visualize your desired outcome or goal for the magickal work you are doing. Are you aiming to create happiness in the home, or more money in your wallet? Whatever it may be focus on what you want the outcome to look like. Continue with the visualization and stirring until it feels right to finish. You’ll know when!
  5. You may recite your goal, a chant, or ritual words while you stir as well. Something pertaining to your desired outcome.
  6. When you finish I would let the pot boil down until there is about an inch of water left and then turn it off. Your work is now complete.

Of course feel free to change this process up so that it suits your own needs and magical practice.

Summer Simmer Pot Recipes

Mojito Magic – prosperity, healing, strength, love

  • 6 lime slices
  • 2 sprigs rosemary
  • 1 tbsp peppermint
  • 2 – 3 slices ginger

Iced Mocha – energy, success, wisdom, money

  • 1/4 c coffee beans 
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 1 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp almond extract
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract 

Pina Colada – protection, prosperity, luck, joy

  • 3 pineapple slices
  • 2 lime slices
  • 2 tbsp dried coconut
  • 1 tsp coconut extract
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract

Creamsicle – creativity, health, success, good luck, protection

  • 6 orange slices (fresh or dried)
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tbsp shredded coconut

What to do with your simmer pot ingredients when you are finished?

Another awesome thing about simmer pots is that they don’t create any waste. You can simply compost your ingredients or dry them out to be used in future spells or for potpourri.

Final thoughts.

Do you have a favourite ingredient you like to add to your summer simmer pots? 

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more Simmer Pot Recipes and kitchen inspiration check out my shop page! My Kitchen Witch Grimoire Bundle includes simmer pot recipes for every season, over 100 foods and their magickal properties, coffee and tea magick, sugar magick, and more!

And summer is a wonderful time to create positive change in our lives so be sure to check out my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available for purchase now!

You can also SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Until next time friends!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Litha Activities: 42 Ways To Celebrate the Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice is once again upon us! An energizing and joyful  turn of the wheel that is a much anticipated season for many. If you are still planning your Litha activities you’ll want to keep on reading.

The Summer Solstice, or Litha, is the first day of summer, and the longest day of the year. For more Litha details and correspondences, you may check out my full post HERE.

Celebrating the Magic of Nature

This is a time for honouring nature, the sun, and welcoming the abundance that summer promises. For many the summer season also signals long warm days, relaxation, and spending much time outdoors. There are many reasons to love this time of year and of course so many ways for you to honour it’s arrival!

So today I give you a list of 42 Litha activities that are fun, joy inducing, and super flexible allowing you to choose things that resonate. Pick one, two or  twelve, whatever works for you.

This season is a stunning time in nature, a time to be cherished and warmly welcomed, so let’s start it off right. Here we go!

litha, litha activities, sabbat, pagan witch, pagan holiday, summer solstice, wheel of the year

42 Beautiful and Satisfying Litha Activities

  1. Get some fresh blooms for your home
  2. Add Summer touches to your altar
  3. Write a journal entry about what Litha means to you
  4. Perform a prosperity ritual
  5. Spend time in nature
  6. Connect with the Fae
  7. Do some gardening
  8. Host a BBQ
  9. Embrace flower magic
  10. Craft a floral crown
  11. Bake a lemon cake
  12. Have a ritual bath or shower with flowers
  13. Hydration ritual
  14. Morning meditation
  15. Do a Summer Oracle or Tarot card reading
  16. Offering to nature
  17. Exercise outdoors
  18. Charge and cleanse your crystals in the solstice sun (make sure they are sun safe first)
  19. Mix up some fresh lavender lemonade
  20. Add summer touches around the home
  21. Connect with the fire element
  22. Awake with the sun
  23. Wear colours connected to Litha such as yellow, orange, green, or gold
  24. Bake berry scones
  25. Listen to music and dance
  26. Try something new
  27. Offering to a deity connected with summer such as Aine, Freya, or the Green Man
  28. Wear carnelian for energy and motivation.
  29. Burn incense of Sandalwood, Lemon Balm, or Basil
  30. Perform a morning meditation
  31. Forage for wild herbs (safely and with caution)
  32. Perform a house cleansing
  33. Enjoy a Litha tea blend
  34. Craft a crystal pouch for energy
  35. Light a candle to welcome the sun
  36. Craft a Litha oil or herb blend
  37. Journal Prompt: What are some things you would like to embrace throughout this season?
  38. Perform a ritual to recharge your spirit
  39. Host an outdoor tea party
  40. Create a magical morning routine for summer
  41. Abundance journalling
  42. Watch the sunset and say a blessing to nature 

So, how many will you do this June 21st? Remember to embrace this new season with joy in your heart, drink in the invigorating energy that fills the day, and make it meaningful for YOU. 

Final thoughts.

Do you have your festivities for the year planned yet? 

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more Litha inspiration check out my shop page! My Litha Bundle includes correspondences, rituals, recipe, traditions, and more!

Summer is a wonderful time to create positive change in our lives so be sure to check out my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available for purchase now!

You can also SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Have a beautiful, blessed Litha friend!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

DIY Magical Chamomile Calming Mist to Ease Anxiety

Have you ever experienced that moment when your heart rate speeds up, chest gets tight, and you feel like you can’t get a deep breath? If so, you probably know what it’s like to have anxiety. This Chamomile Calming Mist may be just thing you should have on hand for when those moments arise.

Keep on reading for full recipe and as a bonus, it smells just divine!

Dealing with Anxiety

Some of us, myself included, suffer from anxiety on a very regular or even daily basis, myself included. It can become a truly horrible thing to live with when it’s starts happening so frequently that it begins to disrupt you living your life normally. It can cause you to lose focus, to freeze, or to be completely unable to engage in your regular routines. Anxiety can take hold at any time regardless of what mood you may be in or what type of day you’re having. There are no pattern or rules here.

So, it’s definitely a good idea to have some coping mechanisms in your toolbox to help manage symptoms and bring your body back to a calmer state so that you may hopefully continue to move through your day.

There are tons of things you can do such as getting outside, focusing on your breathing, aromatherapy, journaling, etc.

This Chamomile Calming Mist is one I always have on hand. And I have to say since starting to incorporate my magical practice into my health and wellness routine on a more focused basis, my anxiety has gotten easier to control even though it still pops up much more than I would like. Bringing my magic into the mix has allowed me to overcome those anxious moments much easier. So that’s what we will do while crafting this mist, bring our own magic and intentions into the process so that it is energetically charged and ready when you need it.

chamomile, green witch, anxiety, DIY, witch, holistic wellness

Chamomile Calming Mist – Ingredients & Benefits:

  • 2.5 ml vegetable glycerin
  • 120 ml dark spray bottle (glass if possible)
  • 5 drops lemon balm essential oil for relaxation and healing
  • 5 drops patchouli essential for grounding oil for relaxation
  • 15 ml witch hazel for cleansing
  • 100 ml chamomile water to calm and uplift

Simple Steps: 

  1. Clear your mind of any outside noise. Let go of stresses or tensions you are holding. Your energy should match that which you are trying to manifest (in this case, relaxation).
  2. Cleanse your work space both physically and energetically.
  3. Set up all of your supplies so you have everything easily accessible and ready to go.
  4. Add Essential Oils into the bottle first. Feel free to play with the amount of drops to get your own perfect balance of scents. Everyone’s taste will differ. Start lower though and work your way up so it does not become too strong. Starting with 5 should be good.
  5. Use your funnel and add the Vegetable Glycerin to the bottle.
  6. Give those ingredients a little swirl to mix.
  7. Add in Witch Hazel.
  8. Fill remainder of bottle with Chamomile Water. I still measure this last ingredient as to not over fill. Especially if you are putting in a spray pump. If you fill too much and then put in the pump you risk over flowing the bottle. Yes, I have done this.
  9. Secure top or spray pump and shake for 30 seconds to combine all ingredients. Recite the following, or something similar, 3 times while shaking:

‘Anxiety leave and bring forth calm. Energies relaxed and anxiety gone. I am calm, I am free. Grounded in peace I shall be.’

  1. Spray this in your space whenever you are feeling anxious or uneasy to help bring you back to a more centred place.

Final Thoughts. 

Do you suffer from anxiety? Do you have any coping mechanisms that you turn to?

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

Spring is a wonderful time to create positive change in our lives so be sure to check out my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available for purchase now!

For more magical inspiration check out my shop page! You will find pages on green witchcraft, kitchen witchery, sabbats, and so much more!

And remember you can SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Sending many blessings to you my friend!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Disclaimer: This recipe is meant as a tool and is in no way to be used to replace the advice of a medical professional. 


Easy Beltane Spell Jars: Three Simple & Engaging Rituals for May Day

Beltane fast approaches! A beautiful and much anticipated turn of the wheel as it brings with it the promise and abundance of Summer! Once May Day arrives you can rest assured warmer days and more sunshine are not far behind. So today we are going to talk about three special Beltane Spell Jars with the energy of the season in mind.

It is an incredibly magical time with a positive energy that is simply infectious. Anything seems possible when Beltane arrives!

What is Beltane?

Beltane, also known as May Day, is the midpoint between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. Celebrations tend to begin on the eve of April 30th and continue throughout May 1st. It’s a time to be joyful and embrace life. As well as a time to celebrate love, fertility, and the approaching summer season. If you’d like to learn more about Beltane and it’s correspondences you can check out my full post HERE.

Now let’s dive into what we will need and the process for creating Beltane Spell Jars. The ritual work we do at this time can put a special focus on manifesting love, happiness, and abundance in the weeks and months to come.

Beltane Magick

During Beltane we are celebrating life, abundance, and nature blooming full and fresh all around us. So for ourselves as well, this is an optimal time to perform magic  for abundance, happiness, love, longevity and fertility.

This can be a time where we really focus inwards and evaluate our life and how we spend our time. Are we spending energy on what is meaningful to us? Are we caring for our health and wellness and showing ourselves enough love on a daily basis? 

Embrace the invigorating energy of the season to reflect and propel yourself into new healthy habits and routines that honour your authentic self. Working on creating the happiest version of your life, where you are mindful, at peace, and enjoying the every day simple pleasures that are offered to you.

Life is full of magic. 

Take this time at Beltane to open your eyes and fully acknowledge all that is around you and within you.

Okay so here we go, three Beltane Spell Jars to help inspire your own solstice festivities and create a summer filled with love and life.

Steps for Crafting Your Beltane Spell Jars

Jar spells and rituals are probably some of my favourites. They allow you to be creative with your ingredients, can be made for any intention you may have, and as a bonus they can look and smell just beautiful!

The Process:

  1. Gather your ingredients, sit comfortably in your space, and light your candle and incense.
  2. Clear your mind of anything unrelated to the ritual at hand. Think about your intention. What are you creating this jar for? What will be its purpose?
  3. Begin to slowly fill your jar with the ingredients listed, in any order that feels right for you. Focus your energies and feelings deep within on what it is you are trying to manifest. Allow it to feel real as though you already have it. Try to hold only positive notions throughout your ritual.
  4. Envision what things will look like to have this intention strong in your daily life. What will your life look like and how will it make you feel? See clearly how you would like this goal to manifest. Stay in this space for at least a couple of minutes.
  5. You can take as much time or as little as you like to complete the ritual. Savour the moments though and don’t rush. Once you feel ready, seal up your jar and tie your ribbon about the top. 
  6. Hold your hands above your jar, close your eyes, and recite your spell. Either the ones provided here or your own.
  7. Open your eyes and give thanks to the earth, a deity, the universe, or whatever feels right to you for this particular practice.
  8. Now place your jar somewhere you will regularly see it. This can be on your altar or another place of significance. Allow the jar to inspire you, and serve as a reminder of what you envisioned for yourself, and of the positive light that was your energy while you were making it.

Remember to…

Be mindful to make everything a part of your ritual, from gathering your supplies until you place the jar in its new home. Enjoy the process, take your time, and try to be in a positive place when completing your jars.

Beltane, Beltane spell jars, Beltane magic, witch, pagan, wheel of the year, sabbat

Beltane Spell Jar #1 – Self Love

You will need:

  • Glass jar
  • Pink cloth or regular jar lid
  • Pink ribbon or string
  • Rose petals, dried
  • Peppermint, dried
  • Rose Quartz stones
  • Malachite stones
  • Candy hearts
  • Vanilla oil
  • Pink candle
  • Lavender Incense 

Spell Option to Recite:

‘I am magic, I am light,

Bring me love this Beltane night

Beauty and joy strong within me,

This is my will, so mote it be.’

Complete the steps as laid out above. This jar focuses on manifesting self-love and embracing the magic that is always residing within you. 

Beltane Spell Jar #2 – Abundance

You will need:

  • Glass jar
  • Green cloth or regular jar lid
  • Green ribbon or string
  • Basil leaves, dried
  • Peppermint leaves, dried
  • Cinnamon sticks
  • Peridot stones
  • Citrine stones
  • Sandalwood essential oil
  • Green candle
  • Patchouli Incense 

Spell Option to Recite:

‘My gratitude is bathed in light,

Please bring abundance this Beltane night.

With this spell I am set free.

This is my will, so mote it be.’

Complete the steps as laid out above. This jar focuses on manifesting abundance in whatever matters you are desiring it at this moment. Make the intention specific to your personal situation. 

Beltane Spell Jar #3 – Happiness

You will need:

  • Glass jar
  • Yellow cloth or regular jar lid
  • Yellow string or ribbon
  • Lemon balm, dried
  • Nettle, dried
  • Yarrow, dried
  • Amethyst stones
  • Black Tourmaline stones
  • Carnelian stones
  • Neroli essential oil
  • Yellow candle
  • Lemongrass Incense 

Spell Option to Recite:

‘Allow my soul, to shine fierce and bright,

Bring me joy this Beltane night.

Happiness please come to me,

This is my will, so mote it be.’

Complete the steps as laid out above. This jar focuses on manifesting happiness. Allow yourself to let go of any negative feelings you may have been experiencing and focus on bringing a joyful energy to your heart and mind in these coming days, weeks, and months.

Final Thoughts.

Do you have any Beltane activities planned out yet? Do you already enjoy crafting witch jars and bottles?

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more Beltane inspiration check out my shop page! My Beltane Bundle includes correspondences, rituals, recipe, traditions, and more!

Spring is a wonderful time to create positive change in our lives so be sure to check out my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available for purchase now!

And remember you can SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Wishing you a magical and blessed Beltane my friend!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo


Greetings Friend!

I'm Krystle. Resident kitchen witch, holistic nutritionist, green living maven, breast cancer survivor, part-time forest fairy, and author of The Witch's Guide to Wellness. Interested in holistic wellness and living your best, most magical life? If you answered yes, you are most definitely in the right place and I'm so happy you're here.

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