New Moon Ritual for Transformation and Beautiful Change
September has arrived once again and Autumn is but days away! This time of year fills me with life, positivity, and energy. It’s also a time that welcomes change into our lives and what better way to help that along than with a little magic. So this week I bring you a New Moon Candle Ritual for Transformation!
It might be left from our adolescent years when September meant the start of a new school year or that the Witch’s New Year (Samhain) is fast approaching but September brings with it a sense of renewal. It’s a great time to start healthy habits, move forward with confidence towards that goal you’ve had your eye on, and to take the steps you’ve been meaning to towards being the best damn human you can be.
New Moon, New You
Well not entirely lol. However, the New Moon is an opportune time for starting anew, clearing out the old, welcoming in change, setting fresh intentions, and making the commitment to move forward with motivation and positivity towards whatever it may be that you’ve been chasing.
The Full Moon always gets the most attention but over the years I have been becoming just as, if not more, excited for the New Moon phase. I love a new beginning and the energy that fills the air during this time.
This month let’s harness it, welcome it in, and start down the path towards living the best life we possibly can.
There is no time like the present. This September New Moon in Virgo falls on September. Bringing with it some powerful energy to help you gain clarity, find balance, feel grounded, be motivated, and to feel fully ready for beautiful transformation and change to take place.

New Moon Ritual for Transformation
Materials Needed:
1–2 drops pine or peppermint essential oil (properly diluted) for renewal
- 1 white candle for cleansing and blessings
- Cleanse, ground, and centre as needed.
- Sit comfortably in your space, place a drop or two of the essential oil on your index finger, and anoint your candle with it. Run your finger up the sides and around the centre until you are satisfied. You really only need to use a small amount of oil for this purpose.
- Now light your candle and close your eyes. Visualize making the positive changes in your life you are focusing on right now and have maybe been putting off for a while. What would your days look like if you were to take the appropriate steps to make this change, or changes, happen? How much more joy would you feel?
- Now open your eyes and stare into your candle flame. Try to see yourself in the flame as that person, you’ve followed through, made the change, and are thriving. Include as many details for yourself as you can. Stay in this for a few minutes. Soak it up and connect with how this visual makes you feel.
- Once you finish, open your eyes, and recite the following, “I accept and welcome change into my life. I am ready and will work hard to make these changes my reality. I am in charge of my own destiny.”
- Give thanks to the fire element. Close out your ritual with one final affirmation of your choosing. You may now extinguish your flame.
Final Thoughts!
Do you like to include candle magic as part of your practice? Do you always look forward to the new moon?
As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.
For more magical inspiration, check out my Shop Page where you’ll find tons of resource pages for your grimoire and to use in your own practice, as well as witchcraft courses and e-books to explore.
Autumn is also a wonderful time to create positive change in our lives so be sure to check out my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, or my new program Holistic Wellness for the Magical Soul.
And remember you can SUBSCRIBE to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!
Wishing you a beautiful and blessed Autumn season!
Yours in health and magick,
Krystle xo