Quick and Easy Vegan Beltane Bannocks for Abundance

Summer is getting closer with each passing day and it’s already time for Beltane!  These Vegan Beltane Bannocks for abundance are the perfect thing to add into your festivities this year.

Beltane is celebrated the evening of April 30th and all of May 1st here in the Northern Hemisphere. It is the midpoint between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice, and celebrates the return of summer, nature in all its glory, and the miracle and pleasure of life, love, and beauty. If you want to learn more about the Beltane Sabbat check out my full post HERE.  

Bannocks were traditionally eaten at Beltane to ensure an abundant and fertile growing season in the weeks to come. Aside from abundance, they also contain energetic properties for prosperity, grounding, wealth, stability, and happiness. 

Including some kitchen magic as part of your Sabbat festivities is a wonderful way to connect with each turn of the wheel, with nature, and with the elements. And after all, no celebration is truly complete without some yummy eats so I do hope you will try these out this year!

Now let’s get into this Beltane Bannock recipe!

kitchen witch, vegan witch, banana bread overnight oats, vegan breakfast, vegan bannocks, Beltane, Beltane bannocks, cottage witch

Beltane Bannocks: Main Magickal Properties

Oat Flour – abundance, wealth, prosperity, sustainability

Wheat Flour – grounding, abundance, stability, prosperity

Sugar – love, money, attraction, peace

Salt – luck, protection, cleansing, wards negativity 

Lemon Juice – happiness, clarity, cleansing, longevity

While going through the steps to prepare your bannocks, focus on what you are trying to accomplish. There are some good moments here where we are able to use our hands and really connect with our ingredients. How do you want to feel? Visualize yourself with a mind that is clear and open. Be specific, in what areas of your life are you looking for abundance? How will your life change if you are able to obtain this?

kitchen witch, kitchen magick, holistic nutrition, witch, witchcraft,

And Now The Beltane Bannock Recipe!

Makes 8 – 12 Bannocks  | Total Time: 35 Minutes


  • 1 3/4 c spelt, whole wheat, or gluten free 1:1 flour
  • 1 c oat flour
  • 2 tbsp vegan butter
  • 1 tbsp cane sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 cup non-dairy milk
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice


  1. Preheat oven to 320F and line or grease a sheet pan.
  2. Mix milk and lemon juice in a small bowl and set aside.
  3. Mix butter and flour together and then add in the rest of your dry ingredients.
  4. Now mix in your milk/lemon mixture.
  5. Use hands to kneed the dough and make sure all ingredients are well combined.
  6. Roll out your dough onto a floured surface about 1/2 to 1 inch thick.
  7. Cut out your bannocks with a circle cookie cutter or a glass and place onto your pan.
  8. Bake for 10 – 14 minutes (I take mine out at 12). Alternatively, you can fry your bannocks in a pan with a bit of oil or butter, 4 – 6 minutes per side. You can fry them as smaller individual bannocks or as one large bannock that you can cut into pieces. 
  9. Focus on your intentions throughout the process and just prior to baking hold your hands above the pan and state the following or something similar, ‘On this Blessed Beltane, may these traditional bannocks bring abundance to my day, week, and summer season.’

These bannocks keep for about 3 – 4 days in an airtight container and are still delicious but they’re particularly good when eaten fresh from the oven. Enjoy them with butter, jam, nut butter, some vegan cream, or even just plain. All options will be delicious!

They will also be a perfect addition if you are hosting a Beltane brunch or dinner.


Have you made bannocks as a part of your Beltane festivities before?  

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more Kitchen Witch inspiration, check out my PATREON Page where I will be sharing magical recipes, kitchen witch resource pages, early access to my YouTube Videos, magical polls and discussions and so much more!  

Spring is also a wonderful time to create positive change in our lives so be sure to check out my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available for purchase now!

And remember you can SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Wishing you a beautiful and blessed Spring season!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Easy Vegan Sweet Potato Squash Salad for Grounding

Taurus season has arrived and can bring with it the desire to feel stable and grounded. As an earth sign these are popular themes for Taurus season along with love, beauty, joy, peace, and appreciating life and all it’s pleasures.

It’s the perfect time to treat yourself, indulge in some extra self care, be present in every moment and try to find a sense of calm and balance within yourself.

This salad also includes properties for abundance, wealth, harmony, love, energy, and protection. It’s also perfect for meal prepping if you want to focus your week on these types of intentions.  

Before we get into this Sweet Potato Squash recipe, let’s talk about some of the health benefits.

Sweet Potato Squash Salad: The Health Benefits

These salad ingredients are super simple and are filled with great nutritional benefits.

Sweet Potato

  • Nutrient Dense
  • Rich in anti-oxidants
  • Promotes a healthy gut
  • Supports digestion
  • Benefits eye health
  • Supports brain health
  • Promotes healthy immune system


  • Rich in vitamin c
  • Nutrient dense
  • Supports eye health
  • promotes healthy skin
  • Heart healthy 
  • Helps manage blood pressure
  • High anti-oxidant content
  • Decrease disease risk

Sweet Peppers

  • Many essential vitamins and minerals
  • High in vitamin C
  • Source of anti-oxidants
  • Supports eye health
  • Helps iron absorption
  • Protects against disease


  • Another amazing source of anti-oxidants
  • May protect against diabetes
  • Support heart health
  • Great source of fibre
  • May lower cholestrol
  • Good source of protein and healthy fats
  • Source of B-Vitamins
  • Supports immune system
  • Fights inflammation
kitchen witch, vegan witch, vegan recipe, vegan dinner, cottage witch

Sweet Potato Squash Salad: Main Magical Properties

Sweet Potato – grounding, love, peace, harmony

Squash – cleansing, balance, stability

Peppers – protection, cleansing, energy, growth

Tahini – fertility, wealth, protection

Maple Syrup – love, wealth, joy, prosperity

While going through the steps to prepare your salad,  clear your mind of outside noise and keep your intention clear in your thoughts. Focus on being grounded, centred, and balanced as you move forward on your path.

kitchen witch, kitchen magick, holistic nutrition, witch, witchcraft,

And Now The Sweet Potato Squash Recipe!

Makes 6 – 8 servings | Time: 45 minutes

Salad Ingredients:

  • 1 lb sweet potato
  • 1 lb squash
  • 1 red pepper
  • 1 yellow pepper
  • 1 sm red onion
  • 1 c corn
  • 1 tbsp hemp hearts
  • 3 tbsp walnut pieces

Dressing Ingredients:

  • 3/4 c tahini
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp water
  • 2 tsp dijon mustard
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1/2 tsp paprika
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt
  • black pepper to taste


  1. Cut up your sweet potato and squash. You can either boil or roast it in the oven to cook. Try to cook in advance so that it is already cooled and ready to be mixed into the salad.
  2. Chop up your peppers, onions, and cook your corn (I tend to just use frozen because it’s easy).
  3. Next, place all of your dressing ingredients into a bowl and whisk together until smooth. You may add extra water a tablespoon at a time to reach your desired consistency if it’s too thick.
  4. Combine all of your salad ingredients into a large bowl then add your dressing and mix together thoroughly. As you are stirring, try to feel focused and relaxed while bringing yourself back to centre. You may state the following or something similar if you wish, ‘May these nutritious gifts from earth help me to feel grounded and find balance throughout the day.’

This salad is great for make ahead meal prep and will be good in the fridge for 3 days.


Do you regularly perform any of your witchcraft practice in the kitchen?

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more Kitchen Witch inspiration, check out my PATREON Page where I will be sharing magical recipes, kitchen witch resource pages, early access to my YouTube Videos, magical polls and discussions and so much more!  

Spring is also a wonderful time to create positive change in our lives so be sure to check out my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available for purchase now!

And remember you can SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Wishing you a beautiful and blessed Spring season!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Kitchen Witch: Easy No Bake Raspberry Bars for Joy

Taurus season has arrived! A time to revel in the beauty of nature, life’s simple pleasures, slow down, take a breath, reconnect with yourself, allow for some peace to settle in, and just bask in a little joyful loving and maybe even a little self indulgent energy.  These Vegan No Bake Raspberry Bars are just the thing to help you welcome this new astrological season. These are a super easy, healthy and tasty spring time recipe. Perfect for when you need a warmer weather dessert.

These bites also contain some other wonderful properties that go perfectly with Taurus season energy including love, luck, joy, beauty, stability, prosperity, abundance, grounding, and energy.

Lastly, we can’t forget that these no bake raspberry bites are filled with nutrients and healthy fats. Let’s take a closer look at some of the health benefits.

No Bake Raspberry Bars: Health Benefits

Whole Rolled Oats 

  • Rich in anti-oxidants
  • Contains B Vitamins
  • Source of Manganese, Phosphorous, and Magnesium
  • Great source of Fibre
  • Can lower cholesterol and blood pressure
  • Helps control blood sugar
  • Good vegan source of protein


  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Heart healthy
  • Nutrient rich
  • Great source of anti-oxidants
  • Low in sugar
  • Source of fibre
  • Brain health


  • Nutrient dense
  • Protein source
  • May support blood sugar
  • Keeps you satiated
  • Supports good digestion
  • May protect against chronic disease

Ceylon Cinnamon (known as ‘true cinnamon’ and packs the most health benefits)

  • Another amazing source of anti-oxidants
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Lowers blood sugar
  • Heart healthy
  • Has anti-bacterial & anti-fungal properties


  • Filled with nutrients
  • May aid blood sugar management
  • Source of anti-oxidants
  • Anti-bacterial properties
  • Supports healthy bones
  • Source of fibre
  • Anti-aging
kitchen witch, vegan witch, no bake recipe, vegan dessert, cottage witch

No Bake Raspberry Bars: Main Magickal Properties

Raspberry – joy, vitality, protection, fertility, feminine energy

Chickpeas – prosperity, wealth, abundance, grounding

Oats – sustainability, wealth, abundance

Coconut – luck, protection, purification

Tahini – luck, protection, purification

Cinnamon – success, prosperity, strength, luck, love, enhanced psychic awareness

Vanilla – love, beauty, passion, energy

Maple Syrup – love, wealth, joy, prosperity

While preparing your bites, focus on the intention of having abundance in your life. How do you want this to feel? What goals do you want to accomplish? Visualize how your life will look once you reach these milestones.

kitchen witch, kitchen magick, holistic nutrition, witch, witchcraft,

And Now The No Bake Raspberry Bars Recipe!

Makes 9 – 12 bars | Time: 20 minutes (plus chill time)

Crust Ingredients:

  • 1 c whole rolled oats
  • 1/2 c coconut flour
  • 1/2 c dates
  • 1/4 c tahini
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt

Filling Ingredients:

  • 1 can chickpeas, drained
  • 2 c raspberries
  • cream from 1 can of coconut milk
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 2 tsp vanilla


  1. Line an 8×8 pan with wax or parchment paper.
  2. Place all of your crust ingredients into a food processor or blender and blend until you get a crumbly mixture that easily presses together. Be sure to scrap down the sides as necessary.
  3. While you are blending keep your intentions in your minds eye and state the following, ‘‘Sweet raspberries, bring forth joy. Your energies I do employ. Happiness within my soul I seek. May this light find me today, tomorrow and throughout the week.’ You may repeat this each time you blend your ingredients and/or whenever you have a piece of the bars. 
  4. Now press the crust firmly into your pan and place in the fridge while you mix together your filling.
  5. Next place all of your filling ingredients into your food processor and blend until smoothie. Again, be sure to scrap down the sides as needed to ensure everything is well blended.
  6. Remove your crust from the fridge and smooth your raspberry filling evenly over the top. 
  7. Place in the freezer for 30 – 60 minutes to set. 
  8. You can store in the fridge or freezer for 4 – 5 days. If storing in the freezer take out and allow to sit for 10 – 20 minutes to soften before slicing. I prefer to store in the fridge so there is no thawing necessary but either is good! However, don’t leave at room temperature or it will become too soft.

And you’re done!

Very easy to put together, super tasty, and incredibly refreshing.

These bars are great to match the Taurus season energy that is currently filling the air. I hope you enjoy them and may they help to bring much joy and happiness into your life!


Do you like no bake recipes for the warmer months?

Let me know! As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more Kitchen Witch inspiration, check out my PATREON Page where I will be sharing magical recipes, kitchen witch resource pages, early access to my YouTube Videos, magical polls and discussions and so much more!  

Spring is also a wonderful time to create positive change in our lives so be sure to check out my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available for purchase now!

And remember you can SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Wishing you a beautiful and blessed Spring season!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Kitchen Magic: Easy Baked Maple Lime Tempeh for Strength

The spring is a time of change and transformation. Maybe even a little extra right now with the Aries New Moon coming up. Change can often mean taking leaps of faith and trusting your intuition which can be a little scary sometimes. So for today I wanted to share a Maple Lime Tempeh recipe for strength.

Now is a time to go all in, make positive changes and be the leader of your own life. This dish is full of energetic properties to help with this intention. It includes strength, healing, cleansing, vitality, spirituality, and prosperity.

It’s also perfect for meal prepping if you want to focus your week on these types of intentions.  Delicious for breakfast, lunch, or dinner; you could have it like bacon for breakfast, on a sandwich or in wraps and bowls.

Before we get into this Maple Lime Tempeh recipe, let’s talk about some of the health benefits.

Maple Lime Tempeh: The Health Benefits

These ingredients are super simple and with some great nutritional benefits.


  • Nutrient Dense
  • High in Protein
  • Promotes a healthy gut
  • Supports digestion
  • May lower cholestrol
  • fights oxidative stress
  • Combats inflammation
  • Supports bone health


  • Source of vitamin c
  • heart healthy
  • boost immunity
  • promotes healthy skin
  • aids iron absorption
  • contains anti-oxidants

Nutritional Yeast

  • Source of b Vitamins
  • Protein source
  • Great mineral source
  • Powerful source of anti-oxidants
  • May boost immune health
  • May lower cholestrol
  • Heart health
kitchen witch, vegan witch, tempeh recipe, vegan dinner, cottage witch

Maple Lime Tempeh: Main Magical Properties

Tempeh (Soybeans) – spirituality, psychic ability, strength, protection

Lime – strength, healing, cleansing, love, calm

Garlic – cleansing, health, wards negativity, protection

Chili – protection, strength, healing

Onion – protection, health, vitality, wealth, prosperity

Maple Syrup – love, wealth, joy, prosperity

While going through the steps to prepare your tempeh, focus on your goals. What specific situations are you applying this intention to? What will your day or life look like if this manifests? Focus on being strong, confident, and full of courage as you move forward on your path.

kitchen witch, kitchen magick, holistic nutrition, witch, witchcraft,

And Now The Maple Lime Tempeh Recipe!

Makes 3 – 4 servings | Time: 40 minutes (plus marinade time)


  • 1 block tempeh (200g)
  • juice from 1 lime
  • 2 tbsp coconut aminos or soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup
  • 1 tbsp hoison sauce
  • 1 tbsp nutritional yeast
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/2 tsp chili powder
  • 1/2 tsp onion powder
  • black pepper to taste


  1. Cut your tempeh into thin strips like bacon and set aside.
  2. Next we will mix up our marinade in a bowl or pan large enough to fit the tempeh so they pieces can all be covered in the marinade.
  3. Add all of the ingredients into the bowl and whisk to combine.
  4. Add your tempeh into the marinaden and mix until all of the pieces are well covered in the marinade. While you are doing this you may state the following or something similar, ‘Tempeh may you imbue me with the strength to achieve my goals, overcome obstacles, and manifest my intentions.’
  5. Put into the fridge for 60 minutes. It can be less depending on your time constraints but the longer it sits the more the flavours will soak up into the tempeh.
  6. Preheat your oven to 400F and grease or line your baking pan. Your pan should be large enough so the there is no overlapping of your tempeh strips. Having them in a single layer will allow them to become more crispy.
  7. Bake for 20 – 30 minutes depending on the size of our tempeh pieces.

Alternatively, if you prefer, you can fry the pieces in a dash of oil in a pan instead of baking. Enjoy as bacon for breakfast or add to bowls, salads, sandwiches and wraps. The tempeh will store well for about 4 days. For best results, when reheating use the stovetop and not the microwave.


Do you like to use tempeh in your kitchen? Do you have a favourite intention you associate with tempeh?

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more Kitchen Witch inspiration, check out my PATREON Page where I will be sharing magical recipes, kitchen witch resource pages, early access to my YouTube Videos, magical polls and discussions and so much more!  

Spring is also a wonderful time to create positive change in our lives so be sure to check out my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available for purchase now!

And remember you can SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Wishing you a beautiful and blessed Spring season!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Kitchen Witch: Fast Creamsicle Smoothie for New Beginnings

Change is in the air my friends and it’s a wonderful time to connect with your inner kitchen witch and make some serious magic in the kitchen, starting with breakfast! This Creamsicle Smoothie for New Beginnings is a delicious and intentional way to start your day, especially this week when we have the second Aries New Moon of the season coming into play. 

The flavours of this smoothie are so refreshing and really kind of taste like warm weather…if warm weather had a taste lol. The New Moon energy this week is really exciting as it is also a Solar Eclipse and the beginning of a brand new eclipse cycle making the energy kind of supercharged. It’s a great time to start fresh, set new intentions, make positive changes, be fearless and take advantage of new opportunities, really trust your intuition and be the leader in your own life. 

This smoothie has some other really stellar properties, aside from new beginnings, that go along with this energy as well including creativity, joy, positivity, health, success, prosperity, and good fortune.

First though, let’s get into some of the health benefits this smoothie contains.

Creamsicle Smoothie: The Health Benefits

These ingredients are super simple and jam packed with nutrition.


  • Rich in Anti-oxidants
  • Improve insulin response
  • Lots of Fibre
  • Fight inflammation
  • Great source of Vitamin C
  • Skin health
  • May lower cholesterol


  • Nutrient rich
  • Source of Anti-oxidants
  • Excellent source of fibre
  • Improves digestion
  • Contains multiple vitamins and minerals

Coconut Yogurt

  • Source of probiotics
  • aids digestion
  • contains essential vitamins
  • fibre source
  • may improve cholesterol
  • low in sugar (if unsweetened)

Spinach (optional)

  • Vitamins A, C, & K
  • Folate (B9)
  • Iron
  • Anti-oxidants
  • Calcium
  • Heart healthy

Vegan Protein Powder

  • Being vegan, I like to get this extra protein boost into my day.
  • I use Genuine Health Organic Fermented Vanilla Protein Powder or Form.  They are both delicious and with no funky additives.
  • Be wary with protein powders as a lot of them have ingredient lists as long as your arm. Try to buy high quality if you are going to use one.
  • Another alternative I like to use is pure Pumpkin Seed Powder. It comes only unflavoured and is honestly pretty tasteless lol.

Smoothie Notes

  1. I don’t use any additional sweetener. However, you can add a medjool date, maple syrup, agave, or date syrup if you’d like it on the sweeter side. 
  2. People have varied tastes when it comes to smoothies in regards to how thick they like them. This recipe is exactly how I make mine. Feel free to add more, or less, liquid/ice to get your desired thickness.
  3. Different protein powders WILL change the taste so find one that suits you. You can also omit the protein powder entirely. Maybe add a little vanilla extract or kefir to the mix if you omit the powder.
kitchen witch, vegan witch, vegan smoothie, banana berry smoothie, holistic nutrition, cottage witch

A Magical Start to Your Day 

Food is magick, always. So let’s harness that and get our day started off with intention, mindfulness, and positivity.

Intention setting while we are preparing our meals is a stellar way to inject some magick into our normal daily routines. I mean we all gotta eat, so why not make it magickal. This is truly practical magic at it’s finest!

Creamsicle Smoothie: Main Magical Properties

Oranges – new beginnings, success, joy, creativity, health, prosperity, good fortune

Banana – prosperity, love, perseverance, spirituality

Coconut – good luck protection, cleansing 

Spinach – strength (can strengthen your mind, body, and manifestations), money, prosperity, passion

While preparing your smoothie, focus on what you are trying to accomplish. How do you want to feel? What new beginnings do you want to dive into and how will your life look once you do this?

You are taking magical elements into your body, take advantage of what they can offer you and how they can help to manifest your goals as well as nourish your holistic self.

kitchen witch, kitchen magick, holistic nutrition, witch, witchcraft,

And Now The Creamsicle Smoothie Recipe!

Makes 1 serving – Total time: 5 minutes

  • 1/2 c. coconut milk
  • 1 orange or 1 – 2 clementines
  • 1 banana
  • 1 tbsp coconut yogurt
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 3 ice cubes
  • optional: 1/2 tsp maple syrup or 1 date for additional sweetness


  1. Add all ingredients to your blender in the order listed. Blend for about 60 seconds.
  2. Either while you are blending or before you drink your smoothie (or both) you may state the following or something similar:

‘Fresh beginnings I welcome you. Now is the time to start anew. Change and rebirth I shall see, please bring these gifts unto me.’

Et voila! A healthy and energy charged breakfast to set you up for success in less than 10 minutes.

Nutritional Information (approximate and will vary based on exact ingredients)

Calories: 367 | Fat: 6g | Carbohydrates: 52g | Protein: 28g | Fibre: 6g

Magic in the Morning

So, are we excited for breakfast tomorrow? We are always looking for extra ways to include magick into our days.

Opportunities to work our magic and manifest are all around us. We just need to be aware and harness them.

Breakfast is a wonderful time to set intentions and manifest how you would like your day, or week, to go.

And there is no reason why we can’t have a nutritious breakfast that is also magically charged. That’s the best type if you ask me!


Are you a smoothie person? Are you planning any new moon activities for the week?

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more Kitchen Witch inspiration check out my shop page! My Kitchen Witch Bundle includes many correspondences, meal planner pages, recipes, traditions, and much more!

For more Kitchen Witch inspiration, check out my PATREON Page where I will be sharing magical recipes, kitchen witch resource pages, early access to my YouTube Videos, magical polls and discussions and so much more!  

Spring is also a wonderful time to create positive change in our lives so be sure to check out my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available for purchase now!

And remember you can SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List, receive  some free offerings and keep up to date on all of The Wholesome Witch happenings.

Wishing you a beautifully blessed day my friend!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo


Kitchen Witch: Easy Peanut Butter Coconut Bites

Sometimes you just need a little boost in the afternoon or a quick something on the go. These Vegan Peanut Butter Coconut Bites are just the thing to get your energy back up. Add in some amazing energetic properties and you have the perfect afternoon snack or super fast breakfast (or part of breakfast lol). So if you are looking for an easy, healthy and tasty spring time recipe please do continue reading 🙂

Spring is an absolutely beautiful and vibrant time of year!  Nature is blossoming to life all around and we are surrounded by abundance. It’s the perfect time of year to include this intention into your practice. And what better way than in the kitchen!

These bites also contain some other wonderful properties that are great for embracing spring time energy including stability, wealth, love, strength, luck, joy, and energy.

Lastly, we can’t forget that these peanut butter coconut bites  are filled with nutrients and healthy fats. Let’s take a closer look at some of the health benefits.

Peanut Butter Coconut Bites: Health Benefits

Rolled Oats (the extra thick variety are particularly good)

  • Rich in anti-oxidants
  • Contains B Vitamins
  • Source of Manganese, Phosphorous, and Magnesium
  • Great source of Fibre
  • Can lower cholesterol and blood pressure
  • Helps control blood sugar
  • Good vegan source of protein

Peanut Butter 

  • Good source of protein
  • Helps manage blood sugar
  • Source of healthy fats
  • Good source of Vitamins A, C, and E
  • Can aid weight loss
  • Excellent source of iron
  • Good source of calcium

Ceylon Cinnamon (known as ‘true cinnamon’ and packs the most health benefits)

  • Another amazing source of anti-oxidants
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Lowers blood sugar
  • Heart healthy
  • Has anti-bacterial & anti-fungal properties


  • Filled with nutrients
  • May aid blood sugar management
  • Source of anti-oxidants
  • Anti-bacterial properties
  • Supports healthy bones
  • Source of fibre
  • Anti-aging

Vegan Vanilla Protein Powder

  • Many of us require a little bit of a protein boost into our days.
  • I use Form Performance Protein Powder or  Genuine Health Organic Fermented Vanilla Protein Powder. They are both delicious, vegan, and with no unpronounceable additives.
  • A lot of protein powders unfortunately have many additives. Be sure to buy high quality if you are going to use one.
  • Another alternative I like to use is pure Pumpkin Seed Powder. It comes unflavoured and is honestly pretty tasteless, so you don’t even notice it’s there lol.
kitchen witch, vegan witch, peanut butter bites, vegan snacks, vegan breakfast, holistic nutrition, cottage witch

Peanut Butter Coconut Bites: Main Magickal Properties

Peanut Butter – stability, abundance, wealth, love

Oats – sustainability, wealth, abundance

Coconut – luck, protection, purification

Cinnamon – success, prosperity, strength, luck, love, enhanced psychic awareness

Vanilla – love, beauty, passion, energy

Maple Syrup – love, wealth, joy, prosperity

While preparing your bites, focus on the intention of having abundance in your life. How do you want this to feel? What goals do you want to accomplish? Visualize how your life will look once you reach these milestones.

kitchen witch, kitchen magick, holistic nutrition, witch, witchcraft,

And Now The Peanut Butter Coconut Bites Recipe!

Makes 18 – 24 bites | Time: 15 minutes


  • 1 cup peanut butter
  • 1⁄4 cup pure maple syrup
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 cup old fashioned rolled oats
  • 1 scoop Protein Powder (chocolate or vanilla)
  • 1 tbsp coconut flour
  • 1 tbsp shredded coconut (more for rolling, optional)
  • 1 tbsp vegan mini chocolate chips
  • 1⁄4 teaspoon Ceylon cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt


  1. Line a storage container with wax paper.
  2. Mix your peanut butter, maple syrup and vanilla extract until well combined.
  3. Now mix in all of your dry ingredients. The mix will be thick, so it will take a bit of effort to have it all come together. You may wish to mix with your hands for the last couple of minutes. This will create a deeper connection with the ingredients as well. If the mix is a little dry, add a dash of plant milk and if it is a tad too sticky add an additional sprinkle of flour. Peanut butters can have quite different consistencies. The dough should hold together easily but not be so wet it sticks to your hands.
  4. Use a tablespoon to scoop out the mixture and roll into balls. As you begin to scoop your energy bites, recite the following: ‘May this nourishing snack bring abundance to my day.’ You may repeat this each time you have one of these bites to re-assert the intentions. Feel free to tailor it to your situation.
  5. At this point, if you like, you may roll the bites in more shredded coconut to have a nice coconut coating.
  6. Place the energy bites in the container, give thanks to Mother Earth, and store in the refrigerator.

And that’s it!

Very easy to put together and really so tasty.

They will stay fresh up to 1 week, though I have eaten them for up to two weeks. They just tend to get more dry as the days pass. You may also freeze them up to 3 months.

These energy bites are great to match the spring time rhythms happening all around us in nature. I hope you enjoy them and may they help to bring much abundance to your life!


Do you like no bake recipes? How about using nut butters in your magical recipes? 

Let me know! As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more Kitchen Witch inspiration, check out my PATREON Page where I will be sharing magical recipes, kitchen witch resource pages, early access to my YouTube Videos, magical polls and discussions and so much more!  

Spring is also a wonderful time to create positive change in our lives so be sure to check out my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available for purchase now!

And remember you can SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Wishing you a beautiful and blessed Spring season!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Kitchen Witch: Easy Vegan Chickpea Fritters for Abundance

Chickpeas are absolutely magical! They are jam packed with nutrition and wonderful energetic properties. Not to mention, you can make so many delicious things with them! Next time you are looking to work a little abundance magic in the kitchen try out these Vegan Spiced Chickpea Fritters! I promise you won’t regret it.

The spring time gives us the gift of abundance in nature. Things are blossoming and blooming to life all around us! It’s a wonderful time to also add some abundance magic into your practice and I can’t think of a better place to do that than in the kitchen.

In recognition of Spring time and the rhythms of Mother Nature, our theme this week will be abundance! Check out my Patreon and YouTube for more abundance recipes! 

These fritters are also super delicious and are sure to become a favourite. They are also great for gatherings!

Before we get into this Spiced Chickpea Fritter recipe though, let’s talk about some of the health benefits.

Chickpea Fritters: The Health Benefits

These ingredients are super simple with some great nutritional benefits.


  • Jam packed with nutrients
  • Great source of fibre
  • High protein
  • May support blood sugar levels
  • Aids in healthy digestion
  • Heart healthy
  • Promotes brain health
  • Contains iron

Whole Spelt Flour (this is my favourite for these)

  • Great source of fibre
  • Heart Healthy 
  • Contains calcium and magnesium
  • Source of B Vitamins
  • Improves gut microbiome
  • Helps regulate blood sugar
  • Contains iron

Nutritional Yeast

  • Rich in B Vitamins
  • Source of protein
  • Excellent source of B12
  • Contains anti-oxidants
  • May lower cholestrol


  • Powerful antioxidant
  • Promotes good digestion
  • Great source of iron
  • May improve cholesterol
  • May fight inflammation


  • Anti-imflammatory properties
  • Source of anti-oxidants
  • Boosts brain health
  • Heart healthy
  • Anti-aging
kitchen witch, chickpea, fritters, vegan witch, vegan appetizer, vegan dinner, cottage witch

Spiced Chickpea Frittes: Main Magickal Properties

Chickpeas – abundance, prosperity, wealth, grounding

Cumin – luck, prosperity, protection, happiness 

Spelt – abundance, prosperity, joy, health, strength, longevity

Turmeric – strength, energy, protection

Garlic – cleansing, protection, health

While going through the steps to prepare your chickpea fritters,  focus on what you are trying to accomplish. What type of abundance are you trying to manifest in your life? What will your life look once this happens? Think about your particular situation and goals.

kitchen witch, kitchen magick, holistic nutrition, witch, witchcraft,

And Now The Spiced Chickpea Fritters Recipe!

Makes 6 – 10 fritters | Time: 30 minutes


  • 1 can chickpeas, drained
  • 1/2 c. whole spelt flour (or most any flour you have on hand)
  • 2 – 3 tbsp vegetable broth (start with 2, add more if needed)
  • 2 tbsp aquafaba (from your can of chickpeas)
  • 1 tbsp nutritional yeast
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric
  • 1/2 tsp chili powder
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt
  • black pepper to taste
  • 1 chopped green onion
  • sprinkle of favourite vegan cheese shreds


  1. Drain your chickpeas. Save the aquafaba liquid for later.
  2. Smash your chickpeas up a bit then add in your liquid ingredients and mix together.
  3. Now add in your flour, nutritional yeast, and spices. Continue mashing together until chunky and well combined. Be careful not to over mash as it will make the mixture too wet.
  4. Now add in your onions and cheese shreds. Mix all together with your hands to form a ball. If it is too dry add some more veggie broth. If it seems a little too wet add in a bit more flour to help absorb the extra moisture.
  5. Next we will form our fritter patties. You should be able to make 6 – 10 depending on how big you make them. I usually get about 8. Use this time while you are working with your dough to connect with the energies in your ingredients. Focus on your goals and what your re trying to accomplish.
  6. We can now begin to cook the fritters. Add a bit of olive oil into your pan and fry each fritter for about 4 minutes per side on medium/low heat. They will turn a nice golden brown and be a bit crispy when finished. While you are frying your fritters you may state the following or something similar, ‘Sacred chickpeas, gift from the earth, bring abundance into my day and life.’ You can tailor this to meet your specific situation.

And that’s it!

Very easy to put together and really so tasty. If you have leftovers try to reheat them in a pan and not the microwave. It will give a much better result. They will last 4 – 5 days in the fridge. Add your favourite dip to the experience to make them extra tasty. I really like them with hummus or garlic mayo.

These fritters are great to match the spring time rhythms happening all around us in nature. I hope you enjoy them and may they help to bring much abundance to your life!


Do you already work abundance magic in the kitchen? 

Let me know! As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more Kitchen Witch inspiration, check out my PATREON Page where I will be sharing magical recipes, kitchen witch resource pages, early access to my YouTube Videos, magical polls and discussions and so much more!  

Spring is also a wonderful time to create positive change in our lives so be sure to check out my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available for purchase now!

And remember you can SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Wishing you a beautiful and blessed Spring season!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Kitchen Witchery: Easy Cauliflower Bites for Clarity

If the spring is finding you a little unfocused or chaotic, embrace your inner kitchen witch and try these little Baked Cauliflower Bites for Clarity! Perfectly crispy and spiced just right, it’s a recipe you will surely turn to again and again. 

This dish mimics deep fried style bites but is much healthier and oil free. Not to mention, full of energetic properties for clearing the mind, happiness, success, and cleansing. Perfect for tuning into that Spring time energy.

Grab your favourite dip and enjoy these for dinner, an afternoon snack, or for a gathering. They’re sure to be enjoyed by all and come together really easily.

Before we get into this Baked Cauliflower Bites recipe though, let’s talk about some of the health benefits.

Baked Cauliflower Bites: The Health Benefits

These ingredients are super simple and jam packed with nutrition.


  • High in B Vitamins
  • Great source of fibre
  • Rich in antioxidants
  • High in nutrients
  • Source of Choline
  • Aids digestion

Nutritional Yeast

  • Rich in B Vitamins
  • Source of protein
  • Excellent source of B12
  • Contains anti-oxidants
  • May lower cholestrol


  • Powerful antioxidant
  • Promotes good digestion
  • Great source of iron
  • May improve cholesterol
  • May fight inflammation


  • Anti-imflammatory properties
  • Source of anti-oxidants
  • Boosts brain health
  • Heart healthy
  • Anti-aging
kitchen witch, vegan witch, banana bread overnight oats, vegan appetizer, vegan dinner, cottage witch

Baked Cauliflower Bites: Main Magickal Properties

Cauliflower – clarity, love, money, success, banishing

Cumin – luck, prosperity, protection, happiness 

Coconut – luck, protection, cleansing

Turmeric – strength, energy, protection

Garlic – cleansing, protection, health

While going through the steps to prepare your cauliflower bites,  focus on what you are trying to accomplish. How do you want to feel? What is it you would like to gain some clarity on? Think about the particular situation if there is one.

kitchen witch, kitchen magick, holistic nutrition, witch, witchcraft,

And Now The Baked Cauliflower Bites Recipe!

Makes 4 – 6 servings | Time: 45 minutes


  • 4 cups cauliflower (about 1 large head)
  • 1 cup non-dairy milk
  • 1 cup whole spelt flour (most any flour will work here)
  • 1 cup breadcrumbs
  • 3 tbsp shredded coconut
  • 5 tbsp nutritional yeast
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt


  1. Wash and break up your cauliflower heads into bite sized pieces into a large bowl.
  2. Mix together your flour, milk, and spices into a separate bowl.
  3. Mix your bread crumbs and coconut and set aside. Leave about a third of this mixture separate and don’t use right away. You will want to refresh your bread crumbs once you start making your way through dipping your florets. It gets messy.
  4. Now pour your milk mixture over your cauliflower florets and stir them up until all of the florets are covered. While you are mixing keep your intentions focused and you may state the following or something similar, ‘May this cauliflower bring clarity to the chaos and calm to the storm.’
  5. Preheat your oven to 350F and prepare your pan with parchment paper.
  6. Now begin dipping your florets one by one into the breadcrumb mixture and place them on your pan in a single layer. If there is overlapping the florets won’t come out crispy.
  7. Bake for about 30 minutes.

These are best enjoyed fresh from the oven. They are delicious dipped in hummus, garlic mayo, or sriracha.

This meal is perfect for spring when we’re trying to perhaps start new projects, making changes, or starting down new paths. All things that can be overwhelming and it can be beneficial to utilize our meal times and take in some properties that help us keep a clear mind so that we might move forward with clarity and purpose.


Do you have a favourite recipe to gain some clarity in the kitchen? 

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more Kitchen Witch inspiration, check out my PATREON Page where I will be sharing magical recipes, kitchen witch resource pages, early access to my YouTube Videos, magical polls and discussions and so much more!  

Spring is also a wonderful time to create positive change in our lives so be sure to check out my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available for purchase now!

And remember you can SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Wishing you a beautiful and blessed Spring season!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Spring Magic: Vegan Lemon Blueberry Scones for Clarity

We all have days when we need to find a little clarity amongst the chaos that may be our mind. These Vegan Lemon Blueberry Scones could be just the thing to help.

They have energetic properties of clarity, focus and peace. Perfect for when you are having trouble making decisions or knowing which direction you should perhaps be going in, or you just need to take a breath and find your way through whatever situation you might be in.

Working some magic in the kitchen to bring clarity to yourself  is such a beneficial activity. And the process for making these scones can be particularly therapeutic. As we mix things together we’re able to really get our hands in there to work the dough into shape giving us opportunity to connect more with the ingredients.

Today we are focusing on clarity but these scones have tons of energetic properties for peace, joy, strength, inspiration, cleansing, and abundance all things that can work together to help you achieve the state of clarity you may be after. You could also switch the focus to a different intention all together if that calls to you. 

Now let’s get into this Vegan Lemon Blueberry Scone recipe!

kitchen witch, vegan witch, banana bread overnight oats, vegan breakfast, vegan scones, cottage witch

Vegan Lemon Blueberry Scones: Main Magickal Properties

Lemon – clarity, focus, inspiration, cleansing, renewal, positivity, longevity

Blueberry – peace, strength, protection, abundance, luck

Vanilla – love, energy, beauty, passion

Maple Syrup – love, wealth, joy, prosperity

Sugar – love, money, attraction, peace

Coconut – luck, protection, cleansing

While going through the steps to prepare your scones,  focus on what you are trying to accomplish. There are some good moments here where we are able to use our hands and really connect with our ingredients. How do you want to feel? Visualize yourself with a mind that is clear and open. How will gaining some clarity affect your day or week? What will that look like for you?

kitchen witch, kitchen magick, holistic nutrition, witch, witchcraft,

And Now The Lemon Blueberry Scone Recipe!

Makes 8 – 10 scones  | Total Time: 60 Minutes


  • 2 1/2 cups flour (all purpose, whole wheat, or spelt work well)
  • 1/4 cup extra flour for surfaces, hands, to battle any extra stickiness in the dough
  • 2 tbsp cane sugar
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • 1/2 c butter
  • 3/4 c coconut cream (canned, milk will also do)
  • 3 tbsp maple syrup
  • 4 tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1 tsp lemon extract
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)


  1. Premix all dry ingredients in a large bowl.
  2. Cut or grate butter into the dry ingredients. If your butter is frozen you can use the grating method. Consistency should be crumbly. Once mixed, put in fridge to keep cold.
  3. Whisk all wet ingredients together.
  4. Remove dry ingredients from fridge and slowly pour wet ingredients over the top.
  5. Pour in blueberries and mix just until everything is moistened. Don’t over mix.
  6. Shape dough into a ball. You may need to add additional flour here to get rid of any stickiness left in the dough.
  7. With floured hands press dough out onto floured surface into a circle shape. About an inch thick. With a sharp knife (or pastry knife) cut into 8 equal triangles.
  8. Brush tops of triangles with more coconut cream to allow for browning.
  9. Place triangles on a parchment covered plate or baking sheet and put in fridge for at least 15 minutes prior to baking.
  10. While waiting for dough to chill prepare your baking sheet with parchment paper and preheat oven to 350 F.
  11. Remove from fridge and bake for 20 – 25 minutes.
  12. Remove from oven and let sit for 5 minutes to cool then transfer to a cooling rack. Let cool completely before storing. Delicious when eaten warm though!
  13. Prior to eating state, ‘Sacred lemon, gift from the earth, bring clarity to my mind. Sacred blueberry, gift from the earth, bring forth the peace my mind requires to be clear.’

These scones keep for about 5 days in an airtight container and are still delicious but they are particularly good when enjoyed fresh from the oven.

These scones are perfect to make when you require a little help to clear some of the clutter that may have gathered in your mind and it’s getting hard to keep on task or make decisions.

They are also a wonderful treat for a weekend brunch or to add to your meal festivities for Ostara or Easter (if you celebrate both).


Have you made scones as part of your kitchen witch practice before?  

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more Kitchen Witch inspiration, check out my PATREON Page where I will be sharing magical recipes, kitchen witch resource pages, early access to my YouTube Videos, magical polls and discussions and so much more!  

Spring is also a wonderful time to create positive change in our lives so be sure to check out my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available for purchase now!

And remember you can SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Wishing you a beautiful and blessed Spring season!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Kitchen Witchery: Easy Banana Bread Overnight Oats for Perseverance

What is an easier or more satisfying breakfast than oats? As warmed oatmeal, as granola, in a yogurt bowl, smoothie, or as overnight oats. You really can’t go wrong when oats are a part of your daily start. Nutritious, delicious, and oh so magical. Try these Vegan Banana Bread Overnight Oats for Perseverance the next time you really need to push past obstacles and distractions and get things checked off of that to do list or makes some tough decisions.

These are really a perfect breakfast for the Spring time season to help reach your goals and stay on track.  Not to mention an easy, healthy and tasty breakfast as well 🙂

These oats are  packed with nutrients and wonderful energetic properties including perseverance, sustainability, prosperity, resilience, luck, and spirituality. A perfect breakfast to align your magickal practice, wellness goals, and the boss witch in you!

Let’s begin with a little health overview. Overnight oats are filled with essential vitamins and minerals to keep you energetic and satisfied all the way until lunch time. 

Vegan Banana Bread Overnight Oats: Health Benefits

Rolled Oats (the extra thick variety are particularly good)

  • Rich in anti-oxidants
  • Contains B Vitamins
  • Source of Manganese, Phosphorous, and Magnesium
  • Great source of Fibre
  • Can lower cholesterol and blood pressure
  • Helps control blood sugar
  • Good vegan source of protein


  • Excellent source of essential nutrients
  • May aid digestion
  • Rich source of Fibre
  • Rich in anti-oxidants
  • Heart Healthy
  • May support muscle recovery

Yogurt (these will vary depending on the type you have) 

  • Good source of nutrients
  • Supports digestion
  • Heart Healthy
  • May strengthen immune system
  • Healthy gut bacteria

Ceylon Cinnamon (known as ‘true cinnamon’ and packs the most health benefits)

  • Another amazing source of anti-oxidants
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Lowers blood sugar
  • Heart healthy
  • Has anti-bacterial & anti-fungal properties

Flaxseed (ground)

  • Source of Omega 3 Fatty Acids
  • Good protein content
  • Excellent source of Fibre
  • Anti-oxidant properties
  • Keeps you satiated

Vegan Vanilla Protein Powder

  • Many of us require a little bit of a protein boost into our days.
  • I use Genuine Health Organic Fermented Vanilla Protein Powder. or Form Performance Blend Vanilla Flavour. They are both delicious, vegan, soy free, and with no unpronounceable additives.
  • A lot of protein powders unfortunately have many additives. Be sure to buy high quality if you are going to use one.
  • Another alternative I like to use is pure Pumpkin Seed Powder. It comes unflavoured and is honestly pretty tasteless, so you don’t even notice it’s there lol.

Overnight Oats Notes

  1. Don’t omit the ground flaxseed as it helps to absorb the liquid and thicken your oats.
  2. You may add a little more or less liquid to go with your preference of desired consistency. I sometimes like to add a little coconut kefir just before eating to add a bit of a creamy texture.
  3. Different protein powders WILL change the taste. The Vanilla Genuine Health one is the absolute best tasting I have found, EVER. And by a lot. You can also omit the protein powder entirely and add in 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract instead.
  4. Overnight oats are super versatile! You can switch up the milks, flavour options and toppings easily, so experiment and have fun.
  5. Many people say to consume your oats within a day of making them but I prepare mine in advance for 3 -4 days at a time and on the third and fourth day they are still delicious.
  6. Overnight oats can be eaten cold or warmed up. They choice is yours! I generally eat mine straight out of the fridge. It really doesn’t get any easier to grab a quick breakfast. 
kitchen witch, vegan witch, banana bread overnight oats, vegan breakfast, overnight oats, holistic nutrition, cottage witch

Morning Magic

Food is always magic. And weaving that magic into our normal activities, such as meal times, is a powerful way to connect with our craft on an every day basis. 

Kitchen witchery is a practical and beautiful form of everyday magic that often gets overlooked even by witches who practice regularly.  And Spring is a wonderful time to embrace this form of magic! I encourage you to dive in and give it a try if it’s something that is new to you. 

These overnight oats are an easy and effective way to practice a bit of kitchen witchery and set intentions for you to persevere and get past any obstacle that might be put in your path. Make these when you know you have a busy or challenging day ahead.

Banana Bread Overnight Oats: Main Magickal Properties

Bananas – perseverance, prosperity, resilience, wealth, luck, spirituality

Oats – sustainability, wealth, abundance

Cinnamon – success, prosperity, strength, luck, love, enhanced psychic awareness

Vanilla – love, beauty, passion, energy

Flaxseed – healing, money, protection, beauty, psychic abilities

Maple Syrup – wealth, joy, prosperity

While preparing your oats, focus on the intention overcoming obstacles and pushing past barriers. You can do anything. Believe that and feel it in your soul. What would this look like for you? What goals are you looking to accomplish? Visualize how your life will look once you reach these milestones.

kitchen witch, kitchen magick, holistic nutrition, witch, witchcraft,

And Now Vegan Banana Bread Overnight Oats Recipe!

Makes 1 Serving | Time: 10 minutes


  • 1/3 c. whole rolled oats
  • 1 tbsp. ground flaxseed
  • 1 heaped tbsp. vanilla protein powder (optional)
  • 1/4 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1/3c. non-dairy milk
  • 1 generous tbsp. non-dairy yogurt
  • 1/2 – 1 tsp. maple syrup
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract (1 full tsp. if not using protein powder)
  • 1/8 tsp. almond extract
  • 1/2 a mashed banana


1. Mash your banana into a bowl and set aside.

2. Use a glass jar with a lid to mix your ingredients.

3. Mix all dry ingredients into your jar first and give them a little stir.

4. Now mix all of your wet ingredients into the jar and stir well. If they seem a little too thick simply add in a bit more milk to your liking. As you are mixing your ingredients focus on your intention and state the following or something similar, “May these gifts from the earth bring me the energy and drive to persevere above any obstacles that might come my way.”

5. Seal your jar and place in the fridge overnight or for at least 4 hours.

6. Prior to eating you may restate your intention for the meal if you wish.

7. Top with nuts, nut butter, coconut, yogurt, banana slices, or some berries. Whatever you are in the mood for. They are also delicious plain on their own!

These will last best for about 3 days in the fridge.

These oats are perfect for when you are feeling particularly determined to just power through and get shit done. Nothing is going to stand in your way today lol.


Do you already have overnight oats in your regular breakfast rotation? Do you work some kitchen magic with them?

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more Kitchen Witch inspiration, check out my PATREON Page where I will be sharing magical recipes, kitchen witch resource pages, early access to my YouTube Videos, magical polls and discussions and so much more!  

Spring is also a wonderful time to create positive change in our lives so be sure to check out my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available for purchase now!

And remember you can SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Wishing you a beautiful and blessed Spring season!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Greetings Friend!

I'm Krystle. Resident kitchen witch, holistic nutritionist, green living maven, breast cancer survivor, part-time forest fairy, and author of The Witch's Guide to Wellness. Interested in holistic wellness and living your best, most magical life? If you answered yes, you are most definitely in the right place and I'm so happy you're here.

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