Natural Cleaning Guide for the Undomestic Goddess
There is nothing quite like sitting back with a glass of wine in your freshly cleaned dwelling. Am I right? So let’s talk natural cleaning for a minute, shall we?
Cleaning for a lot of us is simply a necessary evil of adulting. Domestic goddess I am not lol.
I hate cleaning. However, there is nothing quite like the satisfaction that comes when everything is sparkly clean and fresh.
Now, what if you could make that happen without nasty chemical filled cleaning products? I am here to tell you, you absolutely can.
If the thought of natural cleaning solutions for the home intrigues you, keep on reading!
The Undomestic Goddess
So one day I would love to be a downright Martha Stewart (minus the jail time…). Alas, this is not that day. Many of you can likely relate! We get by and that’s about it lol.
I am not overly domestic or a natural DIY’er so when I say the info and recipes included here are simple, I ain’t lying lol.
Trust me, if I can mix up some natural cleaning solutions that will make my counters sparkle, so can you!
A clean home is incredibly beneficial to our psyche and promotes calmness. And knowing you are creating a less toxic, more eco-friendly space only enhances those feelings.
Let’s all claim the title of Green Goddess and leave domestic in the dust.
Cleaning Without Commercial Products?
You may be thinking, impossible! Don’t you need those heavy duty commercial products to really kill germs?
In short, no you don’t, but they love you to think that.
Commercial cleaning products are filled with some of the most gnarly chemical ingredients (ie. ammonia, 2-butoxyethanol, triclosan, etc.). These are items you should really not be breathing in or getting on your skin.
Furthermore, they are just simply not necessary.
It’s time of you to create your very own natural cleaning product arsenal with a few simple ingredients. There is also a pretty good chance you already have a few of these items in your kitchen.
Did I mention yet what a money saver this is? Well, it sure is! So, grab your cup of coffee (or glass of wine whatevs) and let’s get into it, shall we? 🙂
Natural Cleaning Supplies List
- White Vinegar
- Baking Soda
- Distilled water
- Lemon Juice
- Rubbing Alcohol
- Coconut Oil
- Essential Oils – Lemongrass, Lavendar, Tea Tree & Peppermint to start are great
Natural Cleaning Supplies: The Lowdown
White Vinegar – Cuts through grease & grime easily, kills mold, bacteria, and germs.
Baking Soda – Reacts with grease to form glycerol which is a common ingredient in soaps. It will clean pretty much all of the things!
Lemon Juice – The citric acid in lemons is a natural disinfectant. Oh so useful, not to mention, fragrant!
Rubbing Alcohol – A natural disinfectant and sterilizing agent, kills bacteria, fungus and viruses.
Coconut Oil – Great furniture polish (adds shine), loosens stains, removes sticky residue & rust.
Essential Oils
Lemongrass – Has anti-septic, anti-fungal & anti-viral properties. Neutralizes odours, cuts through grease & grime, is a natural mood elevator and has a super fresh scent. If you only buy one EO, make it this one.
Lavender – Anti-viral, anti-septic, bactericidal, & fungicidal actions, very effective cleaner and stress reliever. Clean with lavender for a therapeutic calming vibe!
Tea Tree – Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, removes mold and prevents it from coming back. Great for bathrooms!
Peppermint – Anti-bacterial, anti-viral, increases alertness, focus and performance. Clean with peppermint for an extra jolt of getting done all of the things!
Natural Cleaning Recipes (to get you started!)
Instructions: Simply mix all ingredients in a spray bottle, give it a shake and you are good to go.
All Purpose Cleaner
1/2 c. white vinegar, 1 c. water, 10 drops lemongrass EO, 10 drops lavender EO
Disinfectant Spray
2 c. water, 10 drops lemongrass, 10 drops lavender, 15 drops tea tree, 5 drops peppermint
Glass Cleaner
1 c. vinegar, 1 c. distilled water, 10 drops lemongrass EO
Mold Remover
1 c. water, 1/3 c. rubbing alcohol, 10 drops tea tree EO
Shower Spray
1 c. water, 1/3 c. rubbing alcohol, 10 drops peppermint EO
Furniture Cleaner
1/2 c. coconut oil, 1/3 c. lemon juice
Mix ingredients together and use a soft cloth to rub into furniture. It is a good idea to dust first, but the lemon makes it not completely necessary. A spot test is also a good idea to be safe.
Carpet Deodorizer
2 c. baking soda, 20-30 drops of lavender, lemongrass or peppermint, your choice
For this recipe mix together, let sit for a few minutes and apply to carpet prior to vacuuming.
Natural Cleaning Ideas Have You Excited yet?
You have never been quite so excited to go on a cleaning spree, am I right? I thought so.
Now, take a trip to the store (if needed), then put on your favourite tunes, grab your spray bottles, load up your diffuser with a little lavender (because why not) and get to it!
Now, you don’t have to make all of the recipes here. Though feel free to go nuts.
A less overwhelming start may be to make a batch of the all purpose cleaner. Spray all of the things, see how you like it, and go from there.
You’ll feel so accomplished knowing you made all of these natural cleaning solutions completely on your own. Not to mention, they are non-toxic, more eco-friendly, and likely saved you a few pretty pennies. Icing on the cake!
Outcome? Your home will smell great, feel fresh, and with no extra chemicals floating around in the air. Extra bonus, I do believe you will be in the best after cleaning mood ever.
And you may just feel a little closer to that domestic goddess status 😉
Share With Me!
So, what are some of your favourite natural cleaning solutions and ingredients?
As always, I love to hear from you and connect. Leave a comment, check out my social media or message me! I am ridiculously easy to find 😉
Interested in learning more about natural living and remedies? SUBSCRIBE and receive my full Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide complete with Toxins to Toss Checklist, and Wholesome Shopping List as a little welcome gift for you! Also, check out my post: 10 Easy Steps to Natural Living for more inspiration.
Blessed be pixies!
Yours in health and magick,
Krystle xo