Natural Cleaning Guide for the Undomestic Goddess

There is nothing quite like sitting back with a glass of wine in your freshly cleaned dwelling. Am I right? So let’s talk natural cleaning for a minute, shall we?

Cleaning for a lot of us is simply a necessary evil of adulting. Domestic goddess I am not lol. 

I hate cleaning. However, there is nothing quite like the satisfaction that comes when everything is sparkly clean and fresh.

Now, what if you could make that happen without nasty chemical filled cleaning products? I am here to tell you, you absolutely can. 

If the thought of natural cleaning solutions for the home intrigues you, keep on reading! 

The Undomestic Goddess 

So one day I would love to be a downright Martha Stewart (minus the jail time…). Alas, this is not that day. Many of you can likely relate! We get by and that’s about it lol.

I am not overly domestic or  a natural DIY’er so when I say the info and recipes included here are simple, I ain’t lying lol.  

Trust me, if I can mix up some natural cleaning solutions that will make my counters sparkle, so can you!

A clean home is incredibly beneficial to our psyche and promotes calmness. And knowing you are creating a less toxic, more eco-friendly space only enhances those feelings. 

Let’s all claim the title of Green Goddess and leave domestic in the dust. 

Cleaning Without Commercial Products?

You may be thinking, impossible! Don’t you need those heavy duty commercial products to really kill germs?

In short, no you don’t, but they love you to think that.

Commercial cleaning products are filled with some of the most gnarly chemical ingredients (ie. ammonia, 2-butoxyethanol, triclosan, etc.). These are items you should really not be breathing in or getting on your skin.

Furthermore, they are just simply not necessary.

It’s time of you to create your very own natural cleaning product arsenal with a few simple ingredients. There is also a pretty good chance you already have a few of these items in your kitchen.

Did I mention yet what a money saver this is? Well, it sure is! So, grab your cup of coffee (or glass of wine whatevs) and let’s get into it, shall we? 🙂

Natural Cleaning Supplies List

  • White Vinegar
  • Baking Soda
  • Distilled water
  • Lemon Juice
  • Rubbing Alcohol
  • Coconut Oil
  • Essential Oils – Lemongrass, Lavendar, Tea Tree & Peppermint to start are great

Natural Cleaning Supplies: The Lowdown

White Vinegar – Cuts through grease & grime easily, kills mold, bacteria, and germs.

Baking Soda – Reacts with grease to form glycerol which is a common ingredient in soaps. It will clean pretty much all of the things!

Lemon Juice – The citric acid in lemons is a natural disinfectant. Oh so useful, not to mention, fragrant!

Rubbing Alcohol – A natural disinfectant and sterilizing agent, kills bacteria, fungus and viruses.

Coconut Oil – Great furniture polish (adds shine), loosens stains, removes sticky residue & rust.

Essential Oils

Lemongrass – Has anti-septic, anti-fungal & anti-viral properties. Neutralizes odours, cuts through grease & grime, is a natural mood elevator and has a super fresh scent. If you only buy one EO, make it this one.

Lavender – Anti-viral, anti-septic, bactericidal, & fungicidal actions, very effective cleaner and stress reliever. Clean with lavender for a therapeutic calming vibe!

Tea Tree – Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, removes mold and prevents it from coming back. Great for bathrooms!

Peppermint – Anti-bacterial, anti-viral, increases alertness, focus and performance. Clean with peppermint for an extra jolt of getting done all of the things!

Natural Cleaning Recipes (to get you started!)

Instructions: Simply mix all ingredients in a spray bottle, give it a shake and you are good to go.

All Purpose Cleaner

1/2 c. white vinegar, 1 c. water, 10 drops lemongrass EO, 10 drops lavender EO

Disinfectant Spray

2 c. water, 10 drops lemongrass, 10 drops lavender, 15 drops tea tree, 5 drops peppermint

Glass Cleaner

1 c. vinegar, 1 c. distilled water, 10 drops lemongrass EO

Mold Remover

1 c. water, 1/3 c. rubbing alcohol, 10 drops tea tree EO

Shower Spray

1 c. water, 1/3 c. rubbing alcohol, 10 drops peppermint EO

Furniture Cleaner

1/2 c. coconut oil, 1/3 c. lemon juice

Mix ingredients together and use a soft cloth to rub into furniture. It is a good idea to dust first, but the lemon makes it not completely necessary. A spot test is also a good idea to be safe.

Carpet Deodorizer

2 c. baking soda, 20-30 drops of lavender, lemongrass or peppermint, your choice

For this recipe mix together, let sit for a few minutes and apply to carpet prior to vacuuming.

Natural Cleaning Ideas Have You Excited yet?

You have never been quite so excited to go on a cleaning spree, am I right? I thought so.

Now, take a trip to the store (if needed), then put on your favourite tunes, grab your spray bottles, load up your diffuser with a little lavender (because why not) and get to it!

Now, you don’t have to make all of the recipes here. Though feel free to go nuts.

A less overwhelming start may be to make a batch of the all purpose cleaner. Spray all of the things, see how you like it, and go from there.

You’ll feel so accomplished knowing you made all of these natural cleaning solutions completely on your own. Not to mention, they are non-toxic, more eco-friendly, and likely saved you a few pretty pennies. Icing on the cake!

Outcome? Your home will smell great, feel fresh, and with no extra chemicals floating around  in the air. Extra bonus, I do believe you will be in the best after cleaning mood ever.

And you may just feel a little closer to that domestic goddess status 😉

Share With Me!

So, what are some of your favourite natural cleaning solutions and ingredients?

As always, I love to hear from you and connect. Leave a comment, check out my social media or message me! I am ridiculously easy to find 😉

Interested in learning more about natural living and remedies? SUBSCRIBE  and receive my full Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide complete with Toxins to Toss Checklist, and Wholesome Shopping List as a little welcome gift for you! Also, check out my post: 10 Easy Steps to Natural Living for more inspiration.

Blessed be pixies! 

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

natural cleaning, natural living, non-toxic, green living, eco-friendly, natural cleaning solutions

Beltane Celebration: Fires, Faeries, & Love

Maybe you have heard of Beltane, or May Day, but don’t really know what it all means. Or perhaps you know all about it but need a little inspiration to help plan out your festivities this year.

You are in the right place! 

May is an absolutely magickal and electric month. The air is getting warmer and nature is springing vibrantly to life all around us. It is only appropriate to begin the month with the wonderfully joyous, Beltane.

So, What exactly is Beltane?

Beltane, or May Day as it is also known, is celebrated on May 1st. A long standing Celtic holiday, connected with the beginning of summer and one of the greatest most celebrated of the Sabbats, along with Samhain.

It is the mid-point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solistice. The time when Spring has reached it’s peak and Summer is just beginning to show it’s pretty, luxurious feathers. Many cultures have traditional Spring festivals also on May 1st.

A glorious time to honour life, it’s pleasures, and the abundance that is promised in the coming months of summer.

Beltane History

The history and customs associated with Beltane are rich. With celebrations focused on life, fertility, abundance, sexuality and the sacred joining of the God & Goddess.

The word Beltane originates from Gaelic and roughly translated means ‘bright fire’. Certain translations also link it to ‘mouth of fire’. Some also believe that it was named after the Celtic Sun God, Belanus or ‘Bel, the bright one’, but this is debated.

Fires would burn throughout the night of Beltane along with much dancing, drinking, feasting and overall merriment.

The Beltane Fires

The Beltane fires were a fundamental part of the festivities. The fires were lit to cleanse, purify, and celebrate the life and fertility that the spring time brings forth.

Cattle were walked around or between the fires as a cleansing and for protection to gain immunity against disease. Individuals took part by dancing, walking around, and sometimes jumping over the fires to symbolize leaving the past behind and starting fresh new beginnings.

Symbols of Beltane

Beltane is one of the most celebrated and jubilant of the Sabbats. Most often celebrated as a large gathering, but not to fret, you can absolutely have your very own festivities as a solitary practitioner.

Here are some Beltane correspondences and ideas to help you make the most of it, however large or small you decide to go.

Gods/Godesses Celebrated:

GoddessesAphrodite, Artemis, Brigid

GodsBel, Cernunnos (the horned god), Eros, Pan

Herbs to Use:

  • Frankincense – success, cleansing, protection, purification
  • Daisy – love, luck, innocence
  • Lilac – wisdom, memory, good luck
  • Marigold – attracts love, protection, prophetic dreams
  • Rose – love, healing, luck, divination

Incense to Burn:

  • Sandalwood – protection, healing, wish magick
  • Calendula – love, success, happiness, protection
  • Frankincense – dispel negativity, honour pagan dieties, protection, luck
  • Rose – love, healing, luck, divination
  • Bergamot – prosperity, joy, balance, motivation


  • Red
  • White
  • Pink
  • Yellow
  • Green


  • Emerald – success, fertility, romance, serenity
  • Amber – healing, harmony, love, pleasure
  • Bloodstone – purifying, prosperity, courage, abundance
  • Malachite – abundance, prosperity, inspiration, wisdom
  • Moonstone – new beginnings, love, good fortune, clarity
  • Rose Quartz – love, self-esteem, balance, fertility

Creatures Honoured:

  • Goats
  • Rabbits
  • Cats
  • Lynx
  • Bees
  • Faeries
  • Pegasus

Foods to Eat:

  • Bread
  • Cakes
  • Oatmeal Cakes
  • Leafy Salads
  • Strawberries
  • Wine
  • Mead

Ways to Celebrate 

As far as celebrations go, and I mentioned earlier, this is a big one.

Do it up in a grand way, whatever kind of way is big and meaningful to you. Be free, be joyous and be self indulgent 😉

Perform a Purifying Fire Ritual

This can simply be a candle placed in a key location of your home. Dance around the candle and/or jump over it (all very carefully of course!) to purify, cleanse and free yourself from the past. Use a green candle to represent the cleansing flame.

Or if you are lucky enough to have a fire pit in your yard, take full advantage of it!

Make a Beltane Headress

Make a wreath of flowers or green leaves to represent the Goddess and God of Beltane. Add some ribbons while you are at it!

Grab some ideas on how to do this HERE! Gotta love Canadian Living. 

Wear it during your Beltane activities.

Decorate with Coloured Ribbons

Tie ribbons to your trees (or plants!) with a blessing written on each one.

This symbolizes the great Hawthorne tree that is associated with Beltane and Faerie magick. Traditionally the people would do this and ask for a wish from the faeries (along with leaving a gift! See next item).

Leave Gifts for the Faeries

Leave a gift or treat for the faeries in your garden or by one of your plants (one decorated for Beltane with coloured ribbons!). Make a wish and it is said that the faeries will grant it. Come back and leave a second gift as a thank you once your wish comes to pass.

Build your Beltane Altar

Set up your special spiritual space and dedicate it’s theme to Beltane.

Use some of the crystals, herbs and colours I mentioned above. Have your ribbon decorated plant there as well (if you decided to have one).

Connect with Family/Friends

This is known as a time to spend with your loved ones before everyone becomes busy bodies over the summer months. Do this. Even if just sharing a glass of wine and a phone call. It will feel good and right to connect.

Cleanse your Space

A good smudging is extra appropriate at times of the year that are meant for purification and new beginnings. Cleanse away! If you can include some of the traditional Beltane herbs in your smudge stick, even better 🙂

Honour Loved ones no longer with you

Beltane is another time of year where the veil between worlds is said to be thinned (as with Samhain). Drink a Beltane tea or get a special wine, take a moment of silence and raise your glass to them.

Be in Nature

Nature is all around us and is honoured during Beltane. Acknowledge her beauty and all that she gives us. Walk in the forest (or the park!), or even just down the treelined streets of your neighbourhood, sit outside and meditate or work in your garden.

There are many ways wherever you may be. You need not live in the woods to connect with her, she surrounds us.

Honour Your Body

This is a celebration of life and it’s pleasures. Your body is fundamental in experiencing these things. Without it, your soul and spirit would simply wander.

Show yourself some love, thank your body and all that it does for you, in all of it’s uniqueness and beauty.

You and your body are one, are special, and are magickal. Celebrate your self confidence, and gear up to put your best foot forward, to bring that fierce, creative force that is you to the forefront for all to see. Let the air and energy of the season be your friend, your drive, embrace it to achieve all that you desire.

Moral of the Story

Be merry, be joyous, indulge and celebrate!

Whether you are having a huge gathering with friends and loved ones or kicking it solo (this year it will likely be mostly solo or you could have a zoom party!), make the celebration special and make it yours. Have a feast and dance around a glorious bonfire under the moonlight. Or simply sit back with a couple of candles, burn some Bergamont incense and have a glass (or bottle, because why not) of a good Riesling.

However you decide to ring in the day, do it with good intentions, feel free, and look forward to the wondrous adventures that the coming months shall surely offer.

Connect with me!

What does Beltane mean to you? Do you have any favourite traditions or will this be your first time celebrating?

I always love to know your thoughts, so please leave a comment or drop me a line. There are lots of ways for us to connect 🙂

Also, if you enjoyed the post and would like to read more about natural and witchy living SUBSCRIBE and receive my Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide and Toxins to Toss checklist for FREE!

Beltane Blessings pixie dolls. 

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Beltane, May Day, pagan, witch, sabbat, beltainne, correspondence, rituals

Carrier Oils: Top 5 for Natural Skincare

You may have wondered to yourself, what exactly are Carrier Oils?

If you are committed to a natural lifestyle or looking to give your beauty routine a natural overhaul, then getting the lowdown on carrier oils is an absolute must!

You may already use carrier oils and not really be aware of it. Ever use coconut oil? Yes, maybe? Well if you answered yes, you’ve already begun using them so let’s add a couple of more into the mix.

A Whole New World 

I really did not know a thing about these wonderful substances until about 8 years ago when I started making my own beauty products.

To me, Olive Oil was for the kitchen and Avocado was a magical fruit that made everything taste better. But an oil for your skin, it was not lol.

I’ll tell you it was like a whole new world opened up when I began deep diving into the magic of carrier oils.

So, What are Carrier Oils?

Carrier oils are base oils derived from the nuts and seeds of various plant life.

These oils are versatile, great for all skin types, and have a ton of benefits attached to them. Figure out the right combinations of oils that are ideal for your skin and you’ll only be sad you didn’t discover them sooner 🙂

Carrier Oils: The Rundown

  • average 6-12 month life span (some last longer)
  • some may be stored in fridge for longer life
  • store in cool dry place
  • zero to mild aromas (mostly)
  • rarely cause skin reactions (patch test still recommended)
  • perfect for diluting essential oils
  • they do not evaporate like essential oils
  • wonderful moisturizers
  • natural skin protecters
  • may be used on their own or mixed with other oils
  • safe to be put directly unto the skin
  • use for both skin & hair care
  • food grade and cosmetic grade oils are NOT the same
  • a little goes a long way! For real though.

My Top 5 for Natural Skincare


  • perfect for normal, sensitive, oily & acne prone skin
  • contains Vitamin A & E – natural anti-oxidants
  • add to bath for extra moisturizer and relaxation
  • put over cuts and scrapes for protection (in place of Neosporin)
  • absorbs quickly into skin
  • reduces bacteria on the skin
  • combats acne
  • great for cuticle care
  • works well in lip balms & facial scrubs
  • use a small amount on ends of hair to contain frizz and split ends
  • 2 year – indefinite shelf life

Notes: I would highly recommend using fractionated coconut oil for skin care as opposed to virgin (or un-fractionated). It is not as oily and easier to work with. The fractionated oil is also less likely to clog pores (virgin is actually known to clog pores for some). It also has almost no scent and an indefinite shelf life. Still all natural and with the same benefits as virgin (more beneficial in some ways), it’s a no brainer 🙂


  • great for dry skin
  • likely you have some already in your kitchen!
  • contains Vitamins A, D & E – antioxidants, combats aging, provides protection
  • has natural healing and disinfecting properties
  • helps repair and renew skin
  • can aid in healing burns & fade scars
  • treats itchy skin
  • slightly thicker consistency so may leave skin feeling oily
  • softens hair – mix a little in with your conditioner
  • 6 month shelf life

Notes: There are many many Olive Oils on the market which means many are not great quality. Purchase the highest quality available to you, organic if possible.


  • perfect for normal, sensitive, mature, acne-prone & dry skin
  • rich in Vitamin E
  • extremely moisturizing
  • promotes skin regeneration
  • encourages younger looking skin
  • wonderful consistency for massage oils
  • hypo-allergenic
  • reduces under eye circles – dab a little on before bedtime
  • soothes skin irritations
  • creates healthy, shiny hair – rub a bit through your freshly washed locks
  • 1 year shelf life

Notes: Avoid if you have any nut allergies.


  • perfect for dry, sensitive and mature skin
  • full of omega 3’s, vitamins A, D & E just like the fruit
  • great overall moisturizer
  • soothes inflammation
  • aids in healing sun damage & eczema
  • minimizes age spots & blemishes
  • reduces under eye wrinkles
  • ideal for mature skin – boosts collagen
  • incredibly nourishing
  • can treat dry scalp & fights hair loss
  • 6-12 month shelf life


  • perfect for normal, acne prone, sensitive and oily skin
  • extremely versatile
  • one of the lightest carrier oils – easily absorbed
  • has antioxidant properties – helps to clean and purify skin
  • another good option for massage oil
  • full of vitamin C – helps brighten the skin
  • helps to regulate oily skin
  • natural antiseptic properties
  • non-greasy on skin
  • 1 year shelf life


  • perfect for dry, oily and mature skin
  • contains Vitamins E – for fighting wrinkles & acne
  • contains Vitamin B – helps maintain hormonal balance & fights off cell damage
  • keeps oil levels balanced
  • great make-up remover
  • provides natural skin protection
  • aids in healing wounds
  • leaves hair soft and shiny – mix a few drops into conditioner before applying
  • helps treat dandruff
  • 1 year shelf life

Example Carrier Oil Combos

Mixing 2 oils together will create a fabulous face serum or overall moisturizer. 80/20 or 70/30 ratios are a nice place to start. Think of your skin type and the areas/issues you want to target and go from there. I have included a few potential mixes here to get you started!

Normal Skin Blend: 70% Sweet Almond, 30% Coconut

Dry Skin Blend: 80% Sweet Almond, 20% Olive (Olive is a thicker oil so I would use less)

Mature Skin Blend: 70% Jojoba, 30% Avocado

Oily Skin Blend: 70% Jojoba, 30% Grapeseed

Acne-Prone Skin Blend: 70% Grapeseed, 30% Sweet Almond

Sensitive Skin Blend: 70% Coconut, 30% Avocado

Glass roller bottles or bottles with a dropper work really well here.

Combine oils in bottle and shake for about 30 seconds to mix the oils together. Apply small drop to your fingertip and gently massage into forehead, cheeks and chin. I would do this each night before bed. Eh voila!

These are just ideas! The combination possibilities are endless.

You can always just use one as well. Remember you will likely need to try a few things to see which oils and blends work best for you.

You could also do blends to just address under the eyes, or acne, or dry patches. We are all unique!

There are also some pricier, extra nourishing and more heavy duty oils you may want to check out to add into your mix. Especially if treating acne-prone or mature skin. Rosehip, Tamanu (one of my favs!), Pumpkinseed and Sea Buckthorn to name just a few.

Summing up….

The plethora of benefits listed here should be enough to convince you to add a couple of carrier oils to your routine (or 5 or 10!). If I did my job that is lol.

Of course you do not need to add them all to your regime by any means. It will take a bit of experimenting to find the right oil or oil combinations to give the most benefit to your particular skin. And we all have budgets to consider. 

Remember though this is your skin we are dealing with, so going for quality is always a good idea. If you have the option to buy just one better grade oil or a few cheap ones, get just the better one!  

Be sure to purchase oils that are high quality, cold pressed, pure, unrefined, and with no additives. The ones I have put on this list are relatively easy to find and well priced. They can be purchased at your local natural or health food store as well as many places online.

Chat with me!

Do you have any favourite carrier oils or are they brand new to you? Do you have any favourite tips or tricks? As always, I want to hear from you 🙂 So leave a comment, or connect with me on socials!

And if you are looking for some ideas on mixing carrier oils and essentials oils together for added benefits,  SUBSCRIBE to my mailing list and receive my DIY Fab Face Serum Mixology Chart for free!

Blessed be pixies. xo


carrier oils, avocado, coconut, natural skincare

Witch Movies Guide: My Ultimate Top 8

Who else loves a movie filled with witches, magick, and sometimes a little camp? Raises hand high. From Sabrina to The Craft to Practical Magic and American Horror Story; Pop culture has really embraced witches over the years. 

And really, what’s not to love about films and shows centred around powerful, kick-ass witches? The more the merrier I say!

With that in mind I have put together my Top 8 Witch films to share with you all!

Witches in Hollywood…

Witches tend to get a bad rap in Hollywood of being all big noses, green skin and inherently evil. This is just not so, obviously. However, more and more this stereotype is changing (yay!).

Witches do not have green skin, do not ride broom sticks past the moon and do not wear big pointy hats, not always anyways 😉 In reality, witches are good, kind, majestic beings and nurturing of all living things.

But of course, as with humans in general, some witches are bitches and some couldn’t be more fabulous. Therefore, my list here shall include a nice mix of witchy goodness and down right witchy badass mojo.

Please feel free to disagree

Now these are my opinions, I am no critic, nor do I aim to be. All of these have earned a place in my heart for one reason or another. Some are classics, some cult classics and at least one is a down right bad movie but I heart them all! And could watch them endlessly.

I like cheeky, I like funny, adore dark humour and am okay with a little cheese factor now and again. 😛

I have listed them here in no particular order because, my goddess, that would have taken me 15 more hours to try and get them sorted out just right lol.

Well then, on that note, let’s get on with it shall we 🙂

1. The Craft – 1996

Bus Driver: “You girls watch out for those weirdos.”  

Nancy: “We are the weirdos mister.”            

Okay, so this movie is not highly rated by critics but I adore it and I basically ignore critics. I was in high school when this came out and had recently discovered magick for myself. So relatable? Umm absolutely! I wanted to be these girls lol. Change my hair with a wave of my hand, take away my flaws (as a normal teenager in my mind I had many).

I wanted to be Sarah. The nice white witch with a mind of her own and more powerful than the others. She needed no-one but her damn self.

Needless to say the movie left a permanent mark (as I know it did on many witches coming of age in the 90’s). A teenage coven of misfits, some dark humour, a witch showdown and 90’s fashion. Gotta love it.

Starring: Neve Campbell, Robin Tunney, Fairuza Balk, Rachel True

2. Practical Magic – 1998  

Detective Hallet: “Did you kill Jimmy Angelov?”  

Sally: “Oh yeah, a couple of times.”            

If I had of actually listed these in order of my favourites, this one would have likely made the number one spot. Witchy sisters, picturesque little town, a murder, a curse, that beautiful house (my dream!) and eclectic hilarious aunts. I wanted to be raised by those fabulous women, seriously!

This movie impacted me so much and I have seen it more than any others on my list. Sally’s quaint little store of magickally crafted products is what inspired me to want to make my own and 14 years later I finally did!

But really, this is a feel good movie that is funny, heart warming, magickal and just plain entertaining. Watch it!

Starring: Sandra Bullock, Nicole Kidman

3. Teen Witch – 1989

Madame Serena: “You have the power to make anything you want happen.”  

This one is, I’m sure, considered a horribly bad movie but none the less has a special little place in my heart.

6 year old me wanted to be able to do the things Louise did once she discovered her witchyness. She gave herself a make over, became super confident, and went from nerdy to popular over night.

For little me, who often got teased for being over weight, and was painfully shy, and quiet, this movie seemed like a dream. If you want an evening of completely fluffy, 80’s cheese with a little magick weaved in, give it a go…if you can find it that is lol.

Starring: Robyn Bright, Zelda Rubinstein

4. Hocus Pocus – 1993

Winifred: “Another glorious morning. Makes me sick.”   

A complete cult hit and classic. 3 sister witches from Salem, resurrected from the dead and out for eternal youth by sucking up the essence of the towns children. Villainous and hilarious.

All three actresses are fantastic, but Midler really steals the show. Endearing, funny, evil witches all with a ton of personality, you are practically rooting for them to win. What’s not to love?

Starring: Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, Kathy Najimy

5. Witches of Eastwick – 1987

“Three beautiful witches, one lucky Devil.”                                 

This trio is perfect. Classic, and with Jack Nicholson playing the devil, it’s a must watch. These ladies go from sad, dissatisfied, small town gals to empowered and confident upon discovering their witchy ways.

Stronger together and there for each other always. The cast itself is reason enough to give this iconic flick a go and of course sisterhood.

Starring: Cher, Michelle Pfeiffer, Susan Sarandon, Jack Nicholson

6. The Witches – 1990 

Helga: “Real witches dress in ordinary clothes, and look very much like ordinary women.”   

Anjelica Huston plays the Grand High Witch in this movie adaptation of the book, written by the always awesome Roald Dahl.

Basically, the witches are on a mission to turn all of the young children (under 12) in England into mice. Two very spirited little boys and one grandmother set out to stop them.

High society ladies masking as hideous witches, Rowan Atkinson, a generous dose of dark humour, and Anjelica Huston is just bloody brilliant. Fun for the whole family. See it.

Starring: Anjelica Huston,  Rowan Atkinson

7. Four Rooms – 1995  

Ted the bellhop: “Problem? I haven’t got a problem. I’ve got fucking problems. Plural.”   

This is not an exclusively witch themed movie, no. But in one of those four rooms the movie is titled after, is a coven of fabulous witches in need of a gentleman’s semen and headed by Madonna. Yes, it had to make the list.

New Year’s Eve, a bellhop and four rooms filled with absurdity. Let the hilarity ensue. I’m in tears from laughter whenever I watch this film. It is a classic and should be watched by everyone. Done by four different directors, one for each room and with an amazing ensemble cast, it’s not to be missed.

Starring: Antonio Banderas, Bruce Willis, Madonna, Tim Roth and so many more.  (Ensemble Cast)

8. Elvira: Mistress of the Dark – 1988 

Elvira: “It’s okay. My appearance is kind of a shock to everybody.”  

Okay, this one would have to tie for the number one spot I must say. This was literally my favourite movie as a child (we’re talking 5 and 6 years old).

I adored Elvira and wanted to be her and have her confidence, I wanted to discover I had a rich aunt who left me a big beautiful house. Then discover I have magickal heritage and powers to boot.

She was beautiful, sassy, sexy, darkly unique, independent and a witch. Love her and love this movie. It is filled with quippy lines and full of cheese in the best possible way. An absolute cult classic and timeless just like Elvira herself.

Starring: Cassandra Peterson

And so…

There you have it, my top 8. Saying that, I have not seen every witch movie ever made, yet anyways (life goals). Perhaps I may update this one as I go. For the moment, these win lol.

On my wishlist to see there are a few, including Lords of Salem, Suspiria, City of the Dead, and I Married a Witch.

And if you are feeling inspired to get up to a little magick of your own, check out my CANDLE MAGICK Post. Let’s see what you can manifest today!

Your Thoughts!

What are some of your favourite films starring witches? Or maybe you have least favourites to share as well? I would love to hear and share ideas! Share in the comments and don’t be shy!

Blessed be pixie dolls.

xo Krystle

P.S. If you would like to hear more from The Wholesome Witch SUBSCRIBE to receive my newsletters, special info and updates. PLUS receive my Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide and more resources for FREE! 😀

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Holistic Nutrition: A Beginner’s Guide

What is Holistic Nutrition? Well, what it’s not is a diet. It’s a lifestyle.

Yes, I know what you are thinking, people say that about all ‘diets’. But truly, some diets are just that, diets. They are not sustainable for the long term. 

And other eating plans don’t take into consideration your person as a whole. A magickal being of body, mind and soul. Holistic nutrition does just that.

Almost always, taking on a holistic way of feeding your body will spread out into other areas of your life . Before you know what is happening you will be ditching your generic cleaning products and shampoo for more natural alternatives.

Your holistic nutrition plan will turn into a holistic living plan. A total lifestyle in the most obvious sense of the word. It is addictive! In the best possible way 🙂

I have long been interested in food and how if affects the body and when I discovered the idea of holistic nutrition a few years back I was immediately intrigued. 

I was so intrigued and inspired by the whole concept I quickly began to implement changes into my own lifestyle. Mu interest eventually led to my becoming a Registered Holistic Nutritionist.

So, if you are thinking you need a new healthy addiction in your life, please read on!

What is Holistic Nutrition?

I have long been interested in health and nutrition and how food affects the body. So when I discovered the idea of holistic nutrition a few years back I was immediately hooked. 

I was so intrigued and inspired by the whole concept I quickly began to implement changes into my own life. This interest eventually lead to me becoming a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, and here we are.

Okay, so what does it actually mean? The word ‘holistic’ means to look at something as a whole and not just at the sum of it’s parts. That is exactly what holistic nutrition does. It looks at a person as an individual, as a unit, and feeds you based on your lifestyle, health and environment.

Those that practice holistic nutrition believe you need to be fed, body, soul, and mind to reach your optimal health.

This is achieved by eating a diet rich in whole foods (there is that word again!) and as close to their natural state as possible.

Taking on this form of eating, and with your own personal needs in mind, will have your entire self feeling invigorated, refreshed and strong. You will be eating for complete and total wellness, for balance.

The Person as a Whole…

You are unique. Therefore, what you feed yourself should also be. Healthy is healthy yes, but everyone is different and may need more or less of certain things to reach their optimal state of being.

Eating a certain way may have one person feeling energized and at the top of their game, while leaving another feeling completely exhausted.

Eating healthy is of course the goal, but what is healthy for one may not necessarily be healthy for another. Especially when you take into consideration health conditions, lifestyle and environment. 

People are individuals and individual needs should be addressed.

Food as Medicine

A large part of holistic nutrition and what Holistic Nutritionists do is to address a person’s physical symptoms with food.

Food can be medicine and more and more people are seeing this. People are beginning to use food to help them heal. This has proven many times to have wonderful results.

Now please don’t take this wrong. I am NOT saying medicine is bad and you never need it. I went through full cancer treatments complete with chemotherapy. Medicine is crucial, valuable and absolutely needed. 

What I am saying is we shouldn’t be reaching into the medicine cabinet for every little thing that ails us. People underestimate the effects, both positive and negative, that the food we eat has on the body, soul, and mind. 

Feeling ‘Normal’

Everything that you eat plays a vital role in how your body functions and how you are feeling over all, physically, mentally and emotionally.

These days we believe so much of what we are feeling to be ‘normal’ when some things aren’t normal at all.

Issues like PMS, gas, and bloating are all deemed ‘normal’. In short though, no they aren’t.

You shouldn’t be bloated after a meal, or have horrible cramps before, or during, your menses. This is your bodies way of telling you that something is out of sync.

As certain health conditions become more prevalent in our society, such as obesity, heart disease, and anxiety, more people are turning to a holistic diet as a means to take back their health.

holistic nutrition, healthy eating, holistic living, natural living, body in balance

Where to begin your Holistic Nutrition journey?

Holistic Nutrition Begins in the Kitchen

First stop, your kitchen! Stock up on fresh whole foods and ditch the pre-packaged, chemical and sugar laden items we are surrounded by.

Also, you can SUBSCRIBE to my newsletter and receive my full Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide (including Top Toxins to Toss and Wholesome Shopping List) for FREE!

Find out where to shop

Your grocery list will likely be quite different moving forward. So you will need to figure out if it’s time to change up the places you shop.

Suss out where in your neighbourhood the best farmers markets are. The produce there will be the freshest, as well as in season.

You can also research to see if you have any natural stores near by or if you might want to order some items online from places like or Thrive Market.

If you love your regular supermarket and don’t want to make a change or simply have no other shopping options close by, that’s okay! See if they have a natural section and remember to shop the perimeter of the store (I go into more detail about this in my guide).

Do your homework and find out where to get the best deals (always important, especially if you have a tight budget like I do) and freshest items in your area.

Start a holistic nutrition food journal 

Record what you are eating. As well as how you are feeling, both emotionally and physically, after a meal. Once one or two weeks have passed, take a look and see if there are any patterns jumping out at you.

Do you notice you feel particularly bloated or gassy after eating certain foods? Are you tired or energetic after others?

Consider your findings when shopping for your next week and go from there. If you find you have negative feelings (either physical or mental) on days you eat certain items, try eliminating them for a week and then compare.

It takes some time and dedication to figure out what is right for you. As with everything, have patience. Your body will thank you.

Do your research

Reading this post is an excellent start. It is really just the tip of the iceberg though when it comes to information that is out there. Check out some my other nutrition posts such Why You Should Buy Organic.

Google is also your friend but be sure you are on reputable sites. There is a lot of information out there.

Visit a Holistic Nutritionist

This is especially important if you have any health conditions. They can help you with your food journaling and get you on track with a good plan of action.

So what exactly do I eat?

Fresh produce, all of it!

Of course, right?! Load up on fruits and veggies! Buy organic whenever possible. Directly from farmers is best if you are lucky enough to live close to one.

And hit up your local farmers markets. As much as you can, eat these items whole, raw and as close to their natural state as possible.

Okay, no you do not have to stop cooking your food! But eating at least some raw foods each day is an excellent practice. And yes, cooked veggies are hands down better than no veggies.

Whole grains

Avoid white flour, which is so over-process and stripped of nutrients. Always go for the whole grain options.

A lot of Holistic Nutritionists would say to avoid grains that contain gluten completely. This is especially true if you have certain health conditions, food sensitivities, or digestive issues. Gluten is definitely one of the first things to go.

BUT if you are anything like me, you like your bread lol. Just to be sure to choose good quality breads and if it lasts for 2 weeks or has Wonder on the label, it’s not good quality.

Oats, quinoa, millet and brown rice are some excellent grain choices packed with healthy fibre and nutrients.

Beans & Legumes

Chickpeas, black beans, lentils, peas, etc. Beans and legumes are some of the healthiest foods you can possibly eat. They are full of protein, B Vitamins, and of course dietary fibre. They also help you build the coveted healthy gut bacteria.

We should all be eating beans and legumes daily. Do take care to prepare them properly. They are not recommended to be eaten raw due to anti-nutrients. You can read more about anti-nutrients in this Healthline article, Legumes: Good or Bad?

Healthy fats

Avocado, nuts, extra virgin olive oils, etc. Your body needs healthy fats daily for optimal health. Don’t be afraid of them!

Ditch processed sugar 

Sorry, but it needs to go. Try healthier sweet alternatives such as maple syrup, coconut sugar, and dates to sweeten your treats or put on top of your morning oatmeal.

Drink lots of fluids

Water, water, water! I can’t stress it enough. most of us do not drink enough water.

Fresh organic juices and herbal teas are also nice options.

Beverages such as fruit juices, pop, and energy drinks are unnecessary and ridden with sugars and chemicals.

And yes, alcohol should be limited. Or avoided if you are down with that. Don’t hate me lol.

But what about coffee?

We can’t forget about coffee! Coffee for me is my non-negotiable. I love coffee and there is much research examining it’s health benefits.

Dr. Li, author of Eat to Beat Disease (this book is a wealth of information btw), has it as one of his super drinks to have daily.

And daily I do! But I do buy fair-trade, organic brands and have it with just a bit of milk.  

No added sugars and creams. They are what will really get you into trouble.

Though I know we are all only human and just trying to do our best. But when I say coffee, I am not talking about a Starbucks Frappacino.

There are also many in the camp of coffee is bad and disrupts many of our regular body processes.

Judgement call. Do what feels right for you and do limit your intake to 1 or 2 cups a day, not 35.

And what about meat & dairy?

If you are not vegetarian or vegan and these items are part of your diet I do recommend cutting back your consumption.

And when buying animal products; always purchase organic, grass-fed and free range options. Again, directly from the farmer is the absolute best option.

Dairy also often gets eliminated when trying to figure out what causes certain symptoms or reactions in people. Many individuals  have a sensitivity to dairy and just don’t realize it. Remember that the bloating I mentioned above is NOT normal.

Boring? Absolutely not!

Now make no mistake, holistic nutrition does not mean boring, tasteless or bland. On the contrary! There is so much you can do with good, fresh, whole foods and ingredients. Tasty and delicious things.

Yes, you can even bake. The best part, the more you eat these things, the more your body will crave them. It will want more fresh produce and less of the processed sugary treats it may be used to now.

As always, I recommend Pinterest for some serious recipe inspiration! Or you can give my Vegan Blueberry Scones a try. 

Benefits of Holistic Nutrition, they are endless but here are a few:

  • boost in energy
  • weight loss
  • happier
  • more restful sleep
  • healthier skin and hair
  • stronger immune system
  • decrease risk of many diseases
  • bye bye bloating
  • did I mention happier? 😉

A Holistic Nutrition lifestyle may lower risk of these illnesses:

  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Heart Disease
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Cancer
  • Colitis
  • Gout
  • IBS

Final Musings

Are you convinced? Skeptical? Like I said earlier, do your reseach. The truth is out there (bonus points for getting that reference lol).

We all know there is no such thing as perfect and adopting this lifestyle does not mean eating perfectly. It’s all about finding balance and focusing on whole foods in their natural state.

However, don’t completely deprive yourself either. If you are dying to indulge in a cookie, do so. When you are at a party and they have your favourite special treat, have some. We all just do our best and, as you likely have heard a million times, moderation is key.

Finally, keep in mind what I mentioned before, the longer you keep up with this way of life the easier it will be. The less sugar or fried foods you have, the less you will want them. It may not seem true, but trust me it is.

Our body adapts and gets used to things, like sugar, and they are addictive. Therefore, like any addiction, you can kick it.

You will end up loving your new energized, fulfilled, and balanced self. Those ‘bad’ foods you used to crave will be but a distant memory.

Give it a try. Pretty darn sure you won’t be filled with regret.

Disclaimer: These are only opinions

Now, please keep in mind that these are my views, opinions, and things I have learned through my holistic nutrition training, research and personal experience. They do not replace the advice from a medical professional. Remember to always speak with your doctor before drastically changing your diet. Especially where illness and medications are involved.

I Want to Hear From You!

Tell me, what are your favourite healthy foods? Do you already follow a holistic approach to your nutrition? Comments please! They are always welcome.

Don’t forget if you are feeling inspired you can SUBSCRIBE to my blog and receive my full Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide for FREE!

Until next time pixies. 

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Ostara – Refresh, Renew, Rejuvenate

Are your thoughts turning to bunnies, eggs, spring cleaning, and the much welcomed warmer weather! That’s right friend, Ostara (the spring equinox) is on our heels. Have we started a countdown yet? 

The spring equinox is an exhilarating and energy charged time. An electric feeling of hope and positive vibes fill the air. We begin to feel awake, and rested after a long drawn out winter.

New goals, fresh motivation and spring cleaning are hot topics of discussion around Ostara.

So make room to refresh, renew, and recharge! Now is the time.

What exactly is Ostara?

Ostara or the spring equinox, is the first official day of Spring. The wondrous time of nature’s rebirth after a long dormant winter. 

Ostara falls between March 20th and 22nd. This year it will fall on Saturday, March 21st.

Inspiring and filled with promise, it’s the perfect moment for personal growth and renewed motivation.

During this time there is balance between the light and dark hours of the day. That brief period before the light over takes the dark. The turning point, as the Northern Hemisphere tilts back towards the sun and Mother Earth emerges from her long winter’s sleep.

Ostara does indeed get a spot as one of my favourite Sabbats. That feeling of saying goodbye to winter and preparing for the gentler seasons can easily fill one with motivation.

Ostara: a Bit of History

The word, Ostara, originates from the Germanic goddess of Spring, fertility and rebirth, ‘Eostre’. It is a much anticipated Sabbat in the Pagan calendar.

This holiday has a long and rich history. Traditionally this was the moment to celebrate the beginning of Spring and the new crop season ahead. Much as it is today, even though many of us are not planting our own crops anymore.

Eggs, bunnies and baskets of sweets have long been associated with this holiday, symbolizing fertility and renewed life.

The Christian holiday of Easter, likely the most widely known celebration for this time of year, overlaps with Ostara. This is not uncommon as many this occurs with Christan and Pagan holidays (a topic for an entirely different post lol).

There are numerous festivities all over the world honouring this seasonal change, mother nature and new beginnings.

Symbols of Ostara

As with most celebrations there are traditional Ostara correspondences connected to the day.

Ostara rituals, herbs, crystals, and foods all play a part in enhancing your festivities.

I hope this guide provides you with some ideas and inspiration! 

Ostara Goddesses/Gods Traditionally Honoured:

GoddessesEostre, Isis, Lady of the Lake, Persephone

GodsOsiris, Adonis, Lord of the Greenwood

Herbs to Use:

  • Crocusnew beginnings, love, friendship, peace
  • Rose love, healing, luck, divination
  • Honeysuckleabundance, luck, health
  • Violetlove, protection, enhance spirituality
  • Meadowsweet love, divination, peace, happiness

Incense to Burn:

  • Jasminelove, meditation, relaxation, aura healing
  • Sagewisdom, prosperity, healing, longevity
  • Lavenderlove, sleep, purification, happiness, peace
  • Lotusfertility, clarity, cleansing, protection, luck
  • Magnolialove, loyalty, harmony, spiritual opening
  • Roselove, healing, luck, divination


  • Pastels
  • Pale Green
  • Aqua Pink
  • Lavender
  • Sweet Yellow


  • Rose Quartzlove, self esteem, balance, self discipline, compassion
  • Aquamarinepeace, courage, communication, purification
  • Amethystself awareness, balance, serenity, intuition
  • Moonstonenew beginnings, love, good fortune, calm
  • Lapis Lazuliintuition, clarity, creativity, wisdom

Animals Honoured:

  • Hares
  • Rabbits
  • Snakes
  • Unicorns
  • Pegasus


  • Leafy Green Veggies
  • Fresh Fruits
  • Sweet Bread
  • Seeds
  • Sprouts

Ways to Celebrate Ostara

There are many rituals for Ostara and ways in which you can ring in this magickal day. You can make it as simple, or as complex as you might like.

Here are a few ideas to consider:

Set up an Ostara altar 

Use some of the crystals, incense, and colours I’ve listed above. Plus, decorated eggs and rabbits of course. Be creative, this need not be an expensive endeavour. It should however bring you energy and joy.

Spend Time in Nature

That is what this holiday is all about after all! Appreciate her, spend some time outdoors. Take a walk (preferably barefoot!) or just sit and enjoy the beauty of all that surrounds you. Just be.

Cleanse Your Space

A perfect time for washing away old energies so that you can have a cleansed space for the adventures to come.

Decorate Eggs

Eggs being the quintessential symbol of rebirth and fertility, their presence is plentiful during Ostara. Have some fun with this. And no, you do not need to have kids to decorate eggs. 😉

Have an Ostara Feast

Holiday festivities are rarely complete without the presence of food. Have a delectable Ostara dinner with your beloveds or on your own! Indulge and bake something sweet and seasonal like this Vegan Lilac Lemon Cake from Rainbow Plant Life.

Activity Idea:

Place a bowl of candied eggs on a counter or table top to bless a new beginning with sweetness and happiness.

Honour Thyself this Ostara

Don’t forget to honour and take care of yourself at this special time. Set new goals, do your Spring cleaning, declutter your space, make the changes you haven’t gotten around to yet. What better time than now?

Truly, everything around you is coming into the light, embrace it in all facets. Allow yourself to emerge from hibernation and embrace the light. Do things that make you feel whole, fulfilled and alive in the weeks to come.

You Do You

Most of all, the important thing is to honour nature and the coming changes in your own special way. In whatever ways make you feel connected to your surroundings and spiritually fulfilled.

What do we think?

So, tell me what are some of your favourite Spring Equinox traditions? Will this be your first Ostara celebration?

I would love to hear! Leave a comment or connect with me on social media. We are all here to inspire each other, let’s make the most of it!

Also, if you enjoyed the post and would like to read more about holistic and witchy living, SUBSCRIBE to my newsletter and receive my Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide and Toxins to Toss checklist for FREE as my little gift to you!

Until next time!

Blessed be pixie dolls!

Krystle xo

Ostara, correspondance, spring equinox, ostara celebration, ostara altar

Essential Oils Guide: Top 10 for Every Day Use

So you enter the spa and are met with glorious, earthy scents that manage to lift your mood and calm the soul all at once. You probably ask yourself, how do I take this smell home with me? Enter essential oils!

Wondrous gifts from nature, essential oils have really made a name for themselves in the last couple of years. And rightfully so!

Now you may have asked yourself, what are essential oils actually good for? How do I know which essential oils are right me? I feel you! It can be a little overwhelming when first starting out on your essential oils discovery journey.

That’s exactly why I’ve created this quick guide with 10 of my favourite essential oils. They provide tons of benefits and are readily available for purchase.

So let’s get started!

What Exactly Are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are naturally occurring, aromatic compounds that are found in the various parts of plants. They are powerfully fragrant and give plants their distinct smells.

Lucky for us, they are made available through a distillation process, which allows them to retain the characteristics and properties from their plant of origin.

They have a long history and have been used by cultures around the world for centuries for many different purposes.

General Uses of Essential Oils

There are so many amazing ways for essential oils to enhance your life.  

From assisting with healing, to being diffused around the home as air fresheners, to mood boosters and natural cleansers, or blended into beautifully delicious body products; essential oils have got your back.

Suffering from a headache? Grab a little lavender. Time to clean your kitchen? Lemon is all over it. Need a little pick me up? Throw some Ylang Ylang into the diffuser and call it a day. You get the idea.

Natural Living Must Have

Essential oils provide a wonderful alternative to generic products such as perfumes, air fresheners, and cleansers. If you are thinking about stepping into a more non-toxic lifestyle essential oils are a must have addition to your natural living toolkit. 

Wondering what took you so long to jump on the essential oil band wagon? Don’t sweat it. You’re here now! 

Chemical filled fragrance oils step aside, you are no longer needed!

Now let’s get this show on the road.

Top 10 Essential Oils for Every Day Use:


  • eases muscle tension (add a few drops to your bath)
  • calming and relaxing properties
  • alleviates headaches, nausea and menstrual cramps
  • excellent sleeping aid (place a few drops on your pillow)
  • moisturizes dry skin
  • treats acne
  • diffuse in home to promote feelings of positivity and calm

2 – LEMON 

  • naturally cleansing
  • promotes positivity & cognitive ability
  • smooths cellulite
  • promotes circulation
  • softens feet
  • brightens skin
  • diffuse in home for a natural boost of energy and mood lift


  • aids in healing of cuts, scrapes & bruises
  • eliminates odours 
  • alleviates allergy symptoms
  • fights dandruff
  • kills mold
  • stimulates the immune system
  • eases sore muscles


  • protects against seasonal & environmental threats
  • wards off ailments during cold & flu season, 
  • combats germs
  • naturally uplifting to the mind & body
  • is divine when mixed with lavender
  • diffuse in home to feel invigorated and calm


  • has a grounding/balancing effect on emotions
  • wonderful benefits for skin
  • reduces blemishes
  • calms anxiety
  • natural insect repellent
  • deodorizes
  • diffuse in home or add to bath to relieve anxiousness & anxiety


  • helps reduce anxiety
  • creates an aura of calm
  • great for healthy hair & growth (natural conditioner)
  • releases muscle tension
  • enhances feelings of joy, confidence & peace
  • natural aphrodisiac
  • softens dry skin
  • diffuse in the home for stress relief


  • calming properties
  • assists with earaches, headaches & PMS
  • eases insomnia
  • may promotes heart health
  • provides allergy relief
  • reduces acne 
  • moisturizes dry skin

8 – ROSE 

  • strengthens weak nails
  • boosts confidence
  • reduces stretch marks
  • relieves PMS symptoms
  • boosts the immune system
  • helps with premature aging & fine lines
  • natural romance enhancer


  • Relieves sinus headache & congestion
  • eliminates odours
  • aids asthma symptoms
  • eases sore throat
  • healing properties
  • stimulates brain function


  • stress management
  • brightens skin
  • soothes and relaxes sore muscles
  • natural cleanser
  • eases headaches & nasal congestion
  • allergy relief
  • awakens the senses
  • naturally energizing


  • relieves stress
  • boosts immune system
  • combats wrinkles
  • induces better sleep
  • natural cleanser
  • aids arthritis
  • enhances spiritual awareness during meditation

Just the beginning of your journey

So there you have it my list of 10, or 11 really, must have essential oils 🙂

Now, this is just a dip in the ocean showcasing the benefits of these oils and the variety that is out there. I compiled this guide as a starting point and to give some practical tips and ideas for you to work with 🙂

And, no, you do not need to run out and purchase all of these right away! Though you can if you like of course lol. Pick one or two that call out to you the most and go from there.


All that being said, essential oils are indeed awesome but should be handled with care. Do some research to make sure you are using them properly. 

On that note, I shall leave you with a few basic tips for using essential oils safely 🙂


  • they do expire and should have an expiry on the bottle
  • store in small glass amber or blue bottles away from direct light
  • they are not always suitable for children (VERY IMPORTANT!)
  • you should never ingest unless you have been properly instructed and they are extremely high quality
  • a little goes a long long way (for real!)
  • diluting with a carrier oil is good practice, especially if you have sensitive skin
  • always do a patch test first when using a new oil
  • never put directly into open wounds

You can check out THIS POST on WebMD for some additional do’s and don’ts of using essential oils. 

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor. I am simply sharing with you some of the common, beneficial uses of essential oils. This post is by no means a replacement for proper medical advice.

Your thoughts are most welcome!

So, what are some of your favourite essential oils? Do you have any favourite ways to use them?

As always, leave me a comment or connect with me on social media. I love to hear from you!

Want more natural living tips and ideas? You can SUBSCRIBE to my blog and receive my full Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide complete with my Toxins to Toss Checklist for FREE!

Blessed be pixies! xo


Top 7 essential oils for every day use. Natural living and holistic health. Peppermint, Lemon, lavender, tea tree, ylang ylang, sweet orange, patchouli.

Natural Living: Top 10 Ideas You Can Start Today!

Have you ever wondered, what exactly is ‘natural living’? Or maybe you have been curious about living a more non-toxic lifestyle but weren’t sure where to start.

Sound familiar? Then you are in the right place!

Natural, non-toxic living, sounds so simple, clean, and idealistic.  However, it may also seem a little daunting trying to figure everything out. Let’s change that shall we. Welcome to your natural living guide! 

With a bit of information, organization and patience you will be on your way to a new, non-toxic you in no time 🙂 And keep in mind this is a way of life. It should not just be a trend. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. 

So, what is Natural Living?

This can be a hard question to address and you may find many versions of the answer. But, in a nutshell, natural living essentially means to live a non-toxic and sustainable lifestyle. Healthy for you and healthy for the planet.

Everyday we are surrounded by unwanted toxins. And, truly, we are far from where we started (ie. eating fruits and veggies that we grew ourselves and were free from harmful chemicals). So you may be thinking, how exactly am I to rid these unseen baddies from my life when they are everywhere I turn? There is really so much that can be done. Every little change will make a difference!

We Are Growing

As our society evolves, we are becoming more aware of how these toxins are harmful to our health and the environment (hello climate change) and are deciding to seek out non-toxic alternatives. Natural living is finally starting to get the attention it deserves, which is just a very exciting thing. 

So how do you start living naturally? Read on to find out! 10 changes you can start making in your life right now to begin your fresh, new, and fab natural living journey.


What’s in your kitchen?

Eating well is such a key factor to living naturally. A good general rule of thumb is if you can’t pronounce it, you probably shouldn’t be putting it into your body. The fewer items on the ingredient list, the better.

Take stock of your kitchen. See which items should not be put back on your grocery list when they run out. Stay committed to not buying them again.

Next time you head out shopping, focus on buying foods that are as close to their natural state as possible.

If you are a super market shop the permitter of the store first. The perimeter has all of your fresh foods, while the isles house mostly boxed and processed items. Hitting up natural stores and farmers markets are also solid options if you have access to them. Especially farmer’s markets! You’ll be getting the freshest quality as well as in season goodies

Lastly if going organic fits into your budget, I do highly recommend it. You can read my post about switching over to organic HERE if you would like more information.

Organic can mostly certainly be costly so shop around to find the places in your area with the best deals and watch out for sales. Be mindful too about which items you choose to get organic. Following the EWG Dirty Dozen list is always a good idea.

Or, if you have a green thumb, you can always purchase some seeds and start growing a few of your own deliciously toxin free fruits and veggies

Also, you can SUBSCRIBE to my newsletter and receive my Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide for FREE, if you would like additional help and info on tackling this area.


Make-up, lotions, creams, soaps and shampoos are laden with chemicals you really don’t want anywhere near your skin or hair. Consider switching to natural brands. There are some amazing ones out there! 

Check out your local natural stores, buy from independent makers, or if you are a DIYer, learning to make your own is a fabulous option.  

My TOXINS TO TOSS post has a comprehensive list of the ones you will most want to avoid if you want to give it a read. 


Next time you run out of  all purpose or glass cleaner find a natural brand that you would like to try out. Same goes for your laundry products. Again check out your natural stores, and often your local supermarket will have a natural brand or two these days.

And again, there is always the DIY option. Check out my post on CLEANING NATURALLY (with recipes) on just how to go about it. 


Plants are great air purifiers and mood boosters! It is never a bad idea to have a few scattered about.

If you are new to being a plant mom, keep it simple and start with just one. Perhaps one that you can actually use, like herbs. Ones such as basil or parsley are pretty readily available already potted and ready to grow!

Growing plants you can use in other areas of your life will feel super satisfying. Try it! See how things go, and likely before you know it you’ll be adding a couple more 😉


This part is super fun! Go around your neighbourhood and see what wares, and pricing, your local shops have to offer. You can see which stores offer the best prices and see which products you might like to try out (when you need them of course).

I still always have a huge mental list when I hit up my favourite stores. If you are not in an area that has natural stores close by, there are definitely online options you can check out as well.


Spray air freshers and paraffin candles are filled with things you do not want to be inhaling.

Invest in a diffuser and some essential oils instead. It will change your life! You can also pick up some natural incense and soy candles.

Super easy fixes! And the benefits of these are second to none. Check out my post on 10 must have ESSENTIAL OILS for some inspiration.


Yes, this most definitely belongs on the list. A massive part of living a more natural lifestyle is also being kind to your environment. Like our bodies, we’re not going to get another planet, so we need to take care of this one!

Support sustainable, eco-friendly brands. There are more and more coming up all of the time. Be sure to compost and recycle (properly!). Google is your friend. Do a little research to make sure you are completing these processes in the right manner. It is super easy to make mistakes. I know I have! Some other quick green living ideas; avoid plastic, don’t waste water, turn off the lights, etc., etc.

Not to mention, and this is a big one, cut back on (or eliminate) meat & dairy. This is a huge component of sustainable living. 

There are really so many ways for you to take a little care and be a little kinder to mother earth. And yourself in the process.


Now please don’t read this and then go throw all of your clothes in the trash! That is no exactly sustainable and kind of defeats the purpose of this post, no? Lol.

Instead go through your closet honestly. Donate items you no longer wear and only keep the things you truly can’t part with. 

And the next time you need to add pieces to your wardrobe buy from local designers, free trade shops, as well as stores that use organic and up-cycled materials.

And of course, there are always second hand shops! Even if the item originally came from a big name store at least you will be giving it another life and getting the most out of the item. And let’s be honest, vintage, is always on trend.

Commit to no longer shopping in mall and big box stores unless you’re sure their practices are ethical. Because, very sadly, they are most often not ethical or sustainable. 

If you are a shopaholic (and have a bit of cash to burn) you may actually want to tackle this one first lol 😉


This one is tough but is a large part of non-toxic living. The goal here being, to end up with a cabinet full of wonderful herbal and natural remedies in place of the generic medications we are used to.

Doing this step will require knowledge of herb safety and traditional healing solutions before you take it on. Make sure to do your research! I can’t stress this enough. Perhaps even consult an herbalist for some extra guidance.

Bottom line, make sure you know enough to safely use some of these remedies on yourself and your family before proceeding. 


Nature is a wonderful resource for feel those coveted feel good vibes! The cheapest form of therapy, free!

Even if you live in the city take an hour, go sit in the park or take a walk down pretty tree-lined streets. Breath in the fresh air and, if it’s sunny, get your daily dose of Vitamin D.

So, are you ready for the first day of your new non-toxic life?

Now, reading these ten natural living tips may not seem ‘easy’ at all but remember what I said in the beginning, this is a marathon, not a sprint. This is very much a lifestyle change which will take a transition period.

I have not completely nailed all 10 of these ideas yet either and I have been working on it for years (my closet and medicine cabinet still need work!).

Be patient with yourself and learn as much as you can about the toxic ingredients out there. Begin by choosing that one area of your life you really want to detoxify and just take that first step. You will not be toxin free in a day, but every change you make is one step closer.

What do you imagine your first step will be toward your new natural lifestyle? 

Everything worth doing will take a little time and effort to accomplish. I can guarantee every baby step you take will feel like a huge win and you will be that much closer to your goal of natural living.

Just taking the time to read this blog post and deciding to go non-toxic is huge. It may seem like nothing but it is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. I am so excited for you to start your new journey into natural living!

Share Your Ideas With Me!

Please leave a comment or follow me on socials and share some of your favourite natural living tips and ideas, I’d love to hear them!  

What is your favourite non toxic beauty brand? Are you new to natural living or a veteran? Do you have a favourite natural living tip that you live by?

Don’t forget, if you’d like even more info on starting your new and improved non-toxic lifestyle, SUBSCRIBE to my blog! I’ll send you my in depth Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide, complete with Toxins to Toss checklist for FREE.

Blessed be pixies! xo


natural living tips, natural living guide, natural living info graph, non-toxic living
Greetings Friend!

I'm Krystle. Resident kitchen witch, holistic nutritionist, green living maven, breast cancer survivor, part-time forest fairy, and author of The Witch's Guide to Wellness. Interested in holistic wellness and living your best, most magical life? If you answered yes, you are most definitely in the right place and I'm so happy you're here.

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