Ostara – Refresh, Renew, Rejuvenate

Are your thoughts turning to bunnies, eggs, spring cleaning, and the much welcomed warmer weather! That’s right friend, Ostara (the spring equinox) is on our heels. Have we started a countdown yet? 

The spring equinox is an exhilarating and energy charged time. An electric feeling of hope and positive vibes fill the air. We begin to feel awake, and rested after a long drawn out winter.

New goals, fresh motivation and spring cleaning are hot topics of discussion around Ostara.

So make room to refresh, renew, and recharge! Now is the time.

What exactly is Ostara?

Ostara or the spring equinox, is the first official day of Spring. The wondrous time of nature’s rebirth after a long dormant winter. 

Ostara falls between March 20th and 22nd. This year it will fall on Saturday, March 21st.

Inspiring and filled with promise, it’s the perfect moment for personal growth and renewed motivation.

During this time there is balance between the light and dark hours of the day. That brief period before the light over takes the dark. The turning point, as the Northern Hemisphere tilts back towards the sun and Mother Earth emerges from her long winter’s sleep.

Ostara does indeed get a spot as one of my favourite Sabbats. That feeling of saying goodbye to winter and preparing for the gentler seasons can easily fill one with motivation.

Ostara: a Bit of History

The word, Ostara, originates from the Germanic goddess of Spring, fertility and rebirth, ‘Eostre’. It is a much anticipated Sabbat in the Pagan calendar.

This holiday has a long and rich history. Traditionally this was the moment to celebrate the beginning of Spring and the new crop season ahead. Much as it is today, even though many of us are not planting our own crops anymore.

Eggs, bunnies and baskets of sweets have long been associated with this holiday, symbolizing fertility and renewed life.

The Christian holiday of Easter, likely the most widely known celebration for this time of year, overlaps with Ostara. This is not uncommon as many this occurs with Christan and Pagan holidays (a topic for an entirely different post lol).

There are numerous festivities all over the world honouring this seasonal change, mother nature and new beginnings.

Symbols of Ostara

As with most celebrations there are traditional Ostara correspondences connected to the day.

Ostara rituals, herbs, crystals, and foods all play a part in enhancing your festivities.

I hope this guide provides you with some ideas and inspiration! 

Ostara Goddesses/Gods Traditionally Honoured:

GoddessesEostre, Isis, Lady of the Lake, Persephone

GodsOsiris, Adonis, Lord of the Greenwood

Herbs to Use:

  • Crocusnew beginnings, love, friendship, peace
  • Rose love, healing, luck, divination
  • Honeysuckleabundance, luck, health
  • Violetlove, protection, enhance spirituality
  • Meadowsweet love, divination, peace, happiness

Incense to Burn:

  • Jasminelove, meditation, relaxation, aura healing
  • Sagewisdom, prosperity, healing, longevity
  • Lavenderlove, sleep, purification, happiness, peace
  • Lotusfertility, clarity, cleansing, protection, luck
  • Magnolialove, loyalty, harmony, spiritual opening
  • Roselove, healing, luck, divination


  • Pastels
  • Pale Green
  • Aqua Pink
  • Lavender
  • Sweet Yellow


  • Rose Quartzlove, self esteem, balance, self discipline, compassion
  • Aquamarinepeace, courage, communication, purification
  • Amethystself awareness, balance, serenity, intuition
  • Moonstonenew beginnings, love, good fortune, calm
  • Lapis Lazuliintuition, clarity, creativity, wisdom

Animals Honoured:

  • Hares
  • Rabbits
  • Snakes
  • Unicorns
  • Pegasus


  • Leafy Green Veggies
  • Fresh Fruits
  • Sweet Bread
  • Seeds
  • Sprouts

Ways to Celebrate Ostara

There are many rituals for Ostara and ways in which you can ring in this magickal day. You can make it as simple, or as complex as you might like.

Here are a few ideas to consider:

Set up an Ostara altar 

Use some of the crystals, incense, and colours I’ve listed above. Plus, decorated eggs and rabbits of course. Be creative, this need not be an expensive endeavour. It should however bring you energy and joy.

Spend Time in Nature

That is what this holiday is all about after all! Appreciate her, spend some time outdoors. Take a walk (preferably barefoot!) or just sit and enjoy the beauty of all that surrounds you. Just be.

Cleanse Your Space

A perfect time for washing away old energies so that you can have a cleansed space for the adventures to come.

Decorate Eggs

Eggs being the quintessential symbol of rebirth and fertility, their presence is plentiful during Ostara. Have some fun with this. And no, you do not need to have kids to decorate eggs. 😉

Have an Ostara Feast

Holiday festivities are rarely complete without the presence of food. Have a delectable Ostara dinner with your beloveds or on your own! Indulge and bake something sweet and seasonal like this Vegan Lilac Lemon Cake from Rainbow Plant Life.

Activity Idea:

Place a bowl of candied eggs on a counter or table top to bless a new beginning with sweetness and happiness.

Honour Thyself this Ostara

Don’t forget to honour and take care of yourself at this special time. Set new goals, do your Spring cleaning, declutter your space, make the changes you haven’t gotten around to yet. What better time than now?

Truly, everything around you is coming into the light, embrace it in all facets. Allow yourself to emerge from hibernation and embrace the light. Do things that make you feel whole, fulfilled and alive in the weeks to come.

You Do You

Most of all, the important thing is to honour nature and the coming changes in your own special way. In whatever ways make you feel connected to your surroundings and spiritually fulfilled.

What do we think?

So, tell me what are some of your favourite Spring Equinox traditions? Will this be your first Ostara celebration?

I would love to hear! Leave a comment or connect with me on social media. We are all here to inspire each other, let’s make the most of it!

Also, if you enjoyed the post and would like to read more about holistic and witchy living, SUBSCRIBE to my newsletter and receive my Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide and Toxins to Toss checklist for FREE as my little gift to you!

Until next time!

Blessed be pixie dolls!

Krystle xo

Ostara, correspondance, spring equinox, ostara celebration, ostara altar

Essential Oils Guide: Top 10 for Every Day Use

So you enter the spa and are met with glorious, earthy scents that manage to lift your mood and calm the soul all at once. You probably ask yourself, how do I take this smell home with me? Enter essential oils!

Wondrous gifts from nature, essential oils have really made a name for themselves in the last couple of years. And rightfully so!

Now you may have asked yourself, what are essential oils actually good for? How do I know which essential oils are right me? I feel you! It can be a little overwhelming when first starting out on your essential oils discovery journey.

That’s exactly why I’ve created this quick guide with 10 of my favourite essential oils. They provide tons of benefits and are readily available for purchase.

So let’s get started!

What Exactly Are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are naturally occurring, aromatic compounds that are found in the various parts of plants. They are powerfully fragrant and give plants their distinct smells.

Lucky for us, they are made available through a distillation process, which allows them to retain the characteristics and properties from their plant of origin.

They have a long history and have been used by cultures around the world for centuries for many different purposes.

General Uses of Essential Oils

There are so many amazing ways for essential oils to enhance your life.  

From assisting with healing, to being diffused around the home as air fresheners, to mood boosters and natural cleansers, or blended into beautifully delicious body products; essential oils have got your back.

Suffering from a headache? Grab a little lavender. Time to clean your kitchen? Lemon is all over it. Need a little pick me up? Throw some Ylang Ylang into the diffuser and call it a day. You get the idea.

Natural Living Must Have

Essential oils provide a wonderful alternative to generic products such as perfumes, air fresheners, and cleansers. If you are thinking about stepping into a more non-toxic lifestyle essential oils are a must have addition to your natural living toolkit. 

Wondering what took you so long to jump on the essential oil band wagon? Don’t sweat it. You’re here now! 

Chemical filled fragrance oils step aside, you are no longer needed!

Now let’s get this show on the road.

Top 10 Essential Oils for Every Day Use:


  • eases muscle tension (add a few drops to your bath)
  • calming and relaxing properties
  • alleviates headaches, nausea and menstrual cramps
  • excellent sleeping aid (place a few drops on your pillow)
  • moisturizes dry skin
  • treats acne
  • diffuse in home to promote feelings of positivity and calm

2 – LEMON 

  • naturally cleansing
  • promotes positivity & cognitive ability
  • smooths cellulite
  • promotes circulation
  • softens feet
  • brightens skin
  • diffuse in home for a natural boost of energy and mood lift


  • aids in healing of cuts, scrapes & bruises
  • eliminates odours 
  • alleviates allergy symptoms
  • fights dandruff
  • kills mold
  • stimulates the immune system
  • eases sore muscles


  • protects against seasonal & environmental threats
  • wards off ailments during cold & flu season, 
  • combats germs
  • naturally uplifting to the mind & body
  • is divine when mixed with lavender
  • diffuse in home to feel invigorated and calm


  • has a grounding/balancing effect on emotions
  • wonderful benefits for skin
  • reduces blemishes
  • calms anxiety
  • natural insect repellent
  • deodorizes
  • diffuse in home or add to bath to relieve anxiousness & anxiety


  • helps reduce anxiety
  • creates an aura of calm
  • great for healthy hair & growth (natural conditioner)
  • releases muscle tension
  • enhances feelings of joy, confidence & peace
  • natural aphrodisiac
  • softens dry skin
  • diffuse in the home for stress relief


  • calming properties
  • assists with earaches, headaches & PMS
  • eases insomnia
  • may promotes heart health
  • provides allergy relief
  • reduces acne 
  • moisturizes dry skin

8 – ROSE 

  • strengthens weak nails
  • boosts confidence
  • reduces stretch marks
  • relieves PMS symptoms
  • boosts the immune system
  • helps with premature aging & fine lines
  • natural romance enhancer


  • Relieves sinus headache & congestion
  • eliminates odours
  • aids asthma symptoms
  • eases sore throat
  • healing properties
  • stimulates brain function


  • stress management
  • brightens skin
  • soothes and relaxes sore muscles
  • natural cleanser
  • eases headaches & nasal congestion
  • allergy relief
  • awakens the senses
  • naturally energizing


  • relieves stress
  • boosts immune system
  • combats wrinkles
  • induces better sleep
  • natural cleanser
  • aids arthritis
  • enhances spiritual awareness during meditation

Just the beginning of your journey

So there you have it my list of 10, or 11 really, must have essential oils 🙂

Now, this is just a dip in the ocean showcasing the benefits of these oils and the variety that is out there. I compiled this guide as a starting point and to give some practical tips and ideas for you to work with 🙂

And, no, you do not need to run out and purchase all of these right away! Though you can if you like of course lol. Pick one or two that call out to you the most and go from there.


All that being said, essential oils are indeed awesome but should be handled with care. Do some research to make sure you are using them properly. 

On that note, I shall leave you with a few basic tips for using essential oils safely 🙂


  • they do expire and should have an expiry on the bottle
  • store in small glass amber or blue bottles away from direct light
  • they are not always suitable for children (VERY IMPORTANT!)
  • you should never ingest unless you have been properly instructed and they are extremely high quality
  • a little goes a long long way (for real!)
  • diluting with a carrier oil is good practice, especially if you have sensitive skin
  • always do a patch test first when using a new oil
  • never put directly into open wounds

You can check out THIS POST on WebMD for some additional do’s and don’ts of using essential oils. 

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor. I am simply sharing with you some of the common, beneficial uses of essential oils. This post is by no means a replacement for proper medical advice.

Your thoughts are most welcome!

So, what are some of your favourite essential oils? Do you have any favourite ways to use them?

As always, leave me a comment or connect with me on social media. I love to hear from you!

Want more natural living tips and ideas? You can SUBSCRIBE to my blog and receive my full Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide complete with my Toxins to Toss Checklist for FREE!

Blessed be pixies! xo


Top 7 essential oils for every day use. Natural living and holistic health. Peppermint, Lemon, lavender, tea tree, ylang ylang, sweet orange, patchouli.

Natural Living: Top 10 Ideas You Can Start Today!

Have you ever wondered, what exactly is ‘natural living’? Or maybe you have been curious about living a more non-toxic lifestyle but weren’t sure where to start.

Sound familiar? Then you are in the right place!

Natural, non-toxic living, sounds so simple, clean, and idealistic.  However, it may also seem a little daunting trying to figure everything out. Let’s change that shall we. Welcome to your natural living guide! 

With a bit of information, organization and patience you will be on your way to a new, non-toxic you in no time 🙂 And keep in mind this is a way of life. It should not just be a trend. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. 

So, what is Natural Living?

This can be a hard question to address and you may find many versions of the answer. But, in a nutshell, natural living essentially means to live a non-toxic and sustainable lifestyle. Healthy for you and healthy for the planet.

Everyday we are surrounded by unwanted toxins. And, truly, we are far from where we started (ie. eating fruits and veggies that we grew ourselves and were free from harmful chemicals). So you may be thinking, how exactly am I to rid these unseen baddies from my life when they are everywhere I turn? There is really so much that can be done. Every little change will make a difference!

We Are Growing

As our society evolves, we are becoming more aware of how these toxins are harmful to our health and the environment (hello climate change) and are deciding to seek out non-toxic alternatives. Natural living is finally starting to get the attention it deserves, which is just a very exciting thing. 

So how do you start living naturally? Read on to find out! 10 changes you can start making in your life right now to begin your fresh, new, and fab natural living journey.


What’s in your kitchen?

Eating well is such a key factor to living naturally. A good general rule of thumb is if you can’t pronounce it, you probably shouldn’t be putting it into your body. The fewer items on the ingredient list, the better.

Take stock of your kitchen. See which items should not be put back on your grocery list when they run out. Stay committed to not buying them again.

Next time you head out shopping, focus on buying foods that are as close to their natural state as possible.

If you are a super market shop the permitter of the store first. The perimeter has all of your fresh foods, while the isles house mostly boxed and processed items. Hitting up natural stores and farmers markets are also solid options if you have access to them. Especially farmer’s markets! You’ll be getting the freshest quality as well as in season goodies

Lastly if going organic fits into your budget, I do highly recommend it. You can read my post about switching over to organic HERE if you would like more information.

Organic can mostly certainly be costly so shop around to find the places in your area with the best deals and watch out for sales. Be mindful too about which items you choose to get organic. Following the EWG Dirty Dozen list is always a good idea.

Or, if you have a green thumb, you can always purchase some seeds and start growing a few of your own deliciously toxin free fruits and veggies

Also, you can SUBSCRIBE to my newsletter and receive my Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide for FREE, if you would like additional help and info on tackling this area.


Make-up, lotions, creams, soaps and shampoos are laden with chemicals you really don’t want anywhere near your skin or hair. Consider switching to natural brands. There are some amazing ones out there! 

Check out your local natural stores, buy from independent makers, or if you are a DIYer, learning to make your own is a fabulous option.  

My TOXINS TO TOSS post has a comprehensive list of the ones you will most want to avoid if you want to give it a read. 


Next time you run out of  all purpose or glass cleaner find a natural brand that you would like to try out. Same goes for your laundry products. Again check out your natural stores, and often your local supermarket will have a natural brand or two these days.

And again, there is always the DIY option. Check out my post on CLEANING NATURALLY (with recipes) on just how to go about it. 


Plants are great air purifiers and mood boosters! It is never a bad idea to have a few scattered about.

If you are new to being a plant mom, keep it simple and start with just one. Perhaps one that you can actually use, like herbs. Ones such as basil or parsley are pretty readily available already potted and ready to grow!

Growing plants you can use in other areas of your life will feel super satisfying. Try it! See how things go, and likely before you know it you’ll be adding a couple more 😉


This part is super fun! Go around your neighbourhood and see what wares, and pricing, your local shops have to offer. You can see which stores offer the best prices and see which products you might like to try out (when you need them of course).

I still always have a huge mental list when I hit up my favourite stores. If you are not in an area that has natural stores close by, there are definitely online options you can check out as well.


Spray air freshers and paraffin candles are filled with things you do not want to be inhaling.

Invest in a diffuser and some essential oils instead. It will change your life! You can also pick up some natural incense and soy candles.

Super easy fixes! And the benefits of these are second to none. Check out my post on 10 must have ESSENTIAL OILS for some inspiration.


Yes, this most definitely belongs on the list. A massive part of living a more natural lifestyle is also being kind to your environment. Like our bodies, we’re not going to get another planet, so we need to take care of this one!

Support sustainable, eco-friendly brands. There are more and more coming up all of the time. Be sure to compost and recycle (properly!). Google is your friend. Do a little research to make sure you are completing these processes in the right manner. It is super easy to make mistakes. I know I have! Some other quick green living ideas; avoid plastic, don’t waste water, turn off the lights, etc., etc.

Not to mention, and this is a big one, cut back on (or eliminate) meat & dairy. This is a huge component of sustainable living. 

There are really so many ways for you to take a little care and be a little kinder to mother earth. And yourself in the process.


Now please don’t read this and then go throw all of your clothes in the trash! That is no exactly sustainable and kind of defeats the purpose of this post, no? Lol.

Instead go through your closet honestly. Donate items you no longer wear and only keep the things you truly can’t part with. 

And the next time you need to add pieces to your wardrobe buy from local designers, free trade shops, as well as stores that use organic and up-cycled materials.

And of course, there are always second hand shops! Even if the item originally came from a big name store at least you will be giving it another life and getting the most out of the item. And let’s be honest, vintage, is always on trend.

Commit to no longer shopping in mall and big box stores unless you’re sure their practices are ethical. Because, very sadly, they are most often not ethical or sustainable. 

If you are a shopaholic (and have a bit of cash to burn) you may actually want to tackle this one first lol 😉


This one is tough but is a large part of non-toxic living. The goal here being, to end up with a cabinet full of wonderful herbal and natural remedies in place of the generic medications we are used to.

Doing this step will require knowledge of herb safety and traditional healing solutions before you take it on. Make sure to do your research! I can’t stress this enough. Perhaps even consult an herbalist for some extra guidance.

Bottom line, make sure you know enough to safely use some of these remedies on yourself and your family before proceeding. 


Nature is a wonderful resource for feel those coveted feel good vibes! The cheapest form of therapy, free!

Even if you live in the city take an hour, go sit in the park or take a walk down pretty tree-lined streets. Breath in the fresh air and, if it’s sunny, get your daily dose of Vitamin D.

So, are you ready for the first day of your new non-toxic life?

Now, reading these ten natural living tips may not seem ‘easy’ at all but remember what I said in the beginning, this is a marathon, not a sprint. This is very much a lifestyle change which will take a transition period.

I have not completely nailed all 10 of these ideas yet either and I have been working on it for years (my closet and medicine cabinet still need work!).

Be patient with yourself and learn as much as you can about the toxic ingredients out there. Begin by choosing that one area of your life you really want to detoxify and just take that first step. You will not be toxin free in a day, but every change you make is one step closer.

What do you imagine your first step will be toward your new natural lifestyle? 

Everything worth doing will take a little time and effort to accomplish. I can guarantee every baby step you take will feel like a huge win and you will be that much closer to your goal of natural living.

Just taking the time to read this blog post and deciding to go non-toxic is huge. It may seem like nothing but it is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. I am so excited for you to start your new journey into natural living!

Share Your Ideas With Me!

Please leave a comment or follow me on socials and share some of your favourite natural living tips and ideas, I’d love to hear them!  

What is your favourite non toxic beauty brand? Are you new to natural living or a veteran? Do you have a favourite natural living tip that you live by?

Don’t forget, if you’d like even more info on starting your new and improved non-toxic lifestyle, SUBSCRIBE to my blog! I’ll send you my in depth Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide, complete with Toxins to Toss checklist for FREE.

Blessed be pixies! xo


natural living tips, natural living guide, natural living info graph, non-toxic living
Greetings Friend!

I'm Krystle. Resident kitchen witch, holistic nutritionist, green living maven, breast cancer survivor, part-time forest fairy, and author of The Witch's Guide to Wellness. Interested in holistic wellness and living your best, most magical life? If you answered yes, you are most definitely in the right place and I'm so happy you're here.

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