Face Toner: DIY Lavender Witches Water

So, natural beauty right? It’s definitely a hot topic right now. Many people are heading out to the stores and searching for products that are more natural than conventional options. A wonderful thing to be sure!

But also confusing. You may ask yourself questions. Such as, how do I know if the product I buy is truly natural? A great question! And a tricky thing which deserves its own post.

But here is your sure fire way to know it’s all natural. Are you ready?

Make your own! That’s right, when you make your own items you know every single thing that goes into them.  

Okay, so I am by no means a big DIY’er, BUT creating body care products is something that brings me such joy. And it can do the same for you!

Today I am going to share with you my face toner recipe that has gotten rave reviews from past users. It is also one thing I absolutely can’t live without. 

A little Back Story

I began making my own products back in 2012 after starting to question all of the harmful chemicals hidden in our beauty products.

Check out my post on TOXIC BEAUTY if you would like to learn more about that.

The training I received was with a wonderfully talented woman here in Toronto. Be sure to check out her site she is a wealth of knowledge, ANARRES NATURAL HEALTH. 

Over the last 8 years I have created a full line of body and face care products. And I am excited to share with you all some of my formulations.

So first up, my Lavender Witches Water Face Toner.

First Off, Why Use Face Toner?

Toner is an essential element if you want to achieve beautifully clear skin. Therefore, should absolutely be included in your everyday skincare routine.

Toners deep clean, shrink pores, balance out ph levels,  refreshen the skin, and much more.

The chamomile is wonderfully soothing, while the witch hazel and lavender combat dirt and germs for that really deep clean feel.

The witch hazel I use is alcohol free, and balanced out by the chamomile, it will not leave your face feeling tight or dry as with some other toners.  

This toner is smooth, gentle on the skin and can be used on all skin types.

Yes even if your skin is sensitve. Best of all it is made with simple, natural, and easy to find ingredients. 

DIY Face Toner Tools:

  • One bottle with lid or spray pump (at least 100ml in size; amber glass is best if possible)
  • Small funnel 
  • Measuring Utensils (2.5ml, 5ml, 15ml, and 30ml)

Ingredients & Benefits:

  • 15 drops Sweet Orange Essential Oil – anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, shrinks pores, promotes cell growth
  • 15 drops Lavender Essential Oil – reduces redness, fights acne, anti-bacertial, soothes the skin
  • 2.5ml Vegetable Glycerin – fights fine lines & wrinkles, helps skin retain moisture, natural emollient
  • 30 ml Witch Hazel (alcohol free) – shrinks pores, soothing, anti-aging, fights inflammation, calms irritation, combats acne
  • 90 ml Chamomile Floral Water – anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, soothing, reduce signs of aging, evens out skin tone

Simple Steps: 

  1. Sanitize your work space with either rubbing alcohol or vodka
  2. Set up all of your supplies so you have everything there ready to go.
  3. Add Essential Oils into the bottle first. Feel free to play with the amount of drops to get your own perfect balance of scents. Everyones taste will differ. Start lower though and work your way up so it does not become too strong.
  4. Use your funnel and add the Vegetable Glycerin to the bottle.
  5. Give those ingredients a little swirl to mix.
  6. Add in Witch Hazel.
  7. Fill remainder of bottle with Chamomile Water. I still measure this last ingredient as to not over fill. Especially if you are putting in a spray pump. If you fill too much and then put in the pump you risk over flowing the bottle. Yes, I have done this.
  8. Secure top or spray pump and shake for 30 seconds to combine all ingredients.

Et Voila, Beautiful Face Toner Done! 

Toner is a fast and easy thing to whip up yourself. The hardest part is developing the recipe, which I have already done for you!

This formula will work with other kinds of floral waters and essential oil combinations as well.

So, if you have some favourites that you know work for your skin, just sub out the floral waters and essential oils for ones you prefer or want to try out.

Experiment and have fun whipping up your own recipes  to see how your skin likes them. 

I settled on this one after many versions. I just love how it makes my skin look and feel. 

How to Use Your Awesome New Toner: 

Always give a quick shake to your toner before using to ensure ingredients are well mixed.

Cleanse face as usual. Saturate a reusable cotton pad with your toner and gently massage evenly over skin. I always put a little extra on any areas that have a blemish. Moisturize and complete your routine as usual.

Prior to using for the first time, it is recommended to always do a patch test, even with all natural recipes. You can still be sensitive to something.

This toner is best used both in the morning and before bed.

Final Skin Care Tips

Adding this toner to your normal skincare routine (which I hope includes cleansing and moisturizing twice daily) will make for refreshed, clear, and happy skin.

Remember to also drink plenty of water, get your beauty rest, and avoid using products with harmful toxins.

And just think, with a product that is used so much, imagine the dollars you will save by making your own!

Talk to me!

Have you ever made your own toner or other products? Will this be your first time? I would love to hear from you! If you try out this recipe please drop me a line and let me know how you liked it. 

Remember, if you enjoyed this post, SUBSCRIBE to my newsletter, receive your FREE Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide, for FREE 

Blessed be pixie dolls.

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Disclaimer – This post was written for educational  and informative purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, diagnose, or prevent disease. I am not a doctor! Always consult your primary care physician or naturopathic doctor before making any significant changes to your health care routine.

Pumpkin Seeds: 5 Reasons Why You Need Them

Pumpkin seeds! My friends this little superfood is exactly what you have been missing. 

These little seeds are greatly under-estimated. You may be thinking, what are the benefits of pumpkin seeds anyways? Well, I am going to tell you!

Funny enough my love for pumpkin seeds started with my natural skincare formulas way back in 2012.

Pumpkin seed oil quickly became one of my favourite ingredients in my lotion recipes. I have no idea why it took me so long to add them into my diet.

After learning all of the benefits pumpkin seeds can provide us, my mind was blown. They quickly made into my weekly food rotation.

Such an unassuming little food, but it packs quite the nutritional punch.  Best thing, a little goes a long way and you do not need a lot of them to reap the benefits.

Read on and find out some top reasons for adding these little gems to your weekly menu plan! 



The high levels of antioxidants in pumpkin seeds are one of the things that make them such a superfood.

Antioxidants are anti-inflammatory and help the body to fight harmful free radicals, protecting us against many diseases. 

Studies have shown that anti-oxidants minimize cell damage and may be beneficial to heart health, protecting against cancer, Alzheimer’s among others. 


Getting enough protein is such an important aspect of a healthy diet.

Protein assists in building and repairing basically every tissue in your body including bones, muscles, blood, and skin. Not to mention aids in hormone production, immune health, and providing us energy.

We, especially us ladies, often do not get enough in our daily diets. Throw in being vegetarian or vegan and it becomes even more likely that our daily amounts could be become low. Pumpkin seeds to the rescue!

Just one ounce of these magical little seeds contains 7 grams of protein.

You can even buy it in powder form to easily add to smoothies and so much more.  

For a quick comparison, one whole egg contains 6 grams.

Pretty good, right?


Iron is another one that many of us are low in (myself included). It’s seriously a constant struggle in my life lol.

Iron is essential for blood cell formation in the body. Not getting enough of it can make us feel really terrible causing fatigue, headaches, anxiety, and irregular heartbeats to name just a few things.

Without enough iron our body does not get enough oxygen, causing the unpleasant side effects. Enter pumpkin seeds, one ounce contains 23% of our needed daily intake.


When looking at the nutritional value of pumpkin seeds one thing you may think is, whoa, way too much fat for me. Never to be considered again.

Don’t do this! Our bodies need healthy fats, both saturated and unsaturated, daily. Yes both, and that is a topic for an entirely different post lol.

Pumpkin seeds are a wonderful source of essential fatty acids.  Healthy fats are needed for heart health, lowering bad cholesterol levels, proper cellular function, and more.  


Zinc and Magnesium are not as main stream as say, Vitamin C or D, but they are both so essential for many body functions. So we mustn’t forget about them.  

Our body utilizes zinc in a number of different ways including aiding in digestion, metabolic activity, healthy skin, and keeping up a hearty immune system.  

Our bodies do not make or store zinc, meaning we need a daily supply from our diet. 

Magnesium is another one that a lot of us are lacking in our daily diets. And is needed for blood pressure, bone health, and regulating blood sugar, to name a few. 

One ounce of pumpkin seeds contains 15% of our daily Zinc and 37% of our daily magnesium needs.

Not too shabby!   

Pumpkin Seeds Final Thoughts

If you are not already running out to your local store to stock up, I am not sure what you are waiting for! Just kidding 😉

Need more convincing? Okay, so they are also high in fiber, may help lower blood sugar, promote better sleep, and may enhance sperm quality in men. Oh, and, did I mention they promote beautiful skin and hair? How about now? Are you out the door yet?

Some Best Ways To Eat Pumpkin Seeds

Finally, the ease in which you can add these to your diet is also a big plus. Some of my favourite ways include: 

  • sprinkling whole seeds on top of salads or into soups
  • add a scoop of pumpkin seed powder into smoothies (1.5 tbsp = 10g protein)
  • add to oatmeal in any form (seeds, powder, butter)
  • as a butter on toast (2tbsp. = 10g of protein)
  • alone as a snack or in trail mix
  • in baking. Throw some into your favourite muffin, bread, or homemade granola.

Et voila, easy peasy 😉 As an extra bonus, they are not too pricey even when you treat yourself and spring for organic.

You Can Subscribe!

And remember, if you enjoyed the post, SUBSCRIBE   and receive my Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide for FREE!

Til next time pixie dolls.

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Disclaimer – This post was written for educational  and informative purposes only and is not intended to treat, cure, diagnose, or prevent disease. I am not a doctor! Always consult your primary care physician or naturopathic doctor before making any significant changes to your health routine.

pumpkin seeds, vegan, healthy eating, seeds, super food, healthy living, whole foods

Imbolc: Cleansing, Hope, & Renewal

Well February is coming and that means it’s time for Imbolc!

A time to celebrate the midpoint of the Winter season and the imminent arrival of Spring! Ah long awaited Spring!

Even though it feels like the dead of winter out still  it is indeed around the corner and nature is preparing for her arrival! 

Imbolc signals a renewal of life, cleansing, and an invigorating feeling of hope as we look forward to the lighter days ahead. 

What is Imbolc?

Imbolc, also known as Imbolg, Candlemas or Brigids Day, falls on February 1st to 2nd. With celebrations beginning on the eve of February 1st.

Imbolc, is the midway point between Winter and Spring. A sure sign that brighter, warmer days are on the horizon.

This Sabbat honours the Triple Goddess and her very important transition from Crone to Maiden.

Even though the air is cold and days are still short, the light is returning. Nature is beginning to awaken from her slumber.

Imbolc: A Little History

The word, Imbolc, derived from old Irish, means ‘in the belly’. Originally it referred to the pregnant ewes who were about to birth their lambs at this time.

Imbolc, is one of the four Celtic Fire Festivals (Beltane, Lughnasadh & Samhain being the other three). It is an important turning point in the Wheel of the Year. The point where we celebrate the passing of winter and the return of Spring.

In addition, this is also a time to honour Brigid, the much beloved Pagan Goddess. She is the goddess of fire, the sun, the hearth, smithcraft, healing, poetry and fertility among others.

Nature is fertile and ready. The first seeds of Spring time are planted.

And with this comes all of the new-ness; new intentions, new life, new hope. Take advantage of this energy and re-new your own goals, dreams, and personal strength.

Symbols of Imbolc

As with all Sabbats there are certain celebratory items attached to them. These symbols  enable your Imbolc magick to be more in tune with the season and therefore more powerful.

Here are some items and ideas to help you make the most of your Imbolc festivities!

Gods/Godesses Celebrated:

GoddessesBrigid, Triple Goddess, Athena, Aradia  

 GodsOsiris, Pan, Eros, Herne


  • Basillove, wealth, protection, success
  • Heatherpeace, luck, protection, encourages rain, immortality
  • Myrrhmeditation, healing, enhance spiritualty
  • Angelicaprotection, attracts positivity, promotes healing, purification
  • Blackberryhealing, protection, money, sacred to Brigid


  • Frankincensedispel negative energy, protection, luck
  • Cinnamonprosperity, success, protection, luck, healing
  • Rosemarypurification, youthfulness, optimism, attraction
  • Vanillaenergy restoration, love, passion
  • Benzoin relieves stress, prosperity, purification, concentration


  • Pink
  • Yellow/Gold
  • White
  • Light Green & Blue
  • Red


  • Onyx balance, protection, relaxation, stability
  • Garnetstrength, protection, health, happiness, wisdom
  • Amethystcalming, spiritual awareness, intuition, healing 
  • Turquoiseemotional balance, courage, wisdom, joy, psychic ability 
  • Bloodstonewealth, healing, courage, strength, business matters 

Creatures Honoured:

  • Wolves
  • Owls
  • Bears
  • Snakes
  • Phoenix
  • Dragon

Foods to Eat:

  • Bread & Cakes
  • Seeds 
  • Potatoes
  • Onions & Leeks
  • Milk
  • Spiced Wine & Apple Cider

Ways to Honour Imbolc

There are many ways to honour and ring in the day. In your own special way of course. Here are a few ideas you may like to try. 🙂

Cleanse Your Space

A perfect time for cleansing and preparing your home for the long awaited warmer months.

Take this opportunity to clear out unwanted and unneeded items (Do they spark joy?). I joke, but seriously we all feel better and lighter after a good purge and there is no time like the present.

After that you may also want to cleanse away any negative energies. Guaranteed you will feel more than ready to let go of any negative jujus  and eager to usher in all of the positivity and happiness you most definitely deserve.

Craft a St. Brigid’s Cross

A long time tradition, these crosses were made and hung above entranceways to protect the home against, fire, harm, evil energies, and hunger.

Pinterest has great tutorials on how to make these, like this one HERE. Similarly, you could also craft a Brigid Doll like this one HERE. 😀

Build your Imbolc Altar

As always you can transform your altar or set up a dedicated one to this day.

Fill it with some of those symbols I mentioned above, your Brigid’s Cross or Doll, white or green candles, a green wreath, be creative.

What matters the most is that is speaks to you and your energies on this day.

Perform an Imbolc Ritual Bath

A relaxing cleansing bath is a perfect Imbolc activity to indulge in.

Grab your bath salts, crystals, and candles, take a soak and focus on releasing any old, negative vibrations you have lingering. In turn opening yourself up for the re-newed energies, light, and life of the season.

Set new intentions for yourself and be present.

Plan your Spring Garden

Green thumb witches rejoice, your time is near. Make a tea and take a quiet moment to reflect and plan which flowers, plants, and herbs will grace your garden this coming season.

Make Room for New Beginnings & Intentions

This day is all about new-ness and refreshed energies. Do a meditation or ritual focusing on the things you want to let go of and the new things you would like to see manifest in your life.

Manifestation is incredibly powerful and should not be forgotten. Let go of the old and prepare your mind to welcome the new with arms wide open.

Light Candles to Welcome Back the Sun

With Imbolc being one of the four fire festivals it’s only appropriate that you light a little fire of your own to honour the day (safely and responsibly of course 😉

Light a candle to honour the Sun and welcome her light and warmth back into the world, and your home.

Final Thoughts.

Above all, whether you go big or minimal in your Imbolc activities keep these key points in mind: let go, be open to the refreshing and invigorating energies filling the air, show yourself some love, allow yourself the time to lift those spirits, and set new intentions to manifest your best life.

Lastly, let yourself be filled with joy and happiness! The warmth and light are just around the bend. <3

Your turn!

What does Imbolc mean to you? Do you have any favourite traditions or will this be your first time celebrating?

I always love to know your thoughts, so please leave a comment or drop me a line. There are lots of ways for us to connect 🙂

For more inspiration check out my shop page! There you will find beautiful user friendly printable grimoire pages on all of the Sabbats, herbs, oils, kitchen witchery, crystals, and much more. Or have a look at my new book, The Witch’s Guide to Wellness, available now for pre-order!

You can also SUBSCRIBE   The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Blessed be pixie dolls.

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Imbolc, February, herbs, crystals, festivities, Sabbat, with, pagan

Mabon: Life, Death, & Autumn Leaves

September!  The Autumn Equinox, MabonFall and just the most wonderful time of the year is upon us!

The leaves are changing, turning glorious hues of red, golds, and orange, there is a crispness in the air, the sweaters are coming out and there is a cozy vibe settling in that just cant be denied.

This time of year is all about giving thanks, finding balance in all that surrounds us, and reflection.

But what exactly is Mabon you might ask? Or why is the Autumn Equinox important?

Yes! Good questions to have so let’s dig in!

Read on to learn a little bit about this very special changing of the season.

What is Mabon?

Mabon, the Autumn Equinox, also known as the Witches Thanksgiving among a few others, falls between September 21st and the 23rd.  This year, the equinox will technically occur on the 22nd.

 This is the time of year when once again the sun and moon are in balance. Falling into the moments where the suns power begins to diminish and the onset of winter begins.

Days will become shorter, the night will reign and the temperatures will drop.

Mabon is a time for balance, giving thanks, and reflection. We give thanks to mother earth for the bountiful harvest, but also honour death as nature prepares to go dormant for the long winter.

Mabon History

Mabon history is actually kind of odd, seeing that the term Mabon’ only came about in the 70s. Alas, the name has stuck (and there seems to be much debate on whether or not it should have lol).

Some prefer the term Harvest Home as a more traditional name, among others. I, however, do quite enjoy the term Mabon, and is generally the one I stick with.

Regardless of what you call it, Mabon, Autumn Equinox, Harvest Home; September, the harvest and the changing of the season has long been a celebrated and exhilerating time.

A perfect time for us to take a moment, breathe deep, appreciate life and renew our strengths.

That being said Mabon’ is the Sun God in Welsh  Mythology and represented youth, love, sex, power, and vitality. He was the Child of Light and son of the Earth Mother Goddess, Modron.  In Welsh, Mabon translates to great sonand is the masculine side of the harvest. This is the second grain harvest (after Lughnasadh), a time to rejoice and rest after the last grain has been cut.  

In one mythology, it is the day when the God of Light is defeated by the God of darkness. Mabon is sometimes seen as a child who was born at Yule, grown throughout the year with each Sabbat and by the Autumn Equinox is an elder preparing to return home to the fairie realm to once again be reborn at Yule. This is a time to give him thanks.

Samhain, halloween, witches new year, pumpkins, Sabbat

Symbols of Mabon 

Mabon has a special place in my heart, and perhaps it will have one in yours now as well. Here are some Mabon essentials to help you ring in the day 🙂 

Gods/Godesses Celebrated:

  • Goddesses – Modron, Persephone, Inanna, Demeter 
  • Gods – Mabon, The Horned God


  • Marigold – good luck, respect, admiration, attract new love
  • Myrrh – healing, meditation, increases magical abilities, spiritual opening
  • Sage – wisdom, dispels negative energy, cleansing, improves mental ability
  • Yarrow – love, healing, banish negativity, divination
  • Thistle – protection, healing
  • Rosehipshealth, wealth, prosperity, fertility, encourages restful sleep


  • Sweetgrass – peace, tranquility
  • Pine – success, strength, new beginnings, cleansing
  • Sagewisdom, dispels negative energy, cleansing, improves mental ability
  • Myrrhhealing, meditation, increases magical abilities, spiritual opening
  • Cinnamon – strength, prosperity, love, healing
  • Frankincense – protection, cleansing, success


  • Orange
  • Yellow
  • Red
  • Gold
  • Violet
  • Brown


  • Amberhealing, harmony, love, pleasure, cleansing
  • Aventurineenhances joy, clarity, creativity, success, peace
  • Citrinecourage, optimism, success, luck
  • Clear Quartzmagickal strength, healing, balance
  • Amethyst – new beginnings, happiness, protection, peace, love
  • Lapis Lazuli – confidence, courage, clarity, tranquility 

Creatures Honoured:

  • Wolves
  • Owls
  • Stag
  • Goats
  • Butterfly
  • Minotaurs
  • Gnomes

Food & Drink:

  •  Wine & Cider
  • Pies
  • Pomeganates
  • Apples
  • Root Veggies
  • Grains
  • Pumpkin

Mabon Festivities

There are many ways to honour and celebrate Mabon.

Honour the day however best suits you, and your personal practice. Here are a few ideas to get you going 🙂

 Give Thanks  

Give thanks to Mother Earth for her bounty, harvest, and all she provides for us.

Remember to be grateful to her, and the universe for all of the gifts they give. Be thankful for the grander blessings as well as the little things.

This is a time for meditation, observation, and appreciation. The earth and our lives are rich and not to be taken for granted.

Build your Mabon Altar

Turn your altar into an autumn shrine. Fill it with some of those symbols I mentioned above and special items of the season (leaves, acorns, gourds, pumpkins).

Looking at your altar should always bring a smile to your lips and a feeling of comfort to your soul.

Perform a Mabon Ritual

An extremely potent and magical time, take the opportunity to perform a ritual of protection, prosperity, or a home blessing. This will help to prepare you for the colder months. This is an optimal time for cleansings. 

Go on a Nature Hike

Grab your favourite sweater, get out into nature and connect with the earth.

Breathe in the crisp air, and have a few quiet moments to reflect on what changes you might like to see in the coming months. Gather leaves and other bits and bobs to bring home for your altar! 

Out With the Old

Mabon is an end but also a beginning. It is a time to begin fresh, and with sharp new focus.

De-clutter your home as well as your mind. Let go of things that no longer serve, and make room for fresh perspectives.

Set new intentions for yourself to bring you through the season with strength, positivity, and joy. 

Bake Fall Goodies

Put on your kitchen witch pants and indulge! Fall treats are always a much-anticipated part of the season, there is no denying it.

Bake a fresh loaf of bread, apple crumble or pumpkin pie and let the wonderful aromas of autumn fill your household.

Like these VEGAN PUMPKIN CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES by Baker by Nature. Yummy! 

Fill a Cornucopia

Yes the big, horn looking thing from all of the Thanksgiving pictures 😉 Also known as the horn of plenty.

Fill it with seasonal veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds, and wild flowers. Leave it outside as an offering to nature and her creatures.  

Host a Mabon Dinner

For what is a celebration without delicious food! Prepare foods of the season; root veggies, grains, pies, and cider.

Make it as large or small an event as you like, a feast for the whole family. Or perhaps  just you and your partner. Size is not important, just be thankful, be joyful, and be present <3  

Final musings.

A beautiful time for taking stock of where you are at in life, finding balance, and being grateful.

Rejoice in the changing of the season; find renewed strength, harmony, and motivation from nature, take an extra moment to breathe and centre yourself.

And of course be present, be ever thankful, and let the magick of the season wash over you.

Embracing this dark, chillier time of the year can bring much to your spiritual self.  Let it lift you up and rejuvenate you.

Hopefully you are feeling fully ready to take on this season with a smile, renewed energy, and joy.

Bring on the sweaters, cozy nights, fiery fall colours, and hot bevvies, the season of the witch is about to begin!

AND for additional inspiration and ways to really take on this glorious season check out my newly released AUTUMN KITCHEN WITCH HANDBOOK! It contains everything you need to embrace the season and your inner magick this Autumn. You can find more details HERE.

I want to hear from you!

What does Mabon mean to you? Do you have any favourite traditions or will this be your first time celebrating? I always love to know your thoughts, so please do leave a comment or drop me a line. There are lots of ways for us to connect 🙂 

If you enjoyed the post, remember to SUBSCRIBE if you would like to keep up on The Wholesome Witch happenings and receive your FREE Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide!

Mabon blessings pixie dolls. 

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo


mason, autumn equinox, Sabbat, witch, pagan

Healing Crystals: Practical Guide to my Top 5

Okay, let’s talk crystals. Specifically healing crystals 

Aside from being beautiful to look at, the amount of things they can be used to enhance are pretty much endless.

Love, courage, success, protection, balance, strength to name a few.

These little gifts from mother earth have been used for millennia to help us achieve these things and so much more.

Times of healing are optimal to really embrace and take advantage of these natural wonders. 

The Healing Journey

I have been focusing a lot on healing since receiving my cancer diagnosis (obviously lol). My crystals have been a huge part of my healing journey.  

There is a curated selection by my bedside, and bracelets of Amethyst, Rose Quartz, and Black Tourmaline that never leave my wrist. 

Now I’m talking physical healing of course, but also emotional healing and bringing balance to the body.

We are all on a healing journey of some sort. You may be fighting disease, healing wounds, emotional scars, or trying to maintain balance during this crazy ride that is life.

What better way to encourage this than surrounding ourselves with magickal little pieces of the nature?

Developing a special bond with nature and the earth is essential for our well being.

Working with crystals can bring us that much closer to connecting with the world around us. Every natural thing on this incredible planet of ours is filled with energy. Taking these little pieces onto yourself can be a very powerful tool.

Now, maybe crystal healing seems too new agey for you and just doesn’t sound like your jam. Which is totally fine! You are entitled to your own opinion and must do what resonates with you.

But really, what can it hurt? If nothing else, you will have their beauty to inspire you.

Carry one in your purse, leave one by your bedside….your mind is an amazing thing and the power that faith and believing in something can have is immeasurable.

Give them a try, you may find that they become comforting just having them around, and the benefits in that alone are bountiful.

So, a little healing crystal realness if you will, here we go!*


Element: Air, Water

Chakra: Crown, Third Eye

Healing Properties:

  • encourages emotional healing
  • reduces stress
  • calms
  • strengthens immune system
  • strengthens body to fight cancer
  • cleanses the blood
  • encourages tissue regeneration
  • balances hormones
  • relieves insomnia

Bonus Benefits:

  • peace
  • balance
  • serenity
  • self awareness
  • spiritual protection

Rose Quartz

Element: Water

Chakra: Heart

Healing Properties:

  • encourages emotional healing
  • reduces stress
  • eases pain
  • detoxes the body
  • reduces high blood pressure
  • balances circulatory system
  • dispels negativity
  • quickens recovery

Bonus Benefits:

  • love
  • tranquility
  • balance
  • protection
  • personal fulfillment & self love
  • inspires beauty
  • brings reassurance

Black Tourmaline

Element: Earth

Chakras: Root

Healing Properties

  • calms anxiety
  • dissolves worry
  • cleanses the body
  • strengthens immune system
  • eases joint pain
  • increases physical vitality

Bonus Benefits:

  • grounding
  • shields negativity
  • protection
  • releases fear
  • luck


Element: Earth

Chakra: Heart

Healing Properties

  • balances emotions
  • increases energy
  • encourages cell regeneration
  • enhances immune system
  • reduces swelling
  • aids circulatory system

Bonus Benefits:

  • success
  • strength
  • harmony
  • protection
  • absorbs negative energy


Element: Air

Chakra: Throat & Third Eye

Healing Properties:

  • aligns chakras
  • brings balance & calm
  • breaks blockages
  • relieves pain
  • helps heal wounds and infections
  • replenishes energy
  • assists in healing broken bones

Bonus Benefits:

  • enhances intuition
  • calming
  • breaks blockages
  • promotes peace
  • aids meditation

Easy Ways to Use Healing Crystals

  1. Place them by your bedsideYour body heals naturally during sleep. Keeping some favourites by your bed is an ideal place to let them work their magick.
  2. Carry them on your personNecklaces, bracelets, in your purse. So many options! Pretty and purposeful.
  3. Meditate with themMeditation is a powerful tool all on its own for healing. Placing crystals strategically around your meditation space or holding them in your palms can do great things to enhance your focus, spiritual energy, and results. 
  4. Ritual bathAnother form of meditation, a ritual bath with crystals can do wonders for healing the body emotionally and physically. 
  5. Place strategically around your homeSurround yourself in your most sacred space, your home. A means to help keep the energies balanced, flowing, and positive with your humble abode. Not to mention, they look gorgeous!

Crystal Buying

Now that you have a few crystals in mind to start with, if you don’t already have an arsenal on hand that is, you will need to purchase a couple.

While there are a thousand and one places online to buy them, I  prefer in person purchasing where crystals are concerned, if it’s at all possible.

Each one feels different, looks unique, and has there own individual energy about them.

Look, touch and feel…choose the one that speaks to you. Trust me you will find one that does!

Most places, even little towns tend to have at least one shop that carries crystals and stones.

If however, there is just nothing in your area, online purchasing is of course an option. Better than going without! And there are some wonderful online resources.

In that case, I would say do your research. Try and find a vendor you feel a connection to and make sure they are authentic and not imitation stones (this happens a lot).

Ethical Sourcing

Last but absolute not least, try your best to purchase your crystals from vendors that care where their product is coming from.

The crystals that we love and buy come from the mining industry. The practices of said industry are not always ethical to their workers or the environment. 

Online sites will generally address ethical sourcing if it is something they care about. If at a physical store ask where they source their crystals from. 

This isn’t always an easy thing to do. Just be aware and do your best when making purchases. 

Moon Rise Crystals has some great information on ethically sourcing crystals on their site. You can check it out HERE

Focus & Faith

Whatever journey you may be on, whatever healing you have to do, I hope this post will help to push you in the right direction.

So grab a crystal, focus those energies, align those chakras and have a little faith. You are strong, courageous, and fierce. All will be well <3

Your thoughts!

So, tell me things! Are you a newbie to crystals or an old pro? What are your favourites? As always, I love to hear from you. Leave a comment, check out my social media or message me! I am, as always, ridiculously easy to find.

Til’ next time pixie dolls.

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo


Interested in learning more about holistic living and adding magick to your life? SUBSCRIBE  to my news and updates! As a special treat, you’ll receive my full WHOLESOME KITCHEN CLEAN-UP GUIDE complete with Toxins to Toss Checklist & Wholesome Shopping List. Also, as an added bonus, you’ll get my Fab Face Serum Mixology Chart. My little thank you to you for being so very awesome. 🙂

*Disclamer: I am not a doctor and this post is not meant to replace modern medicine or your doctors advice and recommendations. I am merely offering some thoughts based on my own personal experience to help supplement or enhance regular treatments you may be undergoing. I myself, went through chemotherapy, radiation and multiple surgeries for breast cancer and used crystals as a means to help enhance my health and well-being throughout my treatments, but by no means replace them. 

healing crystals, crystals, amethyst, rose quartz, tourmaline, malachite, kynite,

Yule: Feasting, Festivities, & Rebirth

Yule Season and the Winter Solstice, is such a wonderful and magical turn of the wheel.

A season blanketed in warmth, love, giving and unity. A time when the world celebrates, the light returns and the human spirit shines.

Winter is official and it’s time for rest. Rest for Mother Nature as well as for yourself. A time to reflect, regroup and rejuvenate. 

What is Yule?

Yule celebrations begin each year to coincide with the Winter Solstice, the first official day of winter, on December 21st.  

The Winter Solstice is the shortest day and longest night of the year before the sun’s return, and the days begin to get progressively longer again until the Summer Solstice.

Yule is a celebration honouring the rebirth of the sun and another turn of the wheel.

Celebrations happen around the solstice all over the world to welcome back the sun and the onset of winter.

The time is widely considered as a moment for feasting, merriment, honouring nature, rebirth and reflection.

Yule History & Traditions

Yule has been around for thousands of years and the Celtic Pagans honoured this time long before the word came into play.

There are many discussions surrounding the origins of Yule and it is hard to pinpoint exactly when it began.

Very early customs of the Celtic Pagans are not well known. There is, however, much significance put on Norse, Roman, and Germanic traditions that the Celtic Pagans seem to have took on along the way and as the celebration progressed.

Yule celebrations begin on the night of the solstice and go for 12 days (hence the 12 days of Christmas).

There are many traditions associated with the season. In early times, people would dress up as the spirits of gods and go through the villages mumming (acting out plays).

They would be rewarded with food and drink for their efforts. Our modern version of this would be caroling.

Decorating was also a big part of the festivities. People of all walks would use evergreen boughs and a tree, holly, mistletoe, and candles to get their homes into the spirit.

One very important tradition is that of the Yule Log. People would travel into the woods to find the largest log they could and this is what would be used to light huge hearth fires in the households.

It was decorated in greenery and a piece of the log from the previous Yule was used as kindling to start the fire for the new log. The fire would burn for the full 12 days of celebrations and represented the light of the sun.

And Then Came Christmas…

Yule is, perhaps surprisingly, not one of the great Sabbats in the Pagan calendar.

However, we also have Christmas, which was essentially invented to make the transition into Christianity an easier one for people of the time who were already used to celebrating at this time of year.

Bringing Christmas into the mix has made the time of Yule a much bigger deal and as such it holds a very special place in the heart of many Pagans, including this one 🙂

Yule is one of my absolute favourite times of year. And we also celebrate Christmas in our house…now our celebrations have nothing to do with baby Jesus and everything to do with the traditions that come with it. It’s just how I was raised lol 😉

So, we honour the Solstice and use the term Yule, we have the tree, decorations, gift giving, feasting, family time, rest and reflection. In my opinion, a happy marriage between the two holidays and a time so filled with positive energy and joy I can’t help but have a soft spot for all of it.

Symbols of Yule

Yule has some incredibly special and unique to it traditions. There are SO many amazing ways to celebrate and honour this turn of the wheel.

So let’s see shall we 🙂

Gods/Godesses Celebrated:

  • GoddessesBridhid, Diana, Freya, Demeter, Gaea
  • GodsLugh, Odin, Holly King, Oak King, Old Man Winter


  • Thistleprotection and healing
  • Sagewisdom, dispels negative energy, cleansing, improves mental ability
  • Holly luck, love, protection, use to decorate around the home
  • Frankincenseprotection, cleansing, success
  • Rosemaryhealing, love, removes negativity, purification


  • Pinesuccess, strength, new beginnings, cleansing
  • Cedarcleansing, calmness, confidence, abundance, protection
  • Bayberryabundance, healing, success, luck
  • Cinnamonstrength, prosperity, love, healing, strength
  • Myrrhhealing, meditation, increases magical abilities, spiritual opening


  • Red
  • Green
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • White


  • Emeraldharmony, success, prosperity, protection
  • Bloodstonehealing, courage, confidence, strength, wealth
  • Diamondresilience, self development, personal growth
  • Rubywealth, courage, passion, sexual energy, joy
  • Garnetprotection, love, hope, strength

Creatures Honoured:

  • Squirrel
  • Wolf
  • Stag
  • Wren
  • Trolls
  • Elves

Food & Drink:

  • Fruit
  • Nuts
  • Squash
  • Cookies
  • Eggnog
  • Cider & Mulled Wine

Ways to Celebrate

As we have established, Yule is a pretty special sabbat with unique and gorgeous traditions.

The beauty of the season is not only in the meaning but also in the atmosphere of warmth and light that is created around us at this time.

So, here are a few ideas to get you going on your own celebrations 🙂

Decorate a Yule Tree

One of my favourite parts of the holiday! Whether you go to the forest and chop down your own or purchase one an artificial one, whether it be big or small; make it grand, beautiful, and personal to you.

It is a beacon of the holiday and should bring you joy, happiness, and beauty.

Enjoy Festive Activities

Go caroling, walk around the neighbourhoods and take in the lights, hit up a holiday gathering, plan get togethers with friends, create DIY gifts and decorations, watch festive movies, listen to festive music…be joyous and be creative!

Build your Yule Altar

Transform your altar or set up a dedicated one to Yule. Fill it with some of those symbols I mentioned above. Make it meaningful, inspiring and yours.

Perform a Ritual

Performing a ritual to honour the turn of the wheel, the return of the light, and rebirth is customary.

It can be simple or elaborate; you can incorporate the burning of your Yule Log (more on that below) or simply light a candle and say a blessing.

Whatever actions feel right to you, and whatever you choose, do it with heart and create your own magick.

Have a Feast

What Sabbat is complete without one really lol and food is a huge part of Yule!

The perfect time to feast and be merry; invite your nearest and dearest, indulge and treat your self to the special, delicious foods of the season.

Burn a Yule Log

Now we may not all have fireplaces like the days of old but we can create our own Yule Log using candles instead.

Its also no longer recommended letting it burn for 12 days, nor would it be possible but you can light it on the solstice before completing your ritual (if you do one) and let them either burn all the way down or until bedtime (safety first!).

There are tutorials online on how to create your own Yule Log or you can purchase one if DIY is just not your thing. No judgement here!

Bake Solstice Cookies

Yes! No Yule holiday is complete without cookies!

If you don’t have a traditional family recipe that is made religiously each year, check out Pinterest for some seriously stellar recipes for all tastes.

A Season of Giving

Volunteer at a shelter, soup kitchen or donate to the homeless. Give to those who do not have as much as you do and help spread the love, light and cheer this holiday season.

Exchanging gifts with loved ones is also a much loved custom.

Take a Moment to Reflect

This is a time of death and rebirth. Take some time to reflect on the things in your life you are ready to let go of and what new things you would like to welcome.

Prepare yourself to fully let go, release the old, and make room for the new. Set new intentions, think about what you would like to accomplish, and what new things you would like to start.

So indeed, Tis the Season

In the spirit of the season, be joyful, be present and appreciate all that is around you.

There is no other time of year that is quite as warm (metaphorically of course lol) and filled with beautiful bright light and kind spirits.

Cherish the time, the memories, the return of the sun, and be grateful. Use your time for self reflection and rebirth. Let the old unnecessary things in your life die fully to allow space for the new.

Let your soul, your energies, be rejuvenated and fully open to all of the possibilities and adventures that are to come.

I want to hear from you!

What does Yule time mean to you? Do you have any favourite Yule time traditions or will this be your first time celebrating? I always love to know your thoughts, so please leave a comment or drop me a line. There are lots of ways for us to connect 🙂


If you enjoyed the post, remember to SUBSCRIBE   and receive my Wholesome Kitchen Clean-up Guide for FREE! 

Yule time Blessings pixie dolls.

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

yule, winter solstice, sabbat, witch, pagan, holidays

Samhain: Witches, Winter & A New Year

It has finally arrived, the best, most wonderful month of the year! Yes my magical friends, its October. And that means it’s time to celebrate Samhain!

The time when the air is crisp, the trees are awash in the fiery colours of fall, the sweaters come out, you can feel mother nature changing all around you and it is always lovely having a hot beverage in your hands.

It is time for the Witches New Year and Samhain! A month does not get more perfect than October.

Hence, it simply must be the season of the witch my dears 😉

What is Samhain?

Samhain, meaning ‘end of summer’ goes by many names. All Hallows Eve, Halloween, and the Witches New Year to name a few.

This Sabbat is one of the biggest and most anticipated of the Pagan celebrations. It is also the end of the Celtic year, hence being known as the Witches New Year.

So, a few facts: Samhain falls on October 31st, is the third of the harvest festivals, and pays homage to the oncoming darker part of the year.

It is also the second night of the year where the veil between worlds is thinned, along with Beltane. Therefore, making this a prime time to communicate with the other side and honour your ancestors who have passed on.

Samhain: A Little History

Samhain has a rich and wonderful history (our modern Halloween traditions had to come from somewhere right?).

In Celtic countries it was known as ‘The Feast of the Dead’. Food was left on altars and doorsteps for the spirits. This was the night when the dead roamed freely about the earth.

Sometimes single candles were lit and left in windows to help guide the dead on their journey. While some set out extra dinner plates around the table for departed loved ones to once again take their place among them.  The fae folk were said to be particularly active playing tricks and it was ill advised to walk the streets after dark. Maybe, some things are sounding oddly familiar? 😉

At this point in the season any crops that were left in the fields were not to be eaten but were offered to the nature spirits at Samhain.

There were huge bonfires built, known as ‘bone fires’. The bones from the evenings feasts were thrown into the fire, hence the name, bone fire.

People then lit their hearths from the fires to symbolize unity. Then the ashes were used to bless and protect the fields throughout the darker months.

Symbols of Samhain

The symbols of Samhain are strong. They are some of the most recognizable of all the Sabbats, in my totally unbiased opinion lol. 

So, I have put together here some elements and ideas that I hope will help you to make a most magickal and memorable Samhain celebration.

Uniquely magickal and uniquely yours.

Samhain Gods & Godesses Celebrated:

GoddessesCeridwen, Rhiannon, Morrigan, Hecate

GodsArawn, Belenus, Hades, Loki


  • Marigoldgood luck, respect, admiration, attract new love
  • Sagewisdom, dispels negative energy, cleansing, mental abilities
  • Cypresshealing, tranquility, calmness, protection
  • Heatherluck, protection, immortality, peace
  • Mandrakehealth, love, prosperity, protection


  • Patchoulifertility, growth, monetary success, love
  • Sagewisdom, dispels negative energy, cleansing, improves mental ability
  • Myrrhhealing, meditation, increases magical abilities, spiritual opening
  • Lavenderhappiness, love, relaxation, sleep promotion, cleansing


  • Jetcontrol, health, purification, luck
  • Carnelianhappiness, energy, self confidence, healing
  • Onyxbalance, stability, protection, relaxation
  • Amberpositivity, cleansing, luck, strength
  • Bloodstoneprosperity, healing, courage, stress relief
  • Obsidianclarity, luck, healing, grounding


  • Black
  • Orange
  • Gold
  • Red
  • Brown
  • Purple


  • Bat
  • Raven
  • Cat
  • Cow
  • Dog
  • Mermaid

Traditional Samhain Foods:

  • Wine & Cider
  • Pumpkin Pies
  • Root Veggies
  • Apples
  • Ginger
  • Potatoes

Ways to Celebrate Samhain

There are so many possibilities for celebrating Samhain!

Here are a few of my favourites to help ring in the day and night. And month if I am being honest lol.

Perform Some Samhain House Magick

As this is the start of the Witches New Year it is a great time to do some magick within your home.

Do a cleansing ritual, sweep away the negativity, or protect your home with pumpkins. Whatever methods you feel best to rejuvenate and refresh your space for the coming months of winter.

Also, I tend to prefer this time of year to do deep cleaning as opposed to the whole Spring cleaning craze.

The coming months are the ones where we spend the most time inside our humble abodes. It makes sense to make it as positive and cozy as you can before that happens.

Carve a Jack-o-lantern

A long loved, and oh so fun tradition!

Grab a pumpkin, a carving knife and your creativity and see what you come up with. I am awful at carving pumpkins lol. It is so difficult for me! However, October just doesn’t seem complete without it.

Putting lit pumpkins outside of your home comes from the tradition of helping guide the spirits on their journeys.

Build your Samhain Altar

As always you can transform your altar or set up a dedicated one to this day.

Fill it with some of herbs,  crystals and other items I mentioned above. Perhaps also add some elements that honour departed loved ones.

Make it beautiful and make it yours.

Perform a Ritual for your Ancestors

Perform a ritual to honour and speak with your beloveds that have passed on.

This night is all about the dead and with the veil thinned there is no better time to reach out to them.

Host a Dumb Supper

Host a supper in honour of your ancestors where nobody speaks but instead sit in quiet contemplation and remembrance.

Cook recipes passed down from your family and set a place at the table for your ancestors to ‘join’ you.

Out With the Old

Last but not least, reflect and let go of all the things that no longer hold purpose in your life.

This is the start of a new year with fresh new beginnings. Letting things go is essential for growth, happiness, and moving forward.

Sit quietly and meditate on your life, where you are, and what you might like to change.

Align yourself with new focus and re-design your goal plan. Start this year feeling light, rejuvenated and positive.

In Conclusion

Take stock of what you have, be grateful, and make your ancestors proud. Celebrate them with wine, pie and cherished memories.

Ring in this new year with joy, purpose, and love. And if you are anything like me you will make these moments last all October long.

As mentioned in the beginning of this post, it truly is the season of the Witch.

Embrace it darlings, it is a part of who you are and it is our time <3

Your turn! Tell me your Samhain wishes!

What does Samhain mean to you? Do you have any favourite traditions or will this be your first time celebrating? I always love to hear your thoughts, so please leave a comment or drop me a line. There are lots of ways for us to connect 🙂

And if you enjoyed the post, remember you can SUBSCRIBE , receive your Mini Autumn Grimoire Bundle for FREE, and be the first to know about new content and exclusive freebies!

Samhain Blessings pixie dolls. 

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo

Samhain, witches new year, all hallows eve, pagan, Sabbat, Wiccan

Becoming Vegan: Switching to a Plant-Based Diet

If you haven’t heard the terms ‘vegan’ or ‘plant-based’ at this point you very well may be living under a rock lol. These terms have come into vogue and I must say, it’s about time. 

So you’ve heard the buzz, but it’s likely just left you with questions. Things like, why should I become vegan? What are the benefits of being vegan? How do I start being vegan? Or, isn’t being vegan expensive? I hear you. I have been you. 

With thoughts of veganism comes questions, lots of them.  

I hope to do just that with this post. Answer some of those burning questions you have and ease your mind a bit. And just maybe by the end you’ll be inspired to jump into a new plant-based lifestyle!

And, yes things seem daunting at first. However, it is not all so mysterious or difficult once you start digging in to what it all means. And here you are 🙂 

Times They Are A Changing

Oh my, yes, times are indeed changing. Veganism has entered the mainstream. It is now easier than ever before to be Vegan in our society, especially in a big city centre.

In the last couple of years it has really jumped into the spotlight. And dare I say, it’s even become a bit trendy.

There are a few documentaries that have received a lot of positive recognition and are extremely easy to access (thank you Netflix!). This seems to have a lot to do with it. The information is out there and your average Joe is getting their hands on it.

There are restaurants popping up everywhere that are either completely vegan or have vegan options. There are shops, bakeries (yum!), and new foods emerging all of the time. And the number of people going vegan rises daily

The Road to Vegan

My Earliest Influence

So, I grew up in Atlantic Canada in a small city, in the 80’s. Our family was a very meat and potatoes kind of family, along with pretty much everyone else I knew lol. Being Vegetarian was odd and being Vegan was practically unheard of.

Though I did have one aunt who was Vegan when I was a child. This made me aware of what it was in a time where the knowledge really wasn’t out there.

When we went to her house we always ate Vegan food (it was always delicious by the way). Other than the times we ate with her though, veganism was never thought of or talked about.

Out of site, out of mind as they say.

Many many years passed…

Throughout 2016 I began to enjoy meat less and feeling the animal cruelty more and more. Becoming vegetarian began to cross my mind.

Just thoughts though, I never acted on them. I suppose I wasn’t ready. We all must do things in our own time. 

Hello Netflix!

Then at the beginning of 2017 we got Netflix (yes finally lol). The binge watching of documentaries began. There were just so many to choose from!

I have always been interested in health, fitness and feeding your body well. Not so surprisingly, the health documentaries peaked my interest.

Due to this I chose the documentaries discussing the benefits of following a plant based diet to watch first. It took about 3 documentaries, the third one being Cowspiracy, to become vegetarian. 

The first 2 I watched were, ‘Forks Over Knives’ and ‘What the Health’

Though I was pretty convinced after the first two, Cowspiracy blew my mind. All three of these docs should be on your watch list, if they aren’t already. 

The first couple focused mostly on the health detriments of eating animal products. As well as, the horrible animal cruelty that occurs in the industry. Both already valid reasons to ditch the animal products. These docs did such an amazing job at highlighting just how bad these two things were. I was pretty much convinced. 

And then came Cowspiracy. The documentary that left no question as to the choice I would make.  It focused on the environmental aspects that are threatened due to animal agriculture and the statistics are staggering. You watch it and can’t believe nobody is talking about this!

However, at this point it is beginning to be discussed more and more each day

The Earth is in Trouble & Needs Us to Care

While the health aspects and respect for all life are reason enough to give up animal products, the third element of the environment really drove it home.

Both my partner and myself gave up meat immediately after watching.  There were no final goodbyes to meat or last meals, we just stopped eating it and that was that.

It did not feel difficult. Making the decision and sticking to it felt easy and better than that, it felt good, empowering even. We were doing something important for the environment, the animals and ourselves.

Though being from the Atlantic provinces I did mourn seafood for a moment because, well, I loved it. Lol. C’est la vie!

Not to mention, my partner and I are both devotees to nature based faiths (witch and druid) the thought of contributing to the deterioration of the environment in this way was not something we could continue doing.

Now that we were aware of the eco consequences, taking part in it  felt completely wrong.

Thus began the, ‘are we going to become vegan’ talks.

Making the Jump

We became vegetarian in February and by June we were on the vegan train. Now while I said becoming vegetarian was easy, becoming vegan was more of a challenge.

Yes because we were saying goodbye to things we loved and ate on a daily basis. Goodbye yogurt and farewell cheese! But, aside from that, there are milk products in everything!

Things where it just doesn’t seem to belong and you are left asking yourself, why!? Why does there have to be modified milk ingredients in 90% of granolas….umm really, it’s oats! Yes I am using exclamation points because that is how it feels when reading the labels on things at the grocery store.

And in most regular restaurants so many items have meat, cheese, or simply milk ingredients in them. So yes, even though I wrote above that it is easier now than ever to become vegan it is still not a walk in the park.

Many adaptations and changes needed to be made to our daily diets and eating habits.

But was it worth it? Absolutely.

Biggest Challenges

Here are a few of the biggest challenges we had making the switch:

Finding a milk replacement for our coffee.

This was a tough one. Firstly, a lot of non-dairy milks are a bit thin and they do not compliment well with coffee, at least in my humble opinion.

Secondly, we have coffee out a lot and many places did not carry non-dairy milks at the time. At least not the tasty ones lol.

This has gotten much better! Places like Starbucks and pretty much every independent cafe tend to carry a couple of options.

However, after trying pretty much every non-dairy milk on the market, well almost, it was oat milk for the win (followed by cashew).

Of course back in 2017 we had to hit up our local natural stores to find them. Not anymore!

Regular grocery stores have full sections now dedicated to plant based milks. This alone shows just how much things have changed in 3 short years.

Breakfast dates can still be tough. Standard breakfast joints almost always only have regular milk and cream. Hello black coffee.

Finding a cheese replacement.

Because well, let’s face it, there is no replacement for cheese. Cheese is delicious and you can’t imitate it, not really.

We have tried quite a few different ones at this point. Cashew cheese is my favourite, though it doesn’t taste like cheese per se, it is tasty in it’s own right. It reminds me of flavoured soft cheeses like cream cheese or Boursin. 

There is also the Earth Island brand, which has pretty decent mozzarella and pizza blends. Yes I am aware, they don’t taste exactly like cheese either lol. BUT they do the trick and are especially tasty melted on pizza or in quesadillas.

I will also say here, your taste buds will change, trust me. You will enjoy things more as time passes (including your vegetables!). And I can confidently say that I no longer miss cheese.

Discovering the art of eating out as a vegan.

Eating out can be difficult at regular restaurants. I mean you are not always in the mood for a salad (and even this is hard at some places).

And if you don’t eat fries, like me, you are left with little options. There are definitely some restaurants where literally every item contains animal products except the fries lol.

So you research. You discover where in your area it is easiest to eat vegan, how to order, and what questions to ask.

I definitely had more than one disappointing meal out during this process. There is a learning curve!

Happy Discoveries 

Our local Thai place allows us to make our pad thai orders vegan very easily.

Panago one of our local pizza places offers pretty delicious vegan pizzas, yay!

We are lucky to live in Toronto where there are lots of vegan friendly places around the city. We basically only hit those ones up the these days.

The transition also had us actually cooking more at home, which is pretty great.

Silliest Mistakes

The road to veganism is paved with good intentions. Lol. We have made some surprising, and rather silly, mistakes thus far on our journey.

I thought it might be fun to share a couple of them with you. Nobody gets it right all of the time in the beginning.

  • Ordering a ‘vegan’ pizza with pesto as the sauce. Ummm yeah, pesto almost always has parmesan cheese in it. We realized after we got home and thought about it.
  • Ordering a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks with soy milk, no whip and assuming that the pumpkin spice syrup did not contain milk ingredients. Ah no, never assume these things. I realized, again after I was drinking it, that it likely did have milk ingredients. And boy did I savour that latte. Bye bye pumpkin spice (at least from Starbucks).
  • Assuming our granolas were vegan. Apparently most oats need milk ingredients to make them edible. Please note the sarcasm. Now though, we have found some delicious vegan granolas. *happy dance*
  • Ordering Pad Thai with no meat or egg completely ignoring what might be in the sauce since it clearly is not milk based. Of course it makes perfect sense that what it does have is fish and oyster sauce lol. Live and learn!

These are the ones I can remember right now, but trust me there have been more! 😛

The Pay Offs

Nothing tastes as good as vegan feels. This is a statement I now wholeheartedly believe.

Our bodies felt great and we both ended up losing weight. Not to mention during every meal we are very aware of what we are not contributing to. THAT is the big one.

We are not killing innocent animals unnecessarily and we are not adding to the environmental issues that animal agriculture seriously contributes to. That alone makes you feel pretty damn good about your choices.

Then there are all of the health benefits. It’s not like dieting where you feel you are restricting yourself. We don’t feel restricted and we are not hungry all of the time.

Guys, there are SO many foods out there that do not come from animals, like most of them! The options are endless.

And no, we are not worried about calcium or protein intake. People like to assume those are concerns. There are many many plant-based foods that provide those things. Posts on these to come.

We have also discovered plenty of vegan junk food along the way to satisfy cravings, so no worries there 😉

Being Kind is Cool.

Now I ask you to please keep in mind these are simply my choices, views, opinions and some insights into my own personal journey. You in no way need to agree with me or think I now look down on people who eat animal products, I don’t.

Eating meat and dairy is what we are used to as a society, it is still very much the norm and that is fine and expected. I say this because discussions around veganism are so often filled with hostility from both sides. The things you read online are appalling.

Why do so many people get so up in arms about what some people are choosing to eat or not eat is a mystery to me. Eat what you want, what you think is healthy, and what makes you happy. No need to bring out the boxing gloves lol.

At this point, however, I do strongly advocate a vegan diet.

Though I will not preach it to all who cross my path. I don’t like preachy people in general about anything. So if we have dinner together and you decide to get a giant juicy steak please enjoy, you won’t hear a peep out of me.

I will say though, if you are an environmentalist, advocate for animals, or follow a nature based spiritual path, being vegan seems the obvious choice.

Talk to me!

Okay, that is all for me! Are you newly vegan or just thinking about making the change? Have you been vegan for years and have some tips to share?

I want to hear from you! Please feel free to drop me a line on here or any of my social media accounts.

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Bright Blessings Pixies. 

Yours in health and magick,

~ Krystle xo

Greetings Friend!

I'm Krystle. Resident kitchen witch, holistic nutritionist, green living maven, breast cancer survivor, part-time forest fairy, and author of The Witch's Guide to Wellness. Interested in holistic wellness and living your best, most magical life? If you answered yes, you are most definitely in the right place and I'm so happy you're here.

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