Maybe you have heard of Beltane, or May Day, but don’t really know what it all means. Or perhaps you know all about it but need a little inspiration to help plan out your festivities this year.
You are in the right place!
May is an absolutely magickal and electric month. The air is getting warmer and nature is springing vibrantly to life all around us. It is only appropriate to begin the month with the wonderfully joyous, Beltane.
So, What exactly is Beltane?
Beltane, or May Day as it is also known, is celebrated on May 1st. A long standing Celtic holiday, connected with the beginning of summer and one of the greatest most celebrated of the Sabbats, along with Samhain.
It is the mid-point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solistice. The time when Spring has reached it’s peak and Summer is just beginning to show it’s pretty, luxurious feathers. Many cultures have traditional Spring festivals also on May 1st.
A glorious time to honour life, it’s pleasures, and the abundance that is promised in the coming months of summer.
Beltane History
The history and customs associated with Beltane are rich. With celebrations focused on life, fertility, abundance, sexuality and the sacred joining of the God & Goddess.
The word Beltane originates from Gaelic and roughly translated means ‘bright fire’. Certain translations also link it to ‘mouth of fire’. Some also believe that it was named after the Celtic Sun God, Belanus or ‘Bel, the bright one’, but this is debated.
Fires would burn throughout the night of Beltane along with much dancing, drinking, feasting and overall merriment.
The Beltane Fires
The Beltane fires were a fundamental part of the festivities. The fires were lit to cleanse, purify, and celebrate the life and fertility that the spring time brings forth.
Cattle were walked around or between the fires as a cleansing and for protection to gain immunity against disease. Individuals took part by dancing, walking around, and sometimes jumping over the fires to symbolize leaving the past behind and starting fresh new beginnings.
Symbols of Beltane
Beltane is one of the most celebrated and jubilant of the Sabbats. Most often celebrated as a large gathering, but not to fret, you can absolutely have your very own festivities as a solitary practitioner.
Here are some Beltane correspondences and ideas to help you make the most of it, however large or small you decide to go.
Gods/Godesses Celebrated:
Goddesses – Aphrodite, Artemis, Brigid
Gods – Bel, Cernunnos (the horned god), Eros, Pan
Herbs to Use:
- Frankincense – success, cleansing, protection, purification
- Daisy – love, luck, innocence
- Lilac – wisdom, memory, good luck
- Marigold – attracts love, protection, prophetic dreams
- Rose – love, healing, luck, divination
Incense to Burn:
- Sandalwood – protection, healing, wish magick
- Calendula – love, success, happiness, protection
- Frankincense – dispel negativity, honour pagan dieties, protection, luck
- Rose – love, healing, luck, divination
- Bergamot – prosperity, joy, balance, motivation
- Red
- White
- Pink
- Yellow
- Green
- Emerald – success, fertility, romance, serenity
- Amber – healing, harmony, love, pleasure
- Bloodstone – purifying, prosperity, courage, abundance
- Malachite – abundance, prosperity, inspiration, wisdom
- Moonstone – new beginnings, love, good fortune, clarity
- Rose Quartz – love, self-esteem, balance, fertility
Creatures Honoured:
- Goats
- Rabbits
- Cats
- Lynx
- Bees
- Faeries
- Pegasus
Foods to Eat:
- Bread
- Cakes
- Oatmeal Cakes
- Leafy Salads
- Strawberries
- Wine
- Mead
Ways to Celebrate
As far as celebrations go, and I mentioned earlier, this is a big one.
Do it up in a grand way, whatever kind of way is big and meaningful to you. Be free, be joyous and be self indulgent 😉
Perform a Purifying Fire Ritual
This can simply be a candle placed in a key location of your home. Dance around the candle and/or jump over it (all very carefully of course!) to purify, cleanse and free yourself from the past. Use a green candle to represent the cleansing flame.
Or if you are lucky enough to have a fire pit in your yard, take full advantage of it!
Make a Beltane Headress
Make a wreath of flowers or green leaves to represent the Goddess and God of Beltane. Add some ribbons while you are at it!
Grab some ideas on how to do this HERE! Gotta love Canadian Living.
Wear it during your Beltane activities.
Decorate with Coloured Ribbons
Tie ribbons to your trees (or plants!) with a blessing written on each one.
This symbolizes the great Hawthorne tree that is associated with Beltane and Faerie magick. Traditionally the people would do this and ask for a wish from the faeries (along with leaving a gift! See next item).
Leave Gifts for the Faeries
Leave a gift or treat for the faeries in your garden or by one of your plants (one decorated for Beltane with coloured ribbons!). Make a wish and it is said that the faeries will grant it. Come back and leave a second gift as a thank you once your wish comes to pass.
Build your Beltane Altar
Set up your special spiritual space and dedicate it’s theme to Beltane.
Use some of the crystals, herbs and colours I mentioned above. Have your ribbon decorated plant there as well (if you decided to have one).
Connect with Family/Friends
This is known as a time to spend with your loved ones before everyone becomes busy bodies over the summer months. Do this. Even if just sharing a glass of wine and a phone call. It will feel good and right to connect.
Cleanse your Space
A good smudging is extra appropriate at times of the year that are meant for purification and new beginnings. Cleanse away! If you can include some of the traditional Beltane herbs in your smudge stick, even better 🙂
Honour Loved ones no longer with you
Beltane is another time of year where the veil between worlds is said to be thinned (as with Samhain). Drink a Beltane tea or get a special wine, take a moment of silence and raise your glass to them.
Be in Nature
Nature is all around us and is honoured during Beltane. Acknowledge her beauty and all that she gives us. Walk in the forest (or the park!), or even just down the treelined streets of your neighbourhood, sit outside and meditate or work in your garden.
There are many ways wherever you may be. You need not live in the woods to connect with her, she surrounds us.
Honour Your Body
This is a celebration of life and it’s pleasures. Your body is fundamental in experiencing these things. Without it, your soul and spirit would simply wander.
Show yourself some love, thank your body and all that it does for you, in all of it’s uniqueness and beauty.
You and your body are one, are special, and are magickal. Celebrate your self confidence, and gear up to put your best foot forward, to bring that fierce, creative force that is you to the forefront for all to see. Let the air and energy of the season be your friend, your drive, embrace it to achieve all that you desire.
Moral of the Story
Be merry, be joyous, indulge and celebrate!
Whether you are having a huge gathering with friends and loved ones or kicking it solo (this year it will likely be mostly solo or you could have a zoom party!), make the celebration special and make it yours. Have a feast and dance around a glorious bonfire under the moonlight. Or simply sit back with a couple of candles, burn some Bergamont incense and have a glass (or bottle, because why not) of a good Riesling.
However you decide to ring in the day, do it with good intentions, feel free, and look forward to the wondrous adventures that the coming months shall surely offer.
Connect with me!
What does Beltane mean to you? Do you have any favourite traditions or will this be your first time celebrating?
I always love to know your thoughts, so please leave a comment or drop me a line. There are lots of ways for us to connect 🙂
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Beltane Blessings pixie dolls.
Yours in health and magick,
Krystle xo