Beltane, pagan witch, May Day, wheel of the year, sabbat, pagan holiday

Beltane Activities: 41 Ways to Celebrate this Special Day

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Beltane is a beautiful and uplifting turn of the wheel! And one of the most anticipated days in the Pagan calendar. If you are still planning your Beltane activities you’ll want to keep on reading.

Beltane is the mid-point between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice, one of the four Celtic Fire Festivals, and one of only two times in the year where the veil between worlds is thinned (the other being Samhain). For more Beltane details and correspondences, you may check out my full post HERE.

Celebrate the Beauty of the Earth

This is a time to honour nature, life and all its pleasures, and fertility. A most joyous day indeed and there are so many ways for you to celebrate!

Ideally the day is yours to just enjoy and indulge as much as you wish! Unfortunately, in modern society that is often just not the case so here I give you a list of 41 Beltane activities that are simple, joyful, and super flexible to help you ring in the day. Pick one or a dozen, whatever works!

May is a stunning month in nature, let’s kick it off good and proper this year. Here we go!

Beltane, pagan witch, May Day, wheel of the year, sabbat, pagan holiday

41 Simple and Satisfying Ways to Celebrate Beltane

  1. Get some fresh blooms for your home
  2. Add Beltane touches to your altar
  3. Write a journal entry about what Beltane means to you
  4. Perform an abundance ritual
  5. Sit outside and give thanks to Mother Earth for all she provides us
  6. Show yourself some love and indulge in your favourite things
  7. Plant something
  8. Make a list of ways you can live more sustainably
  9. Connect with your loved ones
  10. Craft a mini May Pole
  11. Prepare a special Beltane meal
  12. Have a ritual bath with flowers
  13. Spend time in a park, garden, or forest if it’s accessible to you
  14. Take a walk around your neighbourhood with renewed appreciation
  15. Do a Beltane Oracle or Tarot card reading
  16. Clean up litter in your neighbourhood
  17. Wear flowers in your hair or make a flower crown
  18. Craft a floral wreath
  19. Make lemonade
  20. Decorate your home with coloured ribbons
  21. Leave an offering out for the fae
  22. Dress up like a faery for the day
  23. Do an outdoor meditation
  24. Watch the sunrise
  25. Light a candle for cleansing and protection, your own mini Beltane fire
  26. Bake some bannocks, oat cakes, or cookies
  27. Dance
  28. Toast to your ancestors
  29. Practice divination
  30. Donate your unwanted items to charity
  31. Burn incense of Sandalwood, Lemon, or Frankincense
  32. Do a Rose Quartz meditation
  33. Make flower baskets for your friends or neighbours
  34. Perform a house cleansing
  35. Enjoy a Beltane tea blend
  36. Honour a deity associated with the day such as Cernunnos, Demeter, Danu, or Brigid
  37. Wear the colours of Beltane such as red, pink, green, or brown
  38. Craft a Beltane oil or herb blend
  39. Journal Prompt: What would you like to manifest as we move throughout these warmer months?
  40. Perform a grounding ritual
  41. Spread the love and joy as much as possible

So, how many will you do this May 1st? Remember to have lots of fun, bask in the happy energy that fills the day, and make it special for YOU. 

Final thoughts.

Do you have your festivities for the year planned yet? 

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more Beltane inspiration check out my shop page! My Beltane Bundle includes correspondences, rituals, recipe, traditions, and more!

You can also SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Have a beautiful, blessed Beltane friend!

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo