air magick, air element, element air, green witch, witchcraft, witch, nature witch, beginner witch

Air Magick: Correspondences & How to Work With it

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The wind on your face, the gentle bird song in the morning hours, the glorious fluffs of cloud passing through the sky, and that wonderful release of taking a long deep breath; these are all sources of air magick.

Air cannot be seen only felt and is a vital element to all life. Without it we would simply perish. If you have been thinking about adding some air magick into your own practice keep on reading!

The Air is connected with the mind, intellect, creativity, and freedom. It is the very element that allows us to take breathe and live. Air Magick is literally all around us each and every day. We can’t see it, but it is always there for us. And I think it’s often taken for granted!

This post is the second in a four part series covering the elements; earth, air, fire, water. If you missed it, you can have a look at the first post in the series, Earth Magick. And stay tuned for the third part in the series, Fire, to be posted soon. 

Making Air Magick Part of Your Everyday Practice

It’s important for us to make space in our days for that powerful natural energy each element contains. Being mindful of this will enrich your connection to nature, bringing balance, and powerful magick to your practice. 

Air energy exists all around us as well as within us. This energy is associated with light, spring time, newness, and sound. Including this element into your days in a mindful and purposeful way will have you feeling more in tune with the natural world as well as with yourself. 

Stand in the wind and just appreciate it, burn incense during your magickal workings, or get lost in a beautiful piece of music. There are many easy and fulfilling ways for us to connect with that air energy as we go about our days. We just need to open our minds and be aware that we are doing it.

I’ve included some ideas below so lets get started!

air magick, air element, element air, green witch, witchcraft, witch, nature witch, beginner witch

Air Magick Correspondences










Hearing, Smell




yellow, white, blue


wand, athame, sword


bee, blackbird, eagle, hawk, raven, wren


Gemini, Libra, Aquarius


Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus


dill, lavender, frankincense, myrrh, lemongrass, poplar, rosemary, peppermint, fennel, caraway, poppy, dandelion, yarrow


topaz, pumice, smokey quartz, sapphire, lapis lazuli, labradorite, kyanite


GoddessesArianrhod, Nut, Urania, Hera, Juno, Mari, Hathor

GodsAether, Enlil, Shu, Dagda, Zeus, Thor, Mercury, Uranus

Types of Air Magick Rituals to Perform

  • Travel
  • Freedom
  • Knowledge
  • Communication
  • Mental Clarity 
  • Intuition
  • Psychic Abilities
  • Creativity

25 Ways to Connect with the Air Element 

  • feel the wind on your skin
  • cloud watching
  • fly a kite
  • practice divination
  • awake with the dawn
  • put out a bird feeder
  • burn incense 
  • perform visualization meditations
  • hang wind chimes
  • start something new
  • practice deep breathing
  • movement practice like yoga and dance
  • go sky diving (not for everyone lol!)
  • sit outside on a windy day and just listen 
  • listen to music
  • read something that inspires you
  • trust your intuition
  • make a change you have been pondering over
  • go for a hot air ballon ride
  • hike up a mountain and appreciate the change in air up there
  • travel somewhere new
  • enrich your mind
  • start your day with positive affirmations
  • inhale deep the beautiful scent of flowers or your favourite meal
  • reduce the ways you contribute to air pollution 

Find new ways to connect with that amazing air energy in your daily routine. You’ll discover there is lots of opportunity and that you likely already do some of these things! Beautiful and simple ways, it doesn’t always have to be a lengthy ritual.

With all of the elements, harness this energy, but remember to show gratitude, give thanks, and be kind to nature, always.

Your thoughts!

Do you feel an affinity with the air element? In what ways do you try and connect?

As always, I love to hear from you! Please feel free to leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

And remember, if you enjoyed this post, you can check out my SHOP PAGE or ETSY STORE for some grimoire inspiration and printable pages (including for each ELEMENT) to help get you started on your journey.

You can also SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List to receive a 20% OFF discount code for my website shop of digital witchy offerings, as well as some special freebies as a thank you and welcome gift!

Sending many blessings.

Yours in health and magick,

Krystle xo