autumn equinox, mason, pagan witch, seasonal living, wheel of the year, autumn season

10 Magical Ways to Celebrate the Autumn Equinox

Ah friends, it’s that time of year again! Mabon, the Autumn Equinox, the most magical time of year is finally upon us once again. It marks the moment when day and night are in perfect balance, and signals the shift from the warmth of summer to the cooler darker embrace of fall. Whether you want to plan out a whole day of festivities or do something simpler (though just as meaningful!) this post has got you as we discuss 10 magical ways to celebrate Mabon and the Autumn Equinox!

As the days gradually shorten and that distinct autumn crispness fills the air, the arrival of the autumn equinox offers a perfect opportunity to embrace the vibrant transitions of the season. This magical time, often celebrated by those who walk the path of the witch (like many of you reading) and practitioners of seasonal living, invites us to pause and reflect on nature’s remarkable cycles. The autumn equinox, marked by equal day and night, symbolizes balance and the shift towards a more introspective time of year. From celebrating the harvest to connecting with the earth’s energies, there are myriad of festive ways to honour this enchanting season and all it has to offer.

What exactly are Mabon & the Autumn Equinox?

First, let’s briefly discuss what this day is and what it means. The Autumn Equinox, often referred to as Mabon, is celebrated by various cultures and communities as a time of balance between light and dark, day and night. The equinox not only signals the transition into fall but also invites us to honour the bounty of the harvest season. As we gather around tables laden with fresh produce and seasonal delights, we express gratitude for the abundance provided by the earth.

Mabon is the pagan holiday celebrated during the autumn equinox, typically around September 21-24 in the Northern Hemisphere and March 21 – 24 in the Southern Hemisphere. This year the equinox will take place on September 22nd. Mabon is the second of three harvest festivals, the other two being Lughnasadh and Samhain, and is associated with themes of harvest, abundance, gratitude, growth, and reflection.

The autumn equinox, in a broader sense, is the astronomical event when the sun crosses the celestial equator, signalling the transition from summer to fall. It represents a time of balance and is often celebrated with rituals of thanksgiving and preparation for the colder darker months ahead.

For more info you can check out my full post on Mabon and the Autumn Equinox HERE.

Autumn Equinox Festivities

Autumn celebrations revolve around the themes of reflection and gratitude, encouraging us to acknowledge the fruits of our labour before the winter months set in. Many traditions embrace the idea of sharing, whether by hosting equinox dinners or participating in community events that highlight the importance of togetherness. Seasonal ingredients such as squash, apples, and nuts take centre stage in these gatherings, allowing everyone to partake in the flavours that define this time of year. Lighting candles and decorating spaces with fallen leaves and corn husks can create a warm, inviting atmosphere that embodies the essence of harvest celebrations.

Mabon also serves as a pivotal sabbat in the wheel of the year, symbolizing both completion and preparation. It’s a time to reflect on personal growth and the achievements of the past year. Many individuals take this opportunity to set intentions for the months ahead, embracing change as they prepare for the upcoming winter. Rituals will vary and should be a reflection of yourself and your own practice, but they can often include gatherings, storytelling, mindful meditation, candle magic, and kitchen witchery to enhance the spirit of gratitude, awareness, and abundance.

autumn equinox, mason, pagan witch, seasonal living, wheel of the year, autumn season

10 Magical Ways to Celebrate the Autumn Equinox

  1. Spend Time in Nature and Appreciate the Seasonal Changes

One of the simplest yet most rewarding ways to honour the equinox is to spend time outdoors. Take a walk through the forest or around your neighbourhood, do an outdoor meditation or movement practice, visit a park, or enjoy a meal outside.

As the season transitions, nature offers a beautiful display of change—leaves turning vivid shades of red, orange, and yellow; cooler breezes; animals preparing for winter. Take your time to notice the little details. What trees are starting to lose their leaves? How have the smells and sounds changed from the height of summer? Use this time to ground yourself, breathe in the fresh air, and appreciate the shifting energy of the season.

  1. Create a Harvest Altar

Many who follow the path of the witch have an altar in their home. The seasons are a wonderful time to give them a bit of a refresh. The autumn equinox has long been associated with harvest celebrations. You can honor this tradition by dedicating your home altar to the harvest season. Gather seasonal items like pumpkins, gourds, apples, dried corn, and fallen leaves. Add candles in autumnal colors like deep orange, burgundy, or brown to symbolize the warmth and richness of the season. If you like, you can also include items that represent balance, such as stones or images of the sun and moon. Use the altar as a place to reflect on your own “harvest”—the goals you’ve achieved or the growth you’ve experienced over the past year.

  1. Cook a Mabon Feast

Speaking of harvests, fall is the perfect time to embrace the flavors of the season with a delicious, hearty meal and if you’ve been on the blog before you know we love a little kitchen magic with our witchcraft practice around here! Think squash, sweet potatoes and root veggies, apples, and pears. You could bake an apple pie or some fresh bread, roast root veggies, or make a comforting bowl of butternut squash soup. There’s something about the smells and flavors of fall that make a meal feel extra special and comforting. You may even like to invite friends or family over for a cozy autumn equinox dinner, or simply enjoy a peaceful meal at home, savoring the bounty of the season on your own.

  1. Perform a Meditation for Balance and Grounding

The autumn equinox is a time of balance between light and dark, and it offers a great opportunity to reflect on the balance in your own life. Take a few minutes to meditate or journal about areas where you feel in harmony and areas where you may be out of balance. Are you spending too much time working? Are you practicing adequate self-care? Are you feeling grounded and content in your life at the moment? The equinox invites you to make positive changes so you can move forward towards your goals and manifest your intentions with a sense of equilibrium as the darker months approach.

  1. Make an Autumn Craft

If you’re the crafty DIY type, the equinox is awonderful time to get creative and dive into a fall-themed project. You could make a wreath out of fallen leaves, pinecones, and twigs, or create candles infused with autumn scents like cinnamon or clove, craft a sachet for abundance or a magical mist for motivation. Creating things that bring you joy, align with the season, and with a little magic thrown in can be an extremely satisfying and meaningful way to make this day that much more special.

  1. Perform Fire Magic

As the days grow shorter and the nights longer, taking part in fire magic (safely and responsibly!) can be a perfect way to celebrate the changing season. If you have access to a fire pit, gather some friends or family, roast marshmallows, and enjoy the warmth of a fire under the early fall sky, perform a candle meditation, set-up candles around the home, light some incense, or perform burning ritual in your cauldron for releasing what no longer serves. Fire has long been a symbol of transformation, and watching the flames dance can serve as a reminder of the cyclical nature of life and the changing seasons.

  1. Practice Gratitude

Since the equinox is tied to harvest traditions, it’s a natural time to focus on gratitude for what the year has brought you thus far. Take a few moments to think about what you’re thankful for—whether it’s personal accomplishments, supportive relationships, or simple joys like the beauty of the changing leaves. Consider writing a list of these things in a gratitude journal, say them aloud to the universe or create a gratitude jar with your list of items. Practicing gratitude can be a powerful way to shift your mindset and remind yourself of the abundance that exists in your life, even as the days grow shorter. Gratitude is so important in terms of creating a happier, healthier life for yourself and for your manifestion goals.

  1. Stare at the Night Sky

As the autumn nights become longer, it’s a great time to do a little stargazing and appreciate the magic of the dark. I know not all share this sentiment, but I absolutely adore seeing the nights grow longer in the fall. It has it’s own special kind of magic that hits me right in the soul.

The crisp, clear skies of fall also often provide excellent conditions for seeing stars, planets, and constellations. If you’re lucky, you might even catch a glimpse of the Milky Way or spot the bright planet Venus. The equinox is a celestial event, so what better way to honour it than by spending time with the night sky? If you live in a city, consider driving to a more rural location if possible where light pollution won’t dim your view. Bring a blanket, a warm drink, and enjoy the beauty of the stars above.

  1. Reflect, Review, and Renew

The equinox is a perfect midpoint to reflect on the year behind you and prepare for the months ahead. Consider journaling about what you’ve achieved, what challenges you’ve faced, and what lessons you’ve learned so far this year. I always like to write out fresh intentions or create a new fall vision board. This reflection can help you identify what you’d like to focus on for the rest of the year. What are your intentions and goals as we move into the darker half of the year? How can you use this time of transition to grow and evolve? Use the equinox as a time to set goals or intentions for the coming months. You can also wear crystals for renewal, put on a simmer pot for growth or new beginnings, and do energy and home cleansings for a fresh start within yourself and your space.

  1. Rest and Restore

As nature begins to slow down and prepare for the quiet of winter, the equinox is a gentle reminder that we, too, need rest. Use this time to restore your energy, whether that means taking a long, relaxing bath, curling up with a good book, putting on some of your favourite autumn themed movies (Practical Magic anyone?) or simply allow yourself some extra sleep. In our fast-paced world, it is very easy to forget the importance of rest, but the autumn equinox invites us to embrace it, sit with it and enjoy it. Just as the trees shed their leaves and the animals prepare for hibernation, we can also let go of what no longer serves us and make space for restoration and renewal. Performing a ritual or meditation for letting go are also very powerful activities at this point in the year.

Final Musings.

As we celebrate this magical time of year, let us immerse ourselves in the joy of autumn festivities. Whether through your own magical traditions, community celebrations, or simply enjoying nature’s beauty, we can honour the equinox and the harvest it represents. Mabon invites us to come together in gratitude, nurturing our connections with each other and the Earth as we welcome the beauty of change.

Celebrating the autumn equinox doesn’t have to be elaborate or time-consuming. Whether you’re taking a quiet moment of reflection or gathering with loved ones around a fire, the equinox offers a chance to pause, appreciate the natural world, and honour the balance within ourselves and the universe. However, you choose to mark the day, let it be a celebration of the beauty and abundance of the season. Autumn Equinox and Mabon blessings!

Do you celebrate the autumn equinox or will this be your first year?

As always, I love to hear from you, so please leave a comment or connect with me on socials.

For more Mabon inspiration check out some of my Mabon themed blog posts like this one HERE, or visit my shop page! My Mabon Bundle includes correspondences, rituals, recipe, traditions, and more! And be sure to have a peek at my Autumn Kitchen Witch Handbook, for some additional inspiration and instant access to all things Autumn magic.

And remember to SUBSCRIBE  to The Wholesome Witch Mailing List and receive a 20% OFF discount code for my shop full of witchy digital offerings and some freebies as well!

Sending many Autumn Equinox blessings my friend!

Yours in health and magic,

Krystle xo

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